Summary: Vandal Savage has succeeded at world domination and corruption. When Diana and Kal are sent to an alternate Earth, they are forced to work with a rebel leader to end Savage's toxic rule. But Savage wants to break the Rebellion and destroying the new-comers is just a bonus.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of DC's characters or concepts. Don't sue me. Please.

Warning: This story will NOT consist of sappy Bruce/Batman who cries and confesses his love people. Nor will this include a wimpy Diana/Wonder Woman fighter. I REPEAT THIS WILL NOT BE OOC.

A/N: After a month of planning and thinking, I have finally published the first chapter of my new Wonderbat fanfiction. Much thanks to my Beta bisexualclarkent on tumblr. Enjoy! xx Yasmin

" Rewind. Rewind. Rewind. "

-Satisfied, Hamilton



Present 2006

On Earth they were known as Wonder Woman and Superman; selfless heroes that sacrificed everything so the people could live a better tomorrow. But this was no Earth and they were not saviors, but outsiders. The foreign word was bitter in Diana's mouth.

The two had been sent on a diplomatic mission by J'onn who had received a distress signal by the occupants of the planet. They were to solve the issue and return; it was only supposed to take a few days' time.

When they arrived to the planet, it seemed as if the life had been sucked out. The sky was muck gray and every piece of nature was shriveled. Diana crouched down to what used to be a bush and reached out her hand to touch a wilted flower. The petals crumpled in her hand.

Without glancing back at Superman, she muttered, "Is this world even redeemable, Kal?" Her words were carried away by the howls of the wind, but she knew he had heard her.

"Nothing is ever too far gone for salvation," he looked through the mist that hovered over the world before he spoke again. "We must remember that, or we'll lose all that we stand for." His face was serious but his eyes were joyful; the most powerful man in the world and he had a heart the size of the sun.

Diana smiled at him and rested a hand in his shoulder. She opened her mouth to thank him for his guidance but was interrupted by what could only be described as a war cry. She glanced over to him and saw he was already in the air. Diana grinned, her hand itching to unsheathe her sword that had been calling to her all the while. "That's our cue."

As he flew away, Kal called over his shoulder, "The never ending battle-"

"-it awaits." She too began to hover and rushed into battle. "We should split up and cover more ground," Diana called over the wind, "we'll learn of anything faster that way." After Kal agreed, Diana separated from his path and headed towards the destruction.

She could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she approached the battlefield. The land was in-caged by mauve spikes and encased by scorched walls, creating a circle similar to an arena. There was smoke in the air, making it obvious that some kind of bombs were dropped on the area, as flames raged on the ground below her. Diana felt her breath quicken and her senses heighten. She descended and landed with such strength that it shook the very ground she now stood upon.

With a smile only a warrior possessed, Diana at last pulled her sword out from its confinement and wielded it in her right hand. She examined the terrain surrounding her but couldn't find any signs of the creatures she had spotted from above. Noticing tracks on the planet's maroon surface, Diana knelt down to inspect the claw marks but found that she had little to no skill in the field of tracking. She usually left it to Batman. The thought of her comrade gave her a pause; how was he? Was he getting enough sleep? Diana released a chuckle at the thought of the Dark Knight actually resting.

Just as she was about to stand up, an arm came around her throat and pulled her into a body. "It's a long way from home, human. What is your business here?" The being hissed into her ear and tightened its hold on her neck.

Diana quickly positioned her leg behind her assailant's and swept his legs out from beneath him. The ground trembled at the sheer mass of the creature. She put one foot right on his solar plexus, depriving him of the ability breathe easily. Raising her sword once again, Diana placed the tip of her blade at his neck, just below the chin, and raised his head to look at her eye-to-eye. The creature had scales in numerous shades of purple and had a tail that could easily wrap around her. "You must be confused, little man," she said as she glared unflinchingly into his gray eyes, "I'll be asking the questions from here on out and you shall answer me with honesty." The reptile only spat on her face.

Wiping off the slobber, Diana let her sword stab into his tail, incapacitating him, as he let out a cry of pain. She pulled her sword out of his flesh and cleaned off the blood by smearing it on her leg, flipping it to the back of the blade, and then doing the same process. Once satisfied, Diana sheathed her blade and focused on the matter at hand. She stood back up and carried her captive by his throat, barely sparing a glance as his fingers scratched desperately at her hand. Diana walked across the rocky land and out of her peripheral vision she could see signs of a once prosperous planet: beautiful but dead plants lined the walls, ruins of pillars and statues on the floor, and three golden moons shined in the foggy, gray sky. When she heard more gasps from the being, Diana finally decided to get some answers.

She slammed the lilac reptilian into the cave wall behind him and heard the fulfilling sound of a crack. The wall had formed a spider web crack around his head and the creature groaned in pain. Diana, satisfied with her work, chose to have leniency on the being. "I'll offer you one last chance; will you answer with candor?" The being looked as if he wished so badly to give in, but only cracked a halfhearted, pointy-toothed smile.

"I will never submit to a woman." His eyes flashed with distaste. He nearly yelped when Diana struck her palm to his shoulder, further digging it into the wall behind him.

"I do not think you are in any position to make that decision." Sighing, she reached to her waist and began to uncoil her Lasso of Truth. With an expression that seemed to convey boredom, Diana held her lasso and stared at it for a few seconds before saying, "I wish it didn't have to come to this, but you leave me no choice."

Diana threw her lasso around the reptile's neck and he fidgeted with panic when she began to tighten it. The being let out a weak whimper, for the lasso allowed little to no comfort around its throat. Diana shifted her stance so her left leg was now in front and supported her weight on her back leg. "The lasso compels you," she spoke as the lasso began to glow a golden color. "What has happened here? Is there something I should know?"

The reptile attempted to resist but it was futile. His eyes changed from those of a composed warrior's to those of a frightened child's. "A war between my kind and our enemy. It has lasted for decades. But something is different; there has been a shift in the energy field around us. The magnetic flow in the air; can you feel it? The way it electrifies the atmosphere? No, you wouldn't know; you haven't been here long enough to know of the world before. Change has arrived and your kind is responsible." His back relaxed against the wall and his head lolled to the side. But Diana wasn't done.

"Where must I go to find the source of this change?" She stared at his movements to see if anything gave her a sign to what she must do next. Diana saw a muscle strain in the reptile's face; he was resisting again. Her patience was wearing thin. "I will not be denied. Answer the question," she commanded. The lasso was inducing more pain within the creature and Diana felt remorse for the hurt she is causing him but some things must be done. As the creature's mouth gaped, she leaned in to hear his hushed voice.

"The cave," was all he could gasp out before falling into unconsciousness.

Diana let his body crumple to the floor and adjusted his position so he wouldn't be completely uncomfortable; he had cooperated with her after all. But she still pondered the final words of the creature. What cave? She quickly coiled her lasso, placed it on her waist, and began to survey her surroundings.

She walked through the arena, observing every crevice in the walls and scanning the ground for traps. The sound of her armored boots on the ground had without a doubt alerted all of her enemies that she was near. Batman would disapprove. She skimmed her hands across the uneven walls, searching for any sign of the mysterious cave.

Just as she was about to turn away, her hands felt a strange lever of sorts. Diana hesitated. This planet wasn't flourishing with technology and it seemed as though the reptilian she had encountered despised all ties with humans. So why was this here? She pulled the lever down and waited one, two, three seconds for the door to slide back. The dungeon

Diana cautiously entered, withdrawing her blade once more just in case. She placed one foot in front of the other, ever so slowly. She looked above her and saw that the ceiling was covered in icicles that dripped water. The sounds of the water droplets hitting the ground echoed eerily throughout the cave.

Suddenly, a flickering blue light illuminated at the end of the tunnel. Diana winced and shielded her eyes with her left hand. She approached it with confidence and the feeling of power came over her once more. Heart thumping, she exhaled silently and walked towards the light only to come face to face with a box.

Now this wasn't just any ordinary box; it had a science to it that made it impossible to be from Earth. Diana reached out and ran her fingers along the grooves of the engravings carved all around the cube. The box flickered to life and became to hover. Her brain clouded; the box was just so enchanting like sirens calling out to her. She extended her hand once more and attempted to capture that feeling but Diana heard a distant call behind her.

In her mind, she felt as if the light was beckoning her. Through the box she could hear voices begging her to help them and to save them. How could she refuse people who needed her?

"Diana, don't touch that!" Kal came barreling towards her and pushed her away from her previous position.

She shook her head, clearing the thoughts that had plagued her mind. Kal sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry, but these Mother Boxes are extremely dangerous, even to you, Diana." He gave her a pointed look when she had opened her mouth to counter him.

"No, it's all right. I apologize for my lack of knowledge on the subject. Maybe if I knew more, this situation could've been avoided." She grabbed her fallen sword and equipped it back on her side. "How did your task go? Uneventful I presume?"

He glanced down to her legs, still covered in the creature's blood that she had cleaned off her blade, and raised an eyebrow. "Well, obviously less so than yours." Kal pointed to the direction in which she had come from and said, "We should get back to the Watchtower and debrief. There are few to no inhabitants if this planet as far as I can see."

Just as the two are about to walk away, the Mother Box began to rattle once more. Diana turned her attention from Kal to the box and watched with fascination as it flared up from within. She faintly heard him telling her to get down but it didn't process. A flash of white, and then-



Futuristic 1944

"Bruce, promise us that you'll hide here no matter what happens. You can't be seen; do you understand, Bruce?" His father had his hands on Bruce's shoulders, desperately trying to get through to him. Drops of rain rolled down Bruce Wayne's face, mixing with the tears that fell down his cheeks. His mother handed him a gun and wrapped his fingers around it.

"Use this to protect yourself, son," she bent down and pressed a kiss onto his damp cheek for one, two, three seconds. Martha Wayne forced herself to pull back and wiped a stray tear away. Bruce threw himself at her and wrapped his short arms around her legs.

"Why are you going, mother?" His voice was muffled by her leather pants. Bruce pulled back far enough to glance at his father. "Why are you leaving?"

Thomas Wayne knelt down to be at eye level with his son. "Your mother and I started something, Bruce. Promise me you'll finish what we started." Bruce nodded shakily at the desperation in his gaze. He watched as his father stood up and turned towards Alfred. "Make sure he is safe, Alfred."

Then, Bruce watched as his parents clasped each other's hands and walked out of the alleyway. He ran to join them, but Alfred held him back. The butler attempted to walk the young master away from the scene, but Bruce broke free and ran back into the shadows. He awaited for whatever was to come.

They stood in front of a man with black hair pulled back into a ponytail. He had a large build and a cloud of darkness hovered over him. He caressed Martha's face, and her body went rigid. Thomas clenched his fists, "What do you want with us, Savage?"

Savage. Bruce had heard the name before; Vandal Savage. This man had made the world burn.

Vandal Savage tilted his head to the side as if to consider the question. "And here I thought you were a smart man, Mr. Wayne. Let me put it in perspective for you. Imagine a gardener; he has tended to his garden for years making sure it prospered and flourished. He goes on a trip only a week long. When he returns, he sees his once beautiful garden in shambles; a weed had managed to grow. One weed had paved the way for numerous others to join it and wreak havoc."

He moved towards one of his lieutenants and opened a briefcase that lay there. He withdrew a silver blaster and began to polish it. "Do you understand now, Mr. Wayne? You and your lovely wife Martha have started something I cannot allow. I'm afraid this is where your rebellion dies."

Savage pushed the barrel of his blaster into Thomas' temple. Alfred clasped his hands over the horrified boy's eyes, but Bruce ripped them off in hysteria. Bruce watched as his father let his eyes flutter shut. "I must remove every single weed from my garden." Vandal Savage pulled the trigger and a yellow beam of plasma went right through Thomas Wayne's head.

Alfred attempted to shield Bruce from the horror of his father's murder but it had already been done. Bruce opened his mouth in a silent scream. He could hear the ringing in his ears; his hands went cold. His heart stopped when he saw his mother fall down to cradle his father's bloody head. He watched in terror as the man who took everything away from him held the blaster to his mother's head and fired once more. Her body lay right beside her husband's.

Bruce faintly heard Alfred calling him to leave. He slowly brought the gun in his hand up so he could look at it. He felt a horrible taste in his mouth and an awful feeling rise in his stomach. He was holding a weapon that took the life of his parents. Bruce threw the gun at Vandal Savage, who still stood over his fallen parents, and struck him straight in the forehead.

Alfred grabbed Bruce and hurried out of the wretched place. A shadow passed over Bruce's eyes. He woke up that day as Bruce Wayne. He even left the alley as Bruce Wayne. But he would not return as Bruce Wayne.

Savage snapped his head in the direction of the assault. With a flick of his hand, robots began to search the fateful alleyway.

They would find nothing.

Futuristic 1960

"You don't have to do this, Master Bruce. There are other ways to seek justice for your parents than prowling during the night." Alfred had been attempting to steer Bruce's mind from the fantasy of starting a rebellion for months now. In all honesty, Bruce might have been offended that his father figure thought he could change him, if he wasn't so irritated that Alfred was doing it in the first place.

Bruce and Alfred had built a secret cave under the Wayne Manor in order to accommodate for the nightly activities he will soon go on. It was strangely empty except for the massive amount of technology at the front and training equipment to the side. He would be able to do everything here from detective work, to research, to science and to fitness.

"I've studied with the best escape artists in the world, perfected my skills in every form of martial arts, and mastered being a detective. I've trained for years to get to this point and I will do everything in my power to bring justice to those who have been stripped of their lives. The rebellion I'm starting, Alfred, will only grow as time passes; people will learn that they can make a change and I will be at the front of that movement," his voice had steadily risen in volume and sheer anger.

Bruce walked over to the table near him and picked up the cowl he would soon don. The sound of bats hustling around above him filled the silence.

As he placed the cowl over his head, completing his suit at last, the Bat was born.

Futuristic 1964

Life works in mysterious ways. It could only be described as fate when Bruce witnessed the murder of the Graysons, allies to the rebellion. They were taken from this Earth in the usual fashion; a blaster to the head. But what caught his attention was the familiarity of the situation. He saw the Graysons tell their son to hide in the alley just before they were killed, and he saw their son fall to his knees in despair.

Bruce walked over to the young boy and placed a hand on his trembling shoulders, much like Alfred did to him. What he didn't expect was the boy to react by kicking him in the jaw and rolling between his legs, making his escape. Bruce rubbed his jaw and in that moment, he smiled a little.

In a few days' time, he was able to track down the boy. Richard Grayson. He had managed to cover his tracks relatively well for an eleven year old.

Richard had been living in the streets, on the run from Savage's robots. When Bruce approached him, he got into a fighting stance.

"I'll do it! Don't make me hurt you." The boy was in a wobbly form, adequate at best.

"You'll have to be in a good position to do that," Bruce chuckled before using his foot to adjust Richard's stance. "Arms up; always guard your face. Never let your guard down, Richard. That's when they'll strike." He extended a hand, "I'm Bruce Wayne."

With a hesitance to him, the boy slowly extended his hand, "Dick. No one calls me Richard. Only my parents ever did." His eyes lowered at the memory of his lost family. He shook Bruce's hand with a tight and sturdy grip and looked suspiciously at the man before him. Dick looked at a bit longer before experimentally throwing a fist at his face.

Bruce caught his fist with ease before it even touched him. When he gave the boy a questioning look, Dick let out a laugh. "Just seeing if you can still function, old man." He began to run down the alley, shouting over his shoulder, "Catch me if you can!"

He wondered how this boy was able to show joy after the loss of his parents. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Dick's laughter echoing through the alley. Bruce shook his head and allowed a smile to grace his face. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to follow the boy.

For a traitorous second, Bruce thought he could be happy.

Futuristic 1966

He met Jason under less than ideal circumstances. Batman and Robin had just finished a weapons raid and burned down one of Savage's largest warehouses in Gotham. On other nights, Dick would run ahead towards the Batmobile; he'd flip right in and they'd dash off into the night with their victory still fresh on their minds. But tonight was different.

The familiar joyous laughter from the boy, who ignored Batman's comments telling him to keep quiet, rang through the night. Gotham was the usual with darkness shrouding every corner and gargoyles looming from above. Dick turned the corner to where he knew the Batmobile would be but instead of finding it sitting in its lonesome, he came face to face with another boy. He was no Dick Grayson; no this boy had bruises all along his face and a black eye. He had a gleam to his eye that hinted that he'd seen things and his dark hair concealed his latino face.

Robin immediately withdrew his Eskrima sticks and crouched in ready position. "Who are you and what do you require?" His voice boomed and Dick hoped that the boy would surrender easily so he could just go home.

The battered boy, however, was not fazed in the slightest way. He removed and lifted up a wheel - the Batmobile's wheel - and flipped it over easily, turning it around to examine it. "Good shape," he mumbled to himself, "not too scuffed up. Should sell well enough to get me about twenty days' worth of rations." Only when the menacing Batman entered through the shadows did the scoundrel look up.

"What do you think you're doing with that?" Batman's face showed no emotion as he studied the boy before him. "Not thinking of stealing it are you?"

The boy scoffed and tucked the tire under his arm. "No, I was planning on selling it; a much more admirable thing to do, isn't it?" He was just about to walk away when Robin held him back by the collar of his worn out shirt.

"I don't think so," Robin yanked him back towards the duo, and the boy stumbled and fell in front of the Dark Knight.

Batman gave him a glare capable of terrorizing even the toughest of men, but the boy refused to waver. Finally he decided he'd had enough and turned to face Robin. "Get in the mobile, I'll join you soon."

"But-" He was cut off when he saw Batman squint his eyes. No arguments. His shoulders slumped as he slipped into the Batmobile.

As soon as Dick was out of earshot, Batman turned his attention to the boy in front of him. "Why?" He kneeled and gripped the grimy shoulders of the troubled child. "What do you to gain from this?"

"They took everything away from me. Destroyed what little family I had left. All I ever had was a mother who never cared for me and a father who beat me. I had no one. I have no one except for myself and my wits," the boy snarled and spat on Batman before wiping at his eyes angrily. "I'll use the money from this tire to buy some weapons for myself to survive. I'll make it through this hell."

For several moments the two just glared at each other before finally Batman spoke. "What's your name?"

The boy straightened his shoulders and lifted his chin a bit higher, "I'm Jason; Jason Todd." He looked distastefully at Batman's hands at his side. "But don't expect me to shake your hand or anything."

With a slight upward tilt to his mouth, Batman took his tire back. He made his way to the Batmobile, but when he didn't hear the sound of footsteps behind him, he halted. "Well, are you coming?"

Jason looked into the Dark Knight's eyes and refused to respond.

Batman let out an exasperated breath. "I would've thought that any place would be better than this hell you live in. I can teach you to never have to face fear like this again. We can fight for justice," he stretched out his hand.

Jason brushed it aside, "I don't want justice; I want revenge."

The Dark Knight shook his head; this boy was too far gone. Did Jason want to be saved? Batman pressed a button on his gauntlet and jumped into the Batmobile.

As he and Dick drove away from the scene, he saw Jason running after him in the mirror.

In his mind, Batman knew this would not be the last time he would see Jason Todd.

Futuristic 1972

Get down!" He yelled over the sound of explosions and bodies falling to the ground. He managed to throw himself to the ground and roll out of the way, avoiding a shot from a blaster.

Two more robots with the familiar Swastika path on their shoulders appeared from his left. He opened his hand, the metal of his armor slid back and equipped himself with two explosive batarangs. He sent one in the direction of one of the robots and the second to another. Both weapons struck the robots in their heads and exploded after two beeps. He scanned the area and when he deemed it safe, he pressed a button on his arm. A hologram of his protégé flickered before stabilizing. "Nightwing, what is your position?"

The man was struggling to keep in contact with his mentor and fend off the robots. "You really know how to pick the best time, Batman." Nightwing stabbed his Eskrima sticks into two different robots chests and electrified them. He kicked the head off another and jumped on the shoulders of an incoming one and snapped off its head. Jason - or Red Hood as he calls himself- could be seen in the background of the hologram firing at the heads of robots.

"Is there something you need, or can this wait?" Nightwing and Red Hood ran a common training routine in which Red Hood would flip over onto Nightwing so he would be on his shoulders, and fire from above while Nightwing would work on combat below.

Batman skimmed the wasteland that lay in front of him. He was just about to ask Nightwing to give him a status report when he noticed something in the distance. He brought an armored hand to his temple and switched his normal sight to super-vision, allowing him to see farther and clearer than the best vision of man. Batman could faintly hear his partner calling his name but was too busy analyzing the warped, blue portal, running the image through every test he had with Alfred, who was scanning from the Batcave.

"Batman out." He ignored the protests from the other side and shut off the hologram.

He'd better start walking.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this 4.9k word prologue. I plan this story to be about 10-15+ chapters of about 4-5k words each. I have a lot in store for y'all so stick around. I know this wasn't a shippy chapter but we are establishing these characters.

Reminder: This story will NOT consist of sappy Bruce/Batman who cries and confesses his love people. Nor will this include a wimpy Diana/Wonder Woman fighter. I REPEAT THIS WILL NOT BE OOC.

Again, special thanks to my Beta bisexualclarkent you are amazing!

Find me on Tumblr sithzutara

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