Coughing heavily, nearly doubling over from the fit, Ashiya has to carefully sit himself down in order to avoid falling straight to the floor. He uses the back of his hand to wipe at his reddening nose, hoping to get rid of any irritant before they could cause another sort of fit. His wishes are denied however, as he soon goes into a series of sneezes that shake him to the core.

"I hate Spring," he complains, taking the tissue that [Name] hands him.

Said girl gives him a sympathetic smile as she pushes the box of tissues closer to Ashiya so he could easily reach them himself. She watches as he leans back in the spot where he is sitting, resting his back against the wall as he closes his eyes in an attempt to alleviate his allergies. It does little for him though, and he's soon reaching for more tissues as another fit of sneezes mixed with coughs plagues him.

"It is not the Springtime that you dislike so strongly," Suzuno interjects from her spot at the kitchen counter. She stirs the soup she is making steadily as she continues, "But the cleaning that comes with Springtime. It is merely the dust you hate."

"Maybe it was a bad idea to go on a big cleaning spree," [Name] says, looking around at the small space. There wasn't much in the room where three guys shared a living space, but somehow everything had been covered in a thin layer of dust. "I honestly don't know how you live in these condition, Ashiya."

"I don't know if you can call this living," Ashiya responds, his voice sounding full of phlegm. He coughs again, trying to rid his throat of the annoying substance, but it's stuck there.

"Perhaps a bit of sustenance with help," Suzuno offers as she turns the stovetop off.

[Name] shifts around from her spot on the floor, letting Suzuno sit where she had been as she goes to a spot right next to Ashiya. Suzuno brings over a rather large bowl full of soup—previously canned, but now it had been heated up in a pot—and sits it down as close to Ashiya as the table will allow. He leans forward slightly, thanking her as he tries to pick up the spoon to feed himself. Just as he's about to bring it up to his lips, another fit of sneezes claims him and he spills the contents of the spoon onto his lap, hissing at the hot liquid.

"Maybe you should let somebody else do that," [Name] suggests, handing him more tissues so he could clean himself off.

Ashiya turns his eyes toward Suzuno, who up until now had only been staring at him, as he pleads with her silently to feed him. Catching his gaze, Suzuno smoothly stands from her seat and steps back. She glances around the room before making her way toward the apartment's exit.

"I'm sure Urushihara is having trouble with the chores I've given him," she explains as she turns the handle to the door. "I should go see if he needs assistance."

As she exits, closing the door behind her, both Ashiya and [Name] stare, unbelieving of her sudden departure. It takes a few seconds before Ashiya sighs, going to grab the spoon for himself once more. Before he can, [Name]'s hand gently shoos his away, picking up the spoon for him.

"We are not going to have a repeat of a few minutes ago," [Name] says sternly, scooping a spoonful of soup. "Now open up and say ah."

It takes Ashiya a few seconds to comply, his brain working slower due to his allergies. Despite how good this soup may have tasted on his tongue and how soothing it felt going down his scratchy throat, he still couldn't get over the fact he'd stooped so low as to need help in feeding himself. It was a good thing Maou wasn't home or Ashiya would really feel ashamed.

"Maybe I can go pick you up some allergy medication from the store," [Name] comments, interrupting Ashiya's self-loathing thoughts. She's mostly talking to herself, a habit she had that Ashiya had quickly noticed from the moment the two of them had met. "Get it on my way home and bring it tomorrow. Of course, you'd need to survive without it until then."

[Name] laughs at the end of her train of thought, helping Ashiya finish up the bowl of soup before she places the empty dish on the table.

"You have to put that in the sink," Ashiya says, pointing sleepily at the kitchen counter. He'd be damned if any ants made it into the apartment just because she didn't put a dirty dish away.

Promising him she'd do it in a minute or two, and receiving a comment that she sounded just like the bum that lived here with him and Maou, [Name] sat back with Ashiya, leaning her back against the wall as well. The two of them stayed in moderate silence after that, Ashiya concentrating on breathing through his stuffy nose and [Name] staring at the trees outside through the window. She could see the pink petals of the cherry blossoms across the street fluttering down from their spots on the tree. It was a sight she looked forward to every year.

"Do they have cherry blossoms where you come from, Ashiya?"

When [Name] didn't receive an answer after a few moments, she glanced back over toward the blonde. With his eyes closed, mouth slightly parted, and arms folded across his chest as he breathed deeply, [Name] could tell that he'd easily fallen asleep in the short amount of time the two of them had been silent. A small smile crossed her lips at the rare sight of Ashiya not acting like a nagging mother and she couldn't help but wonder if he was dreaming about anything in particular.

Turning her gaze back toward the cherry blossoms outside, she was just in time to witness a huge gust of wind blow a bunch of petals through the air, causing a flurry of pink in the streets.

"I hope they do," she whispered to herself. "They're part of the reason why I love Spring."