My beloved Sharon,

I've never called you that before, have I? Well, it's time I start. If the past weeks have shown me anything it's that we can't be sure of tomorrow, we can't be sure of the future. Sharon, sweetheart, as difficult as it is to say, I might not make it out of the surgery tomorrow. If you're reading this it means I haven't (or Provenza has given this letter to you anyway in which case I am going to make him write his very own letter to Patrice). I can see you smile now. Comic relief, you'd say, that's my way of dealing with difficult situations. It is. But there is more.

Sharon, I love you. I've been nervous to say it to you, I didn't want to scare you or make you feel like you needed to say it back. But the truth is that I love you, and that I've loved you for a while. These past months of dating you, of getting to know you more and more have been nothing short of amazing. I never thought I could feel so happy, so content, so excited for every moment spent with you. I wake up with a smile every morning because you are in my life. I need you to know that. I need you to know how very much I love you and how very important you are to me.

Sharon, you say you are difficult and demanding. You don't demand anything you are not willing to give back tenfold yourself. You're not difficult, but you can be a little challenging sometimes … and I love rising to your challenges.

Sweetheart, I hope I'll be around for many more years. I hope we'll get all those moments we've been looking forward to: the time with the grandkids, our children's weddings, retiring and growing old together, our own wedding. Because I would have asked you sooner or later. Have a look in my desk drawer at home, you'll find something there that's meant for you, my love. I haven't made up my mind yet, but I might have asked you at Christmas with all our children around us.

If love were enough I would be there beside you right now. I would tell you these words rather than you reading them. If love were enough I would never have left you.

Sharon, I love you.

Forever yours, Andy