Hello my darlings. I would like to thank rainystv for the wonderful review. I would also like to thank those of you who have followed and favoured since my last update.

So here it is, the last chapter. I want to take this time to thank everyone who has stuck with me throughout this story, and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Anyway enough from me, here is the chapter, time for a little bit of Gabriel and Sam in mind. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

Three months after last chapter…

Sam couldn't believe it had been a year since his brother returned wounded from war. He had changed so much in that time. Gone was the closed off Dean who seemed to be haunted by things he couldn't share, to be replaced by the new Dean. The one who was at peace with himself, and who the confidence in his own abilities to, that night, preform his first gig live in a bar. And Sam knew what was responsible for the change, or should he say who? Because it was all down to Cas. To the continuous support and love he had given his brother, it was remarkable. Sam had never met anyone who was as selfless as Dean's partner, anyone who was so willing would do anything for the one he loved. He made Dean a better person, and he made Dean happy. Sam could not ask for more.

And yet, there were still times he found himself trying to puzzle out the mystery Cas, and even more Gabriel, seemed to present to him. Cas just seemed too… innocent, too naïve, to have been to war, most of the time at any rate. Though this was countered by other occasions. The looks he would give anyone who upset Dean as if he would kill them without a second thought if they did not stop it immediately. Cas could be downright terrifying when he wanted to be. He would give off this impression of… well the only way Sam had come up with to explain it was righteous fury. It was alarming to say the least. But… he only ever got that way if someone threaten to hurt Dean, so Sam couldn't really find anything wrong with it. He was just protecting the one he loved. Sam himself would do the same, though maybe not to the same degree of scary, but each to their own.

Or course then there was Gabriel, who seemed to have an uncanny ability to know exactly what he was thinking all the time. It was almost as if he could read his mind. How did he do that? Not to mention that when he got pissed he made Cas seem like a pussycat. Though he did it in a very different way. He didn't glare, nor give off a furious vibe. No, he would get this calculating look in his eyes as if he was wondering how best to destroy whomever it was who had had the misfortune of crossing him. Sam had even seen Cas grab his brothers hand and pull him away before, when he had raised it. Though thinking back, it didn't look like he was going to hit the guy who Sam had to confess would have deserved it for the way he was speaking about Cas and Dean's relationship, no it looked to Sam as if he was going to click his fingers. What was that all about?

Oh he still had so many questions about the brothers who had become a part of his family. But right now was not the time for it. Now he needed to get the beers in his hand over to Cas so they could watch Dean perform. Though when he got to the table he found that his brother's boyfriend wasn't alone. Instead Gabriel sat with him, and in front of him was some weird-ass cocktail. Where the hell had that come from? Because he knew this bar didn't serves drinks like that, certainly not in a coconut. Plus there was the fact that Gabriel had definitely not been there before he had gone to the bar, and he hadn't seen him enter either. Yet another confusing thing to add to the list in his mind.

"You know Sammy, the answer is simple if only you open your mind to it." Gabriel said smirking up at the human looking down at him in confusion. It was so much fun making Sam go crazy trying to work out what was so different with him and Cassie.

"What?" Sam asked even more confused by how it seemed that Gabriel was once more commenting on his thoughts.

"The answer that explains your list of confusing things about my dear, wondrous self." Gabriel explained as if he was talking to a simpleton. Though Sammy was human, so it was a close run thing. Even if he was one of the more intelligent ones.

"Who are you?" Sam asked in frustration as he sat and handed Cas the beer he had brought for him. This was a question he asked at least once every time he saw the Gabriel. He always managed to tie his mind in knots.

"How many times. I'm Gabriel. If you want the answers, you need to first ask the right question. Oh Cassie that reminds me, I have something for you." Gabriel replied turning towards his brother as he pulled a book seemingly out of thin air, though Sam knew that wasn't possible. He had to have had it up his sleeve or something. This thought caused Gabriel to roll his eyes, though he manfully let it pass. He needed to put his plan into action.

Castiel for his part reached across the table and took the book from his brother, frowning down at the front cover in confusion as to why Gabriel would give him this.

"Supernatural, a novel by Carver Edlund?" He asked tilting his head at his brother silently requesting he explain.

"Yep. Daddy dearest has decided to try his hand at fantasy writing. Its complete trash, but I have a feeling you might enjoy it." Gabriel responded trying very hard to hide his smirk, though he failed completely. He couldn't wait for what was going to happen next.

"Why?" Castiel asked still confused, though if their father had indeed written it, he should make sure he learnt every word. He was an angel after all, it was his job to know and understand the words of god.

"Look at the names of the main characters." Gabriel suggested slyly, wait for it…

"Sam and Dean Winchester." Castiel said his eyes widening as he looked up at Gabriel in shock. Why was god writing books about Sam and Dean?

"Wait, what?! Your father has written a book about me and Dean? That's liable." Sam snapped when he heard Cas' words. How could their father use the name of his son's boyfriend and his brother in his stories? Was the man crazy?

At that Gabriel laughed so hard he fell of his chair. Oh he would love to see Sammy trying to sue their dad. He could imagine it now, Sammy in court trying to argue with god. Oh yes. That really would be, as Dean-o would say, awesome.

"I should not worry Sam. I'm sure our father has his reasons." Castiel replied in a placating voice, though in his mind he made sure he remembered to talk to Dean and get him to make sure Sam did not do anything unadvised about this. But right now it was not his top priority. Therefore putting the book down on the table as the lights started to dim and he turned toward the stage. Turned to watch his human, the man he loved, perform for the first time. Watched as Dean enchanted all those there with his words and his music. Watched as he captivated everyone's hearts and started on the path he was meant to walk. The path that would lead him to brining his music to the world, and in doing so, showing the world their love.

The next day Sam surreptitiously ordered all the books in the supernatural series by Carver Edlund. He had been surprised by the number, surprised that he hadn't heard of them before. But now that he had he needed to find out what it was Cas and Gabriel's father was writing about him and his brother. And find out if he was going to have to take the man to court for dragging their names through the mud.

It took him a couple of weeks to get through them all, and he had to disagree with Gabriel's assessment of them being trash. He liked them. But that wasn't what was on his mind when he got to the end. No, all he could do at that point was sit there and think over everything he had read. Because Cas and Gabriel were both in the books too, though they were portrayed as the angels they were named after. But what was really confusing Sam was the fact that all the powers the them in the books had, the way their characters were written, it explained all the puzzling things about the brothers. But… no. It couldn't be. Angels weren't real right? There was no way that Cas and Gabriel were actually the archangel Gabriel and Castiel, the angel of Thursday, right?

And suddenly Sam's eyes widened as in his head he heard Gabriel's voice. "Now you're asking the right question, Sammy."

All Sam could do was mutter "son of a bitch." in disbelief, as he was forced to open his eyes to the truth.

While somewhere of the coast of South America a certain archangel was laughing in glee. Finally, Sammy boy had figured it all out. Oh goody, now he could have even more fun with his brother's pet humans. Therefore lying back with his sunglasses firmly in place he let his mind wander to all the ways he could brighten his little holiday on earth. Of all the fun he could have with Cassie's new family. Oh yes, things were definitely going to be entertaining for the archangel Gabriel.


So there you have it. I hope you liked it and again thank you all for reading and reviewing, as well as sticking with me throughout this story.

Until next time, ta-ta my lovelies.