The Incident:


Batman, Sakura, and Superman stared at Zatanna incredulously. In her arms, she held a tiny infant. That infant had not been there thirty seconds ago. It had appeared seemingly out of thin air. With a glance, Sakura didn't know whether or not it was a boy or a girl, but either way, it appeared to be a cute kid. Its tuff of hair was dark and its cheeks were round and pinchable. If Sakura hadn't been worried about exactly what that 'oops' meant she would have been tempted to grab the tyke and cuddle him to her bosom.

Then again…

"Oops?" Batman growled. "What does that mean Zatanna?"


Superman glanced at Sakura, who was steadily getting closer to Zatanna. She didn't appear seconds away from killing Zatanna, but rather she seemed entranced with the baby. The child was sleeping, but the second Sakura got close enough to touch the baby's eyes opened. Superman saw the second Sakura's heart turned into a puddle of motherly love.

The baby's eyes were a beautiful emerald green. For some reason, they reminded him of Sakura's eyes. Before he could stop her, Sakura had the child in her arms and turned and looked at him expectantly. "Can we keep-"

Superman felt his eyes grow large, and his heart pound at the question that was coming.

"No." Superman turned his head and looked at Batman, relieved. He hated being the bad guy in Sakura's eyes.


Batman pointedly ignored the wounded look in Sakura's eyes. Her bottom lip wobbled as she looked from him to the child and back again with soulful eyes as if that would change his mind. It didn't and he would never admit that perhaps for three seconds he wavered.

"But-" Sakura began only to be interrupted.

"It is a child, Sakura, not a puppy. We can't just keep it."

Thirty seconds later and Batman was narrowing his eyes at Sakura, who looked at him innocently. Superman snorted and Zatanna giggled.

Sakura had used genjutsu on the three of them to make them see a puppy instead of a child.

"Now can we keep it?"

Batman sighed and looked at Superman for help only to find none. So he decided to ignore them both and figure how to fix the mess they were in.

The Answer:

"How did this happen, Zatanna?"

The magician squirmed under Batman's perusal for a second or two before Batman's visage made her freeze and clear her throat.

"Well, as I told the three of you before certain dealings with magic aren't precise. The answer may not be something easily explainable at first." Zatanna had thrown in a disclaimer, but they had thought that the benefits outweighed the risk. Perhaps, Batman noted, they had miscalculated. "We supposed that with three of the greatest minds on Earth could come up with the answer of how to keep Darkseid away from here forever with just a touch of magic. Well, this little guy is the answer."


"It's a boy?" Sakura, still on her baby high, cooed down at the infant. Zatanna moved to her side to look at the baby as well. They ignored the two men who continued to look at them slightly aghast at the turn of events that were rapidly getting beyond their control. "How do you know?"

Zatanna shrugged. "I just do." Sakura decided to take her at her word.

"Zatanna?" Sakura murmured bringing the magician's attention to her. "Do you think it is possible that this child will one day defeat Darkseid for good?"

Zatanna paused and looked down at the infant for a second and then nodded slowly. "Yes, it is very possible."

Sakura turned and looked at Superman and Batman a slow smile forming on her lips.

"Then we keep him."


"We don't know for certain that this child can defeat Darkseid, Copy Ninja." Superman reasoned in an effort to stop the madness.

Sakura blinked like she always did when someone called her by that name. She had taken it when she arrived in this world for several reasons. The most important being that if there was some way that her team made it to this world they would find her just because she was using it. It would be a loud cry of, 'Here I am!' and 'Come find me'. However, Team Seven had never come.

In time, Sakura became fine with that because she now had a new team. She had Superman and Batman. And while there were others in the League they were more than enough.

Foiled Escape:

Superman watched as Sakura refocused her gaze on him. She became lost sometimes like her body was here with them, but her mind was elsewhere. He hated those moments because the second she came back she looked almost disappointed to find herself with them. He had never told her how much that bothered him. He didn't really think she'd care to know. Besides, it was his problem. He'd deal with it.

"You're right Superman. We don't know for certain that the child can defeat Darkseid, but we also don't for certain that he can't. Besides, we can't have Zatanna zap him away. It's too late for that."

"Actually-" Zatanna began and Sakura leveled her with a cold look. "Actually," Zatanna began again, "I'm going to leave and let you guys decide what you're going to do."

"No," Batman said halting Zatanna's retreat. "Tell us what you were going to say."

Mine Now:

The dark-haired magician sighed sensing her doom at the hands of the Copy Ninja. Discreetly she began to slowly move away from her. "I can make the child go away. He was born of magic and since he is still small he has very little power. Because of this, I can send him back to where he came from."

"Where did he come from?" Superman was horrified at the fact that Zatanna had stolen someone's child. He was seconds away from demanding the boy be sent back immediately, but Zatanna's answer nearly knocked him to his knees.

Zatanna's eyes grew wide. "You mean you don't know?"

"Zatanna, if I knew then I wouldn't have asked," Superman said with exaggerated patience.

"He came from the three of you."

Superman looked at Sakura who shrugged off Zatanna's answer with a, "You're definitely not talking me out of keeping him, now." And with that, she swept out of the meeting room of the Watchtower with the child in her arms.