This is my very first fanfic on this site, and its a take on 'the protagonist is a gamer story type'. Sorry for the short first chapter and my terrible writing skills, but I promise the chapters will get longer ( and longer is what they became, :D)

DISCLAIMER: I don't own the rights to Dragon Ball. They belong to Akira Toriyama and Funimation.



EDITED CHAPTER 1: 21/10/2016

In this edited Chapter I scraped the whole idea of Goku getting his gaming ability from the Grand Supreme Kai, but from a video game character getting fused with him instead.

Chapter 1

In a distant universe, on a distant unnamed planet and in a barren rocky wasteland, stood a figure. First glance revealed the figure to be a female accompanied by a large fox with silver fur that rivalled the female in height. The female was strikingly beautiful with an air of elegance about her. Large elven ears protruded from her long silver hair that was swept to the left, before cascading over a large furry coat which was silver in colour. A navy blue corset, black thigh high socks and elegant platinum high heels were all that shielded her from the biting cold wind present in the wastelands at night. Her right arm although covered by a silver gauntlet, delicately held a magnificent scythe. It was gun silver in colour, with a long slender shafts that ended with an azure jewel embedded at the bottom. The top half of the scythe was designed with the head of a fox in mind, the muzzle and eyes faced away with the mane of the Fox design elongating to form the blade.

With her left hand preoccupied to scratching the back of her companions head behind the ears, she shuddered involuntarily not from a lack of clothing but from the feeling of being watched. She looked up towards the clear starry night sky, 'I have travelled far and wide amongst the cosmos in my search for answers to my prolonged existence and to know what fate has in store for me' Glancing down at her silver companion she noticed that he had his eyes closed from pure enjoyment and she allowed a small smile to grace her beautiful features 'but alas with the prophesied birth of Boden's descendant about to come to fruition, it appears as though my quest has no end in sight. Not that I'm complaining or anything'. Upon bringing her musings to an end she elegantly hopped on to the back of her companion's back, followed up by them taking off at a rather blistering pace…

However unbeknownst to the retreating female, she had not been completely isolated as she had let herself believe, because from out of the shadows walked a large and imposing figure. Although he was dressed in a suit of golden armour that seemed to light up the surrounding area, he had remained undetected by neither the Fox or the females keen hearing. Chuckling darkly at his stealth, proceeded to twirl it the weapon in his hand which he affectionately dubbed 'the spear of Longinus. The weapon seemingly hummed with power as he continued to twirl it, "So the little Descendant of Boden is about to be born. Well I can't be having that, my plans for World Domination rely upon his extinction" His voice although powerful and charming akin to that of a noble, there was a darker undertone contained within his, one that can only be found in people who have been possessed. The Golden figure then slammed the pointed end of his beloved spear into the rocky ground below, and thus it left his arms free. He took in a deep breath, spread his arms out wide, closed his eyes and then proceeded to exhale. He was ready, slowly he began to gather his magical power into his outstretched palms. He accompanied this action with barely audible whispers of a magic spell, however as the moments went by his voice became clearer and more ferocious. A glowing red pentagram soon appeared beneath his golden boots, however his eyes stayed closed as the wind also picked up.

"By the power granted to me by Ragnarok, I King Gram a child of the titans banish the unborn descendant of Boden from this universe and into the next..." He clapped bringing the magical energy in both palms together. As a result of the action a bright light engulfed the surrounding area, and blinded anything unfortunate to be near the vicinity.

There was an uncomfortable silence that followed the dissipation of the light, before loud wailings of an infant dispersed the silence. The infant was glowing an ethereal white as it hovered in the centre of the pentagram. Suddenly there was a flash of light before a thunder bolt struck the pentagram and the infant. There was a loud 'bang' soon after. King Gram smirked, before he mockingly waved the infant goodbye as one thought played on his mind 'Perfect'.


In a universe similar to the previous in some ways but different in many more ways it was night time on Planet Vegeta, but not everyone was asleep in their warm. Only those who weren't either Palace Guards, Prisoners of War, drinking the night away at the local pub or they were just having adult oriented fun. The latter of the four was currently occurring inside a small hovel, located on the edge of the Capital. Inside all was quiet with the exception of one room. Repeated panting, moaning and grunting could be heard from said room. Inside the room was dark but there was enough natural light streaming in through the small window to see silhouettes of two figures rolling and grabbing each other on what was the bed. What followed up however was a long masculine sounding grunt, accompanied by a feminine moan before they became still.

"Huff, huff….t-that w-was a-amazing B-bardock…." Exclaimed the feminine, as she fought to catch her breath. There was a small layer of sweat coating her naked body, whilst her chest heaved up and down. Bardock smirked,

"You should know that I always aim to please by this stage, Gine." His voice although not as strained showed a hint of fatigue and it was laced with pride. Bardock turned to look at Gine before capturing her lips in a quick kiss. He pulled her closer to her and snuggled with her. Gine looked up at her partner "Do you think it will be another boy"

Bardock grunted, "As long as the brat is not a weakling I could less whether if it was a girl or boy. Now please let's get some rest, I have a mission briefing in the morning that I must attend with my crew"

"Alright then, good Night" Bardock merely grunted in response

Soon both fell into the blissfully sweet and tender grasp of dreamland, the room becoming silent bar the sounds of a pair of shallow breaths..

There was suddenly a sparking sound that usually accompanied a large volume of electrical build up. The sounds of sparking were accompanied by a rapidly flickering light that continued to get brighter by the second. Quite suddenly the flickering and sparking ceased, before a harsh white light engulfed the room. However both inhabitants of the room lay undisturbed, as they continued sleeping. When the light dispersed the Spirit like infant, who having been banished from his universe through means of dark magic had arrived in the Saiyan's universe. An attraction to another child of destiny had brought it to this exact room. It hovered towards Gine's belly, or more specifically her womb where a recently fertilised egg lay dormant. The ethereal infant phased through Gine's belly, resulting in Gine involuntarily shivering from the contact, before infusing it's essence into the egg.

The egg quivered and expanded slightly, taking in the new foreign D.N.A and intertwining it with the present Saiyan genes.

9 Months Later:

In most cultures and species the birth of a new offspring would be cause for celebration, but alas this did not apply to every species, the most notorious were the Saiyans. They were a race of war mongering ape like humanoids with dark spiky hair and tails that resided on Planet Vegeta, formerly known as Planet Plant. New-born children were instantly scanned with a scouter from birth to decide which class they would grow up to belong to. The weak ones would be shipped off to distant weak planets to conquer whilst the stronger ones would stay and be trained in the art of combat before getting shipped of once older.

The parents were no better as they tended to neglect their new-born children with females running back to combat soon after giving birth and the fathers never caring for their own offspring unless they were strong. Their sons and daughters would be put into a nursery of sorts, until the time came for them to get shipped off planet.

Standing outside of said nursery and looking through the window was Bardock. His unique unkempt hairstyle along with a scar on his left cheek and a darker skin tone were what defined him. He was wearing a dark blue and green Battle Amor, and a green scouter on his left eye. After standing for what may have seemed to be a while he decided to enter the nursery and went to look for his newly born son.

The room appeared to be decorated to be Spartan in appearance. Lights hummed lowly on the ceiling, with bare white walls lacking windows of any sort. There was a path running through the centre of the room, whilst cot beds containing Saiyan children ran alongside said path. Some were whimpering, whilst others were sleeping peacefully, but one in particular caught the Saiyans attention. It was a baby in a secluded area of the nursery, and it was wailing at the top of its lungs, seeking attention. The battle armour wearing Saiyan scowled in annoyance "I wonder whose brat that is" he thought, as he took off walking towards said brat.

He arrived at the pod and peered inside, before a smirk snaked it's way to his lips "Well I guess you're my brat, huh" he stated with a small chuckle whilst eyeing the child. He took a closer look at the pod and noticed the boy's name labelled on the cot, "Kakarot, so that's your name" he thought as he continued to look down upon the boy. The child was undoubtedly a doppelganger of the Saiyan, from the similar hairstyle to the similar facial features. The child had quietened down upon seeing the unfamiliar face pop up above him. The child seeking affection reached his chubby hands out, but the older looking Saiyan was having none of it and proceeded to ignore the child. He reached out to his scouter and aimed it at the child before pressing a button and the singular screen flashed into life, a flurry of numbers flashed quickly before it settled on the number 2. The Saiyan scowled at the low number, and he knew what the future held for his son, "Another weakling for a son, brilliant. Might as well get his pod set up for shipment of planet" he thought bitterly, before turning around and walking away from his son's containment pod, without even sparing a second glance.


After leaving Kakarot's cot bed, Bardock had made his way to the Mission Centre. He had promptly registered his newest Son for an eradication mission on a far off planet in the cosmos called 'Earth'. Bardock had then left to complete his mission for Lord Frieza with his crew only to discover they had all been set up, with Frieza himself having come to the conclusion that the Saiyans were too powerful and thus needed eradicating.

That is how we find the father of our favourite Saiyan, as Frieza's signature move the Death Ball fell slowly towards Planet Vegeta's surface. Whilst caught in the centre he got a brief vision of his son standing besides what appeared to be a Carbon Black Mech suit, with Frieza overlooking him from a cliff. With his last breath he roared out his sons name "KAKAROT" before the Death Ball impacted with the planet's surface and reduced it to mere rubble.

However when all these events had been playing out, a lone space pod had escaped the destruction of Planet Vegeta and was streaking across the cosmos towards its final destination.

With its precious cargo being the one who held the key to universal stability within him.

Goku's stats at birth after updating Chapter 1:

Health- 2750/2750

Energy- 510/510 (Related to Ki)

Name – Kakarot Son of Bardock and Descendant of Boden.

Race- Saiyan/Boden

Status- Saiyan Lineage gives Kakarot- +10 to all stats, extra resistance to damage and a 'Zenkai Boost' effect.


Exp- 1/1000


STR- 12(+10)=22

VIT- 8(+10)=18

DEX- 13(+10)=23

INT- 5(+10)=15

STA- 10(+10)=20

Stat Points- 5 (+5 per level up)

Whelp I have edited Chapter 1, and to those who were lucky or unlucky to read the original can you please review to tell me how this one compares to the original Chapter 1.

I also plan on editing Chapters 2 and 3 as well, so look out for that. But don't worry Chapter 4 is ready for upload but for it to make any sense I had to edit the previous Chapters.

And one final thing if anyone can guess where I got the intro characters from, they will get a cookie or something. I don't know, lol.

Like, review and follow for more, :D
