Super-Couple: Bloodlines

Twenty-Five: Old Flames

Mount Justice

"It's him," Dr. Banner told the team. The entire team had been shocked when the person that had cone through the portal had shocked them. Rachel most of all as it had been the last person she had expected. They had brough him into Mount Justice and called Dr. Banner to check over the DNA.

"Thank you," Barry said walking inside the room with Iris to look at Wally, who by some miracle was back.

"You electrocuted him," Tim said to Rachel.

"Is not like I meant it," Rachel said, and she was looking at Wally and she knew that things were different. "I have informed our parents already,"

"I believe, Spiderman has informed the Avengers and Shield so that they don't freak out," Red Robin told her. They both had their arms crossed.

"Batwoman, come inside." Bart said pulling her.

"Bart, I have to go he needs his family," Rachel told him.

"You are also part of it, you are his friend." Bart told her, Batwoman walked inside and looked at Barry and Iris.

"I still can't believe it our little boy," Iris said.

"I'm very happy for you guys," Rachel told them.

"We have to thank you he could have gone through if you hadn't stopped him." Barry told her. He understood that sometimes their speed did not help in stopping unless there was a conduit.

"I don't know if stopping him is a good way to put it," Rachel said.

"It happens," Barry said. "Your mother didn't give me notice when she electrocuted me the first time,"

Rachel nodded and part of her wanted to touch Wally, make sure that he was real, but at the same time it was not her place and she was not to be here now, she needed to get home.

"Well, I spoke to Bruce, Wally will have to stay under observation for a few weeks, we want to make sure there was no damage," Rachel explained. "Of course, being his family, you are welcome to stay as long as you need to,"

"Thank you, I should be letting you go. I believe your husband is waiting." Barry said.

"Yeah." Rachel said and hugged him. "I'm really happy for you guys,"

"Thanks," Barry mentioned, and he let her go. As he was able to see her leave he turned back to his son , part of him was worried that he would have to explain to Wally once he woke that things had changed and that he would have to explain the biggest change of all.

As Batwoman walked and was ready to leave, she met Tigress on that side and knew that things would happen.

"So, he is alive." Artemis said.

"He is," Batwoman said.

"I'm just thinking, how are you going to explain that now your basically off limits, a wife."

"I believe that there are more important things to know than the fact that I am no longer available Artemis," Batwoman said and she was serious. "Also, my partner is no one concern, I've made that clear,"

Artemis backed off because even if she knew Rachel. The woman has changed, she did intimidate as Batwoman.

"I guess we will see you more over here,"

"My place is in Gotham and as always I am part time," Batwoman said and walked off.


Rachel and Nicolas Home

Nicolas held his son in his arms, he had heard the news. Brianna had been kind enough to give him all the details. He was not worried, what he was worried about was that Rachel would not take it well.

"Nic, I'm home," Rachel said when she walked into the living room to see her husband, she smiles at seeing the most important people in her life.

"Hi love," Nicolas told her.

"I'm guessing Mum let you know,"

"Yeah," Nicolas told her, he laid down Michael and hugged her tightly because she needs it the hug. It wasn't something they were both expecting.

"I didn't," she couldn't finish as she let some of the tears fall.

"It's alright love." Nic told her.

"How is he," she sobbed into his shoulder and he knew that it was and old wound that was just ripped opened.


Avengers Tower

"I still can't believe he is alive," Penny told Wade. They were in the kitchen with Toni, Steve, Darcy and Gwen.

"I know, I feel bad for Rachel she is going to have to choose between them," Gwen said.

"No, Rachel has nothing to choose," Toni said.

"She loves Wally, there last conversation was a date a believe," Gwen said.

"Yes, but Rachel moved on," Darcy told her. "It's going to be hard on him, Wally pretty much has to start over everything for him has changed,"

"I know but this is her first love,"

"It doesn't really matter, Rachel loves Nic and I feel bad for Wally, but things have moved on,"


2 Weeks Later: Mount Justice

Barry and Iris looked as Wally began to move his head. It had happened a few times, but he hadn't woken up.

"Hmm…Rachel," Wally said.

"Sorry kiddo, it's just us," Barry said with a smile. Wally opened his eyes and looked around. He turned his parents and noticed the changes; they look a bit older.

"W... where am I?" he asked.

"You're in-Mount Justice," Barry said.

"I did it, I'm back," Wally said.

"Yes," Iris said launching herself and hugged him tears in her eyes and Wally returned the hug.

"I'm going to call Bruce," Barry said.

"How long has it been?" Wally asked Iris.

"I think that we should have Bruce check you," Barry said. Bruce came in and smiled.

"Hi Wally, I'm came to check you," Bruce said.

"Okay," Wally said. "Can you let me know, how long it has been?"

"The question is where have you been?" Bruce asked.

"To a lot of places," Wally said. "After everything I just wanted to get home, but I wasn't fast enough,"

"Is that so," Bruce said.

"Yeah, so I stayed where I was and trained there was a League like this world," Wally said. "So, I helped them and trained to get better,"

"Well it seems that you were a busy person," Bruce told him smiling.

"I was able to travel but I landed somewhere else another earth, I believe Rachel and Connor told me about it, when they travelled, I kept jumping to places some where not great and others I had to be really careful," Wally told him. "But my speed got stronger and stronger and I was able to get back."

"Well I can say your good in health but we are going to see if your powers did not get affected with all the travelling you did, but I do believe your going to have to speak with one of the Psych Doctors to make sure everything is okay," Bruce said,, It was something that the Avengers, Shield and Justice League had come to agree to make sure all the heroes got help if they wanted it to make them feel better.

"Dr. Banner, how long has it been?" Wally asked.

"Eight Years," Bruce told him. Wally gasped and Iris held his hand.

"I will need to do a lot of catching up to do," Wally said.

"Yes," Bruce told him. "We will help you,"

"Okay," Wally said. Bruce left the room and Wally looked at Iris and Barry. "I won't be able to return to my life am I,"

"It will be a bit of trouble, but we will be with you,"

"Can you guys call Rachel?" Wally said.

"Wally, I think there is somethings you need to know," Barry said looking at Iris.


Batwoman walked into Mount Justice and knew that she had come to check on Wally out of all of them. Since she had heard he had woken up. She had spoken to Nicolas about Wally returning. It had been a bit of a fight, but Rachel had won at the end. She knocked on the door.

"Come in,"

Wally looked up and saw Batwoman come in, but she seemed a bit smaller but not the least threatening.

"Batwoman," Wally said. Rachel opaque the windows so that she could take her cowl off. "Rachel,"

"I heard from Barry and Iris that you wanted to see me," Rachel said. They both looked at their differences the years had changed. Wally knew that she looked a bit more mature.

"You finally have the cowl," Wally said.

"Occasionally," Rachel said with a smile. Wally stood up and moved before he wrapped her up in his arms hugging her.

"I've missed you," Wally said.

"So, did I," Rachel said pulling off and smiling. "I'm very happy that your alive, we all suffered when we lost you,"

"How long?" Wally asked and Rachel understood what he was asking.

"For very long, my husband was well aware of it," Rachel told him.

"A husband, I read the articles, I think that I met him," Wally said with a smile. It was awkward because this was different the last time, she was wearing a Nightwing outfit, now it was Batwoman and he had been dead to 8 years.

"You did," Rachel told him.

"I lost eight years," Wally said.

"I know we can help you get some of your life back,"

"Some of my life," Wally said.

"Years have passed Wally, not everything is going to be the same," Rachel told him. "Where did you go?"

"Will your husband not be upset?"

"Nicolas is with our son," Rachel said and its shocked Wally to his core.

"You have a kid,"

"Yes," Rachel said.


Note: This is the end of chapter. Please review and comment. Thank you, guys, for the reviews.