I groaned, rubbing my head with the palm of my hand. They must have thrown me down. I opened my eyes, the only light source in the cell was a torch on the other side of the bars. It was dark, damp, and stuffy. My wrists were chained to my ankles, and in turn, those chains were attached to a large metal loop in the ground. It was silly that they thought that these precautions would keep me in the cell and subdued. "Hey!" I yelled, clanging the chains together. "Hey! Come here you sacks of shit!" Heavy footsteps began to walk slowly over the stone floor from the right towards me. That must be the way to their main area. "Hey!"

"For a demon of destruction, you were sure easy to catch," a deep voice chuckled. He slowly came into my line of sight. He was tall, burly, and had a head and face full of salt and pepper hair. One eye was covered with a bandage, the other shining yellow like a field of wheat. I had never seen him before. This group must be newer than.

I glared at him, and he stiffened. "No one calls me that if they want to keep their head." I stood up in the small space, my knees bent so I would not knock my head. I moved as far as I could towards the cell bars. "Now then, what do you want with me?" I said in my sweetest voice.

He kept his gaze on me, moving it to my chest for a moment too long before bringing it back to my eyes. "We want your demon, Olivia."

I spat in his face, "like hell you will." He was pissed. He roared in anger, picking up a bucket of water and threw it into my cell. I brought up a barrier, the water quickly changed to steam. He glowered at me as I smirked.

"Looks like you're going to be next," he growled, motioning in the direction that he had just come from. Two more of his goons came out and unlocked the cell. They hesitantly entered, one grabbed my left hand, the other grabbed my right and disconnected me from the wall. I suppressed a smirk as they led me out of the cell. I caught glimpses of the other cells. Each was empty except for one. A small boy sat crying against the far wall. He was not chained as heavily. His eyes met mine. I mouthed to him to wait for me. That I'd be back for him. They led me through tunnel after tunnel. Each was lined only with a few torches. Some passing men sneered at me. A few pinched at me or grabbed at me. I made sure to have them fall into a hole which covered itself, so they died of oxygen deprivation. They led me into a large, circular room. The stench was unbelievable, but I forcefully held my composure. The dead bodies of all the missing Furiyami's who had yet to be found were strewn around the room – including the three that I sent. Jars with yellowed pieces of tape labelling them sat on a ledge that circled the entire upper half of the room. "Now, your demon is actually sealed inside of yourself. So, when we extract her – you'll die. You see, we killed the others. And those three from the leaf – thought they could save them. Ha!" They pushed me towards a large wooden post in the middle of the room that came up to my waist, a foot-long slab of wood sat on top of it. They placed my hand's palm down and forced me to grip the wood. The two kept a grip on my wrists, preventing me from moving them.

"What's the name of the man that's going to kill me?" I asked, watching the leader pick up two five-inch stakes and a hammer.

He smirked, lining the first nail up with the center of my left hand. He pounded it in with three hard taps as he said his name, "Rikuzu." I bit the inside of my cheek to keep any noise from slipping out. He impaled my other hand on the second nail as well. The two goons let go of me and stood behind Rikuzu with wild smiles. "Any last words before we kill you?"

I looked up from my new scars to stare into Rikuzu's dull brown eyes. "I hope you all rest in peace." I -smirked, as I let my eyes flash blue from the chakra I had been building. I focused on the tendons and ligaments in my hands, moving through my arms and into my brainstem for the hand signs I wished to use. Three circles opened at their feet, allowing them to sink down to their calves. They were stuck as I sucked in a large amount of air. The two goons looked at me in horror while Rikuzu struggled to get free. I winked as I let a plume of flames ignite them. They screamed out as they were burnt alive. That blood-curdling scream would have signalled even more guards. I began to summon my demons, but my breath was knocked from me. It felt like I had just lost a large portion of my chakra. My eyes returned to their regular dull shade of black. No, a simple manoeuvre like that did not ask for that much. I let my eyes dart around the room, the stakes preventing my hands from moving even slightly. There was something under the smell of death. It was musky. Where was it coming from? My eyes shifted up to the ceiling, a silver censor swung slowly. Whatever was being burnt had to have something to do with my depleting chakra. I looked back towards the doorway. No one had come running yet. Odd. My blood began to drip off the top plank onto the soiled floor.

I heard panting. A man, covered in blood, slunk along the wall. Kara's demon had attached itself onto his back. He purred before slicing the man's throat open with one of his long black claws. The demon disappeared after giving me a toothy grin of yellowed fangs. Whenever she let him walk free – it creeped me out. The smaller hunched creature with spiked protrusions from its back, the bad breath, dry grey skin, and the perverse whisperings in your ear. He was the demon of lust after all. I heard fast feet running through the halls. I tried to pry away at the stakes, to no avail. "She's in here!" It was Neji. The two came running through the door, Shikamaru almost tripping over the newly dead man.

I smiled awkwardly at the two as they took in my position, the decaying Furiyami's, the dead Konoha squad, and the three newly charred bodies. "Hey. Want to help me out here?"

Shikamaru looked at me, then to the censor above us. He took out the rope it was dangling from with a kunai. It fell just a foot behind me. I felt an entire wave shake my body as the fumes grew stronger. Neji watched me with worry. "What were you thinking?"

"Gee – I'll help you pull these stakes out of your hands." I smiled coldly. "Those are the ones that were taken previously, whatever's in that censor is draining my chakra – be careful, it may affect you to, and I burnt the ones behind this." Neji and Shikamaru positioned their selves to each pull one of the stakes. They looked at me, then each other before they swiftly pulled them out together. I crinkled my nose and let a small gasp escape before I shakily took my hands back. I took a vial out of my pants, quickly taking a sample of whatever was burning in the sensor for Shizune to analyze. I moved around the room, knocking every closed jar over. In an instant, the candles that lit the room wavered as a rush of wind escaped the room.

"What was that?" Neji asked, brows furrowed, byakugan still activated.

"Just something important," I said. I quickly used my transportation technique to send the bodies of my shinobi back home. Feeling another wave of weakness. "Let's get out of here." Neji stepped closer to me as I was left breathless.

Shikamaru nodded. "You look like shit." He shoved his hands into his pockets.

"How kind," I mocked, hauling myself out of the room, the two following after me. "Kara help you track me down?"

"How did you know?" Shikamaru asked, exchanging a look with Neji.

I shrugged, "lucky guess."

I felt a large hand wrap around my upper arm and pull me back, "we should deal with those wounds before they get worse." Neji motioned with his eyes to my blood-drenched hands. I inhaled, holding my hands half a foot from my lips, and blew out a small stream of fire, cauterizing the wounds. The two just stood there, blinking at me.

"What?" I asked. "We've still got work to do here."

"No," Neji said stiffly. "We're getting you out of here." He was still gripping my arm firmly.

I did not bother trying to free myself. "There's a little boy here that they took as well. I'm not leaving without making sure that no one else is stuck down here." Is there anyone here besides for that boy? I called out to the demons that lurked here instead of running away.

A chorus of answers came back. But the answer was muddled within a round of thank yous. It's just him and yourselves. We took everyone else to hell.

I nodded, letting my arm slip from his grasp. I gently placed a hand on the wall, using it to support myself as we walked through the array of tunnels back to the cells. "Makoto. Stop." Shikamaru pleaded, holding me back. "Whatever was in that censor is draining you-"

"I know. I just need to rest tonight when we get out of here," I sighed as I let my breath out slowly for a moment, trying to recenter my chakra. The two swallowed hard. "I'll be fine for now."

"Your eyes," Neji said simply. He did not let his gaze fall.

I pushed myself off the wall, walking down the tunnel. "It's similar to the sage techniques, but instead of nature chakra – it's based upon yin chakra. I've been accumulating it since I left you, boys, last night. Whatever was in that only drained my own chakra, not the yin I had to accumulate thankfully." The two were following me cautiously as I navigated the corridors with ease thanks to the direction from Kara's demon. I ran my fingertips against the wall as we neared the cells. I called out. "Are you alright?" A hand stuck out of the first cell. I rushed down the tunnel and bent over so I was eye-level with the boy. "We're going to get you home." It took a few solid kicks before the rusty lock fell off. Just how long was this boy here? He was too young to even have a demon yet. I helped the boy up, he kept a painful grip on my arm, "what's your name? I'm Makoto."

"A-A-Akihito." He mumbled into my side. He was the first one that had been taken two and a half years ago. What did they want with a seven-year-old child back then? He hopped onto my back.

"Let's get you home," we walked out of the tunnels, the boys acted like they were leading. We walked in silence out of the tunnel system into the dusk – it had taken almost a full day? I was losing my touch. We made our way the short ten-minute trek to the village gates. "Make sure he gets home," I ordered to the Jonin guarding the gate. The trio exchanged a look before they all quickly touched their nose. The one on the left lost and led the boy off. I sighed, the two boys stuck to my sides as we returned to Kara's home. She was already pacing in the gardens.

"I'm sorry," Kara cried as she trapped me in an air-releasing bear hug. "I had to tell them! I couldn't stand if anything bad happened to you." She took my hands in hers, but upon feeling the scabbing and rough skin, looked down to examine them. "What did they do to you?" She forced me down onto the bench, so she could use her basic medical ninjutsu.

"That was mostly me," I awkwardly chuckled.

Neji shot me a look. "They had her hands nailed to a wooden a post when we found her. She cauterized the wounds with her fire style herself."

Kara frowned, "Everybody we found had these wounds."

"Kara," Shikamaru asked from his spot behind me, "are there any herbs that when burned cause your chakra to drain? We were fine, but Makoto was affected."

I watched her eyes harden as she focused even harder on my hands. "There are a few depending on what effect you want. But none grow around here, thankfully." She frowned.

"So, your back empty-handed," Tamaki sneered from behind us. I took in a deep breath. Kara stiffened.

"Everyone is dead, I can escort you to their hideout tonight if you wish – it is just a short walk away after all." I smiled, tossing my hair over my shoulder as I turned to face him. "Akihito should be back safely with his parents, but the rest of those taken were already dead, unfortunately." He stared at us for a long, hard moment before turning and venturing farther into his compound. I guess even the demons avoided him if he had not heard.

The boys sat in my room staring at me. "Guys! I'm fine. Really." I groaned as I let myself sink into the wall.

"We don't know how that mixture will affect you further," Neji said lowly.

I sighed. "I already sent it off to Shizune to have the ingredients tested. It had no effect on the two of you so it had to be designed for Furiyami's or myself specifically." I was different then their other conquests, that part was true. They wanted Olivia. And the only way to do that was to kill me and hope they could catch her before she darted away, or to extract her from me directly. Gaara had told me about when the Akatsuki had taken Shukaku. It sent chills down my spine – and we were not even that special to anyone outside the village.

"Why did you let them catch you?" Neji asked after a moment.

I smiled, "I figured that if they were that willing to try to take Kara in the day that they'd be just as gutsy trying that with me. After all – I was right."

"They didn't know you were the Hokage – so just what did they want with you?" Shikamaru pressed. His elbows rested on his knees, hands intertwined and his chin rested on his fingers.

I flashed him a smile. "I am a village hero here." My smile instantly turned into a yawn.

"We'll let you rest," Shikamaru said, standing up with Neji. "But you better get to sleep."

"I will, I will," I sighed, running a hand through my bangs. "Goodnight." The two turned the light off and shut the door. I plopped myself onto my back, pulling the covers up to my chin.

I was laying in darkness, naked. My eyes a light purple with a devilish grin. Arms made of darkness shot out and grabbed at my body. They ripped away at my skin. I tried to cry out in pain. Flashes of all those that I had killed appeared above me.

I woke up with a scream, sitting upright abruptly. I held my head with one hand, the other providing support against the floor. I could still feel that pain, but it was quickly becoming dull and numb. The door flew open and Kara stood there, the boys behind her. She took one quick look at me before shoving the boys back, closing, and locking the door behind her.

"Makoto! Are you okay?" Shikamaru called through the door. Kara knelt down beside me, forcing me to look into her eyes for a moment. She sighed in relief, they were still black.

"Just a bad dream from all this," I answered. "Just fine."

"Go back to bed," Kara called to them as she touched the still fully closed eye on my chest. She used her demon to seal off the door and keep all the sound in. She lowered her voice to a hushed whisper, "when was the last time this happened?"

"The night before Konoha was attacked," I said lowly, moving my hair out of my face. "Last time it was her showing me when we attacked here. This time she showed me everyone I've killed." What was my count even up to now? At least three hundred. I let out a shaky breath.

"Do they know? At least Shikamaru?" She asked, taking my ponytail out of my hair so she could braid it. It was not often someone was born with curly hair – and boy did she like playing with it.

I shook my head. "Shizune and Tsunade know because they helped with the aftermath. I think Kakashi, Shikaku, and Guy have their suspicions. But no one else."

Kara pulled my head back so I could look at her. "She can kill you, easily. Konoha cannot handle another devastation that they have no knowledge about." She let her grip loosen and readjusted my position. It was not like Konoha could do anything against me in the first place if it happened. No one in Konoha could see demons unless they wanted to be seen. Olivia could be a silent destructive force. "When was the last time that you renewed the seal?"

"After her last attack." I sighed. It was taking her less and less time to break through each new layer.

She let out a frustrated noise. "Maybe you should let Kiyoko have a try?"

I shook my head. Earning a pinch from Kara for moving my head. "All the priestess here use even seals. If they put that seal on top of this odd seal – it'll weaken instead of reinforcing it." She let out another noise.

"Right," she growled. "Shikamaru told me that your eyes changed colour. Had me worried until he said they went blue. You keep learning new tricks and scaring me with each one." She placed the elastic back into my hair.

"You should go back to bed." I smiled. "I'll make sure the boys get to sleep to."

Kara forced a smile as she stood. She opened the door, the boys standing on the other side. "Don't keep her up too late." She turned left down the hall away from her room. The boys waited a moment before scuttling into my room. Neji gently forced me to lay back down.

"Are you okay?" Shikamaru asked, setting himself down where Kara had just been.

"Just an eleven out of ten on the bad dream scale." I joked, laying my palm on the center of my forehead. "Happens to me a lot whenever I come here."

Neji's eyes flashed over me, "Kara sure seemed concerned about it if it happens a lot."

"Normally I don't scream like I'm being murdered," I joke, propping myself up on my left shoulder. "You two should be getting back to sleep." The two exchanged a look before reluctantly saying goodnight for the second time.