A/N: Yet another story…am I trying to work myself into a corner?

Anyway, this idea was inspired by three Ben 10 fics: Judge Royce's Ben 10: Ultimate Romance, Rexfan1333's Ben 10: Ultimate Ladies, and Omarnosian10's Ben 10: Ultimate Couples.

I figured…why not try this, but replace Ben Tennyson with Jaune Arc.

I knew this should really be in the RWBY/X-overs crossover section, but considering how Judge Royce originally (and still does) have his story as a simple Ben 10 fic, I'll leave this as a simple RWBY fic.

Without further ado, let's start this fic with the main female character of Bioshock Infinite!

Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or any of the franchises referenced in this series of one-shots.

Chapter 1: Elizabeth Comstock

"So this…Dust? This is the main power source on Remnant?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

Weiss would be the right person to talk to in regards to that subject.

"And the…Faunus? They are discriminated against for their extra features?"

"Uh huh."

Blake would be the right person to ask in regards to that subject…actually, no. Her being a Faunus is supposed to be a secret.

Maybe Velvet, instead?

Nah, she'd probably be too shy and sad to talk about it.

"And there are weapons that can serve for both melee and range attacks?"

"Oh yeah."

Ruby would definitely be the right person to ask in regards to that particular subject.

Then again, his girlfriend would probably get weirded out by Ruby's…fond admiration when it came to weapons….


Jaune still couldn't believe it.

He turned to the girl in question…Elizabeth Comstock.

The girl he had gone through hell to try and save, all at the urging of two very weird adult twins who finished each other's sentences.

Oh right, that probably warrants an explanation of sorts.

Well, here's an abridged version.

Jaune had been out in Vale, away from Beacon and his friends.

Not that he wanted to be away from his friends. He simply wanted to be alone for a short time to gather his thoughts of what he's been through so far up till this point.



That food fight at the beginning of the semester.

The dance.

The breach.

And now the Vytal Tournament was a mere few days away, and he was nervous that he'd be unable to keep up with his teammates.

In the middle of his thoughts, he had bumped into two people, causing him to stumble back a little. When he made to apologize, he had noticed they were twins, one male and one female.

They had introduced themselves as Robert and Rosalind Lutece, and that they were from another world….

Needless to say, Jaune wanted to get away from the crazy people.

Some sort of dimensional gateway appearing out of nowhere, however, made him question his own sanity.

Then they decided, "Fuck it. Let's kidnap the scrawny blonde."

Okay, they didn't actually say that, but the point remained. Jaune was kidnapped and taken to another world called Earth, where he was sent to the floating city of Columbia.

It had taken a couple minutes for the idea of a floating city to sink in. Sure, there was the floating stadium, Amity Colosseum, but a floating city was an entirely different concept.

After accepting this wasn't a dream, Jaune had been told that he was to save a girl named Elizabeth Comstock, who was being held at Monument Island.

Seemed like those fairy tales of the knight saving the princess from the castle being guarded by a dragon….

Except instead of a knight, it was Jaune. And instead of a princess, it was a regular girl. And instead of a castle, it was a floating city, or actually, a tower in the form of an angel.

How quaint.

Regardless, Jaune took it upon himself to go through with what the Lutece Twins wanted, knowing he couldn't leave someone to be a prisoner.

And so he went on a grand tour through Colombia. It was really quite beautiful, though it soon became a nightmare when he was falsely revealed as the "False Shepard", the one who would "lead their Lamb astray".

Needless to say, his adventure turned to a fight for survival. He didn't like the fact that he had to kill in self-defense, but his current situation left him no choice in the matter.

And so he fought his way through the floating city, shooting those that shot at him with the guns of this world, cutting down those that charged him with his sword, and gaining special abilities called Vigors. It was like he had multiple Semblances, and his tactical mind utilized each one to the best of his abilities.

He had finally found the girl he was sent to rescue…and he was struck by her beauty.

Black hair tied up in a small ponytail, beautiful blue eyes that were just mesmerizing to gaze at, luscious lips that he was oh so tempted to kiss. Combine that with a white blouse, blue collar, ascot, and long dress skirt, and she was quite the looker.

Her missing pinky (replaced with a thimble) did nothing to diminish this fact, and her ability to open "tears" only made her more interesting.

After a brief misunderstanding and nearly being killed by a giant mechanical bird called Songbird, he and Elizabeth saw fit to steal an airship. When she begged him to take her to a city called Paris. He had been hesitant, what with the Lutece Twins specifically instructing him to…actually, they hadn't really told him where to take Elizabeth now that he thought about it.

That little revelation, along with the cute pout Elizabeth was giving him (not as pouty as Ruby, but still very much effective), was enough to convince him of the girl's plight.

Of course, before they could even go through with it, their (stolen) airship had been boarded and taken from them by Daisy Fitzroy and her people. They demanded weapons in exchange for the ship.

And so Jaune and Elizabeth once again had to endure the danger that was Colombia to get weapons, which involved a stubborn Jerimiah Fink, traveling to different realities, and then contending with a somewhat crazed Fitzroy.

After all that, and comforting Elizabeth as she was shocked at killing Fitzroy, their airship had been torn apart by Songbird….

And if that wasn't enough, they had to deal with a freaking ghost. A ghost! A literal ghost! Of Elizabeth's not-Mom no less!

Jaune would never understand how bullets even affected that spirit.

And then Songbird showed up and took Elizabeth! And then Jaune was somehow taken to the future where he met Future Elizabeth, and then sent back to rescue present Elizabeth, and then he had to fight though some crazed patients and a weird guy with a sort of megaphone on his head. And then he had to fight through more guards and….

Now that he thought about it, it was starting to become repetitive.

When he rescued Elizabeth, she resolved to kill Father Comstock. Jaune knew he couldn't let Elizabeth go down this path, and told her that he would kill him himself.

As they stormed through Comstock's airship, they finally confronted the man, who tried to reason with Elizabeth one final time. When he got a little too…rough with her, Jaune beat the ever-living hell out of him.

Of course, when he was about to land the killing blow…he couldn't go through with it. Funny, considering how many he's killed already. Why not one more? It was either this, or Elizabeth go down that path.

Instead…he had had enough. Enough people had died over this.

He told Elizabeth this…and she surprisingly agreed, though after a moment's hesitation.

So they left Father Comstock to wallow in defeat as they made to pilot the airship towards Monument Island. They figured out that if the tower was destroyed, then Elizabeth's powers would no longer be limited. Though some Vox Populi ships made to get in the way, Elizabeth had simply used a whistler to control Songbird and sic him on the Vox Populi.

As they finally arrived, Jaune personally commanded Sonbird to destroy the tower, though the whistler was lost. When Songbird made one last attempt to kill Jaune, Elizabeth opened a tear, sending all three of them to a place called Rapture, where Songbird died underwater.

Elizabeth showed Jaune about the many different worlds, different realities, that existed.

Constants and variables.

The Lutece Twins arrived and asked one more task of Jaune.

Kill Comstock for good.

And the only way to do that would be to kill the man that becomes him: Booker DeWitt.

Jaune…was not okay with that. Not only was he done killing people, but it didn't seem right to kill a man based on what he would do should he accept his baptism.

But it was the only way to save the other Elizabeths and possibly allow one to have a normal life with her father.

And so Jaune decided that one more life needed to be taken.

He supposed he should've considered himself lucky that the one meant to be killed was actually contemplating suicide at the time.

He didn't want to…but it needed to be done.

What made it worse was that Booker didn't even defend himself. He just let it happen, accepting his death.

And so all was made right.

Afterwards, Jaune kept his promise (an Arc never goes back on his word) to Elizabeth and took her to Paris, where they spent some time…together.

Turns out, when two people go through hell together, a bond forms and feelings bloom.

And by bloom, I mean Elizabeth capturing Jaune in a kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Jaune was more than shocked, to say the least.

He was even more shocked when he kissed her back.

They had a better time together now that they were…together-together.

Of course…the time came for Jaune to return to Remnant.

He knew he couldn't ask Elizabeth to come with him, and he couldn't stay with her. There were too many people back on Remnant that he cared about: his family, his friends.

When he told her his time to return had come…she asked something of him that he honestly didn't think she'd ask.

She asked if she could come with him. To Remnant.

At first he had said no, saying that she deserved to live in Paris like she always dreamed of.

She countered that since he saw her world, it was only right that she see his.

She also hinted that she might…stay there…with him.

And so they both left for Remnant.

Which led to right now.

When they arrived, the couple had gone to a clothing store to get Elizabeth some new attire. They were able to find a modern version of the attire she wore when Jaune found her in the tower.

Jaune had then sent messages to his friends to meet him at the Beacon docking area. He then led Elizabeth to the airship that would take them to Beacon.

"Oh my god! That little boy has dog ears! How cute!"

Well, he tried to, anyway.

Jaune turned to see Elizabeth knelt down to gaze at a homeless Faunus boy. The boy was wary of her at first, but seeing her kind innocent smile made him warm up to her. He even allowed her to pet his dog ears.

All while Elizabeth cooed at him.

Jaune could only chuckle at his girlfriend. "Okay, Liz. I think we need to get moving."

Elizabeth simply pouted at him. "But…his ears are fluffy!"

"Some friends of mine have a pet dog you could pet instead of the boy…probably better since the dog won't be offended."

"Oh, I'm not offended, mister!" the boy exclaimed, then blushed. "I…kinda like it."

Elizabeth giggled and scratched the dog ears some more, much to the boy's delight.

"Well," Jaune continued. "The airship to Beacon leaves in a couple minutes, so we have to go now."

Heaving a sigh, Elizabeth pat the Faunus boy on the head before heading off with Jaune.

"Bye, mister!" the boy waved. "Bye, nice lady!"

Jaune simply smiled while Elizabeth giggled and waved back.

As the airship neared Beacon, Jaune went through his mind about how he would explain his absence to his friends. Turns out, time worked normally for some reason, meaning that he actually had been gone from Remnant for a few days.

His friends were going to kill him, though maybe not as much if he explained why he had been gone. It helps that his girlfriend will be able to prove his story.

And what a story it will be.

The airship finally landed, and Jaune and Elizabeth stepped out and onto the Beacon docking area.

He searched around for his team and RWBY, since he had called them and told them to meet him here.


Being tackled by a red and pink blur told him that he had been glomped by his two shortest friends.



Jaune simply chuckled as he hugged Ruby and Nora back, missing the hint of jealousy on Elizabeth's face.

He shakily got back up to his feet, Ruby and Nora still hanging onto him.

"Hey, guys," Jaune greeted. "Guess I got some explaining to do."

"Oh yes, you do."

Jaune gulped at the dark tone from his partner, Pyrrha Nikos, who was glaring at him, along with the rest of his friends, sans Ruby and Nora who were too happy he was back.

"You've been gone for days," Pyrrha scolded. "You haven't called us, nor have you answered our calls. Just where were you?!"

Jaune chuckled nervously as he finally got Ruby and Nora to let go of him.

"W-Well…I guess you could say I was gone because of her."

He gestured to Elizabeth, who simply huffed.

"Don't say it like it was my fault you were gone. The Luteces are the ones who kidnapped you."

"They kidnapped me to rescue you."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

RWBY and NPR simply looked confused.

"Um, Jaune?" Ruby asked. "Who's she?"

Jaune chuckled nervously. "R-Right. Guys, this is Elizabeth Comstock. My…girlfriend."

Silence reigned in the area for a good seven seconds.


Let it be known that the combined shouts of his seven friends could make a man go deaf.

An exaggeration? Obviously, but it was a nice exaggeration.

"G-Girlfriend?" Pyrrha asked shakily.

Nora and Ren could only give the Spartan looks of sympathy. Weiss, Blake and Yang were completely shocked that Vomit Boy of all people got a girlfriend. And Ruby….


She was the only one expressing happiness over this revelation.

Jaune smiled. "Yeah…boy, do I have a story to tell you guys."

A story of how he had gone to another world.

A story of how he had gotten over his motion sickness…he was a man on a mission! No time for throwing up!

A story of how he gained several new abilities. Abilities he would most definitely utilize in the tournament.

A story of how he met Elizabeth Comstock….

And how they fell in love.

A/N: And there you have it. Jaune/Elizabeth (Knights and Variables).

You can consider this one-shot an extremely abridged version of a story I hope to write in the far future, or that someone else writes and writes well.

This would definitely make a great full-length story, and I'd definitely read it.

Now, a couple of things:

1) Chapters may be 1000-2000 words. The only reason this was as long as it was is because of the backstory I had to come up with.

2) These one-shots will feature Jaune and one girl. Not two, not three, and certainly no harems.

3) Only girls from stuff other than RWBY. Can be girls from any other anime, cartoon, video game, movie, etc.

Also, while I have some girls chosen, you all can make suggestions as to who you want Jaune to be paired with in a future chapter.

If you liked this and want to be kept up to date, be sure to follow and fav. Leave a review to tell me what you thought of this or to leave a suggestion for a girl you want to be paired with Jaune.

See you all in the next update or in my other stories.