Sala de gol

The hall to the Hallowed Knight's base wasn't one that was traveled much, but the Mayor was one who rarely traveled down this hall, even when compared to others. Two figures walked down the hall together, side by side. The Mayor, in his normal attire, only with a very large sword strapped to his back, the blade being made of some black metal, and it's red handle jutting out over his shoulder, a sword the Mayor called "Blood Butcherer". Next to him was the Guild Master of the Hallowed Knights, Amaya, also wearing her normal attire, along with her weapon of choice, the Death Sickle.

As the two walked, it was clear that the two were discussing the recent events that had transpired in less than 12 hours.

"I'm telling you, there shouldn't be any breaches in the Box's security. I check it twice a day, and there hasn't been anything wrong with it. My next inspection was supposed to be in an hour." Amaya stated, looking slightly annoyed that the Mayor was insisting on inspecting the Box, "The only way someone would be able to get anything out of that without us knowing is if they could teleport." She added.

In response, the Mayor slightly turned his head to face the Guild Master, "... You do remember that it is possible for one to teleport-" The Mayor began, causing Amaya to cut him off sharply,

"I do remember, and if YOU remember, you're the only one with that staff. So unless you're admitting to bringing some of the Hallowed out, my point still stands." Amaya answered. A second after that, Amaya witnessed the Mayor frown. It wasn't often that the Mayor showed emotion on his face, but it was clear that her response hit something, "... Lets just get this over with." She said as the two reached the door to the Hallowed Knight's base, pushing it open and letting the Mayor enter first, which he did rather swiftly.

Inside, there wasn't much that looked "fancy". The room they had entered had very sparse decorations, which were mainly old chairs, and only three doors. Two of which were simply the dormary and the armory, and those two were off to the side.

Straight ahead though was a fully iron door, with two steel bars resting in front of it to, well, keep it shut. Two guards, fully armored with the Hallowed Knight's colors, stood by either side.

This was the door to the Hallowed Box.

Without waiting a beat, the Mayor walked up to the door, forcing Amaya to pick up her pace to catch up. When the two guards looked at Amaya for confirmation, she sighed and nodded, which led both guards to nod in return, then step towards the door and remove the two bars, one at a time.

While they did this, the Mayor halted, letting Amaya catch up to him and stand by his side, watching the two guards move the two bars, slightly struggling under the weights. After a few minutes though, the two guards managed to remove both of the bars and place them to the side. However, they never managed to move to open the doors, as the Mayor did that himself, stepping forward and using both hands to open said door.

In the attempt of doing so, Amaya (and the guards) could see the Mayor's right hand, the one that he kept hidden almost all the time… Though, all they could see of it was just a thickly armored hand, making it appear nearly twice as large as his left.

The Hallowed Box's door, one that was designed to be opened by two men, swung open with barely a struggle, revealing…

… A completely empty room, roughly the size of a regular room. Granted, most rooms weren't made of pure obsidian, but there was nothing in the room. No decorations, no life, nothing.

At this sight, Amaya pushed past the Mayor, her head whipping around to take the sight in, "Wha-What?!" She yelled, stepping further into the room, "How- This… How is it all-"

"Gone?" The Mayor finished, walking after Amaya, "I don't know how, but this merely confirms my suspicion" he added, looking around as well, until his gaze stopped at one of the side walls, "... But THAT could explain it" he stated, causing Amaya to follow his gaze to where he was looking. When she did, her face fell.

Right in the side of the wall was a gaping hole, filled with a swallowing darkness. It wasn't big enough to be noticed at first glance, but it was big enough to be noticed eventually… And was big enough to allow something to pass through.

Suddenly, Amaya's posture returned, and the Guild Master stood straight and turned to the two Knights who had just came in to see what was going on, "You two, alert the Guild. We have a security breach." Amaya stated, getting two nods from the Knights before they turned and ran out. They had never thought it would ever happen, but Amaya made sure to drill a potential breach of the Hallowed Box with the rest of the guild. The entire guild knew just what to do in this situation. Now those drills were going to pay off.

Once the two guards were gone, the Mayor spoke, having never taken his eyes off the hole, "... Well, shall we then?" he said, gesturing to the hole with his armored hand when Amaya turned to look at him.

For a second, Amaya didn't speak. All she did was turn her own gaze to the hole. Then she nodded, "Let's" She replied, stepping towards the hole in the wall, her hand already reaching for her scythe and drawing it out. The Mayor, on the other hand, waited a few seconds after Amaya began walking, then followed himself.

Then they stepped into the hole, the darkness swallowing the two completely.

Author's note: Yeah, not my best chapter. I've just felt only the slightest bit rushed and thought I needed to get this out, so here it is.

... So the thing you've all (probably) waited for is finally out. Now the real stuff can finally begin.

Next chapter is going to be longer and better, trust me. Just remember that I now have another story I'm working on with this... So that's... Something...


With apologies for the long wait:
