(A/N)- Eeeeeey, it's ya girl with a BBRae Halloween date! This chapter was suggested by my reviewer, Crow The Mad.

Disclaimer: Happy spooky season, I don't own Teen Titans.

Hallow's Eve

"I can't believe you talked me into this," Raven said with a light groan, nursing her temples as they stood in front of the entrance.

"Aww c'mon, Rae! It'll be fun, I promise!" Beast Boy told her, bouncing on the balls of his feet as they waited in line. "These guys are professional actors and stage directors! They go all out!" He grinned. "It's honestly almost kind of like being in a horror movie."

Raven raised her face with a withering look. "Beast Boy, do you remember the last time horror movies and I intersected?"

The changeling gave a full-body shudder. "Couldn't forget. But hey," he said, turning his grin on her, "just admit when you're scared this time and nothing will happen, right?"

Raven's hands lifted out in a helpless 'I guess' gesture. She eyed the entrance to the haunted house, some trepidation beating inside her chest.

It didn't look all that scary from the outside; a rickety wooden facade like the entrance to a dilapidated Victorian mansion propped up around an open industrial door that led into a dark interior. But her empathic senses crawled with discomfort from the aura of fear that surrounded the place, rising up and flaring with the screams that punctuated the night air.

Sensing her hesitation, Beast Boy stepped closer, sliding a gloved hand into hers. She looked up into concerned green eyes.

"Hey," he said, all-serious. "If you want to leave, just give a tug on my arm or something, and we can teleport out. Okay?"

That did put her a little more at ease. She exhaled slowly, feeling some of the tension winding out.

It was just a little haunted house. None of the monsters were real. No one was actually going to hurt her. And Beast Boy would be right beside her the whole time.

"Okay..." she agreed softly.

He squeezed her hand, then skipped forward as the line moved.

Raven trailed behind him, tucking her arms under cloak to keep them out of the frigid air.

The haze of fear crowded her head as they got closer, but Raven muttered her mantra under her breath to keep it at bay, keep it from seeping in and infecting her own mind. She focused on the tingling excitement inside Beast Boy. He was clearly very eager for this.

She let her mouth quirk into a smile. His anticipation was a warm patch of light in her senses. Calming. Radiant.

Maybe she'd be okay after all.

"Enjoy the show!" the chipper attendant at the entrance said as he took their tickets.

"We'll try," Raven snarked, eliciting a chuckle from Beast Boy.


She'd admit it; the work and effort put into this place was impressive.

The 'story', so far as she had gathered, was that they and the six-person group of attendees were paranormal investigators poking around a woman's reportedly haunted family house. There was an actor playing the 'lead' investigator that accompanied their group from room to room, and a middle-aged woman playing the hapless owner of the house that dropped in on them often, sometimes with an occasional jump scare.

For the first fifteen or so minutes, they wandered from room to room of the house, their lead investigator stopping them to check on cameras and thermal equipment, try a call and response, or just chat with the owner about some of the weird things she'd seen going on in the house. They lingered in each room until something appropriately creepy happened—usually a loud noise or a tipped or dropped object—and then the investigator or the owner would bustle them to the next room with the pretense of urgently needing to check something out.

It let the suspense and atmosphere sink in, and gave them plenty of time to admire and appreciate the sets.

Raven didn't think it was quite at movie-level quality but definitely in the realms of high-budget stage play. The warehouse interior had been expertly transformed into an antique Victorian mansion, dust and grime and wear winding through every wall and surface but glimmers of a former majestic glory peeking through.

Beast Boy caught her studying a painted portrait on the wall—ostensibly of the owner's great-grandmother, a youthful-looking woman who looked almost exactly like her granddaughter—and leaned in with a grin and a conspiratorial whisper.

"So? Whadda think so far?" he asked.

"You weren't kidding when you said they go all out," Raven admitted. "I'd love to take a backstage tour just to see more of this set construction and propwork."

The changeling nodded. "Thought you'd like that."

"I'll be honest, though, I kind of thought it would be a little scarier," Raven told him, crossing her arms. She glanced at him. "No offense," she added, since every scare thus far had caused Beast Boy to shriek like a little girl and cling to her cloak.

He shrugged. "Eh, I startle easily. Don't worry," he said. "Around the twenty minute mark is usually when things get really crazy," he warned her.

Her heart gave an audible thump, but whether it was fear or excitement she couldn't tell.

She gripped Beast Boy's hand as their group followed the lead investigator to the next room.

True to the changeling's words, the scares started coming hard and fast, strobe lights flashing up on walls, projectors casting eerie images in the air of monstrous faces, actresses in lacy white dresses appearing suddenly in the corner and wailing.

Raven wrung Beast Boy's hand, and he flipped her cloak over his head more than once to cower underneath. Her pulse jolted and raced, calming and ratcheting up again with a frequency she wasn't entirely sure was healthy.

Azarath Metrion Zinthos... Azarath Metrion Zinthos... she repeated to herself inside her head.

A pair of loud shrieks cracked her hearing and Raven flinched. The two teen girls in front of them stabbed their arms and danced in place, dodging a pale hand that had reached out from under a table to grab at them.

Their momentary terror flared up in Raven's empathic senses, almost overpowering, but she shook her head, finding her center of calm again and letting the emotion pass harmlessly through her.

From under a corner of her cape, Beast Boy poked his head out, watching her in concern.

"You okay, Rae?" he whispered.

Raven's face relaxed. "I'm fine," she assured him. "A bit freaked out. It's a little hard to concentrate."

He straightened, coming out from hiding. "Do we need to tap out?"

She held up a hand, forcing herself to take long deep breaths and count inside her head for a moment.

"I can get through this," she insisted. "Just.. give me a moment."

She pictured the starlit void that was her favorite mental meditation image, letting the other sounds fade away and her thoughts become tranquil.

The lead investigator paused for a moment, shining his flashlight back at them. Out of character, he asked, "Hey Titans, you good?"

Beast Boy looked back at Raven. She had her eyes closed, but a moment later she opened them again, looking much more confident. She nodded.

The changeling flashed a thumbs up.

They followed the group into the next room. There, their lead investigator conferred urgently with a junior assistant, who'd been taking audio samples of the kitchen. They didn't get much time with him, however, as just as his dialogue seemed about to reveal something important the strobes flashed and the lights flickered and something or other came out of the darkness and... ate him or dragged him away or something.

Raven paid a quick glance down at her palm, sending dark matter over her fingers to check that her powers were still normal and the actor's disappearance hadn't been her fault. Satisfied, she almost missed it when Beast Boy started tugging on her arm. The owner's scream had come from somewhere upstairs and the lead investigator was leading the way, charging up the stairs towards the sound.

Their group thundered heavily after him, stopping short when they reached the upper landing and slowly crept through the first door.

Raven startled at the sight that met them inside, a blurted profanity escaping her.

"Shit!" she exclaimed, to Beast Boy's shock.

"Raven!" he gasped, appalled.

The owner was standing off to the side with a creepy smile, with candles burning on the points of a pentagram circle on the floor behind her.

In a calm voice, she explained how calling them there to investigate the haunting had just been a ruse, that she was in fact the ancient grandmatron pictured on the wall downstairs, and that long ago she had made a deal with dark forces to extend her youth and lifespan. The deal required ritualistic sacrifices, naturally, and so their group was in fact just the latest round of victims.

Raven's heart raced through the whole exposition dump, feeling things hit a little too close for comfort.

Women in white appeared all around them, boxing them in and coming closer, and the lead investigator pushed at their backs, shouting, "Go! Go!" and urging them to run the last few rooms towards the exit.

They lost him somewhere behind them, his figure disappearing between two actresses in decaying makeup that grabbed his arms and pulled him away. Raven's feet pounded in time with her heart as the whole house seemed to rebel against them now, walls shifting, doors slamming in their faces, a vertigo tunnel taking over one of the hallways and making her head spin dizzily.

The teen girls ahead of them were inconsolable now, sprinting as fast as they could with Raven and Beast Boy and the rest of the group behind them. Raven felt the fear pressing in, pushing at the boundaries in her head. Her mind ached. But Beast Boy's hand in hers was gripped tight and warm, and he wasn't afraid, laughing a bit as they ran from the specters and apparitions.

Raven let the adrenaline carry her, let the thrill of the chase flood her senses. It looked like they were coming up on the back door. The grandmatron appeared suddenly beside them, reaching out a hand and stretching it towards them.

They put on a final burst of speed as she chased after them, reaching, reaching...

The group spilled out into the open air, a blast of cold night wind hitting their faces.

Shrieking turned into relieved panting and laughing, exclamations of delight rather than horror. The sudden turnaround of emotions made her stagger, shaking her head and washing in the exhilaration that pulsed around their group.

"That..." gasped Beast Boy between deep breaths, doubled over with his hands on his knees, "...was... awesome!"

Raven laughed shortly, putting a hand over her chest and willing her heart to calm. "Azar..." she panted. "That was a plot twist!"

Beast Boy tilted upright. "Yeah, they've got some pretty good writers on their team. I really liked the sci-fi alien invasion they did last year."

Raven couldn't reply, feeling the ringing inside her head diminish and the empathic noise levels return to something manageable. She'd probably have a monster headache in the morning, but it almost felt worth it.

Beast Boy nudged her side with his elbow. "Sooooo..." he drawled. "Watcha think?"

She puffed out a breath. "I think..." she said. "We might still need to keep this kind of thing to a minimum. But," she added quickly, seeing and feeling the flash of disappointment in the shape-shifter's green eyes, "I had fun." She turned her face aside, pink heat creeping across her cheeks. "I'm glad I could share this with you."

He beamed. "Being scared's not any fun if you don't have someone else to be scared with! Thanks for doing this with me, Rae. I know it wasn't easy."

She waved him off. "I'll be fine if I meditate for a couple hours and get to bed at a reasonable time," she insisted. "But if I have nightmares tonight I'm blaming you," she warned.

"Fair enough." He grabbed her hand with a brilliant smile. "C'mon, let's go do some non-scary activities to clear your head a bit."

"You're sweet," she told him.

"Just looking out for my girl!" he bragged, leading the way confidently towards the hay rides and carnival games bathed in soft jack-o'-lantern light.

The glow seemed to warm her heart as she walked by his side, letting the frigid night air melt her away into a gentle, peaceful calm.

(A/N)- Happy Halloween dear readers! Stay safe and have fun!