I'M BACK! Sorry for not updating faster. Loving the love and support you guys give me. YOU ROCK! You know what to do. Review away! xxx

3. Naughty Naughty

Leah POV


"Hello?" I smile as I picked up my phone.

"Leah, our house is haunted and I know you've got something to do with it"

"Nice try Seth" I smirk, knowing Ezra was playing up. "I'm still going to work"


"Goodbye" I scoff as I hang up and throw my phone into the passenger seat.

I wonder what Ezra was doing to them anyway? It can't be that bad, right?

Ezra POV

Oh, this was so much fun. Granted, I will get in so much trouble but it will be so worth it.

"What do we do Sam?"

"I don't know. How do we deal with supernatural situations? I mean we're wolves, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out" The mean man paced up and down.

"Sam, I really want to go on patrol now" One boy complained as he kept eyeing the door.

"Embry, man up and deal with it" Sam scoffed as continued to think.

Time to up the ante…

I grabbed Embry's shoulder and latched onto it. He froze up before quickly turning around to see nothing there. His breathing started to quiver with fear.


"Not now Embry!" The mean man scolded.

"Gee Embry, what's up? You look pale?" Another boy questioned walking up to him.

Yeah Embry I whisper into his ear. Why so pale?

And then he immediately sprinted out of the house turning into his wolf form. I laughed out loud as I saw his fleeing form travel into the distance. The door broken, in his attempt to run.

"Embry?" Sam raised an eyebrow at how his pack member ran.

I grabbed the pen again and started to write.


"Who are you? What do you want?" Sam questioned.

"Sam, I think we should go now"

Sam only growled in reply, silencing his friend.

Leave Leah ALONE

"We can't do that"

I smashed a mug on the ground hoping to get my point across.

"How do you know Leah?" He demanded.

As if I'm ever gonna tell you. I slammed all the doors in the house to create a chilling effect before smashing a picture of Mom on the floor.

Might regret that later.

It was quiet for a while. All you could hear were the frightened ragged breathing of the he-men in the house. As they stared at each other, I grabbed the tomato paste from the pantry and wrote slowly on the very white walls:


They seem to have gotten the message. Literally. Sam commanded his pack to leave the house carefully, leaving through the broken door. Yes, I succeeded in driving the bad man away! As I jumped for joy, I took a hold of my surroundings.

Leah is definitely gonna kill me now. Or at least send my spirit to hell.

But what she doesn't know won't hurt her, right? I just need to know how to fix a broken door and we'll be fine…

I think.

Leah POV

After an eventful day at work, I was about to close up the hardware store before a familiar car pulled up. As the red truck pulled up awkwardly to the curb, I dreaded the wait as I heard the his car door open and shut before hearing the familiar ring from the store door, alerting a customer's arrival.

I don't need to know who that will be. Guess Sam really must be desperate if he's here.

"Alright, what is it now Sam—"

"Hi momma" Ezra smiled at me.

I stared at my son in shock as held a pair of car keys in his hand. Sam's car keys.


"Please don't be mad!" He begged as he cringed away from my tone.

"Don't be mad? I'm FURIOUS!" I sneered silently, knowing we weren't alone.

"Leah, everything alright?" My manager, Sophie called out form the back.


"Uh, yes! Just taking care of a problem"

"Big problem?"

"Nothing I can't handle Soph"

"Oh, okay! You sure you can close up?"

"I got it. Have a good night!"

"Night sweetie!"

I waited for my manager's car to drive off before I turned my attention to Ezra who had taken the chance to hide beneath the counter.

"Ezra…" I warned.

"I know you said to keep low, but they started weird stuff in the house. They bought this weird lady who was all I can see dead people crap. And thes she tried talking to me and lying to the bad man about what I was really saying—

"Ezra! Slow down! Tell me what is going on slowly"


Oh. My. God. Can someone give me a break?

"Whaat?!" I dragged as I answered the phone.

"Leah" Sam's voice was darker than I thought possible.


Play it dumb Leah. He doesn't know.

"What now? I told you I'm not going to—



"Where. Is. My. Car. Leah?"

In front of my workplace…

"How should I know, Sam?" I scoffed.

Then a loud crash had me turning toward Ezra who was standing near a broken shelf. He looked guilty as if he was caught stealing a cookie. He looked like he was gonna cry too.

"I'm sorry Momma" He sniffed. "I don't mean to be clumsy"

I sighed deeply and silently before making a dreaded decision.

"Leah? What was that? Leah?"

I spruced myself up as I put on my best acting.

"Sam?" I shivered.

"Leah? What's wrong?"

"I found your car…"

I motioned Ezra to smash something else mouthing off the word loud. Ezra complied by smashing another Shelf before I began to scream into the phone.


I'm really gonna regret this…


Then the phone went dead.

"That was so cool mama!"

"You're grounded"


"By the way kid, you never told me you could drive" I stated as we started cleaning up the mess.