Thanks to Sandshrew Master for giving me some cool ideas! Thanks man!

Now on with the story!


"Come on give it!" yelled Minami jumping to get the picture Akihisa held in his hand. She jumped high as the boy stepped back to keep the picture away from her.

The girl moved forward as she reached for the picture her boyfriend was keeping from her. She over stepped and fell forward, falling on top of Akihisa in the process and putting the two in an embarrassing situation.

Akihisa gulped in fear, for two things: one his girlfriend was glaring at him and two certain…things…were becoming apparent. Minami sighed in annoyance and held up the picture she grabbed hold of.

"Why do you have this Aki?" she asked in annoyance. She sat down on the boy and felt something poke her…there. The girl's face became enflamed in a crimson red blush.

Of the many things he thought Minami would do, he didn't count on her poking her fingers together like Himeji and looking to the side.

"Y-You kn-know…" she stuttered out "If you w-wanted to see, all you h-had to do was…ask" she grabbed the first button of her shirt and popped it open.

Akihisa was so glad that they were alone and the red haired girl was looking to the side.

'Come on think Akihisa! Think!' he thought as the girl was leaning down now about to give him a kiss and take this moment into the red zone.

"A-Actually!" he said jumping to his feet, and somehow escaping from being under Minami without knocking her over "I thought this was a picture of…" he was at a loss of what to say at the moment.

He couldn't say he thought it was Himeji or Yuuko then Minami would think he doesn't like her as much as them. So-

'Wait a minute…Yuuko!' the boy thought triumphantly.

"I thought this was a picture of Hideyoshi! Yeah that's right Hideyoshi! You two look so much alike" he nodded his head with a satisfied smirk 'great plan me!' he praised himself.

And that's how Akihisa found himself in a Scissors and Naked Choke Hold (look it up. It's real)

"Take it back!" the girl yelled out tightening her hold on the boy "Take back what you said about your girlfriend and acknowledge my hotness!"

"This is abuse! People go to jail for this you know!" Akihisa yelled flailing around to get out of the hold.

"Mr Nishimura!" the girl called out. The scary teacher appeared in the door way "may we be allowed to fight a practice ST war please?"

"Yes, I approve!" he yelled lifting his hand up as a field opened.

"Summoning avatar" the girl lifted her hand up "Summon!"

The avatar appeared by Minami with a score of 823.

"Summoning avatar" said Yoshi lifting his hand up as well "Summon!"

Apparently his avatar didn't want to appear, probably on break or something.

"That's weird" the boy said "let's try again!"

"Summon!" Nothing

"Summon!" Nothing

"SUUUMM" Minami looked down to see Akihisa avatars popping out seals that were on her body and around the class.

'I never meant to be THIS close to Aki' the girl thought in fear as the avatar turned to look at her.

"MMMMMOOOOOOONNNNNN" more seals popped up around them.

"Approval suspended!" Iron Man tried to close the field but it wouldn't listen to him "What the? The field's out of control" he said in shock.




Windows broke as copies of Akihisa's avatars flooded the school.

"What the hell?" Leo growled, as he walked into class with an Akihisa avatar on his head. He had been enjoying his time with Yuuka and Mikami when the school was overrun with the avatars.

The boy flicked the avatar off of his head with another growl. This caused Akihisa to experience pain in his head.

"OW!" the boy screamed in pain as the avatar hit the wall making a dent "My back!"

"Why did you go and break the system Akihisa…" the boy said getting in Yoshii's face with a snarl "You ruined my time with Mikami and Yuuka…" the boy gripped his collar and raised him in the air "You better have a damn good explanation or I'll punch you into next week"

"It wasn't me!" the boy yelled in fear as Leo's eyes bore into his own.

"Then why are your avatars running amuck?"

"It's the system not me I swear!"

"Leo. Put the idiot down" said Yuuka with a sigh, the two had followed the boy on his rampage to murder Yoshii.

"I'm sure he didn't mean it" said Mikami trying to be the voice of reason.

"YOSHII!" the boy felt a chill go up his spine as Iron Man stood in the front with Akihisa's in his nose and ears "I'm getting pretty sick of your pranks!"

"What?! How's this my fault?!" the boy yelled in shock.

"Akihisa why did you break the system?" he heard from the doorway. They turned their heads to see Yuuko and Shouko entering the class room with the female Kinoshita twin looking disappointed.

"Don't blame me! And aren't you supposed to be in class?!" Akihisa yelled out "and can you please put me down?!" now he looked at Leo who shrugged and dropped the boy on his butt.

"It's obviously your fault Aki" said Minami as her avatar rested on her head "no else's avatars are acting up"

"So mean" the boy wept, even his girlfriends were turning on him.

The former German felt her avatar leave her head and looked up in surprise.

"Where'd she go?"

"Maybe there is something wrong with the system" said Hideyoshi.

"I'm gonna try summoning my avatar" said Himeji making everybody look at her "I'm summoning my avatar!" she held her hand up as a puff of smoke appeared in mid-air.

When it vanished instead of a chibi there was an actual version of Himeji, only a bit older, standing there in what appeared to be a succubus costume, wings and all.

"Soooo not appropriate" said Hideyoshi being the least affected.

"Don't look please!" Himeji cried out "Yoshii help!" she called for her boyfriend, who was passed out in a pool of blood next to Kouta (who was somehow still able to take photos).

"I've seen paradise…" mumbled Akihisa with a happy smile on his face. This had the effect of making Yuuko and Minami jealous.

"I'm summoning my avatar also!" the two said in unison lifting their hands up "Summon!"

There were two puffs of smoke that cleared to show Yuuko and Minami's avatars with similar outfits only different colours.

"How did your avatar get bigger?!" yelled Minami pointing at Yuuko's, whose avatar's breasts had gotten a bit bigger.

"Jealous?" the girl mocked sticking her tongue out at the girl.

Yuuji was looking at Himeji's avatar trying to figure out what was going on with the system. The next thing he knew something stabbed his eyes.

"MY EYES!" he yelled falling to the floor and rolling around.

"Yuuji" said Shouko "she told us not to look"

"I'm a genius" said Kouta making everybody look over to him as his camera was positioned in front of Himeji's avatar's rack "If I zoom in I'll be able to get a naked shoot" he moved forward and adjusted the lens on his camera to move closer to the avatar and pass through into it.

"No! Stop!" the girl screamed "Please don't take that picture please!"

"Leo, do something" said Mikami looking at that boy who had his finger in his ear, which was blocked from Yuuji's shout.

"Why?" the boy asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Because it's wrong" the girl said with a frown. Leo just snorted in amusement.

"Oh please" he said "it's a simulated system with no inward resemblance to the actual summoner. If anything he'll only get pixels"

"A skeleton?" said Kouta in the background making the other guys face fault and Himeji sigh in relief.

"Or there's more to this than I thought" the boy said and looked off into space with a blank look in his eyes.

"Well Kouta you tried" said Akihisa patting his friend on the back.

"Maybe I just need a better angle" the boy started moving back and forth trying to get the perfect angle.

"It's kinda like playing dress-up isn't it?" said Hideyoshi lifting his hand up "I think I'll try summoning my avatar as well"

"Summon!" there was a puff of smoke and then out came Hideyoshi's avatar in a red riding hood costume, only the hood was pink.

"It's strange how feminine you look" said Yuuka with a sweat drop as Hideyoshi sulked.

"This clarifies everything! The systems messed up!" the boy yelled desperately.

"Sure it does. Sure it does" said Mikami patting his back.

"Well gotta give it a shot before the system fixes itself" said Yuuji lifting his hand up.

"Summon!" another puff of smoke and when it vanished there stood the red haired boy's avatar with a Gakuran outfit.

"Beautiful" said Shouko as a blush appeared on her face "I must try it"

"Summon!" there was a puff of smoke and when it blew away there was Shouko's avatar clad in a pink apron with only a bra and panty on underneath. The one thing that stood out was the ring on her ring finger.

All the guys were whistling for the avatar and gushing blood. Yuuji couldn't tear his eyes away as a trail of blood leaked from his nose.

'That's ours' said his inner self. Yuuji was to awe struck to say anything else after that.

Shouko's avatar grabbed Yuuji's one and leaned into him. Shouko stood in front of the two and had little hearts floating out of her head making Yuuji sweat drop, heaven only knows what's going through her head.

"Hey dude let's see what yours looks like" he said looking at Kouta who turned to look at the boy and lifted his hand up.

"Summon" as before there was a puff and when it disappeared there stood Kouta's avatar in a traditional yukata with a white headband around his head.

The thing that shocked everybody was when Yuuji's avatar appeared behind it and stuck its hand in the yukata with Kouta's looking like it was trying to resist but wasn't putting up any form of fight.

Yuko had blood trailing from her nose as she gazed upon this site. Hideyoshi reached over and shut his sister's mouth and wiped some of the drool away.

Yuuji and Kouta were fear stricken staring at the sight before them. Yuuji felt a shiver go up his spine. Turning around stiffly he saw Shouko standing there with her hair covering her eyes and two red dots shining out of the darkness, her avatar coping its summoner.

"Sh-Shouko wa-wait!" the boy said in fear as the girl stalked closer to him "You know the systems messed up! GAAAAAAH!" and that's when he got struck with some much volts of electricity.

"Yuuji…you have betrayed me" the girl said holding up the Taser.

"Besides all the drama, this is kind fun" said Yuuka as Mikami nodded her head.

"Let's give it a try" said the green haired girl from class D.

"Summon!" there were two puffs of smoke and when it vanished there were Mikami and Yuuka's avatars in an angel and devil costume, which were similar to Himeji's (in that they were more or less revealing).

Mikami's one had a halo with white wings and stilettos. The dress was white was short sleeved with it stopping mid-thigh and frills on the ends.

Yuuka's was a red dress with the bottom being slightly shorter than Mikami's. The avatar had two red devil horns and a matching tail that came out from underneath the dress.

"Man I look hot" said Yuuka giving her avatar an appraising look. Mikami on the other hand was trying to hide her avatar in vain.

"Don't look at her!" she said directing a glare at the male students.

"Summon" they heard the tell-tale sound of an avatar being summoned and turned to see Leo standing in front of a puff of smoke with his hand in the air. When it vanished they saw the boy's avatar standing there. It wore an army outfit with a black T-shirt underneath. The jacket had the green camouflage pattern on it with matching pants (the sleeves of the jacket were rolled up), on its head was a beret that had the same pattern and colour and around its neck was dog tags. The symbol on the jacket showed that it had the ranking of Sergeant. The jacket sat open well the avatar had fingerless gloves on its hands. The scariest thing though was the evil glint in its eyes and the sharp teeth it had.

"…oddly I'm not surprised" said Yuko with a shrug "he does seem like a drill sergeant"

"What? How?" asked Hideyoshi "He's probably the most laid back person in this room"

"Still doesn't stop him from striking fear into others" answered his twin with a shrug.

"I think he looks good" said Yuuka nodding her head in approval.

"So hot" said Mikami with stars in her eyes.

Their avatars leapt over them and grabbed an arm each of Leo's avatars and held him close to them with hearts in their eyes. There were little hearts floating off of them well the male avatar sweat dropped with a blush.

"How about that" said Leo putting his hands in his pockets "I look dangerous as fuck" he nodded his head "that's it I'm joining the army" he walked towards the door "see ya!"

"Oh no you don't!" said Mikami tackling him and sitting on his back.

"Oi! Get off!" the boy yelled trying to get out without hurting the girl on top of him. As if to add insult to injury Yuuka dropped onto him as well knocking the air out of him.

"Damnit! Get off I can't breathe!" the temperature in the room dropped after he said that.

"DID YOU JUST CALL US FAT!" the two screamed getting the boy in locks. Mikami wrapped her arms around his neck in a head lock and Yuuka gave him a sharp shooter.

"MY BACK! MY NECK! MY EVERYTHING!" the boy yelled out with one hand trying to pry the arm around his neck away and the other tapping the floor in surrender.

At the door of the class room a pair of dark purple eyes watched the three with a shocked look in them.

'It's you…' the person thought and quickly retreated away from the door, then ran down the hallway.

As the person retreated into the shadows that the permeant field caused, a glimpse of light purple hair was seen.

"This sucks" said Akihisa as he closed the door after sweeping out the last of his avatars "Why is my avatar acting up"

The other avatars started fading in and out of reality before going back into their chibi forms. They were sitting on the floor with their heads facing down.

"Huh, their normal again" said Minami. After she said that the avatars opened their eyes and had red glints in them. All the avatars got up and started jumping around the room causing havoc.

"What's wrong with them?!" asked Hideyoshi in alarm.

"Everything! They're possessed!" said Yuuji as the avatars made a break for the open window and flew in different directions.

"Where'd they go?" asked Yuko as they all looked outside the window to catch a glimpse of the avatars.

"Don't know" said Leo as his avatar sat on his head, in its chibi form again, with its sword resting on its shoulder.

"How come yours isn't acting up?" asked Mikami looking up at her boyfriend, who just shrugged in response.

"Don't know" after he said that the avatar vanished "and I guess we'll never know"

The class room door was opened and made all the occupants turn to see who came inside the room.

"Yoshii and Co. the principal wants to see you" said Iron Man making said group blink in surprise.

"How am I supposed to fix it?" said Akihisa as the others stood in a row on either side of him.

"A probationary student's avatar is run on a separate system so unlike the others yours will not be affected by the system" explained the principal as she and Miss Takahashi stood across from the group.

"That makes sense" said Hideyoshi "that's why Akihisa's avatar was the only one acting normally"

"It wasn't normal! I couldn't even control him!" the boy cried out.

"That's because the teachers' field is malfunctioning, but if I'm correct you have your field" said the principal.

"Oh yeah" said Akihisa pulling out his iron bracelet "I guess I could use my iron bracelet"

"You have to do is send your avatar into the server room and reconnect the cable. When that's done I'll shut down the crime prevention from the terminal and open the door"

"Only a probationary student's avatar can pull this off" said Yuuji "their ability to touch objects is crucial here"

"How is he supposed to get in there?" asked Akihisa "he can't bust through the wall"

"The system is equipped with a cooling vent; he should be able to walk through there" said the principal.

"If Aki can't see into the vent how can he control the little guy?" asked Minami.

"Check it out video camera and transmitter" said Kouta producing the items from behind his back.

"If he's avatar takes it with him then we can see everything that's going on" said a cheerful Himeji.

"Good call Kouta!" cheered Akihisa.

"I'm more interested in what he was gonna use them for" said Leo patting Kouta on the shoulder. The ninja pervert froze at that.

"Hey! Don't judge him!" shouted Akihisa grabbing Kouta in a manly hug.

"Thanks man!" the boy said with tears in his eyes and discreetly slipped four pictures into his pocket. Akihisa replied by slipping money into Kouta's pocket.

"Because of the Iron Bracelet's limited field you'll have to stand in front of the server room" explained the principal "we'll guide you from out here"

"You know" said Leo as he stood behind the ones on the computers with a screen that showed what Akihisa's avatar saw "I'm interested to know where the other avatars went"

"Guess they're causing havoc" said Mikami with a shrug "they have gone insane"

"Ok dude you're doing great just keep going straight" said Yuuji.

"Got it!" they heard Akihisa say.

"Count three turns then take a right, and then take a left at the next intersection" said Hideyoshi as he tapped on the keyboard in front of him.

"Am I in a labyrinth?" said Akihisa as he sat outside the room. He was hitting buttons on the gauntlet on hit other arm.

"Why's it so complicated"

"It's just a security measure" explained the principal.

"Well it's a pain in the a-AHHHHHHHH! WHY!" the boy screamed as his avatar's score started dropping "Why's my score going down?! What's happening?!"

"You walked through a poisonous swamp" said an announcer's voice.

"Why the hell is there a swamp in here?!" the boy yelled out as he had spasms on the floor.

"It's like this is a bad game" said Leo rubbing his temples, the other students nodded their heads in agreement.

"Just go around it" said Yuuji "turn right at the next corner"

Akihisa got up and made his avatar take a right when it got to a corner "Ok I see a light" he said.

"You're almost there just keep going straight" said Yuuji.

"Wonder what it is" said Akihisa when suddenly two seals opened and both Yuuji and Kouta's avatars appeared in front of Akihisa's.

"Crap! The psycho avatars!" screamed a frightened Akihisa as the avatars gave his evil smirks.

"Akihisa run!" Yelled Yuko jumping to her feet, knocking her chair to the ground, but it was too late.

The two avatars descended on Akihisa's and beat the living daylights out of him.

"HELP ME!" they heard the boy scream into his mic "STOP IT YUUJI!"

"It's not me! Their out of control!" the red head boy shouted back.

"NO THEY'RE NOT! HELP ME! PLEASE!" the boy pleaded. The others looked on in horror as the two beat up Akihisa.

Yuuji slammed his hand onto the keyboard and gritted his teeth at having to listen to his best friend's scream of pain. Shouko went behind him and caressed his fist well wrapping her other around his mid-section.

"SOMEONE MAKE THEM STOP!" they heard Akihisa scream. The people most affected were Minami, Himeji and Yuko who had to listen to their boyfriend scream in pain.

Eventually the screaming came to end with Akihisa's score dropping to a zero.

Outside the server room sat Akihisa with his back to the wall as a box crept up next to him. It was lift up to show Iron Man looking at Yoshii with a blank look.

"Meet me in the remedial classroom" the man said.

"NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the boy screamed in fear

The door opened to show Akihisa looking like a zombie. He fell to the floor in a heap.

"Are you ok Akihisa?" asked Yuko crouching so she could pat the boy's back.

"Yeah…just spent some time in hell is all" the boy said sarcastically the Kinoshita sister placed a kiss on his cheek.

"It's time for the recovery test" said Miss Takahashi.

"Unless he makes a really good score he'll be screwed if he runs into anymore of our avatars" said Yuuka.

"If you want we could help you, study I mean" said Himeji as Minami and Yuko nodded their heads "It'll be fun if we do it together"

Akihisa's mind took a very perverted turn and saw the three in sexy teacher outfits offering their services to him. Blood gushed from his nose as he grabbed Himeji's hands.

"Yes! I want to do it with you three more than anyone in the world!" the boy cheered "study I mean"

The others waited for the inevitable comment from Leo but got nothing making them all look over to where the boy previously was only to see that the boy was missing.

"Where'd Leo go?" asked Hideyoshi but got shrugs in return.

"I didn't even notice him leave" said Mikami as Yuuka nodded her head in agreement.

"I think we need to focus on more important things" said the principal "like how we're gonna get his score up and fast"

"The only method that will work is one that will produce immediate results" said Shouko.

"I think I have the answer" said Yuuji "an elementarily school test"

"That's the highest I've seen his score go" said Minami as the boy's score went over 40000 "Don't mess up" as such she jinxed it.

Akihisa score stopped rising when he got one wrong "you've be kidding. Which one did you get wrong?" asked Yuuji. When he looked at the paper he got a tick mark on his head.

"Really? You didn't know the Taika Reforms happened in 645?" he glared at the idiot "how could you miss that after everything that's happened?"

"I'm under a lot of pressure here ok!" the boy defended himself.

"Even with that he did manage to bring up his score" said Hideyoshi.

"So even if those guys come back he should be ok" said Minami.

"He'll be fine, let's do this" said Kouta as Akihisa got up.

"Alright let's go!" he ran out the room with the others sweat dropping at the fact at the fact he left his iron bracelet.

As predicted the boy came back in and grabbed the iron bracelet.

"I'm under pressure ok!" the boy said running out the door again.

"Idiot" said everybody.

"Awaken!" Akihisa's personal field opened outside the server room with the boy's avatar resuming its previous trek to set the school right again.

"I'll clear this thing quickly you'll see" the boy said with a smirk.

"Good. Left at the next intersection" said Yuuji.

"Righ-AH!" Akihisa screamed as he passed through the poisonous gas again.

"I guess we'll need to teach him some tricks to avoid that"

"I am not an animal!" Akihisa yelled into his mic.

"Ok, this time, take a right" said Yuuji.

"I know I know" grumbled Akihisa "what the hell?" apparently he ended up in what appeared to be a Mario version game.

"Ok be very careful don't touch the-"

"AH!" Akihisa's avatar got bigger and got stuck "I can't breathe!"

"…mushroom" said Yuuji with a sigh.

"It's a habit! I can't help it!" Akihisa complained as his avatar shrunk down again and continued on with its mission.

The avatars appeared again the minute Akihisa turn a corner with the addition of Hideyoshi's avatar.

"Hey guys. I'm ready for ya this time" said Akihisa smirking at the three. The avatars gave war cries and ran at each other to do epic battle. Akihisa's avatar jumped over Yuuji's and landed behind Hideyoshi's. Akihisa's avatar swung its sword and nailed the first avatar in the back and made it fly towards Yuuji's. Both avatars fell in a heap on the floor.

Kouta's was up next. It threw kunai at the idiot avatar, which jumped over them and aimed a sword slash at the ninja. The Kouta avatar turned to leaves that reformed behind Akihisa's avatar and aimed a blast from its camera at the avatar that did a sword slash that went through and whacked Kouta's avatar making him fly back and take Yuuji and Hideyoshi's avatars with it. All three landed in the poisonous swamp.

"Those who died meet me in the remedial classroom!" said Iron Man appearing in the room with a box on his head, that had two holes so he could see.

All three whose avatars died were being carried out of the room by Iron Man all at once.

"How is that fair?!" yelled Hideyoshi.

"We weren't even controlling them!" yelled Yuuji.

"You're freakishly strong" said Kouta with a sweat drop.

Akihisa's avatar kicked the vent open that led him to the room he needed to be in.

"Alright I made it" said Akihisa.

"Good, now look for a disconnected cable and connect it" said the Principal.

The avatar looked around until it found the unplugged wire, which had sparks flying off of it "Ok found it"

It reached out to touch it but had to jump back to avoid a sword strike. The avatar looked up to see Minami's avatar standing there with her sword stuck in the floor in front of him.

"M-Minami…" the boy said in fear as two more seals appeared and both Yuko and Himeji's avatars.

"Aki run away! You're not strong enough to beat them!" shouted Minami.

"C-Crap" Akihisa cursed as the three descended upon him. The avatar screamed in fear as Minami's avatar changed her sword into a whip that encircled Akihisa and trapped him. What happened next was something out of a bondage video, with Akihisa's avatar on a wooden horse, which had a house shaped body, with its legs spread apart.

Himeji and Yuko's avatars appeared in front and at the back of it, respectively. Both started whipping it.

"Hold on Yoshii" said Himeji as Akihisa screamed in pain.

"We have to do something!" said a frantic Minami.

"What? If you haven't noticed we can't control them!" said Yuko glaring at the girl. Both got in each other's face and glared with sparks fly at each other.

"Stop fighting! This isn't gonna help Yoshii" said Himeji pushing them apart.

The screen started flashing red with the word emergency all over it.

"What's happening?" asked Mikami looking at the screen with both surprise and slight fear.

"Something's coming" said Shouko as a seal appeared on the floor in the behind the other avatars in the room. Out of it jumped a black blur that sliced the horse in half freeing Akihisa.

"Mind if I cut in?" they heard and turned around to see Leo standing there with smirk and his arms crossed.

"Leo?!" they all said, even Akihisa, in surprise.

"No time to talk" the boy walked over and grabbed a headset sitting on the table "Akihisa"

"Yeah?" the idiot answered as his avatar dodged the strikes from the three girls.

"You're gonna have to listen to me and do everything I say" Leo reached into his pocket and produced a CD case which he placed into the computer "Now let's rock" the song that played was had a catchy beat to it.

(A/N: If you wanna know what song it was listen to Def Leppard – Rock of Ages well you read this part)

"What's the music for?" asked Akihisa in confusion.

"Just a little fighting music" the sharp toothed boy said with a wide smirk "Enough talk! I'm gonna need you to flank right"

"Ok" the avatar's split off with Akihisa's going right, as ordered and Leo's going left. The three avatars went back to back to counter whatever attack the two had.

"Ok. When your avatar has Minami's in its sights have it attack"

"But the other two will get in the way" said Akihisa.

"Just do it!"

"Ok! Geez" the avatar made a dash for Minami's avatar and, as expected the other two jumped in front to take out the male avatar.

Leo smirked at this. His hunch was correct: they saw Akihisa as the weakest link. That meant they had no conscious thought and were relying on pure instinct.

"Er, Leo?" Akihisa called out getting nervous.

"Keep going" said Leo smirking wider and just before Akihisa's avatar got skewered by the sharp ends of the weapons the three wielded… "Jump back!" the avatar didn't waste any moment to retreat.

The three had sent jabs forward to attack the other avatar but didn't count on it jump back at the last second. They fell forward and landed in a heap on the floor.

"Got ya" said Leo as his avatar jumped up with its sword in the air "It's over!"

Just as the avatar was about to land a sword strike on the three, that would have put them all out of commission, he was kicked in the face by two sets of feet sending the avatar flying towards the other side of the room.

"What was that?" asked Minami in shock, it looked like clear victory had the attack gone through.

"Son of a…" cursed Leo "I forgot about them" he said biting his thumb.

"Who?" Mikami asked standing next to Leo now, trying to see who had interrupted. She felt someone pat her shoulder and saw Yuuka with a wide eyed look.

"Us" was all she said as the camera focoused on where Leo's avatar had landed. Standing in front it with their weapons at the ready were the two avatars of the two girls.

"Wait. What's wrong with them?" asked Yuko leaning forward "they look different"

True to what she said the avatars did look different. Mikami's now had on a spell caster's robe with the edges burning in a black flame that just kept on burning. A hood was on its head casting a menacing shadow over its face. The book in her hand now had a picture of a roaring skull on it.

Yuuka's avatar now had black armour that had black wisps of smoke rising off of it. The spear now became bigger and was curved on both sides with the ends looking extremely sharp.

"Is it just me or did their scores double?" asked Akihisa in fear.

"Not good" said Leo as the Mikami avatar opened its book and had tentacles shoot out to catch the avatar in front of it. Leo's avatar jumped back towards the wall and used it as board to jump off of.

Yuuka's avatar gave chase spinning its spear and sent a strike towards the avatars mid-section. The Leo avatar twisted in mid-air and blocked the strike with its sword.

"I gotta help him" said Akihisa as his avatar took a step to aid its comrade but stop in its track when the three from before appeared in front of it blocking it off.

"Akihisa, have them chase you around the room. Make them gain momentum" ordered Leo as his dodged the tentacle strikes and tried to block the spear strikes aimed at him.

"You got it!" said Yoshii as his avatar retreated with the three chasing after him.

Yoshii's avatar ran past the wires and jumped high to jump off the wall and headed for the next wall, the three coping it.

"Now run towards mine" ordered Leo as Akihisa nodded his head ordering his avatar to head towards Leo's.

"Now follow my lead" said the sharp toothed boy as his avatar pulled its sword back to strike Akihisa's, which the avatar in front of it copied.

As the two closed in Leo had his swing, which Akihisa's copied. It looked like they were about to hit each other when Leo's just disappeared and appeared behind Akihisa's still swinging it's sword.

Both sword strikes nailed the other's enemy and made them fly back. Yuko and Minami's flew towards the wall first and landed with Minami hitting the wall and Yuko's landing on top of her.

Both their scores hit 0 instantly, making them disappear into pixels.

"Those who die meet me in the remedial class room!" said Iron appearing behind Minami and Yuko, who jumped in surprise. The next thing they knew they were being carried by Iron Man.

"But I don't wanna!" cried Minami as Yuko huffed. This was the first time this happened to her.

Yuuka's avatar flew into Mikami's making it drop the book in the process. Himeji's avatar hit the wall and slumped to the floor looking defeated.

"Alright!" cheered Akihisa "that's teamwork right there!"

"Stay focoused" chided Leo "get to the plug before they get up"

"Right" said Akihisa as his avatar walked over to the plug.

As it reached out to reconnect the wires it was hit back by a black tail. Akihisa hit the wall behind him screaming in pain.

Himeji's avatar also got an upgrade with the armour changing form and the sword becoming bigger and darker. A black tail whipped around the girl menacingly.

"Oh shit" said Akihisa and Leo at the same time as both avatars were now back to back facing their respective enemies. The three stalked the two with menacing glares in their eyes "Leo…got any plans?" the boy asked in fear as his avatar got hit with the tail again, which was too fast for him.

"I'm thinking!" the boy said desperately gripping his head "Unless we take a recovery test to raise our scores, we're both screwed!"

"A recovery test…" said Akihisa in thought. He suddenly got an idea "Himeji! Mikami! Yuuka! Take a recovery test!" the boy said desperately.

"But-" Mikami tried to say how stupid that was, but Yuuka cut her off by snapping her fingers.

"Of course!" she said "they might not have enough time to take a test and still survive but we can"

"But won't that just raise our scores?" asked Mikami.

"Not if we get a low mark" said Himeji handing both of them a paper. Mikami got it then and nodded her head.

The three took a pen and wrote one thing and handed the paper back to Miss Takahashi.

"We're done please grade it" they said at the same time.

"Alright Akihisa, finishing move!" said Leo pointing his hand forward "GO!"

Both avatars took off and raised their weapons to strike their opponents, who copied them. Mikami's threw its book into the air and made black arrows rain onto where Leo's avatar was only to have the avatar dodge all of it. The avatar dodged a jab strike by Yuuka's avatar and sliced the spear in half.

The avatar jumped up and held its sword over its head then when it got closer it let the sword drop. The sword hit the area between the two and created a shockwave that blew both back and hit the wall. Their scores showed they had 0 and both vanished into pixels.

Akihisa's avatar dodged Himeji's sword strike and jabbed its wooden sword in the female's mid-section. The pink haired avatar also had a score of 0 so it too vanished into pixels.

Akihisa entered the room with his and Leo's avatars on his head. Himeji ran over and looked on worriedly.

"Yoshii, are you alright?" she asked looking him over for any injures.

"I'm fine" the boy said well scratching the back of his head. Leo's avatar jumped off and landed on top of its master's head.

"I gotta say, we make a great team" said the sharp toothed boy as his walked over and held his fist out, which Akihisa copied and bumped fists with his friend.

"We sure do" the boy said.

"Those who got a pathetic score of zero meet me in the remedial classroom!" said Iron Man appearing on the big screen.

"Let's go ladies" said Leo scooping both up and putting them on his shoulders with them facing the other way "off to remedial class"

"But your score's fine" said Yuuka in confusion as Mikami was trying to keep her dress from ridding up.

"Never said I was going to be the student" the boy said with a smirk "I'm your teacher for this remedial class" he said shocking the two.

"This may very well be the best remedial class I've been to" said Yuuka smirking.

"Come Himeji" said Shouko after she handed a paper to Miss Takahashi "let us go"

"Hold on Shouko" said Himeji flicking Akihisa's avatar on the head making the score of 6 go to 0.

"Come on Yoshii" the girl said happily holding the boy's hand and leading him out of the classroom.

And that's all for now!

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Thanks for your continued support!

Send a PM if you got ideas for the story as well! I might be able to get to it straight way but I will when I'm able too.

See ya!