Storm Shadows – Attunement:

A Star Trek Next Generation/Deep Space Nine Crossover

Chapter 1:

Side Notes: If you haven't seen or read about my fanfictions Storm Shadows and Storm Shadows – Suspiration, please do before reading this fanfiction. It'll make more sense this way, because it's a sequel to both fanfictions set as the third and last fanfiction in a Star Trek crossover trilogy.

For understanding this fanfiction's continuity, there are some more things to note.

There are moderate spoilers for Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Star Trek: Generations, the video game Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, and the Deep Space Nine two parter What You Leave Behind.

So, if you haven't seen, played, or read about either of these things, it's recommended you do before reading this fanfiction. But, it's not required.

There are also some moderate hints for the Deep Space Nine episode Chimera. But, seeing or reading about it is not required either.

In a dark corner of the Doctor's Sphere…

Cass is sitting uncomfortably on the Sphere's floor with her back to a circular balcony railing, while Four stands before her.

Four states, "your personal thoughts are obviously concerning you."

Stars and comets go by on the Borg viewscreen. But, the stars burn bright: Even against the coming storm of dark blue lightning subspace distortions.

Getting teary eyed… Cass mutters harshly at herself, "how can they not?! I escaped from Section 31 to get my life in my hands again. But…all it's done is show how truly hellish it really is."

With a heavy sigh… She reflects, "sorry. It's not you."

She then faintly chuckles, "I'd make a less than ideal secret agent. Wouldn't I?"

Fairly shaken… Four reasons, "a fair assessment. But, a irrelevant one. If life was always pleasant…neither of us would be here now."

With a faint smile…Cass highlights, "if you can be philosophical, I can attempt to display a state of calm."

Sounding impressed, Four comments, "given your history of taking out your emotions on others, that would be most efficient." Cass adds, "you're welcome."

After a bit…She suddenly realizes, "come to think of it…can it be that simple?" Four wonders, "what do you mean?"

Cass pinpoints, "if I have the power of the Q…can't I just go back in time and stop the Borg from assimilating most of the galaxy to begin with?"

Awkward sounding, Four reasons, "perhaps. But, at great risk."

Cass puts to question, "why? Because of the temporal distortions?"

Four states, "it is not just that."

Cass inquires fairly nervously, "then…what?"

With regret and nervousness in her voice… Four reasons, "without that invasion… Heavy sigh. You would have been considered too much of a threat by Section 31. Your fight for individuality...would end before it could start."

Very reluctantly, Cass admits, "you're right. It's just… Heavy sigh. I wish it didn't have to be down the gutter: For any of us."

In a set but conflicted sounding way… Four comments hotly, "perhaps you access the situation that way. But, from where I come from…that is asking for the enemy to shoot you. I might appreciate the sentiment of life being more pleasant for all life. But, that is not logical here nor there."

Cass mutters irritatedly at her, "and since when do I have to be logical all of the time?"

Four is quick to point out, "clearly, you are not: Which at times gives me reasonable concern for your survival."

Cass heavily sighs into her hands.

And, after she looks up… She then acknowledges, "I know, Four. I know."

She reflects, "still… I have all of this power. And suddenly, I feel powerless. Ok. That's not true. I know I have power. But… Heavy sigh. What I'm really trying to say is…I wish I could do more. Surely there's some way to help without it being at great risk?"

With a faint smile…Four reasons, "I know of a way."

Looking more hopeful now… Cass looks up at her, "I'm listening."

Four recollects, "from what you have divulged to me of your visions… You have experienced some painful things."

Somewhat sarcastic, Cass mutters, "yeah. Don't remind me."

Four nervously reasons, "that was not my intention."

Cass implies, "ok. So…what is it?"

Four suggests, "in spite of what you experienced, you regained consciousness with no physical or neural flux. If you are well enough to intentionally have visions…"

Getting fairly amused by this… Cass gets to her feet.

And, she faintly chuckles, "I can really become the next Emissary of the Prophets. Almost like a dream come true, isn't it?"

Four figures, "if that is what you have dreamt of…I assume it is."

Cass comments impatiently, "then what are we waiting around for? Let's get going."

She starts to hold Four's hand: Much to her confusion.

Four turns to her, "what are you doing?"

Cass figures nervously, "I'm not sure what's going to happen. But, I want us to stay close. Things can get weird in… Well, wherever the hell is there."

Awkward sounding, Four says, "it already is. But, that would be efficient."

Slightly amused, Cass adds, "glad you approve. You got the hypospray?"

Four picks up a faintly familiar hypospray from a curve in the railing.

She reasons, "yes: Back in my other hand."

With a faint smile, Cass says, "good. Let's go."

Cass and Four's very Katras vanish off into the body of a falling unconscious Cass…and into the fires of a thousand dreams burning bright.

In a wave of memories and possible futures like a rediscovered dream…

White puffy clouds move with the wind of what seems to be a clear day.

Underneath though are storm clouds: Moving with the wind. They loom over the endless snowfall below, which is barely made out between the clouds.

Crystal orbs of visions aplenty grow on conifer crystalline trees. Some are green, some are neon red, some are silver, and some just have no color at all.

Cass is in a beanstalk patterned green dress. And, Four is in a fluctuating blue Andorian glow: Andorian antennae and all.

Cass faintly chuckles to herself.

Four comments awkwardly, "what has got you amused?"

Cass insists just as awkwardly, "oh. Nothing. Just…so many to pick from."

Four figures, "visions?"

Not sure what else to say… Cass just faintly nods.

She walks over from cloud to cloud, light as a feather.

Four accompanies her. Though, she walks less lightly.

Some of the crystal orbs they pass reflect the destruction of Deep Space Nine, of the Changeling homeworld, of Bajor...and of the crumpling ruins of the Starfleet fleet at the hands of the Borg.

In the crystal orbs though… As the Changeling homeworld blows up… A silvery yellow liquid like shuttle arrives in time in mid-warp to beam someone out.

Another shows the Section 31 ship: Seemingly appearing out of nowhere and crashing down into some vineyards. The conductor rod like structures off to the distance stand as the only reminder of France….in the midst of a raging fire.

Cass is too uncomfortable to look at it for very long.

With concern, Four just has to ask, "are you damaged?"

Half heartedly, Cass insists, "I'll be fine."

In spite of her resurfacing teary eyes, she wipes some of the teariness away.

And, she keeps looking.

As she does… A crystal orb catches Four's attention.

And, as she looks more closely… She looks like she's just seen a ghost.

Past the rattled bulkheads of the USS Defiant… A comatose Lauren and a comatose Patrick lie in dark red beds with half working yellow lights. A nervous looking Doctor Bashir is back to looking human: Closely monitoring their lifesigns.

In the third bed is a resting Jadzia Dax from another time, in a gray Starfleet uniform. She looks sweaty and shaky: Like she was pulled out of hell.

And, in the fourth dark red bed…is a unconscious Andorian Zhen.

Her blue color is slowly returning to normal. For, most of her Borg components are being removed carefully by Sarina: With a phaser and a carefully recalibrated hypospray.

On the subsonic level… A mental echo on the subsonic level rings through Four's very being:

You worry too much, Shelrav. As long as we're fighting together… No one's going to break up our bondgroup.

A tear runs down Four's face.

Cass turns back to her.

She asks worriedly, "Four…are you all right?"

Almost cryptically, Four mutters, "it is not relevant to the present."

Cass uneasily says, "ok. If you think so."

Four firmly nods. But, deep down…she knows it isn't the end of it.

Sounding very nervous… Cass figures, "I don't know about you. But, this place is starting to give me hell. Let's just get out of here soon. Ok?"

Four admits solemnly, "I would like that."

With a faint smile, Cass adds, "ok then."

Then, like magic… She finds the tree she was looking for.

Cass calls over to Four. And, Four comes to see.

A crystal orb high up on the silvery crystalline tree shows what looks like eight ancient stone obelisks on a uninhabited moon…with green mirror wedge like sides and strange burnt in glowing red bulky scarab like circles.

Voyager, Commander Shelby's ship, and Captain Picard's Captain's Yacht are coming out of warp bubbles overhead.

And, down on the surface…are what look to be lots of clay like spidery centipede legs: Weaving one big giant cocoon in a clay like disgustingly brown web between the obelisks.

In near disbelief, Four fearfully realizes, "this is humanity's last hope?! You would not survive. None of us will!"

Cass inquires nervously, "why? Do you know what's there?"

Four fiercely argues, "something more fearful than a out of control Q. The Q fear them. If we go there…we don't come back. None of us."

Cass faces her.

She grimly reflects, "deep sigh. Still… If that's what we're supposed to see… We're out of options, Four. Or at least…that's how it's going to play out. Isn't it?"

Four reasons firmly, "no. It is too soon to make that big of a assessment. Your more personal thoughts might very well be clouding your…judgment."

Cass mutters uneasily, "wouldn't be the first time. What is it?"

She looks in the direction of Four's line of vision.

And, as she does… She gasps.

For the crystal orb they're looking at…is in the not too distant future. And somehow, they both know that it is in the not too distant future.

Gray Borg panel tubing is flying everywhere. A bright reddish orange fire is erupting from a exploding apart Borg alcove.

And, in the midst of the vision…is Cass and Orrak at a standoff with phasers. Though, her human body is sweating a lot more than Orrak's Cardassian body. And, puzzlingly, she's having trouble not coughing up fumes.

Cass practically screams at him, "enough with the games, Orrak! What the…cough…hell did you do?"

Orrak comments coldly, "you should have blasted me when you had the chance, Cass."

Although, even as he tries not to show it…he doesn't look too happy either.

Four suddenly goes, "Cass… We have to go: Now!"

Cass tries to say, "now?! But, we're so close to…!"

Four states fairly nervously, "better than the alternative."

She quickly injects Cass with the hypospray…as a whirlwind of Pah-wraith flames comes out of the shattering crystal orb.

Dukat's menacingly glaring face appears through it.

Cass shrieks in resurfacing fear.

And, even then… Four stands in front of her: Ready to take the hit for her without a second thought.

But, as quickly as it comes… The Pah-wraith flames vanish into thin air: Along with the clouds and crystalline trees.

Back into the physical…

Cass wakes up…finding herself on the gold rimmed white bio-bed of a Delta Flyer 2.0.

Four appears to her right.

In the cockpit… Sarina faintly smiles in realization, "looks like we have got ourselves another passenger."

In a worn out and gray Starfleet uniform… Amin slightly smirks at the sensor readings, "looks like. I'll go see how they're doing."

Sarina firmly says, "I would."

Four checks uncertainly, "are you damaged?"

Cass faintly nods, "no. But, thank you."

Amin walks over to them.

With noticeable concern, she asks, "are you both ok? You've been worrying us all sick."

In a mixed relief of sorts… Cass faintly sighs shakily, "yeah. We are. But, soon…no one is going to be."

She sounds shaky. But, physically, she sure isn't.

Amin wonders nervously, "what?"

Darkly certain… Cass answers, "Dukat. He's coming."

Amin calls back to Sarina, "get us to the Doctor: Fast!"

Sarina confirms, "I understand. Already working on it."

Her Delta Flyer 2.0 dives down for the Doctor's Sphere: Only several light years away.