Animalistic ch. 1

Quinn's POV

I stared at them out the corner and I swear that it takes everything in me not to go over there to rip his giant meaty arm off of her but I know that I can't without drawing unwanted attention to myself or looking like a crazy person. The wolf in me is telling me to go over there and claim what is rightfully right but I ignore it because Rachel doesn't belong to me and there's no way that she would want to be with a freak like me if she knew the truth.

Yes, you heard right I said wolf. I come from a long of werewolves and my pack live in Lima, Ohio because it's quiet and we can live here in peace without detection from the humans or hunters that might do us harm. I'm going to become the Alpha when my Dad decides to step down when he feels that I am ready to take over the pack and by then, I should be in my prime to take a mate which luckily for me, my mate can be female since I have the right equipment to impregnate her when the time comes.

The only reason why my older sister Francesca isn't taking over is because she ran away to Texas to be with her vampire boyfriend so the responsibility of becoming Alpha falls to me as the youngest. Thanks a lot, Frannie. The only person I want for a mate is currently taken by one Finn 'Fuckin' Hudson which I don't understand what the tiny diva sees in him because he's such overgrown man-child that barely has intelligent thought in his head and he's always making her feel bad about wanting to leave Lima.

I can't explain I feel fiercely drawn to the girl but it's just something about her… maybe it's her kind hearted and forgiving nature or it's her insanely talented voice but I want to make that's protected which is I put a stop to all the slushy on the girl… and the Gleeks too because I have to love singing and performing.

I want leave to Lima but I know that I can't because all the noise in New York will bring out my wolfish side and I have less control over myself when I'm in the state with no telling what I might do. I'm watching the two as they talk and the conversation quickly escalates as Finn's face gets redder by the second before towering over the future Broadway star then a loud slap rings through the hallway as she slaps hard, surprising the both of them as he frowns.

The quarterback raises his hand like he was about to strike her and I was over there in two seconds flat, grabbing his wrist from following through with the slap as I glared at him as I push him away from Rachel and he cowers slightly as he should before stomping down the hallway in a huff. I glared at his retreating as I turn to the tiny diva behind to see that she's shaking and before I could stop myself, I wrap my arms around her trembling form as I get a whiff of her strawberry shampoo as she buries her head into my shoulder.

We stayed like this for awhile before my wolfish side started to stir within in me, telling me to Rachel right then and there, make her mine and it was stronger than it usually is because her scent is intoxicating but I fought for control of my body because I don't want to forced myself on her. I would never forgive myself if I hurt in any kind of way as untangled myself from the diva as she looks up at me with a grateful on her face but I still see the slight fear in her eyes because of that dumbass Finn and I was tempted to go find him to rip his fuckin throat out for even thinking of laying a hand on this perfect girl. He should be thankful that she's even dating his pitiful, ungrateful ass but I digress.

"Thank you Quinn for stepping in when you did" Rachel said smiling slightly.

"N-No problem Rachel, I wasn't about to let that overgrown man-child lay a finger on you" I said smiling.

"Finn's not so bad, Quinn" Rachel said shakign her head.

"Rachel, he's almost hit you. You can do so much better than him" I said frowning.

"No… I can't. not everyone is a perfect, blonde cheerleader like you are Quinn so excuse me for thinking that Finn is the only one that loves me" Rachel said storming off.

Fuck, that did go well. If only you knew, Rachel.

You should've claimed her when you had the chance. Let me take over for a control and that tight little ass of hers will be ours.

Not a chance, I'm forcing myself onto Rachel just because you cant keep it in your pants.

You mean keep in our pants. You and I are one in the same and we rely on each other to survive. You can't be in control forever because you will slip up one or another until then, I'll bid my time.

Not if I have anything to say about it.

We shall see, we shall see

This is why I can't afford to let this side of me, this is why I can't afford to get too close to Rachel in fear of what it do to her if I let my control slip even for a second and I don't want it to be the reason why she hates. If I can protect her by keeping as much distance as I can and watching her over until graduation then it's all worth it in the end because she's worth it. I walk to the football field for after school Cheerio practice and I know that Coach is gonna be riding my ass hard for being late but she's always riding my ass so it's nothing new to me and Couch Sue is yelling at the team to run fast around the track when she catches sight of me.

"Fabray, you're late. Run with the team and not stop until I say so or you're throwing up guts" Sue says through her megaphone.

I groan inwardly as I catch up with the rest of the squad as Santana who's my second in command on the Cheerio as well as in the pack has been my best friend since we were in diapers. She can be a mega bitch with tough exterior that seem impenetrable but she's exactly a big softie… just don't tell her that said that because she'll kick me in the nuts and I prefer to have my dick intact but I can rely on her with my secret as she can trust me with her secret about being a lesbian.

You see the Latina is struggling with her sexuality and isn't exactly out about it which no one at McKinley knows about… least that's what she thinks anyways because her being in the closet is the worst kept secret that everyone knows about. The only reason everyone knows is because Santana pretty much attached to the hip with Brittany S. Piece, our other best friend, but they're on much friendlier terms than I am with the blonde dancer and everyone can see how much they're into each other but the shorter Cheerio.

I know that the raven haired Cheerio's in love with Brittany and no one's gonna give her flack about it if they know what's good for them because no one messes with my pack without suffering the consequences. The blonde dancer doesn't know that either of being werewolves because we want to drag her into our mess with the possibility of other pack using her as a leverage against us to hurt which is very we're very protective over her and make sure that one of us is very her at all times but Santana mostly has that covered since they're rarely apart from each other. The Latina's the only one that knows about my crush on Rachel and often tries to push me into confessing my feeling but I remind her about not confessing her feelings for Brittany so she leave it alone.

"What were you doing, Fabray? Jerking off or something?" Santana asked smirking.

"Shut the fuck up, Lopez or I'll send you to the bottom of the pyramid" I shot back.

"No need to get your panties in a twist" Santana said rolling her eyes. "But seriously where the hell were you at?"

"I had to handle a situation again" I said lowering my voice slightly so the other wouldn't hear our conversation.

"Hudson and Berry again? Ugh, what's with that girl going back to the Douchebag after he treats her like trash. Must be a masochist or something" Santana said shaking her head.

"Watch your mouth, Lopez. I mean it" I said baring my fangs as my eyes flashing gold.

"Whatever but I'm just saying that you need to make Berry yours or leave her the fuck alone cause you're bending over backwards for the girl without reaping the reward"

"I'm not doing this because I'm expecting something in return from her. I just want to make sure that she's protected and taken care of. Something that Hudson isn't doing" I said frowning. "Besides you're not one to talk with the way you get all overprotective over Britt-Britt"

"Shut it, Fabray" Santana growls.

"You better not be growling at me, Lopez because you know which one of is stronger and I won't hesitant to take you out if you step out of line" I said.

"Whatever" Santana scoffs.

~Nicole The Dragon Rider signing off

End of ch. 1