
"Stop, just control yourself!" Adrien whispered, holding his head in his hands, as the images passed through his head again. Nino could hear his friend's quiet struggle, but just shook his head and continued writing diligently focusing on Ms. Bustier's words.

Adrien felt himself blush when he realized Nino had been listening to his inner battle, his face turning even redder as he thought of her again. Ladybug. The beloved superheroine of Paris, who ran across rooftops and swung around the Eiffel Tower, saving innocent civilians from the grasp of Hawkmoth. She was amazing, confident, beautiful, and the girl with Adrien's heart. If only he knew who she actually was.

Chat Noir even struggled to get Ladybug to admit her favorite color, much less her civilian identity. He wished she trusted him enough.

As the events of yesterdays patrol filled his head again, Adrien sat his head down on his desk. Patrol had always been his favorite part of the week, by far. He got to see his lady and let the freedom of Chat Noir reign. But the day before had been his favorite.

Adrien and Nino had been planning the day for weeks, a very rare day that Adrien had no plans. No photo shoot, no piano lessons, no fencing. Adrien knew how much his father upset Nino, and decided to spend the day with Nino, and maybe Alya and Marinette, Nino insisted. But before Adrien could leave that morning, Nathalie had informed him of a last-minute photo shoot, and while he protested, his father wouldn't budge.

Nino had been upset of course, ranting about Adrien's father. Adrien had been more angry that upset. He felt like he was living in more of a cage than a home. He had gone to patrol angry, fuming over his ruined day. Ladybug noticed immediatly, but stayed quiet. Until she saw the tears brimming in his eyes. Chat had been mortified she had seen him like that, but accepted her comfort, explaining his problem. They had talked, both of them opening up. Ladybug had suprisingly revealed quite a bit of information about her civilian life, but not enough to make her identity known.

Chat Noir loved her comfort, she had make him feel much better, content even. As they had gone to leave as the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower, she had done the unthinkable.

Ladybug had kissed him. On the lips, right on top of the Eiffel Tower. He didn't really have time to comprehend what was happening before she was gone, jumping away across the parsian rooftops. He had stood there for a while, trying to savor the feeling, the taste.

She had tasted like peppermint.

The bell ringed, reminding Adrien of the reality around him. He could hear Ms. Bustier saying something about their new homework, and Nino talking behind him. Something about video games, Alya, and maybe his father. He found he couldn't pay attention to anything at the moment, but Ladybug.

His mind still churning with the thoughts of a spotted-super hero, he didn't even realize when he collided with a small figure in front of him. The impact of Adrien running into the figure caused them both to tumble to the floor. The girl squeaked, as Adrien fell to the floor, or fell on top of her. It had happened so quick, Adrien hadn't had time to catch himself, or find out who he had ran into. All he knew was that he was laying on top of a girl (at least he thought) and his lips were pressed against her's.

Not to mention that all he could taste was peppermint.

This isn't going to be a oneshot, but probably a series with just a few parts. Maybe three or four...and sorry for the major cliffhanger, not sorry :)

-Azcona 3