This is it. After a long 11 season, 122 chapters journey, we reach the series finale. You know what I didn't like 3 years ago? How every story on Fanfiction or Wattpad is so happy. That still hasn't changed it seems. There won't be an author's note down below, so I'll just say it here: thank you all for being here throughout this 3 year journey. I truly appreciate it. Now enjoy the final chapter and remember this series always.

The Final Chapter Of Steven Universe Cringy One-Shot Madness (Yes, I'm serious.)

by danbob521

Steven awoke yet again. Everything was normal once more. His living room was the same as always, his TV was right where it should be, and the temple was in tact, not destroyed like how he last saw it. This wasn't enough to buy him, however. He had to be truly sure that he had gone back to 2016. He checked on his computer to see who was the mayor of Beach City. Sure enough, Mayor Dewey was still the mayor. It seemed the election that would end off in a tie still had a few months left before it became a thing. Still, Steven had to be entirely sure. There had to be no chance anything was different than it had been before. If not, he didn't know what he'd he able to do.

Steven check his friends' rooms for any thing out of place, finding nothing out of the ordinary. He then checked the pantry of his kitchen, wanting to be sure that there was no can of beans present. It seemed that King Kevin was in his own dimension. Sad that he'd all but certainly never see that can of beans again. Steven then took a moment to think about Finn Junior. Perhaps some things were best left in the past, never to be brought back to the future under any circumstances. Next, Steven checked for any counterfeit money he remembered he'd acquired a while back. No money was present, other than a few dollar bills he remembered being given by nice people. (His dad)

This checking for things went on for a while. Steven even wanted to be sure he didn't have the taste of Steven in his mouth from the time he ate a Steven. It seemed that all was back to normal. For the first time in three years, Steven Universe wasn't having any odd cringy things happening to him. It was as if he had never gone through anything at all. And that felt relieving. Yet despite all of this, he still had work to do. If The pink being he'd spoken to earlier was correct, Connie would be arriving at any moment. This was his moment to assure he didn't kiss her. As disappointing as that seemed to him, he knew that it was the only to save all his friends and family.

It was at his relaxation point that it hit him: where ever did that cheeseburger backpack he ordered three years ago go? After all, he did order it. It seemed as if the world would never know. Before Steven could continue his thoughts, he heard a knock on the door. Obviously, it was just who he had been expecting. Connie.

"Oh, hey Connie." Steven said, kind of nervous. However, unlike the last time, his nervousness was spawning from the fact he had to perfectly correct this and not end up kissing her.

"Hi, Steven!" Connie replied. "I bought a new book that I found at The Door. I wanted to see if you liked it."

Steven could see that Connie was almost just as nervous as he was, even if it wasn't for the same reason that he was. Connie was fully anticipating that she and Steven were going to connect lips in the next moment or two. Steven let her inside, just as he had done before. Maybe he could lure her into simply just hanging out with him.

Connie showed Steven her book. They discussed it for a while. Steven enjoyed this conversation with his friend, and almost forgot about his current initiative. At least he did until crunch time finally came. Connie accidentally placed her hand on Steven's hand. Their stomachs began to churn. Things were beginning to take a turn that were in a more steamy direction. Suddenly, Connie started to lean in for the kiss. It seemed like it would certainly happen, until…

"Umm….hey, you know I haven't gotten my cheeseburger backpack yet in the mail? I should go check that out!" Steven said.

Blocking this from happening, Steven tried to hop away from where he sat and continued out the door, knowing he wouldn't find his cheeseburger backpack but preferring to look for it at this current moment. Obviously, he didn't find his package. But it was surely a good save for him. Unfortunately, Connie did not take too kindly to this decision to get out of kissing her.

"Wait, what? What do you mean?" She asked, somewhat annoyed.

"I just needed to see if it came." Steven replied. "After all, it did cost quite a bit."

"But we were having a moment, I thought." Connie said, in a disappointed tone.

"We were. Weren't we looking at that book? Let's go back to it."

That did not get Connie to stand happy. She began to tear up and ran out of the temple. "You know what, Steven? Forget this. I just need to be alone!" She said running away with tears.

"Connie, wait!" Steven called back. However, Connie continued to run. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" She shouted back as she ran across the beach back to where the town stood. Steven just watched as the girl he loved for such a long time ran away from him. He blew it.


Steven awoke to the sound of his alarm going off. There was no way it was already 9:30AM. He checked to be sure. Wouldn't you know, it was the time he had set on the alarm. 9:30AM. It was time to go to work.

Steven did his morning routines as he usually went about. As he brushed his teeth, he thought about whatever the future had in store for him. He still found it troubling to wrap his head around the fact that in a couple months he would finally be an adult. It was too uncanny. All he knew was youth.

As he ate breakfast, his fellow gems walked by him and gave their greetings.

"Yo, good morning Steven. Hope you enjoy work." Amethyst said.

"Yes, have a good day Steven." Garnet said.

"You're growing up so fast!" Pearl said.

"Thank you guys." Steven replied. "I love you so much!"

After he was finally ready, he exited the temple and prepared to begin his day. This day went by like any other, order in, order out. Beach City's population has risen in the past few years, going from around 15 to almost 350. It had managed to get its name out more often, and thus, more people found their way in. This was great news for businesses like The Big Donut, who now had more customers to attain to.

It happened around 1:30PM, just as Steven was preparing to take his lunch break. He checked one more time to see if anyone would come in, and sure enough, someone did. Once Steven saw who, he almost didn't believe it. He thought maybe he was having an odd episode of sorts. He looked away, contemplating on whether or not he should look back. Ultimately, he had to. So he did, and when he did, he found he was not delusional in any way, shape, or form. Connie Maheswaren had just walked in. The girl who he hadn't talked to in so long. And based on her reaction, it was evident that Steven wasn't the only one finding this insanely awkward.

"Uh...welcome to the big donut...can I take your order?" Steven found it hard to even say the one thing he'd been trained to say for so long correctly. Any normal person would have let it go, but not Steven. Steven had taken it to heart that Connie stopped talking to him over a kiss. And now it all came back to him. Luckily, this wouldn't go nearly as bad as he was assuming, if it even could be considered bad at all.

"Steven, how have you been?" She asked, forgetting what he had just said as an employee.

"Uh, I guess I've been good? My payment here isn't good but it's something." Steven replied.

"Yeah, I came here kind of to see how everyone had been. I see that temple is still standing tall. And everyone here seems to still be peaceful."

"Yeah, it's all good here. I've learned how to use my gem a lot more so I'm ready for a lot."

Connie made an attempt to smile. Perhaps after all this time, they could finally form another friendship.

"Look, uh, I'm sorry about that thing three years ago-"

"It's okay. It's the past, you know?" Steven interrupted.

"Do you think we can talk for a bit about it? I know it was so long, but I really want to catch up."

Connie couldn't have come at a better time. Steven had a half hour to do what he wanted. Maybe five minutes more, if he could wiggle it in. Him and Connie walked out in front of The Big Donut. They sat down on a bench nearby.

"Look, again, I'm really sorry. I really liked you and I kind of took it to heart when you didn't want to kiss. I was too young to realize that it didn't mean a thing if we did or didn't."

This was a passive point. And Steven had every incentive to give her a pass. Every incentive other than one, that was. Why did she wait so long to apologize? What possible reason could have she had for waiting this long? Steven wanted to know this more than anything else.

"You waited three years to apologize, Connie. Why? It makes no sense."

"Look," Connie began. "I've hated myself for that for so long. It's not right. If you want the truth, well, I considered coming back to you for so long. But then I met some guy called Edward and-"

"Edward?" Steven interrupted.

"Yes," Connie continued. "Edward is my ex-boyfriend. I dated him for about two years but I didn't work out. I'm always thinking of you, Steven. I wish I'd just been honest about that."

This piece of news angered Steven. His fury was evident. "Wait, so you're telling me you're only here because your boyfriend left you? I'm like your second choice? Is that what you're saying?"

"No, Steven! That's not at all what-"

Steven didn't let her finish. He got up and left. "You know what? I'm glad we never shared a kiss. I don't need you." He said before finally walking away.

Before Connie could do anything, a loud boom was heard and people began screaming. Many citizens were running away. One bumped into Steven before they continued their insane running. He then felt his phone vibrating. Upon checking it, Amethyst's number could be seen buzzing him. Steven picked it up.

"Yeah, Amethyst?" Steven said.

"STEVEN! Get to the temple! We have a problem! A really big problem!" She screamed before hanging up.

Steven took one look back at Connie who started at him in confusion and fear. But he had to time to deal with her for now. There were other things going on.

When he reached the temple he saw something that made his hair jump. A giant yellow hand was coming down. The crystal gems were all down on the beach, ready to face this. Steven knew exactly what was about to happen. The only question was, would he be able to stop it?

"Guys, look out!" Steven called out. "They're gonna do some serious damage!"

"Oh yeah?" Said Garnet. "Well so are we."

Her and the rest of the gems readied for fighting. Things were going to get ugly, and aside of Steven, none of them knew they were actually short handed this time around. Still, he had to join them in this battle.

The two diamonds exited their ships.

"You have no business being here on Earth! Now leave before we make you regret coming here!" Garnet commanded.

The two diamonds looked at each other and then back at the crystal gems, before laughing. "Puny gems!" Yellow Diamond blurted in the middle of her laughter.

Still, the gems remained adamant. Nothing was going to stop them from fighting. Even if it meant their deaths, which was likely what would come of this.

"You heard her!" Pearl shouted. "Get off of our planet or else!"

"You see, you gems can't really dictate what we do or what we don't do!" Yellow Diamond said in a fierce tone. "We are here to rightfully burn down this place! Once we have defeated you four wimps, Earth will he no more!"

"You're gonna eat those words, dude! Both of you are nothing!" Amethyst said.

"Well, then let's do this, shall we?" Yellow Diamond said in a sing song manner. "Don't you agree, White Diamond?"

"Oh, I sure do," White Diamond said cheerfully. "This will be everything I had ever dreamed of at home and even more beyond that!"

With that, everyone braced for a fight. Both sides held back for a few seconds until finally they each began charging at one another.

All four gave their all against the diamonds. Garnet was showing the most impact, being able to hold Yellow Diamond back, if only for a little bit. And even then, White Diamond was there to block back anything that she attempted. Pearl and Amethyst each went for a separate diamond, using their pointiest weapons to attack their shins. Of the two, Amethyst proved the be the most successful, getting her spear right into Yellow Diamond's shin, letting her howl far up to the moon. Even then, though, the yellow giant was able to pull this out without too much agony. Pearl, on the other hand, didn't even make a dent in White Diamond and was kicked far back, and knocked unconscious.

Garnet and Amethyst looked at each other, and without thinking fused together. Sugilite pounced right at the diamonds, and got in a good punch at Yellow Diamond. However, when it came to White Diamond she feel out of luck. The fusion was punched back into two gems. No matter how powerful they were, it was not powerful enough to stop the diamonds.

Suddenly, Steven heard a voice from above speak to him. "You must all fuse to end this story happily..." It said. Maybe the pink being was relaying this message. Maybe it wasn't. All Steven knew was that it was worth a shot. He ran over to Pearl to try and wake her back up. It took a bit, but it worked. Then he focused and expanded his attention to all of the crystal gems.

"Guys, we have to fuse!" Steven shouted out. All of us!

"Steven, that wouldn't be enough!" Garnet replied. "They're too powerful for that!"

Just as they were talking about fusion, they all saw the two diamonds take up their idea. Yellow Diamond and White Diamond each fused together. What stood before the crystal gems now was true invincibility. This giant gem, now Infinitine, waved her hands in the air, and out came an army of warrior gems.

"You have all lost now. Your battle is done. I hope you had fun fighting us. But your time ends now." Infinitine said in an eerily calm manner.

Steven looked at all his gem friends. "Guys, please! Let's just fuse one more time! Even if they win, we have to go down trying!"

Just as Steven said this, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned and saw Connie.

"Count me in." She said firmly.

Steven was bamboozled. A part of him was still mad at Connie, but another part knew how much of a help she'd be. After all, she knew how to fight as they'd trained her years before.

"Alright." Steven said.

Connie smiled. "Consider this an apology for how I was as a person."

Then came something that could never have been expected. Peridot and Lapis each came, seemingly out of nowhere. "We're here to help as well!" Lapis said. "No way is home world gonna take down our planet!"

"I agree 100%!" Peridot replied. "Now let's hurry this up because I have a second mayor campaign to get to."

Steven, Connie, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, and Peridot all came together in fusion. It took a few seconds but suddenly it was complete. Cringegem was finally unveiled. And with all the cringe powers, it was ready for combat. Cringegem charged at Infinitine with all it's might and rammed her into the water. Then, it picked up the gigantic diamond and threw it at the spaceship in which the army of gems was coming. Before this army even had a chance to come onto shore, Infinitine's body destroyed it due to that throw. The army was defeated. But Infinitine was not.

Infinitine managed to get back onto the shore and ran up to Cringegem getting a giant punch in that jolted him her back into the temple, destroying the entire front of it. Cringegem then grabbed Infinitine's head and head-butted the fusion. After this and finally being free, Cringegem punched the fusion with both it's fists, and in a respective manner. Left, then right.

Next Cringegem kicked Infinitine in the groin , which brought the fusion to her knees, and finally punched her head so hard that the fusion came undone. Yellow and White Diamond were both separated now. Both Diamonds looked in fear as Cringegem prepared her next move. Without even thinking the gem elbowed Yellow Diamond and kicked White Diamond hard in the head. The impact this had on both Diamonds was enough for them to poof. The Diamonds were defeated. The Crystal Gems, after all this time and effort, had won.

Cringegem defused. Steven, Connie, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Lapis, and Peridot all cheered at their victory. "WE WON!" They cried. The happiness they all had was abundant. Finally, all their work payed off.


Steven was about to go on his lunch break at The Big Donut. It was 1:30PM. But before he could finally get to this, it happened again. Connie was back in the store.

"Look, Steven, can we just talk?" She asked him.

Steven reluctantly agreed to this. They again went out on the benches near the store for another talk.

"I'm really sorry about what I said yesterday. That was wrong. I really do care about you and I honestly don't know if we can ever be friends or even close the same way we were before, but I'd like to try again." Connie told him. "And just for the record, I haven't seen Edward in about eight months. So this isn't a Plan B like you were thinking."

Steven thought for a moment. He then decided to speak. "Look Connie, I still like you, and I still care about you. I just think what happened three years ago is gonna take time to rebuild. Can we go back to our friendship that day?"

"Of course." Connie said.

Her and Steven then shared a hug. After this day, Steven and Connie began hanging out the same way that they used to. They got close again and on Steven's 20th birthday him and Connie realized that they loved each other and they were finally in a romantic relationship. After 8 years of being a couple, they each decided to get married. As time went on, they had a child who they saw grow up and start his own family. No matter what happened in life, both were together for this. Thus, Steven and Connie lived happily ever after.