Amanda's body went stiff. Of all the things she expected him to say, this was just…

"You…You want what now?" she whispered, hoping like hell there was some mistake; that she misunderstood him or something.

"You heard me before. I will not repeat myself again."

She stood there, staring at him in utter disbelief. After a few moments of silence went by, he let out a loud, irritated growl.

"Well? Are you going to remove the towel or not?"

"I…" she stuttered. He growled again and bared his teeth at her. Although her tongue felt like lead, she managed to shake her head in answer.

"Why not?" he hissed.

"B…Because you don't need to see!"

"As far as I am concerned, it does not matter if I need to or not. You are going to do what I say."

"And if I don't?" she asked, but clamped her mouth shut immediately after.

"Then you will not get your clothes back," he answered simply. Amanda sighed in relief, but went stiff when she realized what he was going to do instead.

Or, more accurately, what he wasn't going to do.

"You will have to wear that towel from now on. That is, until I take that away as well." She flinched in response, imagining him ripping it away and tossing it somewhere out of her reach. Of having to stand before him while more vulnerable than she'd ever been before with his eyes roaming over her. Laughing and enjoying her torment…

Speaking of laughter, said noise broke her out of her thoughts. It came from none other than the devil himself, who was still chuckling while he turned and strutted to the nearest bunk, the one closest to her storage locker. He climbed into it and turned back to her again.

"It is your choice Amanda," he stated, while he laid down and made himself comfortable, his spiny backside facing towards her. "Feel free to join me when you are ready."

Amanda stared at his chitinous form for some time. She really didn't want to, but she had few options right now. Her body grew colder every second, and since the alien would eventually get what he wanted anyway, she decided that it was better to get it over with. Not to mention that it looked like he expected to sleep curled around her again. If she had her clothes, they would provide better protection from his icy skin than her current attire.

"If I do this," she said, after working up the nerve to speak, "You'll give me my clothes back?"

The alien perked at that and looked over his shoulder at her. "Define 'do this'," he said, silvery teeth bared in a malicious grin. "What is it you are going to let me do?"

She narrowed her eyes, cheeks coloring in embarrassment. Of course it wasn't enough for him to get what he wanted. He just had to take the extra step and make it even worse by forcing her to say it.

"I…I'll let you see me naked," she finally spoke, face burning while back of her throat began to clog, "As long as you bring my clothes back first."

The alien rose from the bed and approached again, forcing her to take a few steps back. He never tired of cornering her, it seemed.

"Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding," he began, "If I retrieve your clothes and bring them here, you will let me see what you look like with nothing on."

"Yes," Amanda said. She clutched the towel tightly, almost like a lifeline, despite the fact that said lifeline was going to be torn away shortly.

"Very well," he agreed, a grin forming as he turned towards the door. "I will be back in a moment."

She watched him walk away, body shivering from both cold and fear until he returned with her clothes in hand. He let her see them before dropping the pile by the door and striding up to her, staring expectantly as he gestured towards the towel. She gulped and, after a few seconds of mental preparation, finally dropped the one thing that concealed her nudity.

Amanda became like a statue almost immediately, every muscle locked tight as the alien's eyes roamed over her naked body. This was one of the few times that another being had seen her like this, and the fact that she was unused to such bareness made it even worse. Soon, the embarrassment was too much for her and she shut her eyes. But they jolted open in the next second, however, when she felt his cold, rough hand on her chest.

Amanda let out a shrill shriek and jerked away as if she had been electrocuted. Without thinking, she dove into the nearby bunk, pressing herself into a corner and pulling her knees to her chest to block her privates from the alien's gaze.

He stared at her in shock, but quickly climbed into the bunk with her. He hissed angrily while hovering above, causing the terrified human to press herself even further into her corner.

"What are you doing!?" he demanded.

"I don't want you to touch me!" she exclaimed.

The alien let out a heavy sigh. "I am not going to harm you, Amanda!"

"I don't care! You keep your hands off me!"

He observed her, taking note of her bodily reactions while shaking his head in exasperation. "What is the problem here? I already said I would not hurt you."

"I wouldn't expect you to understand, but this is wrong. We shouldn't be doing this."

"How is this wrong?"

"I…" She cut herself off, and tried to think of a clear way to explain the human concept of modesty. "Look…The way humans are raised…I mean…You know…"

Amanda couldn't stop stuttering. It was hard to talk properly with him so angry and close to her. Not to mention the fact that she was naked, uncomfortable, and vulnerable.

"No. I do not know," he hissed, tone getting heavier with rising annoyance. "Now start talking."

She gulped and took a few seconds to settle her breathing. Then she tried again, and somehow managed to force out her thoughts clearly. "What I was trying to say is that humans don't just strip down in front of others just because, especially not if that someone is the opposite gender. We're taught that it's wrong, and the fact that I'm doing it now makes me uncomfortable."

He only stared at her, the sudden silence making her uncomfortable. "And," she continued. "It's unnerving because…be…" She cut off. Nothing she said made any sense to him. She could tell by the way he was looking at her.

"Pathetic," he finally declared. "Your race consists of nothing but weaklings and cowards. So you are," he huffed, "'uncomfortable' for a short period of time. How is it that much of an issue?" Then, as an afterthought, he added, "And it is not like other humans will know. It will be just between us."

"Why are you doing this?" she asked after a moment of silence, and didn't even bother to answer his question. "I thought you found me disgusting."

The alien cocked his head. "I do not find you disgusting," he said, though he was looking at her strangely. "Weak and defenseless, but not disgusting. Besides, if I really felt that way, then why did I sleep with you last night?"

The way he worded that, it bothered her. "We didn't…"

"And to answer your other question," he interrupted. "I am doing this because I am curious. You always insist on keeping yourself covered, so I cannot help but wonder what you are hiding behind your outer layers."

"You don't have to touch me, though. You can see me just fine," she argued.

"Touching something is a part of satisfying curiosity, is it not?" he shot back.

Amanda sighed and bit her lip while wondering why she even bothered fighting with him. He always found a way to get what he wanted; all fighting ever did was prolong the inevitable.

"Fine," she hesitantly relented. "Just be careful."

"I know," he said. "My claws, which are already very capable of shredding human skin, are about touch areas that are even more susceptible to being shredded than the rest of you. I will be careful, but I will not guarantee that nothing will happen. We will just have to wait and see."

That was his response. It wasn't very comforting, but it wasn't like she had any other choice.

So she allowed him to pull her off the bunk and lead her to the middle of the room. This time, she didn't fight when his hand made contact with the flesh on her chest, a few inches above her C cup breasts. Quickly, she started twitching with the urge to flee, but the alien tightened his grip on her arm and she stayed where she was.

Amanda closed her eyes and tried to imagine she was anywhere else, but this proved extremely difficult since his skin, as always, felt like ice against her. She was cold enough without clothes on and his hands on her only made it worse. Soon she was shivering with goosebumps breaking out on her arms.

He must have noticed her shaking, but paid it no mind. To her dismay, he took his time with his explorations, slowly dragging his hand from her breastbone to the mounds on her chest. She could feel him gently press his fingertips into her bare flesh before cupping the left one in his hand and squeezing lightly. Her eyes clenched tighter and her nails dug into her palms, but nearly drew blood a second later when one of his fingers ran over her sensitive nipple.

Amanda's entire body jolted from shock and her eyes flew open. She tried to pull away again, but his hand reached around her back and grasped her hip. In response, she attempted to wiggle out of his arms, but stilled a second later when his face came into her line of sight. He stared at her, then leaned closer and let out a deep, throaty growl. His breath was hot on her face and she could feel warm saliva dripping on her breasts.

"Sorry," she whispered.

His only response was to growl before returning to his work. She didn't close her eyes this time, only watched as he twirled her nipple around his thumb, the pink flesh stiffening in response to his touch. It clearly intrigued the alien, and as he rubbed it between his fingers, he unconsciously started to grip it harder, to the point where his claws dug in.

"Hey!" Amanda yelped. "Watch it! That hurts!"

The alien glanced up at her before returning his attention to her chest, although he was more gentle this time.

"Why do you have these?" he asked. "I see no use for them, other than to get in your way, that is." His other hand left her hip and began to fondle her other breast. Cupping them both in his hands, he lifted them up and let them go, watching them jiggle as they dropped.

Before she could respond, a flash of heat shot through her body. Amanda shivered and glanced down at herself. She hadn't noticed before, but there was a strange scent in the air; not a bad one, but the engineer had no idea where it would be coming from.

Then, remembering the alien had asked a question, she quit worrying about the strange scent. "I ...Humans…We…We use them to feed our offspring."

That caught his attention and he stopped momentarily. "You have offspring?"

"Well no…but…" The alien cocked his head at her, obviously confused. "If I do," she finally clarified. "If and when I have them, that's how they'll eat for the first few months. They suck on them."

"They suck on them?" he asked.

Then, as if she wasn't hormonally stressed out enough, he leaned forward to rub the tip of his head against her chest. She whined in response, but the small sound quickly turned into a screech when she felt his heated, wet mouth wrapping around her breast.

The alien wrapped his arms around her waist and held her against him while he mouthed at her chest. He started sucking on her right breast, much like a newborn infant. Although it was awkward for him, since he didn't have lips like a human, he still did what he could to imitate it. Then his inner mouth was teasing her too, pulling at her nipple, rolling it around in his mouth, and gently biting it.

The unexpected feeling was intense for Amanda, as the burning warmth of his mouth warmed her cold skin. Her body was shivering uncontrollably, and the alien tightened his grip on her waist, thinking she was trying to wiggle away from him again. However, when she finally did attempt to voluntarily move, she went towards him instead of away.

To the surprise of them both, Amanda grasped the back of his head with both hands and pulled herself to him, draping her body over him in the process. She pressed her forehead to the top of his shiny dome, soft gasps escaping her mouth while begging, "Please. Please. Please," over and over again.

As they ground against each other, she felt his hot saliva dripping from his mouth and sliding down the front of her body. The pitch of her voice sharply increased when she felt the thick liquid running across the outer part of her slit, the warmth of it provoking urges from the overwhelmed engineer as it slid across her chilled flesh.

He pulled away a few moments later, forcing her to release him. Amanda's chest heaved while her frenzied body struggled to pull air into her lungs. The alien was trying to meet her eyes, so she looked down at herself to avoid it. Then a small blush colored her cheeks when she realized that she was wet, and it deepened when she realized not only just how wet, but also the fact that her dampness wasn't only from his saliva coating the front of her body.

Amanda almost couldn't believe she was aroused. Though it was true that it had been a long time since she'd last gotten herself off, she never expected the touch of a murderous, sadistic alien to affect her like this. And the fact that he literally backed her into a corner and blackmailed her made the sudden reaction all the more peculiar.

"So…What does your offspring receive after sucking on those…things?" he asked, pulling Amanda from her private thoughts. "I received nothing from them."

Amanda swallowed. She was a little surprised that he was asking about that after what just happened, but didn't question it much. Just ignore the arousal hurry this up, she told herself.

"Umm…Well, a human female's breasts don't produce milk until after the child is born."

His head cocked to the side. "Milk?"

"That's what the stuff that comes out is called. Children drink that until they can eat solid food."

He shook his head in wonder. "Your kind are very strange."

Then his gaze wandered down to her chest, which was now shiny and coated in his saliva. She tried not to think about it, but she felt droplets sliding down between her breasts, onto her torso, and eventually down her legs. A few ended up sliding over her shaven mound instead, causing her to ball her hands into fists.

While they stood staring at each other, Amanda noticed three things. The first thing; the alien was watching his saliva glide down the front of her body, and following its path to the apex between her thighs. Once his gaze was there, it remained. He stared intently at her mound, and soon he was lowering himself to the floor, trying to see more of what lay between her legs.

The second thing; that strange smell was still in the air, though it was much thicker than before. It was hard to describe, although musky was the first thought that came to her mind. She inhaled deeply, and it took her a minute to realize the scent was getting increasingly stronger.

The third thing; she was no longer freezing cold. In fact, it was the exact opposite of five minutes ago. Her skin was no longer chilled. Just like her sex, her entire body was warm and thrumming with a sudden energy.

This is kinda freaky, she thought to herself. Why do I feel so…

She was torn away from her thoughts when she felt the alien running his fingers over the outer part of her mound. He used a gliding motion at first, but gradually increased the pressure until he was gently massaging the smooth flesh. Amanda watched him all the while, feeling worried with his sharp claws being so close to her aching sex. But at the same time, another part of her was enjoying this, and was waiting for him to…

Her mental ramblings were cut off again when the alien removed his hand from her.

"Lie down," he commanded. She froze, but did as he bid when he bared his teeth at her.

"Do you intend to keep this up?" he asked irritably.

She shook her head and whispered, "Sorry."

But the alien wasn't satisfied. "Why do you keep fighting me? I thought we settled this already."

"Well…" she stuttered. How does one go about telling a less than friendly alien that its touch is somehow arousing said one? And, that the said one wants the alien to stop stalling, take his thick, black fingers and slam them into her…

"What you're doing, it's…" She finally said. A lump was forming in her throat, and she did her best to fight past it. After a couple more failed attempts at explaining herself, she finally forced out a strangled, "My body…I didn't think it would react this way."

His head cocked to the side. "Is that what that smell is?" he asked.

The question startled Amanda. "What smell?"

The alien scented her thighs for a moment before he pushed them apart. Amanda yelped and started to protest, but a scorching glare from the alien silenced her immediately. Once he was sure that she was going to remain complacent, he lowered his head and sniffed at her exposed privates.

Amanda, on the other hand, was biting her lip to try and keep quiet. But when small whimpers kept escaping anyway, she resorted to covering her mouth with her hand. Feeling his hot breath running along her damp folds was too much for her to stay silent. Soon she started to push her hips towards him, almost instinctively, and didn't realize that she'd been doing it until his hand was roughly pushing her hips down and his eyeless gaze was boring into her.

"What are you doing?"

"W…What?" she asked, still dazed from the pleasure.

He let out a light growl. "I asked what you were doing."

Amanda swallowed. "Right. I…just…It felt… good, and I wanted to get closer…I guess?"

"'It felt good?'"

"Yes. Your breath…It felt good on my…You know…Down there."

The alien didn't respond. He looked between her legs and back at her face a couple of times, eventually keeping his gaze locked fully on her sex. They remained like that for a while, him still staring while Amanda laid beneath him, flustered, aroused, and waiting for his next move.

Eventually his right hand left her hip and brushed her drenched lips. Using his fingers, he spread the folds apart. Amanda shuddered slightly at the contact, but didn't move otherwise until his fingers brushed across her clit. Then her hips bucked and she felt the alien's other hand tighten on her hip to keep her down.

She thought he would reprimand her for moving again, but he simply pressed his fingers firmly against her hardened bud. He massaged it lightly at first, but steadily increased the pressure until her squirming caused his claws to dig into the skin on her hip. She could feel his gaze on her as she groaned, taking note of everything she did.

"Does this…pleasure you?" the alien asked, keeping the now steady pressure of his hand between her legs.

"Y…Yes," Amanda gasped out.

She finally got herself under control enough to look at him. He stared back, watching her chest rise and fall with her heavy breathing. She opened her mouth to speak, but the alien moved his fingers down and plunged two inside her before she could.

Whatever she was going to say turned into a breathy gasp instead. Instinctively, her head tilted back and her mouth opened wide to gasp while her muscles clamped around his fingers.

"Does this too?"


"Does this feel good?"

Amanda swallowed, hastily drawing in air. "Yeah, it does."

"I see…" he trailed off. He began to move his fingers to gently rub against her walls while his thumb stroked her clit. Amanda mewled and squirmed. His hand tightened its grip on her hip as a warning, though she paid it little mind.

He spread his fingers apart and massaged her insides, gently at first but pushing more insistently as time passed. Her gasps and moans increased in volume as her pleasure climbed. The muscles between her legs pulsed, almost like they were trying to suck his fingers deeper inside her.

Her mind and heart raced. He may not have been touching her for long, but she was almost there already. A few more seconds and the pressure would release.

"D…Don't stop!" she cried. "Please…"

Suddenly the alien's hands left her body. The pleasure stopped and left Amanda gasping on the floor, trying to catch her breath. Then she heard the door on the far side of the room open and close, along with his footsteps as he hastily retreated. Amanda slowly sat up after a few seconds of silence, panting heavily and staring at the now closed door, wondering what the hell had suddenly gotten into him.

She sat there for a short while before getting up and retrieving her clothes. Her skin was burning, so she only pulled on her underwear and left her shirt and shorts discarded on the floor. Then she crawled into the nearest bunk, wondering what to do next.

Her body felt like it was on fire, her sex aching and begging for release. After a few moments of that, she tried to finish herself off. Unfortunately, the action only lead to more agitation after she realized, while firmly rubbing her fingers across her clit, that the alien's touch was far better than her own. Although she hated to admit it, she wanted him to touch her again and felt like she wouldn't be truly satisfied otherwise.

Then, just as she was pulling her soaked fingers away from her sex, she heard the automatic door open.

She didn't know what she expected of him, but she shouldn't have been surprised when he stormed in, looking as if he owned the place while stomping towards her. The noise echoed around them, hard, exoskeleton armor slamming against metal until he stood at her bedside. He was terrifying, as always, with his eyeless gaze seeming to freeze and burn at the same time.

"Why did you stop earlier?" she asked, her demanding tone surprising her.

He gave a slight snarl and a small head shake as he looked down at his body. "I feel something I have never experienced before."

Amanda blinked. "And you're scared of it?"

"What?" he exclaimed. "Stupid human! Of course not! Why would I be scared?"

"Why would you run if you weren't scared?" she retorted.

"Amanda," he warned, "You are testing my patience."

She stayed quiet this time, the loud quiet returning with its haunting tone. Seeing him now brought memories of what he'd done to her earlier.

And how much she wanted him to continue.

"You want more," he said. A statement. Not a question.

Her head snapped up at his words. "What gives you that idea?"

"I can smell you," he answered. "And you are thinking of me, and what I did to you." He stopped for a moment and seemed to be questioning what to say next. "Do you want me to continue?"

Amanda blushed, body growing hot at the thought. But some part of her still resisted this and the sudden attraction she held for him.

"I...I," she stammered.

"Make your choice, Amanda," he hissed at her.

She gulped and lowered her gaze while she thought about what to do. At one end, her mind screamed to say no; to just avoid him until these feelings went away. Assuming that they would go away on their own.

He did this to you, she reminded herself, and reminisced about what he'd put her through earlier.

He's done nothing but make your life a living hell this week, and now you want to fuck him, and lose your virginity to an alien?

Amanda mentally grimaced when she remembered that.

Yes, her mind seemed to say. Think about that. Not to mention the fact that…

Her mind went on and listed more reasons why she shouldn't be doing this. Yet her body was another story. That agonizing ache, she noticed, was getting increasingly worse. Whatever that musk he was letting off was, for she knew it was coming from him, as the smell of it went away and returned when he did, it was taking its toll. The desire for rough sex, and not just from anyone, but specifically from him, seemed to be slowly taking control of her mind.

She could try to hold out until the chemicals from that musk left her system, but how long would that take? It had been at least a half hour from the time the alien ran out of the room and left her on the floor to the time when he came back. By then, she was nearly to the point of tracking him down and finishing what he started.

The risks. The want. The hatred. The lust. So many different thoughts running through her head that she was nearly to the point of screaming.

Amanda eventually hung her head and sighed. The alien backed away from the bed, thinking that she was going to say no.

"Yes," she whispered.

Time seemed to freeze. The alien was completely still, as if he had been frozen as well. Second thoughts began running through her head but she forced them down. She had made her choice, and she would stick with it.

"What did you say?" he asked, voice strained and cracking at the edges.

"I said 'yes'," she responded.

The alien slowly turned towards her.

"Then get those outer layers off before I tear them to pieces," he growled, clawed hands flexing at his side as his tail lashed violently back and forth.

Amanda shuddered at the tone of his voice, the sound of it echoing through her head as she reached behind her and unclasped her bra. Once undone, she tossed it on the ground and began reaching for her panties. While sliding them down her legs, she noticed that the crotch of her underwear was soaked, but threw them away to join her bra on the floor a second later. The alien had gotten closer while she was distracted. It paralyzed her for a second, but she quickly snapped out of it and laid herself down.

There was no anxiety about being naked in front of him anymore; he'd already seen and touched everything anyway. However, nervousness did make itself known when he joined her on the bed. That didn't surprise her though, because how could any small, naked human not be nervous when a seven foot armored and deadly alien is straddling them?

Their gazes locked for a second before he broke the stare and slowly eyed her body up and down, taking the most time to stare at her chest and sex. She swallowed and shivered in anticipation, wishing he would do something already. She craved the stimulation from earlier again, but she didn't trust herself to do anything. Without even discussing it, they both knew he would be the one in control the entire time, and she feared what might happen if she did anything, intentionally or unintentionally, that rivaled that.

To her relief, he finally moved closer. With his forearms braced on both sides of her head, Amanda felt one of his knees trying to nudge her thighs apart. She obliged and spread her legs for him, allowing him to get between them and press his lower body against hers. The contact sent shivers up and down her body, enough that she closed her eyes and arched off the bed slightly, letting out a soft sigh as well.

Hardly a second later, and his mouth was against her neck.

Her eyes snapped open and she let out a sharp gasp, though she tilted her head back and allowed him more access to her throat. He moved all over, covering the entire area with sharp nips and licks from his inner mouth. His version of a kiss, she supposed.

His mouth was scorching hot, a harsh contrast with the rest of his ice cold body. Amanda was so overrun from what he was doing, especially after his mouth found the juncture between her neck and shoulder. He latched onto it, pulling, sucking, and biting. The action was enough to make her tell her cautious side to go fuck itself, and she latched onto his biceps while digging her fingers into him, as well as grinding her lower body against his. The contact of cold, rough, and uneven skin against her soft, sensitive flesh was too much. Keeping her eyes shut and throwing her head back to let out needy whines, she ignored the pain in her hands and tried to dig her fingers further into his biceps.

She must've been moving around too much, because he stopped his assault on her neck and pulled back. He slammed his hand down on her breasts to get her attention, but feeling his hand on her equally sensitive chest caused her to arch up into his hand, letting out another high pitched, breathy gasp.

"Stay still," he commanded. Amanda opened her eyes and noticed that his breathing was heavy and irregular, just like hers. His voice was unsteady as well.

"I…I can't," she managed to get out. It was hard to speak in this state, just like it was hard to stop moving. Even now, she was still rubbing her pelvis against his, and at some point her leg had wrapped around his waist to pull herself closer.

He growled and pulled away from her, forcing her leg to drop down onto the bed, denying her the friction she craved. She whined loudly at the loss and shot him a pleading look, even as he perched at the end of the bunk.

"P…Please," she gasped out.

"Please what?"

"T…Touch me. I n…need it. Please," she begged him. She dug her fingers into the sheets and tried to do as he wanted so he would come back, tightening her muscles as well to try and keep still. It was impossible though. Even now, she was shaking badly, and would latch onto him if he started again.

He observed her for a moment, taking in her quivering form before growling loudly.

"Arms above your head," he suddenly ordered.

"What?" she asked him, and sat up slightly.

The alien launched himself at her. She shrieked and threw herself back onto the bed, thinking that he was going to attack her. He didn't, but he did hover over her.

He bared his teeth in her face, hot saliva dripping onto her neck and sliding over the already cooled saliva from earlier. "Arms…Above…Your…Head," he ordered again, punctuating the beginning of each word with a sharp growl.

She did as she was told this time. The moment they were up, he grabbed her by the wrists and jerked her body upward so her head hit the pillow. He slammed them into the wall and moved his head so that his mouth was over them. She couldn't see what he was doing, but she quickly felt hot, runny liquid on her hands and wrists. The alien held them there for a few seconds, and the liquid quickly cooled and hardened.

He let her go, and she tried to pull her arms away from the wall as soon as he did. They wouldn't move, so she tried again, but they still wouldn't budge no matter how much she struggled. She tilted her head backwards and glanced at them. They were stuck to the wall, bound there with some kind of dark grey substance. Whatever it was, it was going to keep her there for a while.

She looked at the alien again, and he was grinning at her. Amanda felt a small amount of fear begin to build up, but it dissipated almost as quickly. She realized that whether her arms were free or bound to the wall, she stood no chance against the alien and held no power over him. He could do whatever he wanted with her, and she was powerless to stop him.

That thought, even though it would have frightened her before, was quickly starting to turn her on.

"You are right about one thing," he finally said. In the next second, his body was pressed against hers again, and he returned his attention to her throat. He ground his pelvis against hers, but when she tried to push back, his tail draped over her hips and pinned them to the mattress. She let out a loud, needy moan and tried to fight, but it was useless. Her hips, just like her arms, were completely immobilized.

"I can do whatever I want with you," he continued, while their combined breathing grew heavier. "I could fuck you all night if I wanted to." He emphasized the word by slamming his hand into her sex, burying his fingers in soaked flesh between her legs and grinding his thumb over her hardened clit.

That did it. Amanda threw her head back and screamed as he wrenched her first orgasm from her body. Her entire form tried to jerk of the bed, but the alien held her down and continued his work, rubbing his fingers over the little pearl during the entirety of her orgasm. The action heightened it, every muscle in her body locking down while her toes curled tightly. Her insides contracted hard around thin air, and as the last pulses of her climax faded away, Amanda wished her body had something to clamp down on.

"You released so hard for that?" The alien's voice snapped her out of her stupor, and she focused on him again. She felt his finger run across her flesh, circling her entrance, and shuddered again in response.

"I wonder," he continued. "What will happen when I mount you for real, and spread you so wide open?"

Amanda groaned loudly, his words making her body ache for him even more.

"I have plans for you, you know. And I wonder how many times I can make you scream…" He cut off, then roughly shoved three fingers inside her. Amanda squealed and cried out in response.

"When I spear you and pound your body into the bed!"

He started pumping his fingers in and out of her when the last word was spoken, but he made sure his claws didn't scratch her. He scissored her though, and stretched her open while rubbing his fingertips against soaking wet walls. She grunted with pleasure and tried to thrust her hips towards him, but he was still holding her down.

"C'mon," she whimpered, getting beyond desperate now. Her sex was aching for a rough pounding bad enough already, and what he was doing now was only agitating her. It seemed that a quick release or two wasn't going to be good enough, judging by how she was feeling right now. It seemed like her body had a mind of its own, and it clearly wanted something.

"Come on what?" he asked. "Tell me what you want."

"I…I already did," she gasped out, feeling his fingers rub against a sensitive spot that had her seeing stars. He stopped his movements and pulled out a second later however, and she let out a loud groan of frustration.

"Tell me again," he whispered, voice lusty and low, even more than normal.

They stared at each other, both breathing heavily. As she watched him, Amanda could feel boundaries slipping away. She normally wasn't very foul mouthed unless something pushed her to the extremes. But if he wished to hear what she wanted, she decided she would let him have it.

"You want to know what I want?" she asked, and when he nodded eagerly, she growled, "I want you to fuck me. As hard as you can and as rough as you can." She smirked when the alien jolted a little, shocked at her sudden profanity.

She leaned in closer, as much as she could with her bindings. "You heard me. I want to be fucked. Make me scream like a whore and beg like a little slut." The alien was panting heavily now, and so was she, but she refused to stop. Her voice dropped and she whispered, "I dare you to, alien. Make me fucking cum."

Not a second passed before she was lying flat on her back again. The alien's hand was tangled in her hair, holding her down. There was pain, enough that she winced slightly, but his head was close to hers and she could feel his breath on her face.

"Be careful what you wish for Amanda, because I assure you…" He yanked her by the hair, making her yelp this time. As his hot breath fanned over her ear, he whispered, "You will get far more than you ask for."

She chuckled, despite the pain. "Then do something already."

She'd barely finished speaking before his fingers slammed into her again. This time, instead of simply exploring her insides, he brutally pounded her hot sex, briefly grinding his knuckle against her every time she took the length of his fingers. He showed no mercy as he plowed her, holding her still as her hips tried to jerk off the bed.

Amanda screamed when she orgasmed again, and just like before, he worked her until she went limp beneath him. Every time she pulsed around him, he forced her walls open again when he buried his fingers inside her. This, along with all his other actions, enhanced the already mind numbing ecstasy Amanda was experiencing, and he continued until the last pulses of her orgasm faded away.

"Holy…Fuck!" she whispered raggedly whilst leaning against the pillows. She swallowed hard and panted, then let out another groan when the alien's fingers flexed inside of her,

"You are becoming more sensitive," he observed. "One light touch and you are opening your legs for me."

Amanda growled, cheeks coloring as she glared at him. "Shut up!"

He only grinned back at her. "At least you are learning your place."

Amanda went still at his statement. Normally, something that degrading would bother her. But when her mind was drugged up on lust and desire like it was right now...

She finally returned his grin. "And what is my place exactly?"

"Underneath me, of course."

She cocked her head."And what would I be doing?"

He chuckled again. "Writhing in ecstasy," he whispered as he leaned toward her, heated breath washing over her ear. "While I fuck your tight pussy."

Amanda almost choked on her own saliva, now surprised at his profanity. Apparently he knew more about human sexuality than he let on. "Where the hell did you learn that word?"

"I have my ways," he answered and pulled his fingers out of her sopping entrance.

She let out another frustrated groan."Please," she begged him.

He ignored her pleas. "I think I can make you scream even louder," he told her, then chuckled lightly. "This should have you begging," he added, more to himself than anything.

Amanda perked up at that. "Are you going to mount me?"

"I will. Very soon." That earned another sigh from her, but he only laughed. "I want to try something first."

"What are you going to do?"

He grinned widely as a response. "Close your eyes, and you will find out."

"Do I have too?"

"Yes. Now close them. And if you open them before I tell you to, I will leave."

"What?!" she said. "You would not!"

"Do you want to risk it?"

She glared at him for a moment, but finally closed her eyes. Right away, he forced her legs further apart with his hands, but quickly withdrew from her when he was satisfied with where they were.

She could hear him moving around on the mattress, but soon there was complete silence. Amanda laid there for a minute or two, eyes closed and waiting for something to happen. Finally, she felt his hands on her hips, gripping her tightly in preparation for what he was going to do.

She opened her mouth, but three things happened before she could say any words. First, she felt warm air running across her swollen slit. Then something slimy and hot was pressed against her folds. And, last but not least, that something was moving forward, burying itself inside her. Amanda gasped at the sudden entrance, but cried out in pleasure as the thing drove in and out of her.

"Open your eyes," he commanded.

She did so and looked down. The alien, who she originally thought had mounted her after all, instead had his head buried between her legs. She made another attempt to speak, but then his hard, armored head ground against her sensitive clit and whatever she was going to say came out as a strangled moan instead.

She could feel his tongue, or his inner mouth, rummaging around inside her. He rubbed it against her walls as he thrust in and out, but eventually probed her instead, poking at her walls and trying to find more sensitive spots. It didn't take him long to discover her g-spot, and he roughly ground his mouth against it when he did. But the rising pleasure was stopped as soon as it started, since the alien decided to keep exploring her vagina after a few seconds.

This didn't set well with Amanda at all, whose body burned as the teasing continued. "God damnit. Knock that off, would you!"

"Knock what off?"

"This slow shit you're doing! Go faster!"

He didn't. Instead he slowed even more, inner mouth making squelching sounds as he moved it in and out of her soaked folds.

She let out a loud, frustrated growl. "Stop fucking torturing me!"


"The fuck do you mean, 'Why'? Go faster!"

The alien pulled back and growled a little. "So inconsiderate," he hissed. "You ask me to do one thing, and when I do it, you reprimand me."

"What are you talking about?'

"You told me to make you beg earlier. Remember?"

Amanda blushed. "Oh…Right," she said sheepishly.

He huffed irritably as he lowered his head in between her legs again. "I am only doing what you ask." Amanda felt his mouth run over her entrance before penetrating her again. She gasped loudly, but moaned in loss when he pulled out after only sinking in a few inches.

"Please," she begged.

"That is a start," he said. "But I think you can do better."

"What do you want me to say?"

He chuckled. "How about you tell me exactly what you want me to do." He didn't pull back, but still met her gaze, grinning all the while. "Be descriptive. Tell me what I need to do to make you come undone."

"Fuck me!" she pleaded.

"How?" he asked. "I can think of four different ways to fuck you." He ran his mouth over her drenched lips again, grinning when she groaned and shuddered in response.


"Please what?" he interrupted. "Tell me what you want, little slut."

Amanda shivered. His vulgarity would be the death of her. "Fuck me with your mouth. Make me scream until I cum. Please…"

"As you wish."

Then he was inside her. His mouth roughly forced her velvety, tight walls apart, as hard as he dared, trying to find her more sensitive spot again. Amanda cried out and tried to thrust her hips, but his hands were still holding her down, refusing to let her move an inch. Then her legs wound around his head again to try and pull him even closer. He responded and, using his tight grip on her hips as leverage, rubbed his head against her clit.

She threw her head back and screamed. "Yes…oh fuck…yeah…just like that…Ohhh," she moaned, crying out her pleasure to him. "Fuck!" she shrieked as his mouth passed over her g-spot. "Right there! Just a little…" He quickly found the spot and roughly pounded it with his mouth. "Ohhh yeah…Like that…Yes…"

Her face was bright red and her entire body was writhing in ecstasy. She was close again. Very close. All she needed was one more little push before she was thrown over the edge…

Thankfully, he gave it to her. She felt his tail drape over her, holding her down while his hands ran over her body. One went between her legs and tease her hardened clit while the other palmed and squeezed her chest.

It was too much; she couldn't handle it. Her sex clamped down hard on the alien's mouth when she released. Her cries echoed around the room, as did the wet squelching noise the alien's mouth made every time he drove it in and out of her. He sat up when she was mostly finished, her walls still giving the last few, fading pulses.

She could feel his eyes on her as she caught her breath. Already, the heat was building up again, her skin itching for release, entrance throbbing heavily.

"Your scent is getting stronger," the alien whispered to her. He brought a knee up and pressed it between her legs. She groaned heavily and ground against it, his cool skin granting some relief from the burn.

"As is your desperation," he added, and pushed even harder against her sex. Amanda's eyes closed and she whimpered softly until he pulled his leg away. When she finally opened her eyes, she found him hovering over her, leering down at her pale form. Amanda stared back at him, until she felt something poking at her inner thigh. She swallowed hard and glanced down, already knowing what was pressing against her. But, even so, she couldn't stop her jaw dropping when she finally did.

It, the alien's cock, was huge, veiny, and just as black as the rest of him. Intimidating too. He had to be as thick as three of her fingers lying side by side, maybe even more. And, as he rubbed his throbbing erection against her leg, she swore she could feel ridges around the shaft, and shuddered at the thought of that inside her.

The alien hissed and ground against her more, clearly enjoying the friction. A clear substance dribbled from the tip as the already rock hard organ hardened even more. They stayed like that for a short time before he began to move forward, hand around the upper shaft to guide it. Amanda swallowed and braced herself, thinking that he was finally going to give her what she wanted. Unfortunately, all he did was rub the head against her clit.

She hissed in frustration and tried to push her hips up, but he still held her down and wouldn't let her move. Then he leaned over her, mouth wide open and panting while drooling all over her upper torso.

"You…You know you're supposed to put that inside me, right?"

"I know. I just want to see you squirm."

She spread her legs wider. "Please," she begged.

The alien chuckled and adjusted his position; bracing his knees and forearms on the bed while pressing his pelvis against hers. She, almost instinctively, lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist to expose herself more, giving him complete access to her body. In response, he shifted and pressed the head of his cock firmly against her entrance. She whined and tried to force his body forward with her legs, however, he refused to move.

When she realized he wasn't budging, she, being at eye level with his chest, tilted her head back to plead with him again. She didn't use words this time, though. Similar to sending her thoughts to him for communication, she sent her emotions instead. Her lust, desperation, the burn in her core. All of it. She forced it through their connection.

He growled and moved his head to look at her, meeting her gaze with his eyeless one. She knew he'd received her message, knew that his self control was breaking. Hopefully it wouldn't be much longer, and she'd have him exactly where she wanted him.

"Please," she whimpered. "No more teasing. Just...Do it."

"Do what?" He asked.

Amanda didn't answer this time. Instead she wiggled her hips and ground the thick head against her drenched folds. The alien hissed in response and bared his teeth at her. He was clearly displeased at her lack of obedience, and expected her to back down like their previous encounters.

Not this time.

To his surprise, Amanda bared her teeth at him and growled, even going so far as too snap her teeth at him in anger. His head cocked to the side as his lips covered his teeth. Her actions caught him off guard at first, but he bared his fangs again in a smile a second later and looked away from her.

"As you wish," he whispered.

Then he was inside her, his hips snapping forward faster than she could react. She felt the head spreading her open before it went deeper, aided by the extreme dampness of her sex. Despite her willingness, her soft flesh yielding to his hardness, it wasn't easy to take a cock that size, nor something with the girth he had. Something like that snapped her virgin barrier with ease, but the sharp sting and pressure was nothing compared to the pleasure of finally having him inside her.

All this in under a second, the only one he allowed her to have before his hips pulled back and slammed forward.

The first thrust rocked her body hard, the alien giving little mercy as he set a brutal pace. And there was more pain, as his hard carapace beat the skin of her thighs and pelvis until it was aching. Or the fact that she hadn't adjusted to his impressive size, and it spread her wider than she was ready for.

Thankfully, all that pain mixed with pleasure; the head nudging against her g-spot, the rest of the veined shaft stimulating her inner walls, or his carapace hitting her clit. Everything combined together, and she spiraled higher and higher until release tore through her.

Amanda shrieked as she came, her core clamping down on the alien's cock and squeezing with all her strength. Her entire form jerked while she pulled at her bonds, desperate to free her hands. Her legs, still wrapped around his waist, tugged on it, too, trying to drag his body down to press against her further.

No matter what she did, it never affected the alien.

He never stopped thrusting between her legs. Never stopped pounding into her body and giving her a more brutal fucking than any human could ever hope to experience.

In and out. Her entire body jolting in response.


In and out. Her still continuing vocalizations, his growling and hissing, and the squelching of her juices sounded between them.


In and out. She could feel another climax building, quicker than previous ones.

Amanda cursed out loud, then shouted again when another hard thrust slammed into her throbbing core.

The stimulation was so intense that she barely noticed his hot, steamy breath blasting into her ear all of a sudden. "Perhaps you are useful for one thing, Amanda."

She opened her mouth to retort, but her words turned into another pleasure-filled cry when his cock filled her to the brim and his armored pelvis ground into her clit, sending her into another orgasm.

"I could say the same to you," she sent back, all the while whimpering as the insatiable burning between her legs continued.

But, to her dismay, he actually slowed his pace and cocked his shiny dome at her. "What was that?"

"You heard me," Amanda hissed mentally, voice too raw for spoken language. Not that she could open her mouth, as her teeth were gritted out of lust, and the fact that he refused to give her body what it wanted only made it worse.

"I have more use than a simple pleasure toy. Admit it."

"In your dreams!"

He just grinned at her and slowed his pace even further.

"Alright!" she mentally exploded. "You're more useful than just a toy! Now, fuck me already!"

The alien chuckled. "Is this all it took to break you?" She snarled at him in response. But her answer pleased him, and he got back to business.

Soon after, though almost lost in her own pleasure, Amanda could tell the alien was close, if his growls increasing in volume was anything to go by. Then, after one last thrust that sent her screaming into her third orgasm, he released, and her body was filled with thick warmth of his release.

Almost immediately, the burning heat in her sex disappeared, leaving behind a mix of both soreness and satisfaction.

He stayed until he was spent, growling from the pleasure until the throbbing from his cock ceased. The thick, gooey liquid stained her insides and his cock, though neither paid it any mind as he pulled out and reached up to remove her bonds. Amanda panted hard as she pulled her sore wrists to her chest, while the alien pressed his body against her side. She might've complained once, but she was sweaty and the icy chill of his skin was refreshing. Just her luck, the temperature regulator was working too well, making the room stuffy enough on its own.

Though his skin was nice, she still turned away from him. After what happened, she didn't know how to approach him, or what to say and do next.

The alien did, though, as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled their bodies together. They were in the same position as the night before, with her backside pressed against his stomach as he curled around her. She stayed still at first, but soon sighed and relented to her own inner desires.

"Hey," she whispered, voice hoarse from screaming. "Can I adjust my position a little?"

"You are not getting up until I have slept for a while," he replied.

"I'm not going to get up," Amanda retorted. "I promise."

He let out a small hiss, but surprisingly lifted his arm enough for her to move. Then, before there was any chance for reconsideration of her hasty decision, she rolled over and threw one arm over him, pressing her forehead against his throat. He stiffened slightly, but seemed to accept her decision and laid his arm around her again.

"Only tonight," she croaked.


"We're only doing this tonight."

She felt his head cock slightly in confusion. "What do you mean by 'this'?"

"Everything, from sex to sleeping together. We can't do this again."

"And why not?"

"It's not a good idea," she said. "We're going to separate eventually, and I don't want to have any kind of bond with you."

"Afraid you will miss me?" he teased.

"Just shut up and go to sleep," she retorted, burying her face further in his neck, one of the few parts of him that wasn't covered in heavy armor.

He chuckled but left it. Amanda was grateful that, for once, he kept quiet.

"Do you regret it?" he suddenly asked.

Of course he wasn't done yet. What a shock.

"No," she answered. "Surprisingly, I don't."

She could feel him nodding against her back, followed by vibrations in his chest as he started to purr. She sighed peacefully and enjoyed the sensation as he pulled her closer.

Was what she just did fucked up? Of course so.

Was she sorry? Not at all.

Would that matter? No.

So long as it didn't happen again.

Hey. Sorry I haven't updated in so long.

I really do appreciate all the reviews and feedback. As a writer, it helps me to know if I need to improve on anything or ideas for things I could do differently to write better chapters and stories (aside from updating more regularly).

Unfortunately, I highly doubt I will take this story any further. I've lost nearly all my interest in writing for this fandom and it just isn't enjoyable anymore. But I wanted to leave you all with some juicy smut, at least.

As far as an ending goes, I was planing a lot more sex scene and a few adventures along the way, with Amanda eventually ending up back on earth after finding the alien a planet to live on.

If anyone wants to continue this, it's fine by me. If you want, you can message me for more details about the plot or create your own ending. Either is fine by me.

I'm truly sorry for this, but I've moved on to other fandoms and I want to focus on them now. But despite the abrupt ending, I hope you enjoyed reading this fanfic.