Icy Dawn wandered around the halls of Team Prime's headquarters, hugging herself as she looked around. She was alone, and she seemed restless and uncertain. Suddenly, as she turned a corner, she bumped into someone much taller than herself and stumbled back a bit before looking up and blinking in surprise.

"Oh, it's you! Elita-1, right?"

"Right." The strange-looking femme nodded, crossing her arms. "You don't look so good, kid."

"I... I guess I'm still trying to get used to everything." Icy Dawn admitted, rubbing the back of her helm nervously. Elita-1 looked around, optics narrowing.

"Where is Wheeljack?"

"Off with Bulkhead." Icy Dawn replied, frowning. "There was a disturbance in Kaon, so he told me to stay here while they handled it. I don't remember how to fight, so... I'm kinda useless until I'm Jenna again."

"... Walk with me." Elita-1 suggested, frowning slightly. "I need to tell you something." Icy Dawn blinked, then slowly began to walk with her. "When I was young, a couple of friends and I ventured to a strange world in search of a long-lost treasure. But what we didn't know was that the planet had hostile inhabitants: giant spiders." Icy Dawn looked over at Elita-1 with wide optics. "In our efforts to escape, I was separated from the others, and they left thinking I was offline. In reality, I tried to use my power-borrowing on the spiders at the same time they injected me with their venom... And I became this." Elita gestured to herself. "A techno-organic."

"Whoa." Icy Dawn's optics widened. "Elita, I'm so sorry. I had no idea - well, I might have at one point. But... Amnesia."

"... Fearing that I would be placed on a lab-table and dissected, I joined the Decepticons when the Great War for Cybertron started. I went under the name Black-Arachnia, and I did many terrible things. Not as bad as the crimes of Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave, Soundwave, or even Arachnid, but terrible all the same. Then, when the war ended, I learned of a device on Earth that could possibly restore me to a full-Cybertronian: a key possessed by a human child, Sari Sumdac."



"It's sort of an instant tech-repairer. The Matrix of Leadership gave it to me when I first met the 'Bots, and if they were ever hurt, I could repair them in a snap."


"Yes." Elita-1 nodded as Icy Dawn shook out of the fleeting memory. "I made my way to Earth, to Detroit, and I caused a lot of trouble while trying to get that key. It took forever for me to take the hint: I can't be cured. I can't survive without my organic-half... But I was trapped by transwarp energy, the same sort of energy used to power ground and space bridges. For the next few years, I would appear somewhere, stay there for all of five minutes, then transwarp someplace else. Finally, I came to rest in the middle of a desert... That's when you found me."

"I did?"

"Yes. You found me in stasis and had me brought back to Autobot Outpost Omega Two. It's only because of you that I have been forgiven and redeemed for my past mistakes." Elita-1 turned and looked at her. "You don't have to fight to be useful. You never had to before, and you don't now."

"... But Jenna, she was probably good at that kind of thing." Icy Dawn protested, frowning. "I'm... Not. Until I get my memories back, I'm not her. I'm just Icy Dawn... We might as well be two different beings."

"That so?" Elita-1 raised an optic-brow. "Hm... I have something to show you.


An hour later, Elita-1 and Icy Dawn drove up to some sort of old warehouse outside of Jasper under the cover of the darkness of night and transformed. Icy Dawn's optics widened as she saw it.

"Whoa..." The building was covered in bright-teal paint, a different design covering each side. She couldn't help but recognize it as she ran a servo over the old art. "Triumph of the Titans." She walked around the barn. "Pack at Midnight... Call to Arms..." She arrived at the back of the warehouse, and her optics widened. A giant snowflake had been painted, and the art had been signed by someone... "Icy Dawn." Elita-1 nodded, walking over.

"After I arrived in Jasper, you showed me this place during the tour." She told the smaller femme gently. "And... After everyone thought you were dead, Unit E had to fake your death so no one would ask about you. They told everyone that you were on your way to auction off some of your artwork for charity for the military and that you died in a car-crash, that the car went off a cliffside in California, never to be found... Your friend, Miko, made a post on social-media telling the world that you were the mysterious artist, Icy Dawn, and you wouldn't believe how many people showed up to lay flowers by all of your works. Not just here, but all around the country. Everywhere you traveled and helped someone, leaving some art nearby, people got the word and visited your work to remember you. Some people just went to local works, and some people visited places around America and came to Jasper to see it all."

"Really?" Icy Dawn asked, kneeling to see a bunch of flowers, new and old, laying under the signature. "I... I don't really think that I had a lot of friends when I was human. Or... Techno-organic."

"You didn't." Elita-1 admitted, shrugging lightly. "That's probably the saddest thing of all... No one realized how much they cared about you until you were gone. Us, the Autobots, included."

"... Thank you." Icy Dawn whispered, smiling lightly as she stood. "I think that I needed to see this." Her optics widened as the larger femme pulled her into a hug.

"A good friend of mine once said... It's what you do for a friend." Elita-1 told her quietly, and Icy Dawn blinked. Then, she closed her optics and hugged back.

"They sound nice."

"Hmm. Yes... You really are."


The next morning, since she was still on Earth, Ratchet asked Icy Dawn to give the kids rides to school. The femme put the four addresses into her GPS, and she went to get them.

Icy Dawn drove up in front of the first house and waited. A few minutes later, having gotten bored, she beeped her horn twice. Raf exited the house, his eyes widening as her ran over to the femme's vehicle-mode.

"Icy Dawn?!"

"Yep!" She mentally-smirked at his expression. "Come on, kid! I don't have all solar-cycle!" Raf quickly hopped into the back-seat, and she mentally-cringed. "Okay, that will definitely take some getting used to." The femme started driving to the next location.

"How are your memories?" Raf asked, looking concerned. Icy Dawn sighed, mentally shaking her helm.

"Sorry, kid. All I've remembered since last time is that I have a lot of fandoms... I'm sure that it's only a matter of time."

"Yeah." Raf nodded, putting up a smile. "Thanks, for the ride."

"Heh... No problem, kiddo."

Icy Dawn and Raf arrived at Miko's house, and she ran out within two minutes, her eyes wide.

"Hey!" She poked her head through an open window. "Are you Jenna, or are you still Icy Dawn?" Icy Dawn mentally rolled hed optics, sighing.

"Still Icy Dawn." She replied dryly. "Get in." Miko hopped in shotgun, and it was mostly silent in the car. "So... How are you two doing in school?"

"Jenna never would have asked us that." Miko scowled, sitting back and crossing her arms. "She would have asked if we had any escape-plans and if we needed a getaway car or distraction."

"Heh..." Icy Dawn let out a weak laugh. "You know, the more I hear about this Jenna girl, the more I get the feeling that she was quite the troublemaker."

"You have no idea." Miko sighed, shaking her head. "We used to hate each other's guts. Always arguing, always fighting... It's funny how that changed."


"Yeah. She may have been younger than me, but she became like some kind of mentor. Someone I could always go to if I needed to talk, someone who was always looking out for me." Miko looked at Raf, frowning. "For all of us."

"... Hey, Miko?"


"... If Jenna - me with my memories, I mean - was here, right now, what would you say to her?"

"I'd probably yell at her for a while. Tell her she shouldn't have done what she did, tell her that she was an idiot..." Miko paused, then closed her eyes. "Then, I'd give her the silent treatment for an hour before hugging her and refusing to let her out of my sight for a week. Something like that."

"Hm." Icy Dawn hummed quietly. "I'm glad that, when I do get my memories back, I'll have a friend like you." Miko blinked, then she gave a small smile and looked down.

Icy Dawn drove up to the Darby house, and she could feel her frame tense as she examined the place. It seemed so familiar. The femme shook out of it as Jack and June walked up to her vehicle mode.

"Ratchet called to tell us that you were giving Jack a ride, today." The woman announced awkwardly. Icy Dawn willed one of the back doors open.

"Yeah." She replied as Jack climbed in. "So... I managed to remember that I used to be a fan of RWBY, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and stuff like that. And my hatred for Starscream returned and was reinforced ten-fold."

"Well." June gave a stiff smile. "I guess that means that you're half-way there." The two managed awkward laughs, then Icy Dawn sighed.

"Okay... Well, see ya!" With that, Icy Dawn closed her door an sped down the street. "So... Hey, Jack!" The boy crossed his arms and looked out a window, and Icy Dawn mentally frowned. "... I'll stop talking, now."


When Icy Dawn got back to Base, she transformed and slammed her helm into a wall, letting out a noise of annoyance. Ratchet turned to look at her, frowning slightly.

"What is wrong, Icy Dawn?"

"I. Hate. Everything!" She put her back against the wall, sliding down and hugging her knees, glaring. "I'm sick and tired of not being able to remember anything! The humans hate me - they act as I'm a entirely different being from the one they knew - and everything's just so... Frustrating!"

"That's to be expected, with your condition." Ratchet chided lightly, walking over and getting down on one knee, looking at her with a frown. "These things will take time. The more stress you place on your processor, the longer it will take... But you always were so stubborn, and hard on yourself. And... Alone." Icy Dawn looked up at him, frowning.

"How do you mean?" She asked, and Ratchet blinked. Then, he sighed and sat down next to her.

"You were... Strange, when you first came to our original base." He admitted, shaking his helm. "So distrusting, saying things like 'please don't kill us'." Icy Dawn managed a small giggle. "And it wasn't long before we learned why. It turns out that the Darbys had not been your first family... Your orignal care-givers, or parents, had abandoned you when you were very young." Icy Dawn's optics widened. "And you were constantly on-guard, at Base but never truly one of us. That is, until Wheeljack came along."

"Wheeljack." Icy Dawn looked down. "He's certainly been... Bipolar." Ratchet placed a servo on her rotator-cup.

"You and Wheeljack's partnership was long and difficult. In your imprisonment at Darkmount, when he thought you had perished, he felt like you had abandoned him. As you once said to me, you promised to never leave him like all the other Wreckers had... And he pulled away from you upon your return as a techno-organic, resulting in you feeling abandoned again."

"Do all Wreckers have abandonment-issues?" Icy Dawn looked up, raising an optic-brow. Ratchet let out a quiet chuckle.

"No. Mostly just you two."

"Great." Icy Dawn looked down. "Then, I got myself killed and left him all alone, again... I don't understand why he puts up with me."

"Well..." Ratchet gave a small smile. "He cares about you very much, despite his... Attitude." Icy Dawn slowly smiled, then pulled away from Ratchet and stood, offering the mech a hand and helping him up.


"I owed you one, from a long time ago." The medic admitted, giving a her light smirk. "My debt is now repaid... Optimus is the only one on the hook, now." Icy Dawn gave a small laugh, then Ratchet opened the space-bridge.

"See you 'round, Ratch." Icy Dawn saluted somewhat-mockingly, grinning. Ratchet's blue optics briefly widened, then he smiled in return.

"I'll see you around, Icy Dawn." He gave a small nod. With that, Icy Dawn stepped through the portal and returned to Cybertron.

Well, we got some insight on some others' feelings on the situation. Elita and Ratchet tried to offer some advice and help, and Icy Dawn interacted with the kids.

It may seem like a filler chapter, but I figured that - while Wheeljack is an important part of this - Icy Dawn needs some time with the others. I'm going to be including more time with the other Autobots, Sari, and the humans so that we can get their views on all of this. Can't be all partner-drama, right? Gotta throw in some of the others characters.

I only own my OCs! Please read, review, check out my other stories, etc. Thanks! :)