Animalistic ch. 19

For the last two weeks, I spent very waking moment training after school and Cheerios' practice for the fight with Santana and the guys, I know that they're as ready as they can be with two weeks worth of training. I can't shake this feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach that I had since I woke up this morning and it doesn't help that Victoria had been everything in her power to provoke me. I can feel myself reaching my breaking point but luckily my second in command was there to stop me from transforming in the middle of a crowded hallway of witnesses and ripping her god forsaken throat out with my fangs. I honestly can't wait for all of this to freaking end once and for all as I don't want anyone to get too seriously hurt but I know that it can't be helped and there's a definite possibility that someone could die from this. I want to win this fight with a minimum amount of damage done on either side and the hopeful side of me wants the redhead to realize how pointless all of this is, coming to any form of sense that she might have.

If the Latina hears me say any of this out loud, she would say that I'm being too soft-hearted and that I need to grow a backbone. I'm seriously using too much of my brain and I can't afford to get distracted now. I stop in my track when I turn a corner to see that I'm standing outside of the choir room, peeking inside to see Rachel practicing with Brad, the piano guy and I feel bad that she's worrying over me and that's the last thing that I want. I want to keep her out of this as much as possible but there's not turning back now before backing away from the door so the singer wouldn't see as I head towards the football field where I'm meeting with the others. I hate Diego head to the woods just in case Victoria tries to pull anything as I feel safer with an extra pair of eyes watching because I don't trust the bitch not to play dirty when the mood suits her.

There's no telling if she's telling about turning only the people I know about and I rather be safe than sorry as I go over the plan with Santana and the guys, making sure that they leave the redhead bitch since she's more than likely to go after me anyways. There's no need for them to get catch in the crossfire if it could be helped. We head towards the woods where all of this is going down as the feeling of dread grows the closer that we get but I push it away for the moment as we stand in the middle of the clearing for the other pack. We wait and wait for them to show as the minutes turn into an hour before they finally show up with them already in their wolf forms.

"Last chance Victoria, last chance to quit of all of this and back run. I won't hold any of this against you" I said frowning.

"You must be dumber than you look, Fabray if you think that I'm going to back down now. I wanted for this moment for a long time and I'm going to give up when I'm so close to taking everything that you ever loved" Victoria chuckles smugly. "Now shut up…. And DIE!"

I quickly transform into my wolf when she lunges at me as the others transform as well with both pack snarling and clawing at each other but it becomes muffled to me as Victoria and I try to get the upper hand over each other. We wipe at each other with claws, try to grab at the other's hide with our canines, using that we have at our disposal while for anything that was soft or vulnerable that will cause damage. This is what I have been preparing for my entire life, to defend my pack from rouge wolves that think that they came in and take over my pack, to become Alpha as the redheaded bitch isn't holding back as a swipe at my front. I ran in the opposite direction as she quickly follows behind me before maneuvering through some tree as she's yelling taunts at me then slowly down on purpose as I back flip off a nearby tree causing the rouge wolf to smash snout first into the trunk with a whimper.

While she's distracted by the pain in her nose, blood trickling down the front of her face, I grab the skin of her neck before using of all of my strength to hurl her down to the floor then whirl her into a tree. Victoria hit's the tree hard, hearing some bone crack from the throw as she slides down to the ground before struggling to get up to her feet, glaring at me like a feral animal before taking off in a mad dash towards me. Before I could realize what was going on or defend myself from the attack, the redhead rams her whole body into me as her teeth rips violently into my body. I try to dodge the swipe at my neck as I bleed from my wounds but it wasn't enough to kill but they sure as hell hurt like a bitch and I could tell that she's out for my blood as I don't think that there's any way to talk out of this fight. If I don't think of something soon, I'm going to die. I can't die here, I have too much riding on my survival and someone's expecting me.

I think of Rachel, my friends, my family, and my pack, they're counting on me and I refuse to let them down, I'm Quinn Fabray and I am the Alpha of this pack. I will take down any and all challenges and win. Victoria and I exchange blow for blow but I can tell that I'm wearing her down, she's tiring sooner than she's expecting as I see that her back leg has a huge gash on it and it's giving her trouble. I bide my time until I see an opening and I lock on to her wounded leg as she lets out a loud howl, feeling the blood filling my mouth while I force her onto the ground with my front legs on her shoulders; my canines aimed at her neck fully prepare to rip it to shreds.

"Do you yield? Do you yield, bitch?!" I growled. "Do you understand the difference in our powers"

"Y-Yes, I understand and I yield. I'm-I'm sorry" Victoria whimpers.

"I'm feel generous so I'm letting you go but if you ever threaten my pack again, I swear that I make you suffer in the worst possible way" I said letting her up.

My ears perk up when I hear the sound of Santana in the distance and I knew that they were okay but then I look down to see Victoria running away despite her injured leg as a feeling of dread washes over me. When I realize that she's heading in the direction of Rachel's house, I instantly regret letting her live as my kindness was coming to roost as I run as fast I could despite my injuries but they were things difficult. I keep running until I reach the petite singer's house to see that the door was forced open as I run into the living room to see Fiyero laying on his stomach with blood spilling out the side of his mouth, head and his stomach.

I-I t-tried Alpha but I f-failed you and the Mistress.

"You did all that you could. Try not to talk, save your strength until help gets here" I said nuzzling his cheek.

I assume that he passed out from his injuries as I head upstairs where things breaking and a loud squeak before rushing into Rachel's room where her and Victoria's scent are the strongest. I find them there as the sight before me makes my blood run cold as Victoria looks at me smug in her wolf/humanoid form, holding a fearful diva in her claws and her fangs inches away from her neck.

"Victoria, leave Rachel out of this. She has nothing to do with this, it's me that you want" I said trying to reason with her.

"Maybe, maybe not but I did tell you that I will take everything that you love and if I don't make good on promise then it'll make me look like a lair" Victoria said chuckling evilly. "You and your family have taken everything that I love and I'm going take what I rightfully deserve, starting with this pretty little right here"

Before my very eyes, I watch helplessly as Victoria sinks her fangs into where Rachel's neck and shoulder meet while the singer's eyes widen, gasping in pain before slumping down to the ground. I stand there in shock as the tiny diva try to stop the bleeding with her hands while struggling to breath as the redhead bitch chuckles amused with what she had done before lunging at her, anger and rage coursing through as my fangs sink in her neck. I could feel Victoria taking in her last breath when I snap her neck like a twig but I didn't feel any satisfaction from it all because the one thing that I promised to do, I had failed to do and now I had the one person that means everything to me. This is all my fault. If I hadn't shown Victoria mercy, I had ended her life back in the woods then none of this would've happened and Rachel would've safe and alive.

I was stupid and weak. That one decision cost me everything. I let go of my wolf form, dropping down to my knees where Rachel's bloodied body lies, taking in my arms and let out a pained cry because of my mistake; an innocent life that I had failed to protect was taken. Someone that was innocent in all of this, that had absolutely nothing to do with this had been snuffed out because of me and my decision to spare someone's life; a life that I was too hesitant to take. I was too weak to fulfill my duty as Alpha and now someone else had to pay for my indecision. Damn it! Damn it! Damn it all to fuckin' hell! It should've been me. I jump slightly when something touches my cheek, wiping away tears to see that it's a hand then looking down to amber eyes locking with my own as the body in my arms instantly transforms into a wolf with brown fur with a beige underbelly standing.


"Quinn, what-what's going on? What happened? Why are you looking at me weirdly?" Rachel asked confused.

"Rachel, I don't… I don't know how to tell you this but um I think that Victoria turned you" I said trying to keep her and myself calm.

"Turned me? What do you mean?"

Rachel turns around to look in the full length mirror to realize that instead of a five-foot-two high school girl staring back is a wolf in her place before going berserk, wrecking everything in her path. I quickly turn into my wolf-humanoid form, taking my raging girlfriend into my arms before she could completely wreck her room and it was no easy task as a newly turned wolf has powers that they have no control. They could easily put themselves and others in serious danger so it's best that someone to help them through this but I didn't want this for the petite diva as I'm responsible for being turned in the first place.

"Rachel, you need to calm down. I got you, I promise that I got you" I said gently.

Rachel takes in a deep breath, relaxing in my arms as the both of us slowly turn back to our human forms and I take note of the fact that the bite mark that Victoria had completely healed, no scar in sight. Thank God for our regenerative powers coming handy when you need it.

"Quinn, I'm scared. Does this mean that I can't be turned back into a human?" Rachel asked with tears in her eyes.

"There is a way but it would involve you killing the wolf that turned you and there lies the problem as I kill Victoria when I thought that she killed you" I said running my hand through my hair. "I'm so sorry, Rachel. None of this was supposed to happen and I was supposed to protect you but I failed you"

"You did the best that you could and I'm fine even I was turned into a werewolf" Rachel said caressing my cheek.

"But even still, if you hadn't been turned you would be still laying in your blood because I showed that bitch mercy" I said through gritted teeth. "I was too weak to do what needed to be done"

"Listen to me Quinn Fabray, showing mercy to enemy isn't weakness and it doesn't make you weak by any mean" Rachel said taking my face in her hands. "She made a decision to using your kindness against you and in no way your fault"

"You're taking being turned surprisingly well" I said surprised.

"Oh trust me, I'm freaking out but I'm more angry than scared because look at what that-that Neanderthal did to you! You're covered in wounds" Rachel said going to look for the first aid kit.

"Rachel, I'll be fine"

"Yes after I look after you" Rachel said from her ensuite bathroom. "Oh my goodness, Fiyero"

Rachel rushes of the bathroom when Santana walks in with Fiyero in her arms, covered in bandages but from the wagging of his tail and tongue lolling out of his mouth, he's fine. The tiny diva takes the wolf pup from my second in command to lavish him in kisses and praises which he eats up as I push myself off of the ground to give him a good head scratch before looking at the Latina.

"Don't worry, the guys are good. A little banged up but I'm going to met up with them later to celebrate" Santana said as her brother comes in.

He picks up Victoria's lifeless body, taking it away wordless but not before looking at me for a second as he nods his acknowledgment and respect then takes his leave. I know that I'll have to report all of this to my father but I'll put it off for the moment to hold my girlfriend which I think that he would understand.

~Nicole The Dragon Rider signing off

End of ch. 19