Blindness to Others

Chapter 1: Bound

(First Fanfic; so Apologies

"text" is talking

'text' is thinking

"text" is whispering

-text- is written words

text; is signing)

Sextuplets in one family, one was bound to be born with some type of defect or problem. Sadly the family had trouble keeping up with expenses as is; so they could not afford much for their disabled son. It wasn't like it was something that was hard to deal with, but it did often make the young one feel left out of things.

Though there were upsides to having trouble hearing; those being that they made sure he had help at school when he needed it and his family seemed to worry more about him. It ended up still not being enough in the end though; the special treatment wasn't good for his mental health as he felt babied and still unable to communicate properly to his family. As none of them knew Sign language, not even his oldest sextuplet brother Osomatsu tried. Jyushimatsu had tried, but he never seemed to realize his dumb sleeves were to long. As for the others they hadn't mentioned it as far as he could tell.

It was tough for Ichimatsu he would secretly hope that someone would bother with him, but who would? He was Trash wasn't he; he snickered lightly to himself in his mind. At least that was what he had thought, but the other 3 brothers seemed to want to try. Unbeknownst to him of course, they wanted to make it a surprise for him of course. Choromatsu wanted to know for the simple reasons of communicating with his quietest brother and also the fact it looked good on his resume in the future after they graduated, Todomatsu or as they liked to call him Totty wanted it for one simple reason as well to make girls think he was a good brother, and Karamatsu he just wanted to be a better brother.

At the time though for now he would have to resort to just getting a written note from his family about things, usually he answered just with a nod back or a simple answer.

One afternoon though Karamatsu and Choromatsu had surprised him when they were about to chow down on their mother's delicious food. A light tap on the shoulder made him twitch a bit annoyed since he was looking forward to eating then going to relax. He turned with an angry look on his face which made Karamatsu scoot back a bit as if getting his warning. Choromatsu though grinned, "Ichi we have a surprise for you" his grin being joined in with Karamatsu as he said quickly. Ichi squinted reading their lips though he wasn't always sure what they said and Choro did talk fast at times. He huffed upsettingly, "i can't read your lips when you talk that fast" a slight marbled accent coming from him. Choro frowned a bit but nodded and looked to Karamatsu, ;We learned how to sign for you little brother; they both signed in unison though Karamatsu was off slightly because he tried to make the movements to big.

Ichimatsu was shocked no emotion on his face inside his stomach guttered with butterflies, a small blush emerging on his face as he looked away from his two brothers, "you didn't have to do that" he mumbled under his breath and took his food in his hands.

Osomatsu laughed at his forth brother rubbing a single finger under his nose, "I think he likes it, but wasn't Totty also learning?" he mumbled near the end looking at the two brothers after him. "Ah about that I gave up it was two difficult" Todomatsu waved him off from the other side of the room, also digging into his food. Oso, Kara, and Choromatsu shivered at the coldness from their youngest brother. "ICHIMATSU-NIISAN IS HAPPY YEAH!" Jyushimatsu blurted out, a noodle coming slightly out of his nose; which made Choromatsu a bit uncomfortable.

The Happiness though did not last long, Ichimatsu was indeed happy he could communicate with his brothers more, but he realized that soon the school year was coming to a close and they would be all graduating soon which meant he'd be alone again. At least that's what he thought, he sighed loudly sitting in their usual area watching as Karamatsu packed his bag for a trip with the drama club he was going on.

He seemed excited and nervous he was sweating a bit, but Ichimatsu couldn't help to be pained by what he was packing. Sparkling sequined blue pants, a tank top with his own face, and his favorite leather jacket. Ichie mumble a small ow under his breath; at least he thought it was small in till his sibling turned facing him and signed largely in his own annoying way, ;What's wrong my Brothza are you injured? do you need my expertise in health?; causing Ichi to scoff at him. "SHITTYMATSU STOP PLAYING WITH HOW YOU SIGN" he said annoyed slowly getting up and going more into the corner. Karamatsu laughed lightly as he dragged his things towards the front of the home. Once Karamatsu left that's when things started to go downhill.

He felt the door open suddenly with a panicked Osomatsu staring back at him, "ICHIMATSU COME QUICK" He yelled quickly then ran off. Ichimatsu had only grasped that he said his name a bit perplexed on what was happening, he slowly got up and peaked his head out the sliding door to see what was happening. Choromatsu had run past him pulling on his shoes sweat pouring off of him as he ran out quickly. Ichimatsu shuffled out the door a bit more unknowing what was the rush, when he felt his hand taken in by another. Turning he saw that it was his mother gripping it tightly with tears in her eyes, this pulled Ichimatsu back a bit. 'was something wrong is dad hurt or was his mother pregnant' either was a good excuse to cry in his mind for her. That's when his mother opened her mouth trembling but not slow enough to confuse Ichimatsu, "Your brother's bus got in an accident" her voice soft.

He tried to word what she had said to make it more clear, when he finally understood what she said, "accident?" his stomach dropped leaving an unpleasant feeling in his chest. Thoughts crumbled into his mind all at once the main one being a question, 'was Karamatsu...gone?' He looked to his mother emotionally blank at least that's what he had thought, but his face read that he was upset. He went to the door and got his shoes on walking outside where Totty had stayed behind, "Nii-san are you ready?" obviously waiting for Ichi.

Ichimatsu was a bit jealous how was Todomatsu so calm in this situation, that's what he thought in till he felt something cold drop on his hand. Todomatsu was crying and trying to wipe the tears out of his eyes. Ichimatsu breathed a bit before he said something, "Karamatsu is fine he's to dumb to die" a bit more then what he'd usually say, but in a way he was trying to lie to himself. Todo nodded giving a soft smile, but it didn't make his tears stop only lesson.

It wasn't long in till they'd gotten to the hospital, his other brothers were sitting in the waiting room; Choromatsu spotted them first speaking and signing when he saw the two, "Karamatsu is injured, but luckily alive; Ichimatsu he wants to see you" he gave a soft smile. Ichimatsu looked a bit dumbfounded and pointed to himself, why would that idiot have wanted to see him first. He nodded though not one for bringing it up though because it seemed inappropriate. Choromatsu lead the way, Ichi though maybe it was so that Kara didn't have to waist his energy to sign to him. Which he was honestly alright with, when he entered though he was not ready for the sight.

Honestly is was BOUND to happen in the end.

(End of Chapter 1: Bound, next Chapter Unforgiving.

I hope you enjoyed my first page of my first fanfic :D)