Storm Shadows – Attunement:

A Star Trek Next Generation/Deep Space Nine Crossover

Special Feature/Out from a Multiverse

Author Notes: This is a collection of ideas around the alternate timelines from Storm Shadows - Suspiration and Storm Shadows - Attunement.

Also... There are no major spoilers for the main storyline of the Storm Shadows trilogy in this collection of ideas. So, no worries there.

Some have been very much implied in the Storm Shadows trilogy. Some haven't had the chance to be. So, I felt it would be good to show them all here.

If you want to co-write one of them with me, I'll definitely think about it.

If you want to write your own spin-off from any ideas in this collection, I'm already giving you permission. No need to ask.

Doesn't mean I'll automatically like it. But, it doesn't mean I'll automatically hate it either.

Now, whether you're going to write a spin-off from it or not... Feel free to enjoy reading out from this multiverse of possibilities.

Alternate Voyager Timelines

1) Alternate timeline from the episodes Resolutions and Basics(Pt1-Pt2)

((1)) Chakotay and Captain Janeway "together" together(most all of it very much implied in Past Kathryn's nightmare)

((2)) by the time Tuvok makes up his mind in favor of hailing the Vidiian convoy, the convoy is already being met by a armed group of Vidiian ships

((3)) and they make sure Voyager doesn't get near it much

((4)) (related to above) leaving the crew mostly disheartened or depressed, but somewhat at peace that they tried anyway(no mutiny against Tuvok)

((5)) no cure found for Chakotay or Captain Janeway until the 2-parter Basics

((6)) Seska's trap falls short without either Chakotay or Captain Janeway to get revenge on, and Seska's lieutenant tries to ritually take himself out of the picture to avoid telling them anything(but the Doctor and Kes ensure that he doesn't and get him to "spill the beans")

((7)) the Doctor and Captain Tuvok grimly realize that contacting Seska may very well be the key to finding the cure for Chakotay and Captain Janeway(through Seska's Cardassian issue DNA hypospray device)

((8)) because Seska deep down still cares for Chakotay's life(however twisted the intentions may be)

((9)) Captain Tuvok hails Seska and Culluh, calling for a cease fire in light of Chakotay's and Captain Janeway's situation

((10)) Seska reluctantly agrees, realizing just how far her plans have fallen short(and consequently Culluh for the same reason)

((11)) Seska reveals her plan in exchange for letting Voyager's crew and the Kazon under Culluh's leadership go separate ways(after helping Chakotay and Captain Janeway return with Seska's DNA hypospray)

((12)) (related to above) almost all of it(not about Tierna's high red blood cell count and a hidden injector to make a bomb with)

((13)) Culluh's tribes go back with Voyager to the planet(with Seska and Culluh planning to double cross them as soon as they have the advantage)

((13)) Tierna(Seska's aide) does not go after Chakotay and Captain Janeway(Seska would've gone for more "psychological torture")

((14)) (related to above) maybe Seska and Kazon though

((15)) Tierna uses excuse of Kazon religion/prayer to be left alone in Sick Bay(but with guards outside of it), setting up for very similar to his and Seska's original plan from Basics Pt1-Pt2

((16)) Kes catches on to the hidden part of Seska's and Culluh's real plan, which is for Tierna to find a excuse to be left alone in Sick Bay to detonate his bomb and take out Sick Bay along with the Doctor and Kes(while hindering the rest of Voyager in a full scale Kazon mutiny, on and off Voyager)

((17)) (related to above) while hindering the rest of Voyager with bombs being deployed like mines while they haven't cleared the atmosphere

((17)) with her Ocampan abilities, Kes is lost in the explosion while stopping the explosion from destroying Sick Bay and the EMH Doctor beyond repair(a year before she could have evolved into a non-corporeal with enough power to just shrug off the explosion without being lost in the explosion)

(18)) (scrapped) (in nightmare) Past Kathryn as one of guards(blaming herself for losing Kes)

((19)) (possibly) with many Kazon and Voyager's crew in Voyager in a very uneasy temporary alliance, Lon Suder has to stop uprising on the Bridge when Tuvok in the middle of one of their session is shot by Kazon(along with most of Security in the area, thanks to Seska's ingenuity)

((20)) Seska is taken out in the fallout; very possibly against Captain Janeway

((21)) Lon Suder is alive, but Kes is gone

((22)) The crew has a funeral for Kes on the planet's surface

((23)) Captain Janeway and Chakotay are the last ones to leave the funeral

((24)) (very possibly for later) Ever since though, they sometimes go explore space together on a shuttle(when circumstances permit it)

((25)) (scrapped) Seska's lieutenant is left nameless forever and tries to take out Chakotay in the woods(but he and Captain Janeway stop him on their own)

((26)) (scrapped) Kes ends up sacrificing her mortal form to protect Voyager when Seska's lieutenant takes her out with a dagger

((27)) (scrapped) Voyager barely makes it out by diving back to the planet, letting the atmosphere itself tear at the Kazon ships at their really fast velocity(with very determined but angry and crazy Kazon)

((28)) Alternate Janeway/Past Kathryn went back to her animal guide, while the main universe Captain Janeway and the Storm Shadows universe Captain Janeway didn't

((29)) (related tie in for Main Universe and Storm Shadows Universe)

after Chakotay's try at mutiny from years ago(gone into in the fanfiction story Eclipse), Captain Janeway was more than a little hurt inside and stopped seeing her animal guide altogether

((30)) (related tie in for Storm Shadows Universe)

Harry Kim still has his(but also to honor Chakotay's memory)

2) Kes gets Voyager home after only three years

((1)) A alternate timeline of the episode The Gift

((2)) Kes sends Voyager all the way across the Delta Quadrant in seconds(not just out of Borg space)

((3)) unfortunately, the Borg detect the "subspace current" and several Borg Cubes converge across the Quadrant to catch the current(even with Species 8472 leaving the Borg weakened across the Quadrant)

((4))) In light of the new threat, Maquis and Starfleet begrudgingly combine forces to stop the Borg and the Dominion in Operation Return(especially with the Dominion another enemy that has already gained the higher ground at this time)

((5)) There are still plenty of small brush fires between the Maquis and Starfleet(particularly in the Demilitarized Zone)

((6)) but Voyager's crew become the best peacekeepers both sides could ask for(with significant help from the invention of Astrometrics)

((7)) with the Maquis and Starfleet begrudgingly working together, Michael Eddington's unit and most of the Maquis units are given asylum away from Cardassia(in time to save most of them from being wiped out)

((8)) Kes and Captain Janeway get their own ships(with Captain Janeway and most of the crew on Voyager of course)

((9)) They still go through the motions, much akin to that of Season 4 of Voyager(but in the midst of the Dominion War and not being stranded in the Delta Quadrant)

((10)) (related to above) But that may very well also mean several ghosts from the past to still confront within themselves

((11)) Tuvok is lost(because of the fanfiction story Starrider's version of the episode Repression)

((12)) Seven is fairly shaken up by Starfleet's unease about giving her any assignments because of being assimilated at such a young age(but Voyager's crew fights the administration, and Seven maintains her individuality)

((13)) B'Elanna and most every other member of the Maquis are more temperamental or depressed, because of the Dominion wiping out most of the Maquis

((14)) (related to above) Voyager's crew manages to save a few Maquis units including their own Maquis crewmembers, but the Dominion wiping out most of the Maquis still happens

((15)) Chakotay gets captured by the Dominion along with Worf, and the rest of Voyager's crew are all the more depressed or temperamental(because of the countless lives lost in the Dominion war as a whole)

((16)) Kes becomes captain of a medical ship, with the Doctor as the ship's doctor(where he is fully recognized for what he can do)

((17)) With tremendous assistance from her abilities and placement, Kes becomes instrumental in saving millions of lives in the Dominion War(with the Doctor's help of course)

((18)) (related to above) not enough to see coming the Cardassian forces being mostly wiped out by the Dominion's hand, but still instrumental for the Federation's endurance nevertheless

Alternate Deep Space Nine Timelines

1) alternate Jadzia Dax from a alternate timeline from the Deep Space Nine episode Change of Heart

((1)) when Worf, hoping she'll hold out, goes to get the informant out

((2))(very much implied; related to above) but she's gone by time he gets back(thanks to lightning subspace distortion, but would've otherwise been lost to the Jem'Hadar there), and he has no choice but to leave with only the informant

((3)) (at least implied) Worf vows to restore her honor by going after and helping take down the Dominion(in somewhat quicker time than main universe with information from the informant); assuming Jadzia Dax was taken by Jem'Hadar before she broke out(or something very similar)

2) a alternate timeline of the Deep Space Nine episode Hippocratic Oath

((1)) after O'Brien's first escape attempt, Doctor Bashir very reluctantly concludes that the only way O'Brien won't stop him from helping Goran'Agar is to keep him unconscious(knocks him out)

((2)) with some time, Doctor Bashir extracts a sample of Goran'Agar's mutation to study well enough for a replicator to replicate the compounds needed to go into a hypospray(allowing Goran'Agar's unit to grow the mutation in their bodies over time to the point of not needing Ketracel white)

((3)) Doctor Bashir also kind of lies about the mutation to the men and says it's "a evolutionary step for all of them in a matter of years"(concentrating less on great frustration with O'Brien and more on the task at hand)

((4)) some of them reject the idea, seeing it as no better than Ketracel white by another authority to try to "weaken them"

((5)) a fight ensues, but Goran'Agar and a few other along with Doctor Bashir escape along with a very reluctant O'Brien

((6)) Doctor Bashir is successful, despite much hesitance and unease on Deep Space Nine with Goran'Agar's remaining men on board to start their "accelerated mutation to be better than their brothers and help them see how much stronger they can be without the Dominion"

((7)) but O'Brien is no longer Doctor Bashir's friend, angered by what Bashir did

((8)) a year or so later, Dumar's and the Federation's resistance is given a fair chance at beating the Dominion in light of most of the Gamma Quadrant Jem'Hadar siding with Goran'Agar(with their contempt for the Alpha Quadrant Jem'Hadar given new fire)

((9)) in desperation, the Founders allied with the Borg against their common enemies; the Founders agreed to let them keep the Delta Quadrant and the Beta Quadrant in exchange for showing no mercy to leaders with great resistance in the Alpha Quadrant

((10)) (related to above) but also since the Founders don't care much for the Delta Quadrant or the Beta Quadrant anyway

((11)) the Borg of course plotted to assimilate the leaders anyway by putting all their attacks in one fleet, thereby not giving leaders a chance to put up great resistance and keeping their agreement with the Founders

((12)) but this only made the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassians rebel all the more

((13)) Alpha and Gamma Quadrant Jem'Hadar turn on the Dominion, realizing the Founders no longer see them as worthy to fight and so the only way to really fight is to "fight for their right to fight" against the Dominion's forces; called the Dominion Great Depression by the Founders in the vain hope of discouraging more Jem'Hadar from rebelling

((14)) some Starfleet Captains were given salvaged Borg implants by Starfleet Intelligence in the hope of matching the Borg's power; some were successful, some weren't

((15)) Captain Sisko was one of the more successful(despite how much he hated the Borg and hated the idea of a Borg implant in him, even if it is temporary)

((16)) Captain Picard flat out refused a implant; but Captain Data was also among one of the more successful(who saw it as software to stick in him to combat a great evil that can just be taken out of him when the war is over)

((17)) the Federation put up a good fight and forced the Dominion and the Borg's forces into a stalemate

((18)) the surviving Borg self destruct or flee, but the Federation lost several worlds to the Borg including Betazed, Bajor, and Cardassia

((19)) Captain Sisko and Dukat's fight never happens, because Dukat and Dumar were taken out by a changeling(blaming both of them along with Garak for having a great hand in setting in motion the Dominion's Great Depression)

((20)) Garak though catches the changeling through his/her disguise before he/she can take him out, and so takes him/her out instead

((21)) in this timeline, the Prophets decide Captain Sisko should stay in this universe after the Dominion War to bring forth a rebirth of Bajoran culture and the Bajoran people as their Emissary(uniting Bajorans across the Quadrant, Maquis and non-Maquis, priests and non-priests for the future of all Bajoran people)

((22)) Captain Sisko resigns from Starfleet to become the new government head of the new Bajor, much to Kai Winn's highly reluctant agreement as a second in power to him

((23)) (related to above) as the Prophets said would be necessary to bring forth the rebirth of Bajoran culture and the Bajoran people(which Captain Sisko is himself highly reluctant about)

((24)) Garak or Doctor Bashir with his own ship; Garak possibility scrapped

((25)) (related to above) federation ship with Borg panels and with Gamma quadrant Jem'Hadar

3) three Captain Siskos from different timelines before the Guardian of Forever, brawling with Changeling assimilated Borg shapeshifting drones of Cardassians and Klingons

Alternate The Next Generation timelines

1) alternate Geordi's timeline

((1)) after Admiral Hayes gives Geordi a ultimatum about his Visor(from the Star Trek: The Next Generation eBook The Office of Insolence), Geordi decides to turn to a third choice(inspired by Commander Riker's risk taking on missions together onboard and off the Enterprise)

((2)) he takes a few days leave from duty to "think it over" back on Earth, but is really taking a shuttle with Data to Hugh's resistance(looking to make his Visor more secure with Hugh's help, but also to check on how his resistance is doing)

((3)) the mostly simple reconnaissance mission though takes a turn for the worse, and Geordi and Data find themselves in the middle of a civil war

((4)) Hugh's people have become two separate small nations; one more like Hugh(heavily guarded but otherwise peaceful), and one more like Lore(heavy on scientific study and technology, but without "weak human limits")

((5)) Geordi, Data, and Hugh work together to stop the more Lore like nation, only to find to their surprise a Lore II leading them(who was placed there by Section 31)

((6)) with Section 31 involved, Geordi and Data get a signal out to the Enterprise to help(Data gets the signal out through slightly modifying his neural net)

((7)) and after they go after Lore II, Hugh helps Geordi with making his Visor more secure

((8)) unfortunately, Lore II is a upgraded version of Lore, who is able to destroy Data

((9)) (related to above) when Data nobly sacrifices his android body by throwing himself at Lore II to save Geordi's and Hugh's lives, so that Geordi and Hugh could get a shot to shoot Lore II down when even Data couldn't damage him much

((10)) Geordi gets promoted to Commander, and he gets to keep his Visor(with some Borg implant tech around it)

((11)) a few years after, he gets to be Captain of his own ship(with some members of Hugh's resistance)

2) alternate Deanna Troi's timeline

-possibly was going to be a alternate Doctor Beverly Crusher's timeline, but that idea was scrapped

((1)) a more deadened Deanna Troi, who's been in a metaphasic ship against the Borg for so long that she's become more pain-ridden at "the voices of the assimilated" literally crying out to her for months

((2)) (related to above) especially of assimilated Betazoids, who she can hear their voices

((3)) (related to above) and more especially of her assimilated mother Lwaxana Troi; driving her crazy half the time, and the other half of the time comforting her with hope

((4)) and with Dr. Beverly Crusher lost at the hands of a Lore that was rebuilt by Romulans under Sela(to replace and impersonate Data to try to ensure the Romulan Empire conquering the Enterprise)

((5)) metaphasic shielding and USS Enterprise E

Metaphasic shielding for alternate Deanna Troi's USS Enterprise E

((1)) more compact tan gray storage compartment(for Riga's shuttle in The Next Generation episode Suspicions)

((2)) radial force compensators spread across very compact rung styled bulkheads aligned with the shield emitters(encasing moderately complex circuitry)

((3)) metaphasic projection matrix on the tactical console under a glass bluish white upper panel(white reddish lit silvery rim), with a special mostly plastic wheel like mostly light gray ventilation unit to ensure solar radiation is pushed away from the environmental systems and doesn't break in(unless the shielding is sabotaged)

((4)) a clear blue rod against mostly black only thing seen past the special mostly plastic wheel like mostly light gray ventilation unit

((5)) polarized field emitter coil crowbar like with its double set of tube shapes, dark gray, and mostly wrapped around the metaphasic projection matrix

((6)) (related to above) and outside it, over the ventilation unit; because otherwise the polarization would become too volatile and destroy the ship or shuttle the metaphasic shielding is around

Ehras's Universe

-for more info about Ehras, see under main chapters of Storm Shadows - Attunement or the special feature Notes in the Shadows

((1)) a universe where the Andorian Empire rules the Alpha Quadrant; even Ferenginar serves them

((2)) the Borg recently tried to challenge their strength; but, the Andorian Empire proved they were stronger and destroyed their fleet

((3)) the fleet in Ehras's universe used a experimental concentrated form of Multianics in gel pack form to hack the Borg and disarm their systems in mid-fire, overloading them

For Beta Squad(tying into Storm Shadows - Suspiration)

((1)) Going by a diverging continuity from the fanfiction story Afterthoughts, the Prophets weren't there to help Voyager against the Matrix(no, not The Matrix from The Matrix movies)

((2)) since Sisko was supposedly destroyed by Pah-wraith powered Dukat(and the gate to the Prophets remained closed in consequence)

((3)) Leaving Voyager's crew with one desperate alternative

((4)) (related to above) designing one chamber Kohl rocket ships of their own to give the Matrix a tempting target to worry about more(refitting several shuttles with a wirelessly connected Kohl stasis unit, greatly helped by Vyoir's special tricorder's neural Kohl enhancements to project neural pattern ghosts)

((5)) it bought enough time, but Xana and Vyoir were mentally attacked by the Matrix and left vulnerable to being lost to the Matrix in the Matrix's destruction(more explicitly both revealed as at least having been part of Beta Squad in the fanfiction story Eclipse)

Yet Even More Alternate Timelines Briefly Seen

1) set in the original series of Star Trek

((1))radioactive green and blue fragments in a wave of asteroids, blowing up and being collected by the USS Enterprise's buzzard collectors before they can collide with a mostly blue planet

((2)) the planet with islands and low energy shield generators that look like large mostly brown black and red lined rustic missiles to shield the islands's alien populations from the high tides

2) likely from the one from The Next Generation episode Yesterday's Enterprise

-the USS Enterprise-C going back through the unstable wormhole to the battle with the Romulans(around the Klingon outpost for Narenda III)

3) set in the Dominion War

((1)) the Orion Syndicate making a superweapon with several anti-matter cores for the Dominion to use(much like the one in the Star Trek video game Star Trek: Encounters) that the USS Enterprise-E has to stop with help from ten Klingon Birds-of-Prey and the USS Defiant

((2)) with a somewhat large fleet of Orion raiders(much like the ones in the Star Trek video game Star Trek: Encounters) and Jem'Hadar ships defending the superweapon

4) the USS Voyager comes across a solar system sized perfectly cloaked Dyson Sphere with burnt marks across it in the Delta Quadrant

((1)) which turns out to have been holding the Chodak rulers overturned by the rebel Chodak in stasis chambers and the USS Voyager's crew have to stop

((2)) they were in stasis, until a million and three centuries years later when Species 8472 and the Borg both tried to take the solar system sized Dyson Sphere for themselves

((3)) the Dyson Sphere burned their forces away, and the energy of the automated systems used to do so caused a great enough fluctuation in the energy into the stasis chambers for the Chodak rulers to reawaken and try to turn the Dyson Sphere back to re-conquer their ancient empire that used to span the Alpha and Beta Quadrants(the Chodak from The Next Generation video game Star Trek: A Final Unity)

((4)) (related to above) the USS Voyager comes across a sector sized perfectly cloaked Dyson Sphere with burn marks across it...which turns out to have been holding former rulers for a red beady eyed and mostly chalky bluish mollusk resembling race called the Chodak

((5)) (one million three hundred and six years ago) they were overthrown by a force of rebel Chodak, who thought their rulers were growing too powerful with Dyson Spheres, Delphic Expanse Spheres to contain and expand most kinds of captured subspace distortions, and other such reality warping developments in their empire

((6)) (related to above) and the Chodak rulers created Sphere-Builder rumors to hide that the Chodak built them(up to interpretation since only showed in another possible timeline altogether; but, possibly writing out Star Trek: Enterprise altogether by turning the Sphere-Builders into the Chodak)

((7)) the Chodak rulers have been in stasis in bright greenish force field protected stasis chambers ever since; until the sector sized Dyson Sphere burned forces from both Species 8472 and the Borg away

((8)) when the Chodak rulers reawaken, they try to turn the Dyson Sphere back to reclaim the solar systems of their long gone ancient empire that used to span the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

((9)) It's not long before the USS Voyager fires phasers to solder a way to beam in, and security teams start beaming in

((10)) (related to above) against speeding over Chodak rulers in their reactivated mobile and heavily fortified mostly dark gray life support capable artificial shells, with a glass bowl and pairs of blinking yellow lights for highly advanced pattern buffer and force field emitters