A/N: Yooooo! A new story, this time in Bosco! That's right! This story's main setting will be in the country of Bosco, a nation on Fiore's eastern border, as such, it'll have all new locations, all new guilds, all new pretty much everything and it will pretty much have nothing to do with the canon Fairy Tail story as this will be in a completely different country.

This story will touch upon the topic of slavery, as Bosco is canonically known to have slavery in it, so if you would be offended by that, you've been warned.

Also just to get this out there right away, I'll only be accepting OCs through private messages because I need to be able to communicate with anyone who submits a character as I will no doubt have questions and need to contact you at some point, which I can't do through reviews as far too much would get spoiled that way, whereas I can keep everything from being revealed if all that is done through private messages, nor can I contact you at any time through reviews like I can through a private message.

But there will be more notes regarding the story and OC submissions at the bottom.

I don't own Fairy Tail!

I hope you enjoy the prologue!

Prologue: The Tales of Bosco

May 9th, X786

A woman stood out on a balcony of a large stone tower, overlooking the hilly landscaped covered with scattered trees. She squinted as her droopy red eyes stared out towards the northwest, towards the central region of Bosco known as the Sequoia Hinterlands. The woman was known as Virva Ilmatar, the Chairwoman of the Bosco Branch of the Magic Council who was also known as the Eighth Wizard Saint of Bosco, Virva the Wisp.

She was around thirty-six years and stood at 5'7" with a mature air about her. Virva had fair skin and silver hair that was tied into a low, messy bun while her bangs were brushed behind her ears so that they'd stay out of her eyes. She had soft features and a small, round nose, but her mouth was set into a small frown. She wore a high-collared, long-sleeved black dress that fell just past her knees and had red lining on the inside. Virva also wore a pair of black leggings that were tucked into a pair of black ankle boots that had inch high heels.

"Things were always much more simpler back home," Virva mused as she let her mind drift aimlessly before she turned around to look into the grand marble hall the balcony led into, a grand room with a large, wooden table in the middle of it with five chairs on either side and a grand throne at the head while large marble columns lined the walls with paintings of former chairmen in between them while the exterior walls had large, ornate windows that looked out to the north and west of the castle.

The tower itself was located in the Magic Council's Boscan headquarters, a city called Millennia on the northern edge of one of Bosco's southern regions, a very mountainous one which was called the Dragon Spine Mountains after the legends told of the place. Like its Fioran counterpart, Era, Millennia was a large city ran by the Magic Council and was the center of all its local operations. The city itself was built on top of a large hill, the Magic Council headquarters on the top of the hill while the town was built all around it as a large, walled settlement with two main walls. The first was a massive stone wall with gates in eight directions, but the second wall surrounded the Magic Council's headquarters was actually a large, round fort that surrounded the tower and served as the Rune Knight's base of operations in Bosco and was said to be impregnable, as no one had ever successfully broken in or out.

But as Virva looked out down towards the city, she heard a man clear his throat behind her, "Chairwoman Virva," the man said as she turned around to face him.

"Councilor Luuk," Virva said in return as she looked at the old man standing in the entryway of the balcony, "Is there something you need, Albanus?" she asked.

Councilor Albanus Luuk was an old man of sixty-seven years, he seemed to be a frail, thin man, but rumor had it that he was more powerful than he appeared. He had fair, wrinkled skin and a long white hair that fell down to his shoulder blades with his bangs tucked behind his ears as well as a long, white full beard that reached down to his waist. His droopy, light gray eyes were bright and had a sharp look to them as well. He wore a white robe with a gray mantle over it that bore the Magic Council's symbol on it in light blue while underneath his robes he wore a pair of black trousers that were tucked into a pair of black, cuffed boots that had gold trim lining the cuffs. But even in his old age, Albanus did not hunch over or lean on a staff, he stood upright and tall at 6'1".

"Yes, there was something," the councilor replied as he stepped onto the balcony, "Now that the meeting is over, I want to hear what you really think."

"About Scarlet Camellia and the Slave Rebellion, I take it?" Virva asked as she began to stare up at the old man, "I will tell you the exact same thing I said earlier and that I said when the rebellion began two months ago. Should it become necessary, I will march on Scarlet Camellia myself."

"Even though you were their Guild Master but a year ago?" Albanus asked as he stroked his beard.

"Yes. The Redwood Forest and Redwood Village may be my home, but my desire has always been stability… But still, this would never have happened if I had never left," Virva began to explain as she turned to look back towards the northwest, "Even though my personal feelings regret what Bosco is, allowing this rebellion to continue destabilizes Bosco more and more each day. Just the other week, Ebon Knights joined the rebellion, adding the territory of Dogwood Hills and Alba City to the rebellion, giving them complete control of the north and greatly harming Bosco's economy."

"That is correct, with Redwood Village in the northwest and Alba City in the northeast, it would be a simple matter for them to march southward and invade the three central regions," the councilor added as he looked out to the north, "If they took Cholla Town in the Ironwood Desert in the west, trade with Seven would be completely cut off and then it would be a short trip for them to attempt to cut off all land routes into Fiore by occupying the Wildwoods."

"Yet there is nothing we can do at this point," said Virva as she stood up and quickly turned around to walk back inside, Albanus following quickly, "As this is a political war, we as the Magic Council and no legal guilds cannot currently interfere, not unless the Orphic League gets involved."

"Yet there is no reason for the Orphic League or any of their nine Regional Dark Guilds to be involved in the Slave Rebellion unless they wished to put it down," Albanus stated as Virva sat down in her throne, Albanus seating himself in the chair on her left, "They, especially the Hedge Lords, have too much of their resources tied up in illegally shipping in slaves from our neighboring countries. There's no possibility of the Dark Mages involving themselves on the side of the rebellion as far as we know."

"Which means there is only one possible way for us to get involved, Albanus," Virva mumbled, an angry look crossing her face due to what she was thinking.

"And what would that be, Chairwoman?" the old man asked, a smirk on his face.

"We must declare any Mage Guild that allies itself with the Slave Rebellion to be a Dark Guild. That is the only way we can intervene in this rebellion and restore peace and stability to Bosco," Virva declared as she slammed a fist down onto the table in front of her, small wisps of flames appearing around her, "Gather the other council members, Albanus. We vote on this immediately. I trust that this will erase any doubts you have of me."

"Of course, Chairwoman," Albanus said as he stood and bowed before he turned around to begin walking away, a sneer beginning to form on his face now that Virva could not see his face, "You have my complete and utter trust."

. : + : .

May 10th, X786

A short man ran through the Starry-Eyed Woods that were found to the west of the Dragon Spine Mountains. He dodged and weaved through the trees as he took the shortest path he knew to get to Honey Town at the center of the woods, a town that had no train tracks leading in or out of the town, which meant the only way to get there was on foot since the paths were too overgrown for carriages and magic mobiles. Under normal circumstances though, the man would've contacted the Cosmos Grove Mage Guild that made its home in Honey Town for an escort mission into town before he even dared to try and run through the monster infested woods by himself, but this was just too important for him to wait for, he had to see the Guild Master of Cosmos Grove, Kenelm Mentor, immediately to deliver the news.

"No time! No time!" the short man repeated over and over as he ran through the woods, his legs appearing to move impossibly fast as he scurried his way around and up a large tree, his postman uniform covered with smudges and dirt by the time he reached the top, his head poking through the branches above the canopy, "Now which way is it?" he mused before his eyes landed on an impossibly large tree, "There it is! The Tree of Heaven! To the west I go!" he declared as he quickly made his way back down to the ground before he ran off in the direction he saw the tree.

After nearly another hour of constant running, the man soon found himself on the edge of a large clearing, with the massive Tree of Heaven standing tall in the middle of a large sinkhole that had several waterfalls pouring down into it. He quickly made his way to the edge of the sinkhole, where he found a large root curling down into land below where Honey Town stood, surrounding the base of the Tree of Heaven on an island of moss covered stone while the waterfalls poured into a large lake that surrounded the island and had several of the Tree of Heaven's roots dipping into it.

Just before he started to make his way down into the fairy tale-esque town, the post man heard someone call out to him.

"Oi! Postman Robert!" he heard a woman shout from his left, Robert turning his head to see Kenelm Mentor and his daughter, Winona, the woman who had been calling his name, walking over to him and up a different root.

Winona appeared to be in her mid-twenties with tan skin and thick red hair like her father. It was in a bit of a messy, spiky style with her bangs brushed off to the right while her hair was tied up into a high, spiky ponytail. She stood at 5'11" and had a thin and fit build from constantly training with a small bust. Her onyx-colored eyes were sharp and had an excited gleam to them while she had a sharp nose while her other facial features were rather soft. She was wearing a red, short-sleeved athletic jacket that was partially unzipped and had a black stripe running down the center of the jacket and down the sleeves and across the edge of the popped collar. She was also wearing a pair of tight, black pants that were tucked into a pair of black combat boots, but her favorite accessory was a pair of gold-rimmed red goggles that had a black elastic band and were currently hanging around her neck. But on her stomach, to the left of her naval, was a red Cosmos Grove guild mark, which resembled a tree with five stars sitting over it in an arc.

"Ah! Mister Kenelm!" Robert shouted back as he scurried his way over to him, "It's terrible! It's awful! I couldn't wait to get the news to you!"

"What is it old friend?" the large man known as Kenelm asked as Robert, who was tiny in comparison, ran over to him.

Kenelm was a man of about 53 years and he was rather large, standing at 6'6" with a very muscular build and very broad shoulders. He had a dark tan from all his time out in the sun while he had a full mane of thick, dark red hair that fell to his shoulder blades and covered his ears while he had a thick, full beard as well. He had sharp, onyx colored eyes though that radiated kindness and had a hint of wisdom in them, although he always had his right eye closed as a scar ran through it vertically that had cost him his sight in that eye, but he also had a large smile on his face as he looked down towards his small friend. Kenelm wore a loose, sleeveless black tunic that had gold trim along the edges and revealed his muscular chest and his scarred arms, but it was held shut at his waist by a midnight blue sash. He also wore a pair of baggy white pants that had gold trim lining the ends of the pant legs while he also wore a pair of straw sandals on his feet while on his left forearm was the Cosmos Grove guild mark in white.

"It's the Magic Council, sir! They've gone to war with the Slave Rebellion!" Robert exclaimed as a shocked look crossed Kenelm's and his daughter's faces.

"And how did they do that, exactly?" Kenelm asked as a scowl appeared on his face, "What's that whelp, Virva, up to this time? Scarlet Camellia was her guild and now she's declared war on them? That doesn't make sense."

"I'm not sure, sir. But if I had to guess, I'd say that shifty old Council member, Albanus, pressured her into it," Robert said quietly.

"Hmph! First he pressures my fellow Wizard Saint into becoming Chairwoman and now he's forced her to go to war," Kenelm scoffed, "Now under what grounds have they justified this war?"

"That's the worst part, sir," Robert began, "The Magic Council has issued a law stating that any Mage Guild that sides with the Slave Rebellion will hereby be declared a Dark Guild."

"What!? And how far does this mandate go!?" Kenelm roared as a worried look crossed Winona's face, "You know my wife, Robert, and my children! I won't have them become slaves just because of this stupid war!"

"Your family is safe, sir. So long as you stay out of the war, same with anyone with slave blood running in their veins," Robert stated as he tried to get Kenelm to calm down, "Just stay out of the north and continue business as usual here in the south and everything should be fine."

"Hmph! I don't like it… But if all I have to do to keep my family and this town safe is turn a blind eye to the north… Pah! Fine. I'll ignore the rebellion for the time being unless it comes to my doorstep somehow," Kenelm growled, "You better go and tell Mayor Samson the news, Robert."

"Right away sir!" Robert replied as he scurried off towards Honey Town.

"So what do we do, dad?" Winona asked as she looked up towards her father, "Will the war come to Honey Town?"

"Not likely… You and your mother and brother will be safe, Winona. The military has no reason to come here. This is sacred ground and they wouldn't dare pick a fight with the sixth ranking Wizard Saint of Bosco, even if they brought Virva with them," Kenelm stated as he looked down towards his daughter, "But we'll probably have to put our training session on hold for now. I must speak with the guild."

"Right! Should I go and see if there's anyone else up here?" Winona asked as her father started to walk off.

"Sure! Tell them to hurry back to the guildhall!" Kenelm hollered back as he began to walk down the giant tree root, "Hrm… Seems like this rebellion is going to be much bigger than the one twenty-two years ago," he muttered to himself as a scowl appeared on his face again, the man stopping to turn and look down at the quaint, fairy tale-esque town down below him, "I only pray that the war doesn't come to this region and cause harm to the people of this town. Violence shall only beget more violence, but how else can this cycle of oppression and war be broken, I wonder… Hrm… I feel like there are only dark days ahead for all of Bosco," Kenelm said as he looked up at the Tree of Heaven, all his worries at the forefront of his mind.

A/N: And there it is! The prologue! I hope you enjoyed it.


Chairwoman Virva Ilmatar – Dreadburner94

Councilor Albanus Luuk – Dreadburner94

Kenelm Mentor – Dreadburner94

Winona Mentor – Dreadburner94

So first I'd like to thank MyDearWatson, Origm2012, Azrael Darkwings and Hawk725 for helping me set up Bosco and the various organizations in it. It was a lot of work figuring out the geography of Bosco as well as the political landscape of the country and they all helped reduce the amount of work by pitching in.

Now then, remember that Chapter 1 will begin on May 10th, X786 in Honey Town, which is in a region located in the south of Bosco called the Starry-Eyed Woods. As the story will be in Bosco, not Fiore, the story will have pretty much nothing to do with the canon story so there will most likely be no canon characters appearing at all, or at least very little. But this story will be connected to one of MyDearWatson's.

Now regarding S-Class, I will be accepting FOUR of them and they must be in their mid-twenties or older. I will take one in their early twenties though. As for Slayers, I will only be taking THREE of them at most and even then, only one of each type. So if I get a Dragon Slayer, that's the only one I'll take. If I get a God Slayer, that's the only one I'll take and so on and so forth. I will accept original Slayers though. But I will also not be accepting any type of Slayer that uses any of the canon elements or ones that are closely related. That means no fire/magma, ice/water, sky/wind/air, iron, lightning, poison, white/light or shadow Slayers of any kind. I'd like to see new elements for Slayers. Also, I'd prefer it if Slayers weren't also S-Class unless you do an absolutely amazing job with them.

I will be accepting around 30 OCs for the story, not counting the four I already made. And since the form is so long, I will be taking reservations if you tell me about what you plan on doing for your character. Doesn't have to be a complete idea, I just want to know that you have an idea and will follow through with the reservation. I will be rather picky, but that won't mean I'm inflexible, you just have to be willing to work with me so that I can fit your characters into the story. Also, the Slayer and S-Class spots are first come, first serve and you must tell me or ask before making a Slayer or an S-Class. If you're making a Slayer, tell me what element as well.

You will find the OC form on my profile and it will have more information for you and if you have ANY questions, make sure you ask me about them. Also, again, I will only be accepting characters through private messages. If you submit a character through the reviews, it will be ignored and completely rejected, even if you send it again through a private message. Also, be sure you use the form, because I will not accept any OCs that don't follow it! It is long and detailed for a reason!

But, above all, please have fun when making your OCs!

I'll have the next chapter up when I feel like I have enough OCs!

Please remember to review!

Your host,
