A/N And now here is the actual new long awaited chapter 10 (6)
In the morning, or later in the morning for the Detectives and Thief, the group ate a quick breakfast and hurried to the port where the boat was waiting for the trip they were on. Lupin tried very hard to put on a brave face for his fear of the aquatic life they were there to see, even though 'Whales were mammals and should not be considered equal to the low lives known as fish' (according to Haibara and Mitsuhiko). Sure his secret fear could now be used against him and most likely start a prank war between him and those kids but he was glad that they were no longer dragging him to the railings of the boat so he was pretty safe in the exact middle of the boat. That is until one of the monsters that had every insane person on this contraption in awe breached only one foot away from the boat. Lupin quickly hid behind the one who he considered the safest person (and closest) in order not to see the creature. The person just so happened to be Aoko and had both her and Ran looking at him with heart shaped eyes that pretty much said 'Aww~ how cute!'. Most of the females, and a few of the male population, on the vessel awed at the thief when they were finally out of the trance that the whale trapped them in.

Soon that adventure ended and the fishing trip (of hell) began. Conan (that little devil) caught many large fish and each time he caught one he'd immediately go to the tree the Lupin was trying to hide in and catch Lupin's attention somehow and scaring the poor soul for life. Ran eventually got him to stop but in Lupin's book that was too long, especially since the other Detective Boys were in on it. There was no where the thief could run since they were on a small island when they had been placed on. Apparently a smaller boat was going to pick them up in three or four hours but to Lupin it felt like days. He was bored. Lupin had long ran out of magic tricks he could practice in the tree and was now looking up stuff on the phone that Conan uses when Shinichi calls Ran. Shockingly, but also not so shocking, was the lack of interesting things on this phone. While Lupin could be rude and possibly ruin Conan's disguise or just perhaps he should change the contact's names. That would also be good. It would through the detective into a loop. He gave an evil chuckle at the idea before he downloads a few games on the phone to pass the time.

The hours passed by slowly, so effortlessly slowly that Lupin had finally dozed off after hours of just staying in the tree and away from all the evil fish around him. That is until a scream nearby disturbed him from his slumber and caused him to fall right out of the wonderful tree he had seated himself in. Startled and alert he quickly looked around just in time to be pulled by none other than Conan into toward the noise that had terrified them all, or well him mainly the noise sparked interest in the wannabe detective.
"Hurry up KID" The tiny detective hissed to him as he pulled Lupin along, completely forgetting what he just called the sleepy thief as they rush to see what all the commotion was about. What had happened neither of them could prepare themselves for, a nearly decayed body trapped by the hook of a woman's poll laying there on the shore. Without a moment's thought all the adults there quickly covered the nearest child's eyes though that didn't stop Conan from sneaking out closer to the obviously dead body with the two other detectives around him. Lupin rolled his eyes at this as he watched the group go before focusing on distracting Ran and Aoko by hugging tightly onto their legs. It was fairly easy to act like a scared and scarred child as a distraction as the two quickly gave into their mothering instincts and hugged Lupin close while whispering calming things such as "the detectives are on it dont worry Lupin" and "Hush now Lupin it's going to be ok" Though he couldn't help the evil smile that fell onto his face as he pressed himself against both of their bosoms without a second thought, he could get used to this.

"Dead definitely" Hakuba mutters as he put on a pair of gloves just to check for a pulse that was never going to be there "The question is how… And whom killed him"
"This obviously wasn't a suicide…" Conan muttered as he observed the dead woman from an aerial view with the help of Hattori "Despite the decayed portions of the corpse there are puncture wounds on his back… The question is Who this lady is…"
"Yah… Kogoro" Heiji yelled to the man "You've called the police right?"
"Yes" The elderly detective mutters with an eye roll "I'm not dumb enough to not call the police now you gits get away from the body and everyone go to that pulvilian over there. This is a murder. Even if the corpse has decayed that doesn't mean any of you can get away without questioning."
"Her name was Minatozaki Sana…." Hakuba mutters as he carefully pulls out an ID from the girls pockets
"Yah stop tapering with evidence" Kogoro says with a sigh
"With all due respect Kogoro-san… I am not tapering with evidence." Hakuba said, in a 100% done tone that Lupin only ever heard when the detective was tried of his pranks "I am also with the police so there for. I am researching the criminal. Now go ask the potential suspects if they knew of her."
Kogoro was surprisingly docile at this and only left with an eye roll while the teen and child detectives continued their work with barely any interruptions. Well that is until Lupin stops his act and goes over to the trio of detectives to give his own input on the situation. Luckily for him both Aoko and Ran were busy keeping the other detective boys busy and distracted so they wouldn't go home from this trip scarred for life, not that they weren't already.
"So… what do you guys have on her?" Lupin asks with a bored voice, knowing just how helpful talking this out was for the detective, he would gladly lend an ear while they wait for the police to pull out here.
"Her age, which is 16 by the way… Found a few photos of her on social media with friends.. Last post was only a day ago of her with a guy so her decomposing was definitely sped up…. Or so we think… For all we know… the killer could have used that post as an alibi to get away with this.. Definitely need to bring her closest friends into questioning... " Conan says, mainly to himself though.
"How are we going to do that when we're on this island" Lupin questions, though he already knew the answer.
"Well… a few already are.. Just have to pull them aside" Hakuba says as he looks up from what he was currently doing "And as for the others… The police can easily find them.. Just contacted my father to go get a hold of a few of them for us and they should be bringing them here… Hopefully"
"Yes Hopefully" Heiji continues "A few can't come as they are in Korea… Which was where this girl seemed to have been planning on going… According to this post this was her farewell trip before heading out and becoming of those idols…"
"Poor girl" Lupin mutters as he looks at the nearly unrecognizable face before him, he knew with these detectives on the case though the culprit would get caught. Hopefully.
"Huh.." Heiji mutters "She's from Osaka… Perhaps it would be a good idea to call my father up… to bring her family into question at least…"
"Yes perhaps" A new voice sounded "What are you doing with children around the crime scene?"
"Oh sorry officer… Conan-kun and Lupin-kun are both inspiring detectives you see" Hakuba says in a quick and easy lie "We made sure neither of them touched anything though… And their guardians had given the ok… surprisingly…"
"That isn't the point" The officer continues "Go join the suspects we'll handle it from here"
"Sir I don't think you quite understand… You see we are detectives… I'm Hattori Heiji and this is Hakuba Saguru… High school Detectives"

"I know who you are now get out of my crime scene" The officer says again, angrier than before.
The dejected detectives side as they slowly went to join the suspects in the polvilian they were being housed in, though just because they left the body alone didn't mean they were all done. Nope not in the slightest. Within the hour the search of suspects have been narrowed down to four suspicious people and everyone there that day had been questioned with little troubles, minus the four suspects who refused to answer any questions other than that they knew Sana and were just as shocked as everyone else that she had died at such a young age.
"So… we've gotten nowhere" Lupin says knowing that the detectives would be quick to prove him wrong.
"Quite the contrary Lupin" Hakuba says without a second of hesitation "We know exactly what happened to the girl, she was killed three days ago on a cruise as that was the time he went missing and none of the people we suspect even bothered to report it. For all we know every last one of them had a hand in her death, a death caused by jealous it seems… Even her sister."
"Ah" Lupin mutters with a small nod "Welp… I'm going to leave you detectives to it. This is no place for a thief… Time to keep the other kids busy yeah?"
"That would be very helpful Kaito" Conan says, barely thinking of how he head the others true name as he ponders on what happened.
The thief just smiles and walks over to the group of kids the Detective boys were trying to keep entertained and joined them, encaptivating them all.
"So… who did it kudo?" Heiji asks once Lupin had left
"I don't know yet" Conan says as he continues to look at the evidence on their phones "We need to question them all again… "
"Alright… You take the two I questioned Hakuba and I'll take yours" Heji mutters with a small sigh and goes to ask the two men to go and follow him, which thankfully they obliged to while Hakuba did the same to the women.
This time around they actually got some answers from the quartet though it seems now everyone was pointing fingers at the boyfriend. He was a supposedly deeply upset with the long distance and the potential breakup from the company that she would be apart of but nothing about that made him seem like he minded. His story was actually the exact opposite of the two girls. He said he had come to terms with it, despite his obsessiveness with Sana it was the best for both of them and Sana's career if the broke up. He actually said he suggested the break up and showed them a post that had actually explained what was to happen with him and Sana on a private post for only their closest friends and family. He then proceeded to try and hold back tears, which are truly never a factor in proving innocence.

"So what do you boys have?" The officer from earlier grumbles as he approaches the detectives in mind deduction, Hakuba quickly explained everything that they had found and watched as the officer moved to arrest the boyfriend before quickly being stopped by the hot-headed Heiji.
"Now hold it right there" the osaka born man said with a glare "We have already decided the boyfriend has nothing to do with this. He has an alibi and no true reason to kill if ya haven't been listening to us"
"He could be lying"
"Yes and the killer could very well be you" Heiji mutters under his breath "Wait until we have evidence. Something is still fishy about this"

With a sigh of relief the detectives watch the man go and do his own investigating into the case, though honestly if he was left in charged this would have been chalked up to an accident and Sana's soul would have never been put to rest. The trio slowly walk over to where their group was resting, everyone there exhausted from how long it had been since the body was found. The suspects were made to stay in separate areas of the island for fear of them planning on setting their stories straight about Sana's death.
"It wasn't me" The boyfriend insists suddenly from the area he was sitting in "I loved her. Physically. I respected her and her wishes… They told me she went home early…"
"Who told you?"
"Jitsuke and Mei" The boyfriend mutters as he gestures to the two girls who were near each other despite being told not to. Conan was just about to go have a word with the girls but Lupin seemed to have already been on the case. His "twin" had turned around to him to give him a quick thumbs up before putting on a show for the ladies, obviously stopping them from talking to each other or coming up with a plan to escape. For once he was grateful that Lupin had shrunk and was now on their side, and that Lupin has always been on his side.