Warning: This is a future Kaishin story, this is the first chapter. This story might have a few mistakes with grammar, and spelling, please ignore them.

A/N: This story has been Betad by Mangaluva Thank you for your hard work, and I hope everyone enjoys this. :)


Chapter one

This has started with an idea, the simple idea of an overly excited, eccentric, and crazy (her son's description not hers) mother, that might have ended up being the best -or in case of caring for one's sanity damn near the most horrifying- outcome of all time. For it has brought on the union between order and chaos.

But maybe we should not get ahead of 's start with that mother. Kudo Yukiko was a very famous actress, wife to mystery novelist Kudo Yusaku, the mother of five year old Kudo Shinichi, the future high school detective, and at the time, an apprentice to one of the world's greatest magicians, Kuroba Toichi, who had his own five year old son named Kaito.

And what was that idea of hers that had led into pretty much breaking the minds of several innocent police officers and a certain detective?

"Neh,, Toichi-sensie? How about we introduce Shin-chan and Kai-chan to each other?" Yukiko suggested to her teacher. Of course the idea was innocent, so it was immediately agreed upon by the father, and a time and a place was arranged to introduce the kids to one another.

It is still unknown to this day if Yukiko had known what her idea would bring. And only to himself, and Kaito, would Shinichi ever admit to his theory, of his mother actually being the reincarnation of a Goddess of chaos. He hasn't found any proof, but he's gonna keep his eyes open just in case.


The idea came to her after talking with Kuroba Chikage about their own sons. It seemed the two were polar opposites to each other: while Shinichi was quiet, somewhat of a loner and seemed to only love detective stories, Kaito was loud, loved the attention, and would go out of his way to get any and all he could. Bringing the two of them together seemed somewhat of a bad idea, as the two might end up not tolerating each other. However once Yukiko got an idea in her head, no one could stop her from going with it to the bitter end.

So one day, after a lesson, Yukiko suggested that they make a play date for the boys. Needless to say, Shinichi was not all that excited. He just gave his mother a bored look for a few seconds, then went back to reading A Study In Scarlet.

Yukiko glared at her son, which gave Shinichi shivers of fear. He really forgot how his mother could be really scary sometimes. Shinich sighed, he didn't exactly want to meet the other boy, from what he had heard, that Kaito was insane, wasn't his mother enough?

"There is nothing I could say or do to get me out of this, is there?" he asked, holding a spark of hope in his heart, which was completely obliterated by the smirk and head shake his mother gave him.

He sighed. Clearly there was no getting out of this. "Alright mother you win."

"Oh Shin-chan that's great, you two will have so much fun together." She said with a sweet smile. Shinich just gave her a deadpan look, as he sweat dropped at her 'innocent' face.


The meeting was in a Beika park that was close to the Kudo sets of parents led their sons to each other, then left the two alone. Shinichi gave a sigh, then actually took a look at the other boy. He was surprised to see how much they look alike. There certainly were differences, as the other boy's hair was a lot messier and his eyes were indigo, instead of Shinichi's own blue, but otherwise, they were identical.

Oh well, let's get this over with, it might actually be fun. He extended his hand, just going through with it. "Kudo Shinichi." He introduced himself.

The other boy gave him a big smile, extended his hand, and snapped his fingers, and with a buff of smoke, a blue rose appeared in his hand.

"Kuroba Kaito" He said, "nice to meet you, Shin-chan".

The rose was surprising but not unwelcomed. Shinichi took it with a smile. And it was at that moment that the two of them clicked together.

The entire day after that was spent with both boys just talking about everything and anything that came to mind. Kaito found out that Shinichi liked soccer and dreamt of being a detective one day, while Shinichi found out that Kaito wanted to be a great magician, one even greater than his father, and was a talented prankster.

At that Shinichi got an idea. A smirk appeared on his face, along with an evil look in his eyes.

"Neh, Kai-chan, would you like to help me punish someone?" Shinichi asked his new friend.

"Punish?" asked Kaito, a little confused. Shinichi nodded, and then leaned in a whispered his idea to Kaito, whose smile widened as Shinichi explained his plan. Kaito nodded his agreement, and started planning with Shinichi how they were going to do it successfully and without getting caught. After all, even if Shinichi gained a friend from one of his mom's ideas,it doesn't mean that he's going to forgive her for every time her ideas put him in embarrassing situations. Hopefully this would teach her not to rope her son into any more crazy ideas of hers.

After the parents came back, Shinichi and Kaito begged for Kaito to stay at their house for the night. Seeing nothing wrong with that, their parents agreed to let Kaito sleep over. Shinichi and Kaito spent the night planning what exactly they were going to do.


The next day, a scream was heard from the Kudo mansion. Ten minutes later, police officers pried open the door of the Kudo mansion, expecting the worst, only to see Yukiko with lime green hair and having a petrifying look on her face. She was glaring at what look liked twins, one with a cowlick hairstyle that Megure recognised as Shinichi, hiding a boy with messier hair behind his back as if shielding him from Yukiko''s wrath. Yusaku was sitting on an arm chair, trying not to laugh, at what he's seeing.

"Kaito, did you do this?" Yukiko asked the boy behind her son, who Shinichi was still trying to shield.

"He has no motive for doing this, so why would he do it anyway? Besides, I've been with him all day," Shinichi said, glaring at his mother.

The three police officers who came with Migure just stood there wide eyed and confused, having no idea what the hell was going on.

"Then was it you, Shin-chan?" Her death glare moved to her son, who still had a deadpan look on his face.

"Of course not, I have no idea how to do this, so how could I?" Yusaku just burst out laughing at this, and Yukiko just let out a scream of rage.

A few hours later, after the police left when everything was explained to them, and with both boys severely punished -though both had satisfied smirks on their faces- Toichi and Chikage came by to get Kaito, and after assuring Yukiko that yes it's removable, so don't worry about it. Yes Yukiko I'm sure. Yukiko calmed down and gave Kaito a big smile. After all, the person who could get her son involved in mischief deserved her respect.

Given what her son would be willing to do in the future, and the ideas that he could come up with -and personally labeled by Kaito himself as pure evil- Yukiko had no idea what she was talking about. Probably.

After that Kaito and Shinichi became the best and closest of friends, which changed their futures.



This is my first DCMK fanfic, I hope you like it. Please, leave a review.