Hey guys! Sorry it took too long for this chapter, my Beta has been sick for a week or so so I couldn't do anything until she fixed my mistakes. anyway I am also writing another fic beside this one, so until the next Fic comes out I won't start writing chapter 7.

Sorry guys.

And thank you every one who left a review on this. Please leave thank you who fallowed and favored this fic.
enjoy :)

Chapter 6

The two mischievous boys watched as Sharon took Ran by the hand and walked away from them. Looking back at Jii, they saw that he was distracted by a bush of red flowers. Smirking at each other, the boys left the old man and went to hide behind some trees.

The two of them looked around to make sure that no one was there, and started their plan. The two boys exchanged their clothes. Kaito pulled a comb from Shinichi's sleeve and combed his hair into his his friend's usual hair style.

"Neh Kai-chan, how about we do something more?" asked Shinichi, winking at Kaito.

"Hmm, what do you mean, Shin-chan?" asked the now completely identical boy, as he put the blue colored contacts on. A smirk formed on the little detective's face as he leaned in to whisper his plan in his friend's ear.

The two of them went back to the area that they had been in. From behind the bushes that they hid in, they saw Jii looking around, worried.

"Jii-chan!" the boys called to the old man, who flinched in surprise. He turned around, clearly relieved, with a small smile on his face. His face morphed into surprise at seeing the now identical children once more, but the surprise had quickly vanished, replaced with only relief and amusement at his young masters' antics.

Soon after, Ran and Sharon came back. Both of them looked surprised. Sharon got over the shock quickly, while Ran's voice shook from surprise and shock.

The boys smiled at their friend. "The two of us do this everytime we're together. At Kai-chan's house we stayed as Kai-chan all the time. It's just a game we like to play."

Ran blinked at the mirror images that the two boys had became. Having no idea who Shinichi might have been, or who Kaito was.

Three hours later, after Toichi called Jii to bring Kaito home, Yukiko arrived to get Shinichi and Ran. Yukiko blinked at seeing the two Shinichis, but smiled at all three kids and Jii. Sharon at that point had put on another disguise and pretended to leave. She, however, did not fool either boy, as both of the boys waved goodbye at her.

The two of them exchanged a kiss, then a wink, both understanding what to do.


The next day Shinichi -as usual- hada hard time getting out of bed. He slid to the edge of the bed and hopped off of it. He rubbed his eyes to be more awake. Looking around, he noticed that the room wasn't his and panicked for a moment, before remembering what he and Kaito had agreed on the day before.

Shinichi ran his hand through his hair, making more of a mess of it, then headed to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Going back to the room he was in, he opened the closet and picked his clothes for the day. He headed for the door, but a thought stopped him. He went back to the drawers beside the closet and grabbed a case. He opened it and put the contact lenses in his eyes. The color of the lenses turned his sapphire blue eyes into indigo. Now he resembled Kaito more than himself.

He went down the stairs and went to the kitchen to eat the breakfast Chikage had made. Minutes later, a girl who looks very much like Ran, with messy hair, came to the door steps.

"Are you ready, Kaito?" she asked him.

Shinichi nodded, with a smile on his face. Both of the kids walked side by side, talking about whatever came to mind. They reached the school, and headed towards their class.


Kaito was restless to say the least. He and Shin-chan had schemed to replace the other until someone discovered that they had switched places. Considering no one had been able to spot a difference between them, Kaito was not holding his breath on their parents finding out any time soon.

He had met Ran yesterday, and had liked her. She looked so much like Aoko, though they were not completely identical in looks or personalities, he had a feeling that he would like Ran as much as Aoko. And today he met another 'friend' of Shinichi's. The other boy had complained about this Sonoko so much, you'd think she was the most annoying person on earth. Kaito wasn't so sure about that, though he could understand where Shinichi was coming from. The animosity that Sonoko has towards him -or more accurately Shinichi- was quite clear.

Despite the excitement of getting to know a new person, it was a little disappointing that he couldn't get to know her as himself as he did with Ran-chan. And the fact that, just like in his own school,the classes were utterly mind numbingly boring.

Kaito's hands could not stay still, they almost shook. He just wanted to do something fun; throw a glitter bomb, dye someone's hair a different color -preferably that monotonous teacher- just something!

But he knew he couldn't. As much as he would have prefered to do so, he knew Shinichi would not do such a thing, and as a skilled magician, and future master of disguise, he had to keep character at all costs. Even if the cost was his vastly devolving sanity.


The class was in utter chaos. Glitter bombs were going off every five seconds, students' hair color had became various colors, from blue, to red, to pink, or even neon yellow. It was complete anarchy that was made by one small boy, laughing so hard tears were falling from his eyes. The teacher was going to give him detention, but at this point, she had given up breaking through to Kaito and just opted for demanding he clean all this complied without a word, merely a smile.

After three more periods passed, the kids went to have lunch. Both kids went outside to eat their lunch. Finding a tall tree, they headed towards it and sat under its shade. After they finished eating, Aoko turned to the boy next to her.

"Neh Kaito, didn't you promise me you'll show me a new magic trick?" she asked him with a smile, excitement shining in her eyes.

Shinichi nodded. He raised his hand to start the trick. A shout of "hey everyone, Koruba-kun is going to do another magic trick."

A crowd of people surrounded the two, waiting for Shinichi to start his small show. And make a show he did, one that Kaito would have been proud of. Shinichi kept the show going until the end of the lunch break. The show ended up with everyone amazed and entertained. The crowd applauded its entertainer, then returned to the classes they should be in. What no one, not even Shinichi himself noticed, was that Aoko had a small frown on her face, as she stared hard at the boy that she, up to a few minutes ago, had thought was Kaito.

The end of the school day had come soon enough, sooner than it usually did. Shinichi really had to thank Kaito for the fun day he had, pretending to be him. He walked home with Aoko, who he noticed had been frowning ever since the lunch break ended.

"Heh Kaito, let's head to the park, I need to talk with you about something private," she suddenly said to him. Caught off guard, all Shinichi could do was nod in agreement. Aoko, with a smile, ran ahead of him. Shinichi followed her, confused at her actions.


Back in Beika, Kaito was still holding the urge to prank someone, and Sonoko was absolutely not helping his self control by any means. Yes, the japs and teasing were directed towards Shinichi, but that was not registering in the mind of a boy who loved Shinichi and had been in his character for almost two days.

"Oi Kudo-san!" someone called from the park, and the trio froze, looking around. Some boys and a few girls were playing around with a soccer ball.

"Come play with us, we do need another player!" the same boy who had called him said.

Kaito was uncertain about this. Shinichi had taught him how to play soccer, and he was almost as good as Shinichi, and this might help him release some of the frustration he'd been having all day. He gave the two girls with him a questioning look, which was answered by an uncaring shrug from Sonoko, and a smile and a small nod from Ran. Kaito returned Ran's smile and headed towards the other kids playing soccer.

Hours later, Kaito went back to the Kudo's home, covered in dirt from head to toe. He gave Yukiko a sheepish smile. She only giggled in response and ushered him to the bathroom. Kaito took his shirt off, and Yukiko's attention shifted to something on kaito's hip.

"Shin-chan, since when do you have a birthmark on your hip?" asked Yukiko with a frown, her arms crossed as she glared at the boy in front of her. He froze in place, eyes wide in panic. "You're not Shin-chan, are you, Kai-chan?"


"You're not Kaito, are you?" was the the first thing she said once they were alone in the park.

"Eh?" was the only response Shinichi could manage. He was surprised that someone had figured it out, he didn't think that he did anything out of character to be discovered. Well, when in doubt, deny everything.

"What's that supposed to mean, Ahoko?" he asked as Kaito would, trying to fool her.

Aoko, on the other hand, was not buying this at all.

"Drop the act!" she yelled at him. "You're not Kaito, no matter how well you act as him. Your disguise and talent are good, as far as I can tell as good as Kaito's. But you've made a grave mistake with me being there with the other kids. Kaito, no matter how many times he performs, never does the same trick twice for the same audience. It's a rule both him and his father live by. So you are not Kaito."

Shinichi looked at the girl in wonder and amazement. A smirk appeared on his face and his bangs covered his eyes. He started shaking, which confused Aoko, as she could hear the boy in front of her chuckle, before a full blown laugh came from him. His head was thrown back and he was clutching his sides as his laughing continued. Aoko thought that that was very creepy, and started backing away from him, before a determined frown appeared on her face, and she glared at the unknown -to her- boy in front of her.

The boy stopped laughing and finally looked at her with a genuine smile on his face, with no malice or anger. Aoko, surprised his reaction, gaped at him a little.

"You really do remind me of my friend, you know," he said. "It's not just the looks either, you just have that air about you."

From apparently nowhere, a comb appeared in the boy's hand, and he ran it through his hair, giving it a cowlick style to it. Then he reached to his eyes and removed the contact lenses that gave his eyes the indigo color. His eyes turned a beautiful shade of sapphire blue. He didn't make a move to remove what Aoko though was a mask. Her hand moving on her own, thanks to her curiosity, she pinched the boy's face.

"Ow!" he yelled, and Aoko removed her hand, still a little confused.

The boy who looked alarmingly like Kaito extended his hand to her.

"My name is Kudo Shinichi, nice to meet you," he said. Aoko blinked before slapping her forehead.

"Kudo Shinichi, of course," she said with a sheepish smile. "How could I forget the guy Kaito has been talking nonstop about ever since he met you?"

The two of them shared a laugh and headed home. Shinichi told her that Kaito and him usually did this when both of them were together, and they decided to play this prank and test how well the both of them could act as the other.

"Well you were very convincing, Shinichi-kun. If Kaito hadn't already shown me that trick I would've been fooled along with everybody else."

"Yeah, I guess I couldn't completely know every minute of Kaito's life," he said as he messed his hair and put the contacts in his eyes to look like Kaito once more.

"You can't tell anyone about this," he warned her. "Our parents have to figure it out on their own. I promise when Kai-chan and I switch places, we'll tell you," he said, and winked at her. She agreed and nodded. Shinichi reached Kaito's house, and both of them parted with a wave.

Shinichi went inside. He heard Chikage's voice talking on the phone.

"Ahh, Yukiko-chan! Is there something you need?"

'Mom?' Shinichi thought. "I wonder what she wants?"

"Ehh? Are you sure?" Chikage asked. "I see," she said. Shinichi heard a tone of anger in her voice. "Shinichi-kun!" she yelled. "I know you're there, get in here right now!"

Dread filled Shinichi, but he took a deep breath and went to the living room where Chikage was waiting for him, with her arms on her hips and a glare on her face.

"You and Kaito are so in trouble, little boy," she said with a growl.

Shinichi laughed nervously, then hung his head. He really had wanted to stay Kaito for a little more.