Shivering slightly, Chiho tries to bring the edges of her coat closer to her. "It sure is cold today, Mr. Maou," she comments, watching as her breath comes out in puffs before disappearing. Her shoes kick a bit at the snow as the two of them walk, leaving dragging footprints in their wake.

"Well, it did snow last night, Chi," Maou responds matter of factly, glancing around at the powdered ground and buildings. He couldn't help but think how the Winter in Ente Isla felt so much more colder than the Winter in this world. It was a nice change.

"Oh, that's right," Chiho agreed, remembering how the snow had just started to fall as she was readying herself for bed the night before.

The two of them walk on in relative silence toward Maou's apartment complex, only the occasional sound of a person passing by or a car driving past breaking the serine moment. Having just gotten off a long, grueling day at work, neither of them were in the mood for very much chatting. In fact, both seemed content to just have a slow, relaxing walk back to the apartment.

"H-Hey!" Maou yelled in surprise as a snowball landed a few feet in front of him. Glancing around, he noticed another one coming right at him. It hit his shoulder as he growled out a, "What the hell?!"

From beside him, Chiho squeaked as she was hit directly in the face by a third flying snowball. It dripped off her face in clumps before joining the snow near her feet. "W-What's going on?"

"We're under attack," Maou says urgently, grabbing her arm before attempting to run off to hide somewhere. He manages to find a light fixture that he steps behind, placing Chiho behind him. It doesn't occur to him that the lamp post is too thin to give him any decent coverage. "Show yourself, fiend!"

"Fiend? Really?" From across the street, in an empty lot neither Maou nor Chiho had noticed at first, [Name] stands snickering at the two of them. She tosses another snowball directly up in the air, catching it in her palm again on its way back down. "I just thought I'd get your attention."

"Oh, [Name]," Chiho huffs when she realizes it's only a friend playing a prank that was 'attacking'. She steps out from behind Maou, giving the other girl a half glare. "You could've just called out to us."

"What fun is that?" She laughs, chucking another snowball in their direction. "Think fast!"

Dodging this final snowball easily, Maou settles down now that the faux crises is officially averted. He walks across the street with Chiho, entering the empty lot that [Name] is standing in. Around them, he notices the large lumps of snow that had been formed into half-domes; there are a few on either side of the lot.

"What happened here?" He asks, gesturing toward the mounds.

[Name] glances around, smiling at the lot. "I found it like this. My best guess is some kids were having a snowball fight earlier." Walking over to one of the mounds, she ducks down behind it and comes back with a few more snowballs in hand.

"You're not going to start one yourself, are you?" Chiho asks warily, ready to bolt for one of the opposing mounds in case [Name] decides to take fire.

"No, no, I'm done with that," [Name] answers, laughing at her friend's suspicion. "I actually wanted to come here and build a few snowmen."

There's a certain glitter in Chiho's eyes once [Name] reveals her plans and the younger girl excitedly asks if she can help. When [Name] agrees, the two of them get started, working on making a large lump of snow that they can easily roll around together. Maou is left standing at the entrance to the lot, a look of confusion settled on his face as he watches the two of them.

"Maou, don't just stand there," [Name] chastises after realizing he'd only been watching them for a solid five minutes. "Come help us build snowmen!"

"Snow… Men…?" If the confusion wasn't evident on his face, it certainly was in his voice.

Both girls looked at him with mild concern before Chiho spoke up. "Mr. Maou, didn't you ever build a snowman as a kid?"

For a brief second, Maou recalled his rough childhood in Ente Isla. "No, I don't really recall."

"Well, your childhood sucked," [Name] said bluntly. "But that doesn't mean your adulthood has to. Come over here and you can help us build some now." When Maou still hadn't moved from his spot at the entrance, [Name] got up in a huff, grabbing his arm so she could drag him further into the lot. "Come on, Chiho, let's see if we can teach an old dog a new trick."

For a few hours, the three of them worked together on building snowmen. [Name] had showed Maou how to start, helping him make piles of snow before teaching him how to roll them around until they were the right size. Chiho tried to show him how to stack the larger than average snowballs on top of each other, but when they got too heavy for her, she merely settled for explaining it verbally. Soon, the three of them had made several snowmen, each one decorated to look similar to a friend of theirs.

"These look great," [Name] cheered, practically preening at their good work.

"Now what?" Maou asked, also looking over their handiwork with a scrutinizing eye. Despite the girls saying each snowman looked like a different person they knew, he just couldn't see it. All of them looked like round lumps of snow stacked on each other at varying heights in his opinion.

"Now we just leave them here," [Name] said matter-of-factly, rubbing her gloved hands together as she shivered. "I'm cold and I'm sure you two want to get on home. How about we all walk together?"

"That sounds good," Chiho agreed.

As the two girls walked off, Maou stared at them incredulously. They had all just spent hours working on building all these snowmen and now they were just going to leave them here? It made no sense to him. Maybe there was a lot more to this world he still had to learn before it ever would.