This is it! We have reached the end of this story! I'm so emotional right now T_T

It took me 10 weeks (2 chapters per week) to finish this story and I'm very happy with the result. I want to thank you all for sticking around and encouraging me to keep writing, you are the best readers in the world and I'm more than happy to be part of this lovely fandom.

Anyway, without further ado, please enjoy the happy ending I promised! CH19 was the end of an adventure, this is the beginning of a new one. Enjoy!

Chapter 20

It had been a month since Magnus had had to say goodbye to Alec and see him go for good. It had been a full month without him in his life and Magnus still couldn't find a way out of the storm in which he had been trapped ever since. At first, Alec's absence had hurt, then it hadn't, then it had hurt even more. He was caught in a storm that he couldn't weather—he was caught in the storm of his own feelings.

His friends had tried to help him, they had really tried to cheer him up, but there was little they could do for him. In theory, Magnus had everything he'd always wanted. He had the Blue Danube, a loyal crew, and to top that, since the rumors about Valentine's death had spread like wildfire in the pirate community, he had regained the title of the best pirate of all Seven Seas. He was the feared and admired Captain Magnus Bane again, discoverer of the fountain of youth and the owner of the fastest ship in the entire ocean.

He had wealth and everything that, as a pirate, he might wish. In the eyes of the world, it seemed as if Magnus were living the perfect happy life, but he was not. He didn't have the person he loved by his side and that killed him. No ship, no crew, no renowned title could compare to having Alec with him. He would trade everything just to be with his love for five more minutes.

For weeks Magnus had tried to move on. He had tried to keep his mind engaged on other things, go back to business, hunt another treasure, follow some mysterious legend from the past, meet new people, but nothing had really worked—nothing. Alec was everywhere. In everything he did, in every blink, every heartbeat, every breath.

And that was exactly why he was currently in the tavern of the Spiral trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol. He knew it was stupid since no alcohol in the world could help him stop feeling this pain, but at least it made it more bearable and that was enough for him.

"On the house." Catarina said, placing a bottle of rum before him.

Magnus was at a table at the far end of the tavern. He had isolated himself when his friends had started to act all lovey-dovey with each other. It sickened him to see displays of affection when he felt so empty inside; it was a reminder that he was alone and unlikely to get over his former lover in a very long time.

"Thanks." Magnus said, with a slight smile on his lips. He was glad that his old friend had not been angry with them when she had learned what had happened to her small boat. It was a relief that she knew pirates well enough to know that when you lent them something, it was practically forever.

"Raphael and Ragnor told me what happened." Catarina said carefully.

Of course they had. Magnus knew Raphael and Ragnor couldn't keep their mouths shut when it came to Magnus's love life. For some strange reason, they found the subject extremely interesting and worth telling.

"You still miss him, don't you?" She inquired.

"As I've never missed anyone in my life." Magnus confessed. "Why is this so hard?"

Catarina gave him a sweet smile and sat beside him. "Love is hard to find, Magnus, and therefore hard to forget."

"Wise words."

"Don't mock me, it's true." Catarina said. "You found your other half, don't expect to forget about him in a matter of weeks. It's not possible."

"How long can this pain go on?" Magnus asked.

"I don't know…"

"I'm starting to think it will last forever."

"It won''ll get over him eventually." Catarina told him.

"And, what if I don't want to?"

"Well, then don't, but you'll have to learn to live with the pain."

Magnus sighed. Learn to live with the pain. It sounded so easy, but that was what he had been trying to do for weeks and it hadn't worked, there was no way to live with pain. He didn't know how people did it, but he was finding the task extremely difficult.

"I hate this," Magnus said, "I hate to feel like this."

They sat in silence just letting the minutes pass. Magnus drinking and Catarina just watching him, trying, as she usually did, to find the right words to tell him.

"What you did for him, letting him go with his family without forcing him to stay with you was very noble," Catarina said, "I'm proud of you."

Magnus chuckled. He knew he had done the right thing, he knew it. But since they had separated, there hadn't been a day in which he hadn't regretted having done so. It sounded a little selfish, but love was selfish.

"Chin-up, Magnus. You know what they say...true love has the bad habit of coming back."

"I don't think that saying applies to us."

"Why not? Don't you think that what you had was true love?"

Magnus shrugged to avoid responding. It didn't matter what he thought. He couldn't fool himself with something that simply wouldn't happen—true love or not.

"Just because you decided not to be together doesn't mean that you two don't love each other. I know for a fact that he loves you. Nobody told me, I saw it with my own eyes."

Magnus frowned. Alec and Catarina hadn't spent a lot of time together, Alec had only been in the Spiral twice.

"I saw him that day he left you tied at the docks, remember?" Catarina said as a matter of explanation. "I was just opening the tavern when he arrived. I thought he had come for some early breakfast or something, but when I offered him food, he rejected it and just gave me that note for your friends before leaving. At that time I didn't know what was going on, but now that I do, I can tell you with certainty that he was suffering—a lot. I saw the pain in his eyes, Magnus. He was torn to pieces for leaving you behind and that's because he loved you. He still loves you."

"I know that he loves me and I love him too, but sometimes love isn't enough." Magnus sighed.

"I'm sorry…"

"Why it had to be him, though? Why him and not any of the others?" Magnus asked, taking a sip of rum. "For years, centuries even, I've looked for my other half all over the world and he had to be there...waiting for me where I least expected him to be."

"That's part of the adventure, Magnus. We don't get to choose who we fall in love with."

"But this seems like some cruel joke of destiny. After years and years of searching, I finally find the person I want to be spend the rest of my life with and it turns out that I cannot be with him. What have I done to deserve this? Is this some kind of punishment for all the crimes I have committed?" Magnus sighed. "Maybe if we'd had a different life we could have been together, but alas this is our reality and I can't change it."

"Why not?"

"Because we belong to different worlds, Catarina. He deserves better. He deserves a man worthy of him, and I'm not that man."

"Then, become that man." She encouraged him. "Become the man you think he deserves."

"For that I would have to be born again...I'm a pirate, my friend."

"And, what's wrong with that? He's one too."

"No, he's not. He's much better than that."

"Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, but I think you're wrong. He has the heart of a pirate, and what he feels for you has nothing to do with it. I knew it the moment I met him for the first time, and back then he felt nothing for you...well, maybe some sort of attraction, but definitely not love."

"If you were in my place, what would you do?" Magnus asked curiously.


Magnus nodded.

"In your current situation, I would learn to live with my decision." Catarina said. "But having said that...I would have never given up on him."

"So you think I made a mistake in letting him go?"

"No, you did what had to be done at the moment." She said, smiling knowingly. "But things can change, not all decisions are permanent."

Magnus sighed. "But, what if it's not what he wants?"

"It's worth the shot, don't you think? That way you'll know for sure if it's time to move on." Catarina said, standing up from the table. That was another of her qualities, she knew when it was time to stop the conversation.



"Thank you."

"Anytime, Magnus...anytime."


Alec took a deep breath and plopped down in one of the wedding chairs. The terrace of the mansion was filled with people dancing and drinking in honor of his sister's marriage. The entire city was buzzing with celebrations and it was hardly surprising, the youngest daughter of the Inquisitor of the Clave, Isabelle Lightwood, had finally married. That was certainly a cause for celebration for everyone, well, everyone but Alec.

Alec was happy for his sister, he really was. Simon, her now husband, was a great man who seemed to make her extremely happy and that was all Alec could ask for, but he couldn't just enjoy the celebration as the rest of the people gathered there were doing; he had a big hole in his heart that no matter what he tried, he couldn't fill. There was a certain person he missed as he never thought he would miss anyone.

Alec sighed.

For weeks he had been wondering what would have happened if he had taken a different direction, what would have happened if he had chosen Magnus over his family. And every time he asked himself those questions, he got the same answer: he would be happy.

When Alec had decided to go back with his family and forget about his possible life with Magnus, he had done it with the idea in mind that things would change for the better. He had hoped that with all that had happened, he could finally find some sort of happiness in his world, but, well, it was clear that he had been wrong. Nothing had really changed and he was as miserable as he had always been, if not more. He had returned to his old life, but now it felt empty...meaningless.

"You okay?" Jace asked, joining him at the table and taking a seat beside him.

Alec had been moping alone at the table, watching his sister enjoy her special day, while he drank a glass of rum for old times' sake.


"You don't look okay." Jace pointed out.

"I'm fine." Alec said. "Are Clary and her family having fun?" He asked, trying to change the subject. He hadn't talked to his siblings about what was really going on inside his heart, and he wasn't going to start now.

"Yeah, they are." Jace said.

"I'm glad." Alec said, taking the rest of his drink in one gulp. "How are things going on with her?"

He knew that since they had returned, Jace had tried to spend as much time as possible with her and her family, helping them get used to their new lives and offering them everything they might need.

"Great. She's great." Jace said. Alec saw his brother trying to spot her in the sea of dancing bodies. She was in the middle, dancing with the newlyweds.

"I'm happy for you, Jace. I'm glad you found her."

"Thanks, Alec...can I tell you something I haven't told anyone?"

Alec nodded. "Sure."

"I think she's the one." Jace confessed.

Alec smiled glad for his brother's happiness. At least something good had come out of all the suffering they all had gone through.

A waiter walked past them and Alec stopped him to get another glass of rum.

"Since when do you like rum?" Jace asked intrigued.

Alec thought about being honest and confessing that he had started to like it when he had discovered that it made him think and forget about Magnus all at the same time, but he refrained from sharing such a discovery and limited himself to give a neutral response. "I don't's a bad habit I picked up on my way to rescue you."

Jace said nothing and they just sat in silence, looking at the people having fun while enjoying their respective drinks.

"Love is a weird thing." Jace said, out of nowhere. "It makes us do really crazy things."

"Huh?" Alec frowned in confusion.

"Look at Izzy." Jace said. "For years, she said she would never get married and now look at her, she was the first to take the bait and she's the happiest I've ever seen her. And, I? I thought I would never settle for a girl and now I can't see beyond Clary. Love is a very rare thing that can really change people. When I was on the Danube I learned a lot of things about Valentine, Michael and our father, and now that I've had some time to think about it, I think that in the end they all did what they did for love."

"What do you mean?" Alec asked intrigued.

"Valentine's wave of destruction began when he realized that the curse was true and that in order not to lose who he loved the most, he had to find a way to lift it. He really loved Jocelyn, you know? It was an unhealthy kind of love, but it was love nonetheless. Michael was in love with our father and did everything he asked him, even join Valentine's crew when he didn't want to, and-"

"Wait, Michael Wayland was in love with our father?" Alec asked. Of all the things Jace could have shared that was something Alec wasn't expecting.

Jace nodded. "As far as I know, our father was the person Michael lost due to the curse. They used to be best friends, they were a package deal. Jocelyn and Luke told me they were always together. They complemented each other...they were inseparable. A little after they found the treasure, Michael confessed his feelings to our father, but he didn't take it well. Jocelyn said that he was very cruel and ended up his friendship with Michael. The next time the Danube made port, Michael disappeared and nobody ever saw him alive again."

"Really?" Alec asked surprised.

"Yes, as far as everyone knows, he died alone and still loving our father. His wife, Eliza, Jonathan's mother, left him when she discovered that he had only married her to keep up appearances. She was pregnant when she left."

"Did he meet his son?" Alec asked.

"I don't know...but Jonathan knew all of this about his father, so I guess they met somehow."

"And father? What did he lose? I thought he had lost us, but you're talking about things they lost right after the were cursed."

"Well, he lost his best friend and the love of his life...and no that was not our mother."

Alec stopped breathing. He had always known that his parents weren't a loving couple, but he had never heard of any of them having an affair or someone else in their lives.

"When they found the treasure, our mother was already expecting you, but our parents' marriage wasn't the best. First, because she didn't know what father actually did, she used to think he was a merchant, and second, because father had an affair with a woman named Annamarie."


"Yes, Jocelyn told me that he loved her very much. He was even thinking of leaving mother for her, but when Annamarie found out that he had lied to her and was actually married and expecting a baby with his wife, she left him. She disappeared and father never saw her again."

Alec looked at his father. Ever since they had returned Alec had had trouble seeing in him the man he thought he knew. There was so much he didn't know about him. It was sad, but his father was a complete stranger to him.

"Why mother stayed with him?"

"Who knows? For you, Izzy, Max...for him." Jace said. "As I said before, love makes us do crazy things."

Alec sighed and nodded. His brother was right, love did make people do crazy things.

"Like what Magnus did for you, or what you did for him." Jace continued.

"Excuse me?" Alec asked puzzled. When had this conversation turned into what Magnus and he had done for each other?

"I know more than I probably should, to be honest." Jace confessed. "I know about your relationship, I know about the sacrifices you made for each other. You'd be surprised to see how invested your crew was in your relationship. You two were all they talked about—literally."

"I…" Alec was speechless.

"I know you have refused to talk about it, but I'm your brother and I feel the need to bring some sense into that head of yours. You're always sacrificing your own happiness for that of others. And don't get me wrong, that's admirable, you're a great man with a big heart and everything, but I think it's time you stop and think about your own for once."


"Don't." Jace interrupted him. "I won't let you keep digging your own grave. We love you, we all love you and we want to see you happy. I know that what you lived with Magnus was much more than what you shared with us. I know you miss him, I know you sacrificed what you could have had with him for us, but you have to understand something, Alec…we are not your responsibility. Our happiness won't bring you happiness. Yes, you can be happy for us, but you are your own can't live based on the happiness of those around you, you deserve to have your own."

Alec sighed. He knew his brother was right, but the advice had arrived a little bit too late. Magnus was gone and Alec knew he would probably never see him again. "Maybe you're right, but he's gone, Jace...there's nothing I can do now. It's too late."

"Never it's too late." Jace said. "You taught me that, Alec. When Valentine kidnapped me it was too late, and...did you give up? No, right? You chased the most dangerous pirate of all time and found me. Why is this any different? You'll have to chase the same ship, just not the same pirate."

"I don't know…"

"What are you so afraid of?"

"What if I can't find him? Or worse yet, what if it takes me years and by the time I find him he's with someone else?"

Jace smiled knowingly. "I don't think he's going to forget you any time soon, I'm certain you left quite the impression on him."

"How are you so sure?" Alec asked. He hated that playful smile that his brother was wearing.

"Because he's here." Jace announced.

"What!?" Alec asked surprised. He could feel his pulse quickening by the second. Had he heard correctly? Had Jace actually said that Magnus was here?

"My job as the Commander of the Clave is to know everything that happens in all Seven Seas." Jace said. "And I happen to know that there's been a sighting of a black ship with blue sails near the bay. I could be wrong, but I think there's only one ship in the entire ocean that matches that description, don't you think?"

Alec's eyes widened in surprise. The Blue Danube...Magnus...

"On top of my desk," Jace continued, "you will find four letters of marque signed and ready for you to use if that's what you want, of course. These extend a full pardon for all crimes committed against the Clave and future inquiries, so make good use of them. There's one for you, one for Magnus and two more for the other two gentlemen that joined you in my rescue."

"What? How?" Alec asked really surprised. A letter of marque was a government license authorizing a person, known as a privateer, to attack and capture enemy vessels without suffering any sort of punishment. It was the closest thing to a license to piracy that existed.

"I just did what I thought was right. I made father signed them weeks ago. It wasn't hard, he didn't even look at the names, but anyway, the door is closed, of course. Sharing an office with the Inquisitor has its drawbacks, but if you use that little trick I taught you when we were young, I'm sure you'll find your way inside." Jace said. "Also, there's a small boat anchored in the abandoned docks, it's not the best there is, since that was all I could get without raising any suspicion, but it will take you to him."

"I-I…" Alec stuttered. He really didn't know what to say.

"Learn from what happened, Alec, unlike them, you're not cursed, don't lose the person you love for nothing. We're going to be fine. I can take care of deserve to be happy." Jace said, standing up from the table and joining Clary and Izzy on the dance floor.


After his conversation with Catarina, Magnus decided to go back to Alicante. He knew he and Alec couldn't be together, but if he wanted to learn to live with his decision as Catarina had advised him, he had to make sure that Alec was fine. He knew that the only way he could ease his mind and move on was if he saw with his own eyes that the boy was well and happy. If that was not the case, well, he could always improvise according to what Alec wanted. It was a crazy idea, but crazy always worked for him.

They were near the coast of Alicante, a couple of miles away from the bay, taking advantage of the speed of the ship to move around and avoid being captured. They knew the Clave was still after them, so naturally, the entire crew was on pins and needles, expecting an attack at any minute.

"Recuérdame de nuevo, why the hell did we come back?" Raphael asked for the umpteenth time.

"I need to know if he's okay, Raphael." Magnus said, trying not to roll his eyes. He knew why his friend was worried, but he had shared the plan enough times already and he was getting tired of repeating the same thing over and over again.

"Yes, but you could have sent him a letter for that, why come here to the lion's den, huh? If we get caught, they are going to hang us. We're not safe here."

"I know, okay?" Magnus said a bit exasperated. "I know this is the last place where we should be, but I couldn't help it. I wasn't myself, mate. You know that...just let me see if he's fine and then we'll go and never come back."

"That's what you said the last time we were here." Raphael muttered as he walked away.

Magnus exhaled loudly.

"You know he's just worried about you, don't you? We both are worried." Ragnor said, standing beside him on the main deck. "We don't want to see you suffer again. These past few weeks have been difficult for all of us too. You don't know how many times we talked about coming here to kidnap the boy and bring him to you."

"I know…" Magnus said, because he knew his friends were worried about him, "it's just's the only way I'll be able to move on, my friend."

"I know." Ragnor nodded. "And that's why we're here, covering your ass for the millionth time."

Magnus chuckled. "Why are they talking so long?" He asked. It had been a few hours since they had sent a couple of men to the city to investigate everything they could about Alec and his family, and they hadn't returned yet.

"Well, they had to sneak into the city and ask around, have some patience."

Magnus nodded and resumed his waiting. It was a bit frustrating to just stand there doing nothing, but Magnus knew they couldn't do more.

The minutes stretched to a couple of hours and the sun was now on its way down. In less than an hour they would be plunged into darkness.

"Here they come." Ragnor announced. He had been keeping a close watch on the coast.

"Finally!" Magnus exclaimed relieved.

The two men quickly climbed to the Danube again and shared what they had discovered. Apparently, since the Inquisitor's sons had returned nothing had changed—Jace was still the Commander of the Guard of the Clave and Alec had returned to his training for naval merchant. The Clave had claimed Valentine's death as their own doing, as well as Jace's rescue mission, winning with that some points among the population.

"Is that all?" Magnus asked.

"No," one of the men said, "there's also a wedding going on right now in the Inquisitor's mansion."

"A wedding?" Ragnor asked.

Magnus suddenly forgot how to breathe.

"Who's getting married?" Ragnor inquired.

"We heard it was the Inquisitor's daughter's wedding." The other man said, and Magnus breathed again.

"Isabelle…" He whispered.

"And now what?" Ragnor asked.

"Now we-" Magnus was saying when Raphael interrupted him, scolding the men.

"You let them follow you, you idiots!" The pirate exclaimed. There was a small boat approaching the Danube.

"Raise the anchor and get ready to sail!" Ragnor immediately started to instruct the crew. "It's just a boat, so we can still outrun them. Quick! What are you waiting for! Move! Move! Move!"

The men began to move across the decks like ants, unfastening the sails and preparing the Danube to set sail. Magnus took his spy-glass and tried to see who was aboard the small boat.

"Stop!" He exclaimed, as soon as he recognized that unmistakable jet-black hair. "It's him!"

"Who?" Ragnor and Raphael asked in unison.

"Alexander…" Magnus said his name as if it were a sacred word. "Throw a line!"

The men looked around confused. Two seconds ago they had to run to save their lives and now they had to throw a rope to let someone board the ship.

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Magnus questioned them. "Throw a line, you scallywags!"

The men finally threw the line and next thing Magnus knew, Alec was boarding the Danube.

"Magnus…" Alec said with a smile on his face.


"What are you doing here?" They asked at the same time, and Magnus couldn't help but laugh. It was obvious there was so much they wanted to say, so much they wanted to ask.

"You first." Alec said.

"What are you doing here?" Magnus asked again. He was delighted to see him, of course, but he was seriously confused by his presence there.

"I-I...I heard the rumors about a black ship with blue sails," Alec said, "I wanted to see if it was really you. Why did you come back?"

Magnus took a deep breath. Why had he come back? Now that he had Alec there the answer sounded quite obvious—he had never left.

"I never really left." Magnus confessed. "I tried, I really tried, but the tide finally brought me back you. I wanted to see you."

Alec smiled and stepped closer to him, leaving some space between them as if waiting for Magnus to cross it or make it bigger. Magnus noticed it, but stayed where he was; he could feel the eyes of the entire crew on them. Raphael and Ragnor were trying to take them to the lower decks to give them some privacy, but the crew was now very numerous.

"They could have arrested you, are you aware of that?" Alec asked.

"I know, but I needed to see if you were well and happy."

Alec smiled again. "I am now."

"Alexander...I'm not the man you deserve." Magnus said, before Alec kept talking. He knew that if the boy said those words that seemed to be floating on his lips, he would lose control. And he owed Alec a warning, he had to tell him that he was not good enough for him.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a pir-"

"Pirate, I know." Alec interrupted him. "My pirate."

"Alexander...Alec...I can't offer you-"

"What? The life I have? I know that too." Alec said, interrupting him again. "And I don't want you to. That's not a life, Magnus. It's never been a life. For years I've been surviving, I learned to live when I met you, and I want that back. I want to be with you. I want to have all sorts of adventures with you. I want to sail the seas with you and-"

"And your family?" Magnus asked. He wanted nothing more than to launch himself into Alec's arms, but he had to keep asking.

"I said goodbye to my siblings and left a letter for my parents. I know they won't be very happy with the news, but they'll come around eventually. It's not like I'm the first pirate in the family, right?"

That caught Magnus a bit off guard. Alec had just called himself a pirate. Apparently, he was deadly serious about this.

"Besides, it's not like I'm never going to see them again." Alec added, handing Magnus four sealed envelopes. "Those are a gift from Jace."

Magnus frowned in confusion and grabbed the envelopes—they were sealed with the insignia of the Clave. He opened them, finding within them four letters of marque with their names written on them.

"These are-" Magnus lost the ability to even speak.

"Our tickets to freedom." Alec said with a smile, taking the step that Magnus hadn't dared to take and kissing him.

Magnus dropped the letters and laced his arms around Alec's neck, kissing him as hard as he could just to make sure this was really happening. After more than a month of feeling completely lost, he was finding himself again. Alec's soft lips were against his and everything was as it should be. That storm that had been tearing him apart was dissipating as fast as sea foam.

"I love you." Magnus whispered, tracing the line of Alec's jaw, recommitting that perfect face to his memory.

"And I love you too." Alec replied, kissing him again.

They kissed for what felt like an eternity with the setting sun as their only witness. Eventually, Ragnor cleared his throat and joined them, welcoming Alec with a smile.

"Captain, orders, sir?" He asked. Magnus didn't have to tell him what had happened, he knew his smile was speaking for him.

"The French coast." Alec said with a smile. "I always wanted to go to France."

Ragnor looked at Magnus then at Alec and then at Magnus again.

"You heard him." Magnus said. "The French coast."

"Aye, captain." Ragnor smiled. "You want me to take over the helm for you?"

"No." Magnus said. "We got this."

Ragnor just nodded and walked away to instruct the men. Magnus and Alec stared at each other as they walked to the helm.

"After this there's no turning back," Magnus warned him, before putting the ship in motion, "it will be a pirate's life for you."

"I know."

"It'll be a life of running and hiding. We may have gotten rid of the Clave thanks to your brother, but this will continue to be a life of danger and risks and-"

"And I can handle it all if I'm by your side. This time apart was like dying for me, Magnus. I can't go back to that life. I thought I could, but I can't. This is where I belong." Alec said, placing a hand on Magnus's heart. "Now, captain, are we going or what?"

Magnus smiled, feeling his heart overflowing with happiness. "Raise the anchor!" He shouted, shifting into captain's mode and instructing the men. "Trim the mainsail and set ready to sail!"

"Aye, aye, captain!" The men replied in unison.

Alec moved to help, but Magnus stopped him. "Not so fast, sailor." He said, pulling Alec toward him. "You're not going to help them, I have special orders for you."

"Is that so?" Alec challenged him.

"Aye, and for once you're going to follow them to the letter." Magnus said, intertwining his fingers with Alec's. "You're going to stay with me forever."

"Forever." Alec said, smiling that smile that outshone the most beautiful of sunsets.

Magnus put his free hand on the helm and veered the ship to the west, making the Danube to glide smoothly through the water.

"And now, Alexander...let me show you a new horizon." He said.

And together, hand in hand, they set sail, as the Blue Danube, like the sun, quickly disappeared on the horizon. The day seemed to be ending, but their story was just beginning.

The end.

I really hope you liked the way I ended this story. I'm going to miss my pirates, but it was time to end this fic. Please let me know your thoughts about the story, I would love to hear what you liked, what you hated and whatnot.

Anyway, thanks again for reading and reviewing (I read all of them, I promise), you guys made this the best experience I've ever had as a writer! I love you all, and see you next Friday with a new story!

PS: You can find a rebloggable version of this story on my tumblr (link in bio). Oh, and feel free to follow me as well. I love making new friends!