
Piper sighed deeply after inhaling the fresh, morning breeze. She solemnly strolled on the streets of San Francisco. Her life was empty. No hopes for the future. Only a memory of the once happy past.

It has been three months since Prue's death. For the first month, she has done nothing but grieved. Shutting the world out, and desperate to have her sister back. The misery she felt. You could not have imagined it. Every waking moment pained her. Every breath is a struggle, for it reminded her of how alive she was, and how dead Prue was.

Then, one day, her sorrow turned into hate, and her despair turned into anger. Her need for revenge eventually pushed Leo away. For seven weeks now, Piper fought. Alone. Against the evils of the world, she fought alone. Against her sister's murderer. She fought, alone.

Sadly, her mind wandered to Phoebe, her remaining sister. 'Poor Phoebe' she thought. 'First, Prue's devastating death, and then, Cole's mysterious disappearance.' Sighing once again, Piper absentmindedly walked into the cemetery. Everyday, she doubted the point in living this life. The Charmed Ones are no more. Her loved ones, gone... 'I might as well just give up' she thought wearily.

At this time, Piper had walked by a small and plain tombstone.

'Paige Matthews'

For some unknown reason, Piper felt her faith and confidence increase. 'No' she thought fiercely. 'I must go on. For Phoebe... My sister. The Power of Three may be broken, but as long as I am still a witch, and as long as my sister is still with me, I will continue to fight. I will continue to live my legacy and fulfill my destiny...'

Note: YAY!!! I'm amazed at myself... what a long fic! I have never ever written a story so long, and remain interested in it. I think it's because of the encouragements that I received. Thank you so much, for everyone who supported me. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Well, I hope you enjoyed this story. (Oh yeah, Paige and Cole are dead because they were real in that screwed up reality Cole created. So when they died in that reality, they really died. Piper and Phoebe were sort of just figures in that reality. Their real selves are Season five-ish. But I just figured that since we saw what the world was like without Paige, then this world is now the world without Paige. What in the world??? Yes, I myself am confused. I hope you got what I mean though!) I am currently formulating another story. Hopefully I'll be able to get something on paper and start a new story. Once again, THANKS!