I don't know if you can see this, or hear my words, but I will write them anyway. Please be patient with me, though, for I have a lot to report. Where to begin…

It's been three months since the fall of Dr. Blackraven and the eradication of the dark energy. The Fossil Parks are continuing to work as they always have, and things seem to have returned to normal.

The Asian graduates- Nate, Penny, and Roland- have become a team to be reckoned with. They can complete smaller quests on their own, but once they team up, there are few things they can't handle. Their teamwork is almost as good as yours was. Almost.

Mei Lian still trains every day to get stronger, insisting that she needs to become strong enough to stand on her own. I've even seen her mimicking your fighting style; she's surprisingly accurate, despite only having seen you once. You must be so proud. No, that wasn't sarcasm. I mean it. You must be proud of all of your pupils. They're doing well.

Hanzo's also learned from you. I've seen him using escape maneuvers that you used, though I can't tell you where or when exactly he learned them. I often see him training with Mei Lian, so maybe they're learning from each other as well. They're also working together more, which I'm sure you're happy about.

Liu Ren's a bit of a mystery, although you knew that already. When he's not in his office working or out on missions, he's meditating in the Earth Dragon's cave. He's determined to understand its spirit, just as you did. I've even caught him thanking you during his meditative chants. He is very grateful. We all are.

Oh hey, guess what. Leon's actually working in full teams! Mostly with Becky and Lucky, but he's also become a common body guard for Dr. Digmore, who has stepped up his game since freeing you from your stone-sleep. Don't get me wrong, he still has his attitude, but the aim of that attitude has changed. Instead of trying to keep people away, he's driving them forward, motivating them to get stronger, just like you did for him.

Lucky's taking a bit longer to recover, but that's to be expected for someone of his age. He's been sticking close to Leon, joining him in almost every mission he goes on. He is glad he got a chance to reconcile with you after you got back from the past. He's also now more determined than ever to become a Warden, so that he can live up to your image. He wants to make you proud. I told him you already are.

Becky's stepped up her patrols, wanting to catch anyone even thinking of causing trouble in her Park. I think you've strengthened her sense of justice with your determination and resilience. You taught her what to look for and how to deal with it. And you thought you weren't a good teacher. One more thing you've done for both Becky and Sean is heighten their sense of pride, as Wardens and as Americans. You've shown them what it means to take pride in what you do, as well as who you are, and before you protest, you do take pride in who and what you are. You were never ashamed of yourself, only of the fact that you hid yourself from your friends. They see that, and they don't blame you. But, of course, you know that already. You heard them yourself, after all. Just thought I'd remind you of the fond regard in which the Wardens see you, even now.

Speaking of Sean, he's been hard at work balancing his duties as a Park Leader with his life as a masked fighter. It's not easy, as I'm sure you can imagine, but you know how energetic Sean is. If anyone can do it, it's him. He still gives you a lot of the credit for his return to the Fossil Stadium, as does his sister. They're both eternally grateful to you, as is Dino Gigante, who is disappointed that he won't get a chance to face you, but thanks you for getting his rival to return. Their fans are grateful to you as well, and even mourned your death together. Never underestimate the power, and loyalty, of a devoted fanbase.

In Europe, things are progressing as usual. Dahlia is actually starting to enjoy her patrols, and they've gotten more thorough. She hasn't slowed down at all, as I'm sure you guessed, but she's paying more attention to her surroundings. Her thought process is amazingly fast, so she processes information at a speed that exceeds most humans. I'd really like to see what kind of Warden she becomes when she gets older and more experienced. Also, she drives around each site multiple times. That helps, I suppose. I can almost hear you laughing. You probably are.

Violet spends a lot of her time at the Crystal Ball +1, and her psychic abilities are actually improving, even away from it. She can sense trouble now, and her intuition is becoming a valuable source of information that the Wardens and civilians alike are coming to. I knew she had a gift when she located the Neo Black Whale, but even I was amazed when she foresaw your death. She's described it to me as you closing your eyes and crying as you were consumed by darkness. Pretty accurate, don't you think? She did see your human disguise, but that's not too surprising. She wasn't aware of your true form, and it still got the point across. Oh, and before I forget, Violet claims she gets messages from you sometimes, mostly words and feelings of encouragement. Is that true? Heh. Knowing you, it probably is.

Drake seems to be gaining more confidence since you accepted him as your Paleo Pal. Everyone used to fear him, so he learned to fear himself, which is why he's so timid and doesn't like to fight. The Parks have tried to make him feel welcome, but it was your direct and fearless acceptance of his true nature that is really starting to bring him out of his shell. His rage seems to have more control, though, likely in response to the fear he felt when he heard about how you lost control. The Captain brought a camera with him to record your final battle for analysis once things calmed down, though so far he's the only one who's seen it. No one else has.

Speaking of analysis, Professor Little has finally gotten back to work studying in his lab with Yamamoto. The young genius took your death very hard. He looked up to you, you know? I've caught the Captain carrying out the father role for him quite often, reading him bedtime stories and holding him while he cries. Yamamoto's also been playing the role of older brother for his mentor. It really is easy to forget how young Professor Little really is, with his level of intelligence. He's still not allowed to look at the video of you yet. He's not ready. No one is.

On to Captain Stryker. Being the leader of the Wardens as a whole, he's kept himself professional. He grieved over your loss, everyone did, but he knows that they need to keep moving forward and use the opportunity for a better future that you bought for them. He plans to hold a tournament in your honor, a proposal with which everyone agrees. I know what you're thinking. Not very creative, I know, but wait, there's more. There's going to be a Time Attack tournament as well, an idea put forward by, can you guess? All of the Wardens are going to participate, and the Captain has asked me to join him and the Professor as a team. How could I possibly say no? You'll get a kick out of the final, though. It's a doozy.

Speaking of the final, or rather the double final, your team took your death the hardest, which is to be expected. Gorgo has devoted himself to hunting down and capturing aggressive rogues, especially ones that had been abused, so that they can get the same kind of help he got. Thalasso flies around the Fossil Parks, patrolling them from the sky and assisting when he deems it necessary. Stego has made a habit of going to the Stadium during field trips and letting the kids climb and sit on her while they listen to stories from the other Wardens, although she occasionally lets a tear slip when they tell your story (less graphically, of course). Diplo helps with exploring new areas and possible dig sites, carrying people and vehicles on his back and helping them form paths to otherwise inaccessible areas. Lythro has found a place at the Vivosaur Gym, where he helps Wardens and vivosaurs train by serving as their opponent. And Nibbles. Ah, Nibbles.

Nibbles took a while to get over your death. He still blames himself for killing you, no matter how many times we've told him it was for the best. At first, we were worried that he would regress into his former hateful state. However, he surprised us. After about a month of sulking on your bed, he came out and started helping with missions. He's taken on the role of alpha of your team, the position you once held, and has appointed Gorgo second-in-command, his former position. Thanks to the translator Professor Little recently invented, Nibbles and all of the vivosaurs can communicate with humans and organize their own actions. It really is amazing, and it's all thanks to you. I wish you could be here to enjoy it. Oh dear, now I'm tearing up again. Please forgive me.

Back to the double final of the Angel's Cup (That's what they're calling it. I like it.). Whichever Warden team makes it to the finals will have to face two of the strongest teams in the history of the Wardens, teams that were trained in teamwork from the very beginning. The first team is Thalasso, Stego, and Diplo, with Thalasso acting as leader. The three work well as a team and get along as friends, which will make them quite formidable. If the finalist team defeats them, they're in for an even bigger challenge with the more battle-worn part of your team: Gorgo and Lythro, led by Nibbles. They will not go down easily. It's bound to be an interesting tournament. I'm sure it'll live up to the girl it's honoring, with all the spirit she exhibited throughout her life. You will watch, won't you?

Hm? What about me? Well, I was going to head back to our home time after our mission was completed, but I've decided to stay here a little while longer. Even though I'm a foreigner here, the Wardens have welcomed me into their ranks, just as they did with you. This era still has many dangers, and I want to help protect the Parks you love so much. Besides, you're still here, Tria.

Elric closed the journal and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He hadn't intended that entry to be as long as it was. He looked at the book again.

It was a simple brown journal Tria had brought from their home time. Ever since she'd arrived in the Fossil Parks, she had recorded every event she experienced, right down to the smallest detail she could remember. Before leaving on her final mission, she had given the journal to Elric, who had filled in the gaps in her story that she hadn't been present to witness. After Tria's death, he'd started using the journal to write letters to her, giving her updates on the status of her friends, vivosaurs, and parks. He didn't know whether or not she actually read them, but it still felt good to write down his thoughts and feelings. It was his way of coping.

Elric looked at the picture of Tria on his phone, the one he had obtained when they had registered each other as Paleo Pals, smiling at the image of his closest and most precious friend. Professor Little, who had invented the device given to all the Wardens, had altered the picture so that Tria's true form was shown as well as her human disguise, so that they could remember her true identity as well as the illusion they had first known. Elric then looked around the room the Wardens had lent him. He had told them he didn't need it, that he didn't want to be a bother, but the Wardens had insisted. He was Tria's close friend, so they felt they should at least show him that hospitality. They also had a lot of questions for him, and they just kept coming up with more as time went on. Not that he was complaining, really. He liked it in the Wardens' era. He felt like he fit in there, and he could feel how Tria did as well. She really belonged with the Wardens, even more than she did in her own time. It made sense that this was the world she was finally at peace in, the one she had lived and died for. Elric smiled, the sorrow at the thoughts of his closest friend gradually giving way to fondness.

He walked outside into the warmth of the midday sun, waving at the Asian team of Tria's fellow graduates as they led a large group of kids on a tour of Paradise Beach. He took a deep breath, taking a moment to just feel the life all around him as he looked toward the sky.

"Tria." he growled in his rough use of the ancient tongue, the one word he had learned to say, "Your world is safe. The light has returned to the hearts of its inhabitants. Your job is done." He smiled again, looking up at the bright blue sky, and held out his arms, as if to embrace it.

Thank you.


I almost never leave notes like this, but I feel I must make an exception here. Some of you are probably wondering why this story isn't categorized as a tragedy, even though it has a tragic ending. That is because this story will have a SEQUEL, and Tria will be in it, alive. That story will be based on the post-game events in Frontier, and it will include characters like Daisy, Frett, and Prescott. It will also expand on characters like Olga and Kowloon. I realize some readers won't like the existence of a sequel, so I won't be upset or disappointed if some ignore it, but I will try to make it live up to the standard left by its predecessor. I just had too many ideas not to write. Thank you for reading this story, and for your lovely comments, and I hope to see you in the next story.

Thank you as always,
