Hello fellas, yes I know it's been a long time and I'm sure that some of you think I have given up on this story. I assure you I haven't and I won't. The last couple of months were tough and I don't want to bore you with my personal life but my puppy died, I had a new job... I just want to thank you for the messages and for the reviews. I thrive with your feedback 3


A few minutes later, they got outside. The rain stopped but the fog was still crowding the bayou. She followed him as they headed to their car that was parked in the west. Klaus was busy dialing Marcel's number to gather more information about the missing strix member. While Hayley walked steadily a couple of meters behind him. She lowered her eyes to her ring finger, took her courage in both hands and removed the ring slowly. She felt thoroughly light and free as it fell in the mud. The ring sank in the wet muddy earth and she breathed in. With no regret or self reproach whatsoever she chinned up and kept moving forwards, casting all worries from her mind.

All the Mikaelsons were gathered around the timber legged table, discussing the hidden motives behind Freya's attacker. Everyone opined through a tour-de-table and it appeared that each one's views led on a one way or to Lucien. In the meantime, Hayley's mind was completely disconnected with her surroundings. Between the siblings' clashing and her daughter's whining for attention , she couldn't take her eyes off of Klaus' as he argued heatedly, slamming his fist against the table repeatedly to preach his point. The same man whose mere sight used to have the hair of her back prickle with ire and disgust looked unfathomably flawless to her.

She tilted her back in a lazy move and began to scrutinize the switching features of his face, how he would roll his eyes in exasperation whenever he got interrupted, his lips would form a wide line time after time and it had become familiar to Hayley as she learnt how to read his lips language. It's his own way of saying "bullshit". That line would occasionally shift into a small "oh" that would mean he was changing his mind or considering another option, which was the opposite of the big "oh" as it often bore an ironic exclamation of an unsurprising news more than anything. His words didn't reach her ears because they had been instantaneously converted into groans and moans, his moans, and they were on replay mode. She couldn't oust the images of his lips crushed against hers, his clammy hands tangled between her curls, his lusty eyes, his tempting words, and mostly his scent that imbued the compound.

She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with his musk, her lazy eyes fell on his neck and traveled down his torso and she caught herself choking on her silent moans as her voluptuous thoughts hazed over her surroundings like a thick veil, transporting her to a windowless room where she lay beneath the original hybrid on a king-size bed. She wanted him.


Her ludicrous smile didn't go unnoticed since she made the mistake of sitting right opposite to Elijah whose eyes were glancing at her every now and then. But absent-minded as she was, she didn't even feel his eyes skimming her conspicuous state of distraction. She looked at his brother in a way he hadn't seen her looking at anybody else in this house but him. Not a one single regard of admiration from Hayley towards the hybrid had his mind ever registered since the day he saved her from the witches. Causing him to wonder, what did Klaus do to earn that look? Why is she looking at him that way and more importantly why hadn't she laid an eye on him ever since the the beginning of the reunion? Elijah was wearing a puzzled look, feeling the knot of his ties getting tighter around his neck like a thorny rope. Saying that he was frustrated was a disappointed. He was witnessing the beginning of something between the two hybrids that he couldn't puzzle out.

"This means that he was also behind the last attack ? What do you think Hayley?" Freya's question brought Hayley from her air castle and she blinked to her with a clueless shrug.

"Yeah, but you know they were accusing Klaus of being responsible for those disappearance until I told them about his latest black out but I can tell they are still blaming him for it and the only way to prove his innocence is to find the bad guy" She blurted out in a rush, her eyes traveled between the Mikaelsons and all she saw were a four pair of puzzled eyes gaping at her as though she had suddenly grown a beard. What did she say?

"Were you even listening? Hayley we're talking about Freya's attack. I think you need some sleep. You look terrible" Kol suggested, as he watched the hybrid withdrawing from the table without hesitation like a bird who was granted freedom. "Hayley" Klaus stood up and called out her name, having her stop dead on her tracks.

"Are you alright?" He asked with a tad of concern in his voice and she felt her feet leaving the ground.

"I'm okay I just feel a bit washed out. I'll have an hour sleep" without turning around, she exited the room while resting her hand on her head. Pretending to have a head-ache was her last-ditch attempt to shield herself from any suspicion. She felt their eyes on her back as she headed to the stairway.

"She's been acting a little bit weird lately" Kol stated, his hand tapping the table.

"She over-did it in the party that's all" Klaus justified with a dismissive shrug before he regained his head seat of the table.

"I think she looks out of sorts to me" Said Freya before she added " We all do" she circled her arms around herself slowly.

"The pasts few months weren't easy on any of us Freya but we mustn't give up. All our lives we had fought to stay alive and succeeded because we stood together regardless our differences. The betrayals and the scheming that caused our way to part made us an easy target. But we learnt our lesson" Elijah's eyes were now diverted to Klaus' as he clasped his empty glass "it taught us that family is power" he resumed, lingering on the last word with emphasis. Freya and Kol nodded approvingly at his sound words except for Klaus who was contemplating his feet, internally blaming himself for being a bad student after all those years. He knew he was a back-stabber, a thief, he would always see the beauty in things he wasn't entitled to possess. And for that he would do everything in his power to seize them, whether by force or duress.

He failed with Tatia and it all started then. Stealing Aurora from Lucien a thousand year ago turned out to be his worst decision and it didn't prevent him from repeating the same error with Tyler when he devoted a yeah of his life hounding his girlfriend, he would have taken Caroline from Stefan if he had the opportunity just like he did with Marcel when he set his mind to draw the poor bartender into his web.


The memory of her name pinned him in the heart like a flaming arrow. And here it is now, again, the history was repeating itself with Hayley and it sickened him. Not only did he hate the recurrence of his deeds but also their outcomes, which were inevitable tragic.

"We cannot agree with you more brother, no one can ascend us apart as long as we stick together like a glue" Those were Klaus' final words before he stood up "I need to clear up a few things with Marcel, you'll find me in my study" he added as he made his way upstairs.

His siblings dispersed around the compound, each one heading to his room. It was already night and Freya's lids never felt heavier, although her body was completely healed, her mind was muddled, tainted by shatters of images she couldn't sort out. It felt like her subconscious was trying to recover some memory from her accident but every time she was close to get the full picture, her mind would shut down. An exhausted sigh escaped her dry lips, her body was dehydrated from lack of water and sleep. Sleep, that was her outmost need.

Klaus picked up Hope, interrupting her long quest for only God knows then climbed the stairs. He footed through the corridor lazily, feeling his feet lingering near the little wolf's room when he saw the light beaming through the ajar door. His hand itched to knock but chose to move on. Suddenly his daughter's shrinking reverberated through the corridor and he instinctively found himself gagging her small mouth with his hand.

" Hushhhh you're gonna wake mommy" he whispered in her little ear but she didn't comply and began to wiggle, kicking and screaming with all her baby might to reach out the floor. He lifted her until her chubby thighs landed on his wide shoulder, getting her pupils to dilate at the high altitude. Klaus ran like a fool through the corridor and she giggled hysterically as her whole body bounced in all directions.

"You've done a pretty good job to not disturb my sleep" His whole body spun around to the opposite direction. Hayley's head popped from the door, failing to shake off the sleep from her eyes. Klaus took a few steps forwards as he slipped Hope down to his arms.

"Enough Rodeo for tonight" He pinched dearly his daughter's cheek and turned on his heel.

"Klaus we need to talk" her tone was dead serious and it stirred something in him.


He made his way to the nursery without saying a word, she heard him wishing a good night to their daughter and in a split of a moment he appeared again in the hallway. His eyes devoid expression, like he was expecting a some big announcement to shake up his already disturbed world.

"What's wrong sweetheart" Her eyes wandered through the space that separated them, and she motioned to her room with her finger.

"Come here first" she pointed out, her eyes were staring at his now and he couldn't help but comply in her request.

He handed her a dusty leather-bound book. It looked more like a grimoire. The dark-skinned witch clasped the book and began to flip through the pages, reading carefully the old manuscript. Her eyes widened over its content, horror written all over her face.

"You must have gone out of your mind if you truly think I'm going to perform this diabolic spell" The woman bawled in a scornful tone.

"You will perform it because we made a deal, you do the spell and I hand you back the books. Are you willing to trade a 1000-year old legacy with the lives of those wretched demons" Lucien retorted angrily, threats overshadowing his tone as he glared at the Soloms witch.

"By creating a more redoubtable demon, I won't take part in this madness and screw the books if you believe they're a great enough leverage over me or any Solom. No one's gonna do it for you, at least not my coven" She spat venomously, preparing herself to storm out of the room.

"You got me all wrong darling. I'm not imploring you, I'm giving you an order. Your assignment is to channel your herd of witches and make it done. You fail your task and I will kill the lots of you in the most tormenting way" He yanked her bushy hair until his mouth was inches close to her ear and whispered menacingly "Make it snap" She gasped under his grip and was about to free herself with her magic when he threw her onto the floor, causing her to keel over and land flat on her face.

"You have until tomorrow to finish your work. Next time I won't be this lenient" he roared back, urging her to jump on her feet.

She'd got the fidgets and nothing could keep her still as she continued playing with the hem of her sweater dress. Her eyes strayed slowly from her twitchy hands and finally met his for a fraction of second. He fixed a anticipated gaze on her and she was a bundle of nerves. He needed to know, she pledged his brother to tell him the truth and she had to keep her promise even if she had to face Klaus' wrath for that. She summoned up all her courage in one long deep breath, almost a sigh and reached for his hand. His eyes wrinkled at her restless demeanor.

"Today is the full moon and you know that, don't you?" she chose her words carefully, guiding him to sit on the couch but he stood stoic still, his hand stiffened beneath hers. Her look, her hesitant posture, her long silence and the way she had been endeavoring to hide her fear only suggested bad news to him.

"We talked about this plenty of times Hayley" No more endearing names.

Hayley damn straight.

"He was annoyed" She thought.

His iris turned into a darker shade of grey and he threw her an ominous look. Now she was hovering whether to speak or to keep her mouth shut because nothing in the way he stared at her encouraged honesty, it felt more like a counter blast pushing her a few steps back from where she was standing. Maybe it was a bad idea after all.

"Do you want to talk about what happened there. In the Bayou" he inched forwards, forcing her to look up by grabbing her delicate chin. His cool breath met her warm skin, awakening her senses deep in the core. The proximity wasn't something she could easily get herself adjusted to. God he was intimidating.

"Klaus you've been taking my blood during your entire coma and ever since you got back from it" she coughed it up in one short mouthful sentence, trying to display her most innocence face. Because that was the only thing she could rely on along with Jesus at that moment if she needed to escape the wrath of the man standing before her. His lips parted slightly, he was scrutinizing her, failing to detect any tinge of humor in her statement, his face broke into a frown which slowly shifted into smirk. The news truck him as odd and it was obvious to Hayley who wouldn't be caught dead watching the original hybrid in his state of disarray. Her eyes travelled through the room, looking at everything but him until she felt his hands grabbing her shoulders harshly.

"Tell me you're bluffing" his confusion was replaced by ire and bile, he shook her hard until his nose grazed with hers. The slenderest movement and they could easily end up bouche-à-bouche. No matter how she tried to look brave and sassy, it was those moments of closeness that would strip Hayley to the bones. As an alternative, she considered capturing his lips and make it sound like a slip of a tongue or an ill-tasted joke, showering him with kisses and giving him the fullmoon night of his dreams. But who was she kidding, it was Klaus Mikaelson she was playing this game with.

"No I'm speaking the truth you've been..." she could barely finish her words when he screamed at her "You shut up Hayley" he pushed her away and she almost lost her balance.

"Why would you do it, what was going on in your bloody mind?" She could see his veins bulging out around his eyes as his grating voice echoed through the compound. The whole french quarter probably heard his roaring, let alone his siblings, so it was about time they barged in the room.

"Don't you raise your voice, your daughter is sleeping next door" She rushed to him, begging him to calm down. Unfortunately , her whispers were answered by a far louder shout that fell gratingly on her ears "Don't you lie right to my face" With his finger, he poked her left shoulder. His face was a wrinkled canvas of anger and betrayal.

The echoes of their screaming traveled through the hallway, urging the rest of the Mikaelsons to run towards the source of the bickering. Elijah was still wearing his immaculate black garment while Kol and Freya were in their nerdy Pajamas. The three of them lurked around the hall, prodding each other's elbow so one of them would open the door. To their surprise, the door opened abruptly and they found themselves face to face with Klaus.

"And I assume you too already know that" he loathly glared at them, hissing with a choleric tone.

"Don't lash out on us, we don't even know what you're talking about?" Kol growled back. He was genuinely oblivious to his brother's accusations. The opposite could be said about Elijah and Freya who exchanged blank looks.

"Klaus they have nothing to do with it" Hayley grabbed the back of his shirt but he yanked himself free "I'm not talking to you". That was the breaking point of her patience. Hayley's fist kicked the door shut, drilling a lemon-sized hole on its surface.

"You leave them out of it, you will shut up and you will listen to me" She stressed out every word in the attempt of making herself understood. His finger clutched the wooden handle and was to open the door when Hayley bent over and slammed it shut again. His nostrils flared at her childish defiance and he felt his blood was rushing to his head, causing his heart to pulsate.

"You know damn well what happened in the last fullmoon, I actually thought I was bloody recovering and now you're saying that your blood was sustaining me all this time" He barked, jabbing the air with his pointed finger at each utterance.

"And you think you're an easy person to talk huh? that I had a choice. I could have hidden the truth and you wouldn't know about it until God only knows how long. I'm sorry. Alright" Her words were clipped, thrusting into the air like bullets and they only served to add more fuel to his rage.

"You cannot see beyond your nose. You don't think about me fine but at least think about yourself. Did it ever occur to you that this blood sharing will make you weak? are you seriously contemplating a life of a blood bag? I'm desperately trying to get hold of the bit of sanity in you" His own words played back on his mind, amplifying his anger. To his surprise, she didn't fire back and her once blazing eyes retrieved their peaceful color. It completely slipped her mind that he was actually worried about her, that this whole outburst was partly driven by feelings of concern. She didn't see that coming and for a moment she found herself at loss of words.

"Oh" that was all she said.

Elijah heard the whole arguing, mostly like Freya and Kol, and thought it was the right moment to intervene before they knock the daylights of each other.

"Klaus can I have a moment with you please" he knocked politely at the door with the back of his finger. No answer came so far and he realized that maybe they needed a moment of privacy but shortly the door was open and Klaus was storming out of the room. His siblings watched his back as he paced down the hallway.

"I'm not done with you" He ignored her shouts, but then he halted abruptly and spun around on his heels. A familiar move he would do to seal a fight with more slicing words. Another Klaus move Hayley's mind registered from the past months she spent with him.

"Why don't you tell them huh? Maybe if we lay the cards on the table they will help us. Maybe it you tell them what we've been doing all these weeks we won't be alone in our struggle" No one understood what he said except for Hayley whose face turned five shades lighter. He was challenging her to speak as he narrowed his eyes at her direction . Elijah eyes were diverted to her as well as Freya's and Kol's, waiting for her to say something. She couldn't bring herself to share her fervid moments with Klaus in front of them, and by them she meant Elijah. Was he inciting her to talk about the blood sharing or extra-carricular activies. She couldn't take a hint for he wasn't even looking at her. He was literately letting her down.


A wave of anxiety surged through her whole body like a somkescreen but didn't reach her face. That wasn't the right moment to learn how to keep a poker face but she managed to maintain a understated smile, as if everything was under control.

"What were you two doing?" Elijah questioned and she found herself rambling.

"Well... ever since the day you visited us in California, he would feed on my blood, not regularly but .. you know... in small amounts" As simple as that, she replied cooly, cursing the discontinuity of her discourse.

Elijah felt his feet sinking in the ground. It wasn't as though he didn't knew about it, yet he acted surprised. The news wasn't something easy to swallow and he wondered what else were they hiding from him. Freya had already filled in Kol with all the boring details of her one year stay in the Mikaelson household, providing him with the controversial backstory of Elijah and Hayley thoroughly. His substantial knowledge in the supernatural world had a strong foothold in everything that related to bonding, mainly the blood bonding between any two creatures of the same specie. And as much as he wanted to soothe the atmosphere on his proper way, he knew that nothing could be said as the situation warranted.

"I'm so sorry, this is my fault" Freya spoke apologetically, lowering her eyes to the floor "The cure didn't work and it's all my fault. I must have done something wrong" but she was soon interrupted by Kol.

"Don't put all the blame on yourself Freya, we did our best" he shrugged.

Klaus watched his big brother's expressions hardening. He didn't utter a word but the worst was yet to come. Somehow, the timing and place seemed perfect to Klaus to confess. Neither Elijah's drained face, nor Hayley alarming eyes would stop him from telling the truth. He was adamant to speak.

"That's not all" he said solemnly.

She pursed her lips and without breaking eye contact, she shot him an extended glare, outstaring him to shut up.

"Hayley they will know it, if not now maybe at the stroke of midnight, or perhaps in few seconds. You know how things work between us when the spirit of the woods take over" He bore a cynical expression as he gestured to the sky with his twitchy hand, pointing to the fullmoon.

Hayley's face was cadavar-like, feeling her soul leaving her body as he pronounced the words. It was bound to happen and she knew there was no outlet in dilly dallying. Nevertheless, this wasn't the way she wanted it to be said. Not like this, not now. The bastard didn't leave her so much of a choice. She reached a point of uncomfortableness where she felt like digging a deep hole and burying herself under seven coats of cements. But nothing could shield her from the watchful eyes that peered at her as she stood still on her spot. She pulled herself together, regained her languid composure and faced Elijah, he who eyed her with his most crumpled face, once more. Her mouth slightly opened, ready to break the solemn silence and she found herself stuttering. Elijah could see her iris glowering teal and glistening with tears. She was reflecting longer than usual, past the point at which she was supposed to give an answer. No one wants to be in this position and it stirred compassion from Elijah even though he was the one to be pitied right then.

"I know" said Elijah like he was confirming some unsaid words.

A look of relief flushed through her face before it broke into a frown. What does he know? and how? when?

"It doesn't matter what you're going to say, I know it. I know everything" he deadpanned before he retired to his room, hiding the pain in his eyes.

Kol and Freya exchanged a what-the-hell look, itching to say something to get over the awkwardness of the situation. What does he know? the same question jumped in everyone's mind. Elijah slammed the door shut behind him in fury. There was not much a point in acting cool after what had been said, as a matter of fact nothing was said. Slowly the corridor was empty again and everyone drew in his corner. Hayley trudged back to her chamber, not bothering casting a final glance at the father of her child because his mere presence sickened her. He on the other hand, strolled back to his study, wearing a defeated scowl. His plan was to force her to speak because a part of him, the sadistic part of him wished she had told his brother the truth. He ran a hand through his dump hair and seated on the edge of the couch. Her fulgent gaze was stamped on his mind, brewing like a storm over his head. The 24 past hours took the toll on him. Many things were said, strange things were done and his mind was lagging behind, failing to catch up all the mess he made.

"The wolves have been searching high and low for their Alpha, a certain Jade. It was reported to me that the guy vanished an hour or less after the ceremony. The thing is, now they are blaming us" said Marcel, as he rubbed his stubbly chin in speculation.

"Why does it have to be us who need to prove themselves clear when everybody knows that the witches are you know witches, they've done pretty much horrible things to the wolves?" urged Josh.

"True. But the only people who can benefit from the kidnapping of the new alpha are us. I myself would have suspected vampires if I were them" the vampire replied coolly.

"But we didn't take their Alpha, why would we do it? kick an alpha, another will take his place, this is absurd!"

"What really matters now it what they believe. For them we're the enemy and If I were ever to make things work again in this city, the wolves must be by our side and for this we will do our best to find the real troublemaker" his words didn't seem to convince Josh as he rolled his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

"Forgive my lack of interest Marcel but I don't think this issue is any of our business. Meddling in wolves' things has been nothing but hardship as far as I'm concerned"He retorted nonchalantly.

"The wolves are part of this city" Marcel affirmed and he earned a chuckle from Josh.

"Just like the strix huh? Everyone can be part of this city Marcel. Speaking of your dark-suited soldiers, did it ever occur to you that maybe one of them did pull this stunt"

"Are you suggesting there's someone plotting behind my back? I'm not fool enough to trust these guys 100% Josh but if there is something I sure know about these people is that their loyalty lie with the winning side, thanks to Elijah being the top banana, no one can break my rules" His attention was fully on the young vampire.

"What if there were two people at the top of the ladder"

"An undercover Boss? this is so far the funniest conspiracy theory you came up with" Now Marcel was the one who was rolling his eyes.

"I don't know. I'm not a half millennium genius strategist. Fine. Yet I know that no strix member threw you a parade when you earned your kingship. Some of them hate you and would do anything to sabotage the balance we're so desperate to preserve in the city. I can smell the rat".

Josh was right. He thought Marcel. What if there were traitors among the strix? It wouldn't be hard to bust the bad eggs but it would certainly be a challenge to find out the one they were working for.

The full moon hung like a massive pearl, shining over the compound in all its glory. Swirls of light crippled through the curtains of the window, forming seamless figure of interwoven strands. He stomped to the balcony and drew back the lace curtains. There must be at least a place in this house where he can hide from the vile moonshine that kept hunting him, chanting tantalizingly in his ears like a nigh-twitch. Maybe he was being paranoid. He took back his seat on the couch and began to indulge in his whiskey. At least he won't be spending the night alone now that he surrounded himself with his favorite liquor.

The night began hectic but now it went completely serene. His once flexed muscles were slowly dilating as he gulped the bottle like a child who hadn't seen water for weeks, with each gulp his Adam apple wobbled and the liquor oozed from his dry lips. He added some ice to his glass and leaned forwards to pour another drink when he heard a faint gasp. Someone was in the room. He stood up on his feet and spun around, following the source of the noise as the gasps turned into hiccoughs. Someone was crying and the only one he could think about was Hayley.

He walked off to the corridor, tip toeing until he was at her door. Leave her alone! a shrinking voice bawled at him, warning him to back off. Yet he was still stalking her door like a desperate beggar. Her breathing hitched. She must have sensed his presence. A hallow sound escaped her lips. She must be crying. He could imagine her sobbing silently in the dark while clasping her pillow for comfort. He could hear everything, her heartily sniffs, her unsteady heart beating, he could even smell the salty tears crossing her cheeks.

Klaus opened the door carefully, causing it to creak eerily, making his presence officially known. Although he knew she was awake he decided to behave as if she was asleep. He peeped his head into the room and she stirred to the other side, not giving away any hint of attention. She decided to ignore him for she had neither the strength nor the desire to talk. Maybe if she pretended to be sleeping he would decide to leave. She prayed.

Two minutes, which she was literary counting, passed and he was still standing behind her. Like a non-existant hand who was grazing the outline of her bare shoulder, his eyes kept brooding over her, skimming every part of her body. She realized she wasn't crying anymore. Not that his visit was relieving, on the contrary she found herself holding her breath, but at least she wasn't crying. He staggered around her bed, the distinct smell of alcohol seeped from his breath slightly, forcing her eyes to flicker open to finally meet his eyes.

"What do you want?" with a rasping voice she uttered, clearly bothered by his appearance.

He seated on the edge of the bed and looked down at her.

"I caused those tears, It's time to wipe them away" His voice was too soft for a guy who was screaming at the top of his lungs half an hour ago. She burried her face in the pillow, hiding her red-rimmed eyes.

"The reason why I cry is none of your business. I owe you nothing so you can knock off" she was trying so hard to sound mean. As an excuse to get closer to her, he leaned to tug a wayward strand of hair behind her ear , but she curled up in a ball.

"Go away" she pled him as she wiped a silent tear with the back of her hand. As much as he hated seeing her cry, he would watch her forever in this state. Wrapped up like a burrito between the sheets with her dark hair spread over the pillow like a halo. He would make a hell of a portrait of her.

"Look at me" he held her hand gently.

"I lost it" she cried, suddenly looking at him straight in the eyes, a pair of tears raced down her face. Then another followed, then another until she was sobbing hysterically, sniffing in every ten seconds. Klaus knew there was more than meets the eye. She had never been an easy crier. He had known her tough and snob, totally different from the weeping girl he was comforting now. There must be something that stirred buried emotions. Something sad enough to make Hayley cry her heart out like that.

"I lost it" she cried bitterly again.

"What have you lost" Klaus asked. Was she referring to Elijah's support? his trust probably?

"My engagement ring"

He didn't see it coming. Klaus was dumbstruck by what he had heard. That was a hit under the belt and he needed at least a few hours to recover from it. He swallowed his pride and asked again "How did you lose it?" her brows creased together as she let out a frustrated sigh.

"I threw it away in a moment of weakness" she hissed cynically, mocking her own self for being weak.

Now that the picture became fully clear to him, Klaus slipped out of her bed, already regretting coming here in the first place. The girl was obviously mourning her dead husband and his assistance is beyond irrelevant. It turned out that their last squabble opened old wounds and that the only thing she needed was some space, to grieve, alone. He stomped out of the room, feeling his lungs screaming for air. The moon shone above him, looking unconventionally bigger and brighter. He took a deep breath, indulging in the mesmerizing starry sky. That was the second most beautiful thing he had seen in that night. He found himself smiling, a desperate smile to cover his defeat. Given that the woman he wanted was giving him the cold shoulder in the night he needed her the most, he could trick himself into being happy. For a moment, he almost convinced himself with his delusional euphoria until the reality hit him like a boxing bag.

She was regretting everything she felt for him, everything they did. How could he feel okay with that? He won't allow himself to lose her this quickly. Whether by crook or hood, he would win her back. Even if he had to kneel at her feet for that. The adrenaline surged through his body like an electric shock and unwillingly he found himself running back to her room.