Hi there, NerdyJD here and this is my first FNaF fan fiction. It's my first fanfic out of Ninjago really but I was dying for some Jeremy cuteness. I don't know much about the characters since I don't read a lot from this fandom (mostly Jeremike {Yes I'm Yaoi trash} and some Purple guy) but I tried my best. And since there isn't really a 'set' look for Purple guy, I kinda described him in my own way, he's meant to be scary in my eyes. I'm also going for the look that most people have set for Jeremy and Mike.

I think I'm done rambling now, please enjoy the story…

"Okay, this is it." The ginger whispered to himself as he looked upon the old building of the infamous Freddy Fazbear pizzeria. He'd come here many times when he was a child when the place still looked like new, he even remembers singing along with Freddy when their band came up to play a song. But now… now this place sent an icy shiver down his spine that paralyzed him and warned him not to take another step. Something about this place would scare even the bravest souls. But he didn't have a choice; it was either work here or watch as his mother slaves away to pay the bills on her own.

So, with a lump in his throat and a wobble in his step, Jeremy Fitzgerald walked up to the glass doors of the pizzeria determined to find a job.

A nauseating wave of pizza hit him straight in the face and he tried hard to suppress a gag that was currently bubbling up. Not only did the smell of pizza hit him, but the smell of dirty diapers and old food managed to sneak its way to his nose. This made his eyes water as a burning sensation made him blink rapidly, but the boy refused to cry in front of a room full of people just because he couldn't handle a few smelly things.

"It's pretty bad, isn't it?" A voice from next to him said, it was deep and smooth with the slightest sliver of sultry to it. The ginger could feel his cheeks heat up as he turned to face the stranger with a little curiosity. He kept his eyes trained down, looking at the unimportant tiled floor, dirty and probably smelled just as bad too. "Cat got your tongue?" There it was again, Jeremy decided to take the risk of looking up at the voices face.

The deathly pale complexion took the boy by surprise and made his emerald eyes widen, the pearly white teeth that showed next made his heart beat just a little faster. They had a certain menacing danger to them that Jeremy would do well to stay away from. His face had a smoothness to it that made it look like it begged to be caressed with the gentlest of touches. Grey irises and lack of pupils gave the man a ghostly look that intensified the shiver that that caused Jeremy to take a small step back in fear. But the icing on the cake was the purple hair that looked lazily brushed to the back and tied with a black elastic, but stubborn strands still managed to make their way and outline the frame of his porcelain face. His thin lips, which curved into the scariest smirk that Jeremy had ever seen, outlined the white of his teeth in pure perfection, the show of K9's however seemed to make it seem as if the man was getting ready to devour the boy. And Jeremy wouldn't be surprised if he were to be tackled and eaten right now.

"Earth to pretty boy, you in there?" A pale hand waved in from of the boys face, and he flinched and took a sharp intake of breath.

"Y-y-yeah." He answered almost as softly as his whisper, green eyes still widened in shock and hands gripping his backpack straps so tight it turned his knuckles white.

"Good, because I think your job opportunity just walked out of Pirate Cove."

Jeremy turned his head to see what this man was gesturing to, all he could see was crowds of little children running around and one man dressed in a faded blue uniform. He looked like security. This means he must work here! Perfect! Jeremy turned his head back to thank the man but he had vanished. His eyes searched around him but saw no sign of the pale skinned, purple haired man.

Turning his attention back to the matter at hand, the ginger maneuvered his way through the thick throngs of children that seemed to litter the floor randomly while their mothers sat at tables chatting; did they not realize that these kids could get hurt? There's only one guy here that looks after all of them.

The screeching of a little girl drew Jeremy's attention, the man had a firm grip on the girl's wrist and he appeared to be trying to tell her something but the look on his face said he wanted to strangle her.

"MOMMY! HE SAID A BAD WORD!" The little blonde girl shook her head, making her pigtails slap the man's face; this only seemed to make his face turn red as he struggled to hold back his fury. "Little girl, if you hit me one more time I swear I will beat the shit out of you."

"I-I don't think t-that's the right w-way t-to speak to a child." Jeremy chose this moment to add his voice, as the mother neared her distressed child and an angry security guard. The look that he got in return though made him want to take everything back and walk right out of the building, forget finding a job, he didn't even get to his interview and he's already scared. "I-I-I mean, s-she's only a child."

"And your point is?" The sneer that stretched across his lips made Jeremy purse his own and tighten the grip once more around his straps. The mother had arrived and pried her child's wrist from the death grip it was in, sending dirty looks to the security guard the entire time. The two watched as the group of mothers walked out of the door, dragging their crying children with them. "See what you did."

Jeremy turned back flabbergasted, "W-what I did?" He pointed a finger to his chest, still not believing the man. Though he didn't look like he'd be taking his statement back anytime soon. "No, I'm talking to the fucking ghost standing next to you." And the gullible youngster he is, Jeremy mistakenly turned to look at the empty space next to him, reminded of the ghost-like man that spoke to him earlier. "Fucking idiot." The security guard turned around and walked off to stand against another wall as he watched the children scurry around, checking his watch every now and again.

The ginger hurried to his side, "I-I, uh, was a-actually looking for a j-job. The s-sign s-says you need a night watch." The boy looked hopeful as the older man's cold ocean eyes slowly wandered to the small 'Help Wanted' sign in the window, old and worn from being out there for too long.

"We don't need you." This was the simple, cold reply given to the boy. Confusion flashed across his face when the eyes came back to meet his gaze.

"B-but the s-sign s-said you needed help, and I-I really need this job." Jeremy pleaded but it fell on deaf ears as the man folded his arms and ignored the younger as he continued to stare out at the children.

"You're hired." A deep, rustic, old voice came from behind the boy, causing him to turn around as he was once again surprised by the people working here. The man wore a cream suit with a navy blue tie and shoes to match, he must be the owner. He smiled at Jeremy as he fixed his tie and strolled passed the two. "You can stay with him on his first night Mikey. You start today kid, good luck." The older man walked away and out the front door before Jeremy could finish processing the information. He's got a job!

"What the hell just happened?" Jeremy turned to face the 'FTW face' the security guard had going on.

"I-I think I just got a j-job."

Whelp, that be it for now matey's. This is basically just a tester, my first chapters are usually not this short but I need to get into the feel of FNaF before I make a horrible mistake. Constructive criticism is welcome and please don't be afraid to review. If I get positive feedback on this young puppy, I'll make sure to add it to my priority list

And for the Ninjago readers; Slavery is in the making I swear I'm working on the chapter.

That it from me, see ya laters

And, Yes, Jeremy has a stutter and social anxiety.