A/N: Hey my devoted and lovely readers. Once again, my excuse for not writing has been a super busy life, but know that I have not forgotten this story. Also, I may or may not be ignoring studying for my midterms to write this… so if you hear whispers of ranting know it is my conscience.

Any way... Rated T for minor cursing, perhaps violence, and some adult suggested themes

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, sorry for any OOC

Chapter 28: An Ending

Robin P.O.V.

Sitting in the bio-ship waiting for Babs to be done with the police is possibly the most self-control I have ever had to use. I want to be down there with her and to talk to the police and to not be in a relatively small space with Kaldur and Zatanna right now.

At least Kaldur tried to explain himself, but Zatanna just walked off. I really can't deal with them right now. I breathe slowly and stay quiet in my seat while I wrap some of Roy's gashes. He keeps trying to tell me that I don't need to take care of him and that I have injuries of my own to look at but I ignore him.

Kaldur is going over injuries right now. Conner is weakened and will need to stay out in the sun for a few hours. M'gann might need counseling and lots of Advil or the Martian equivalent. Kaldur is slightly dehydrated and has some small scrapes. Artemis has some bruises from Harley and her bow is broken so she is pissed. Wally has some deep gashes from Ivy's vines but those are healing fast. Roy has a possible sprained wrist and multiple gashes from Ivy. Zatanna has a headache from getting hit in the head and some small scratches from falling to the ground.

Kaldur turns and looks at me, "Robin, what of your injuries."

I think about my answer, I have plenty of bruises from fighting, a relocated shoulder, some fairly large scrapes from hitting the building, a possible bone bruise from Babs kicking my forearm, overall not bad. "Just some minor stuff, I'll probably be in some pain for a little bit but I can handle it."

Kaldur doesn't look happy with my answer, but honestly this really isn't too bad, I've had and fought with worse before. "Robin, that is not a real answer, please update me with actual injuries."

I sigh, do we really have to do this after every mission, why can't he just understand that these really are minor to me and with me still being mad at him does not make for a good mix. "Fine, I have a scrape down my side, a shoulder injury, and a forearm injury all from the stunt you and Zatanna pulled, but besides that just some minimal bruising. Really, if you two had just listened to me I would be completely out of pain." I give both of them a pointed look and finish wrapping Roy's wrist.

I turn to Roy, "Don't do anything with that wrist until we check an x-ray to make sure it is sprained instead of broken."

He rolls his eyes at me, "Really? You're going to try and pull that with me? That's rich coming from the kid who routinely fights with a half-healed bullet wound and currently is a girl who will fight in a body they are not used to." I stick my tongue out at him.

Kaldur sighs at our antics and turns, he sits back down and the bio-ship is filled with silence.

Zatanna has the nerve to break the slight peace, "You shouldn't be so mad at us, she was distracting us from the fight and could have injured us."

I whip around to glare at her, "So that qualifies you to almost kill her?! I was just finishing with Ivy and then I would have helped you fight her! If you had just listened and waited a minute I would have been able to subdue her without the near murder." My blood is boiling and I swear if she says another word I will walk back to Gotham.

"Rob, murder is a little harsh don't you think?" Wally is looking at me with great concern in his eyes. I can tell he wants to rush over to me and make sure that I'm really okay and to try and calm me down, but honestly, I don't want to calm down right now.

I look away from him and just stare out the window in front of me, "It would be ruled involuntary manslaughter in trial anywhere in the United States, so murder would be the right name Wally."

Silence fills the bio-ship for a long while after that.

~~~ An Ending ~~~

Batgirl enters the bio-ship and I swear 15 pounds of worry falls off my shoulders. She walks to the chair next to mine and gives me a small smile, but I can tell she feels the tension in the ship.

I turn to look directly are her, "Let me look at your arm, you torn out the needle for the mind control cure pretty harshly."

She blushes at me and whispers, "Not here Rob, I need to take off the top of my suit for you to look at my arm, you know that." She gives me a fairly pointed look and I blush at my stupidity.

"You're right, I'll look at it when we get back." I look away from her in embarrassment. Her little giggles don't make me feel better.

"Sooooo, why can the tension in here be cut with a knife, spread on bread, and called a meal?" Babs is looking at everyone with curiosity.

There is an awkward silence before Conner bluntly answers, "Robin said that Zatanna attempted to murder you and that Kaldur and her are responsible for most of his injuries."

That is the worst way of putting things if I do say so myself and I think Babs does too because she looks at me with concern and question in her eyes, "I'm just saying that I told Zatanna and Kaldur to not blast you off the side of the building. Yet they did it, the knowledge that you would be severely hurt or killed makes the act negligence and such involuntary manslaughter. Then me going over the side out the building to save you caused all of my larger injuries."

Batgirl nods like what I said makes total sense to her, so I'm fairly sure my answer was logical enough.

Artemis, of course, is the one that blows up. "Really Batgirl, you're just to nod like that makes all the sense in the world. This is ridiculous! He is just being pissy because Zatanna and Kaldur didn't follow his instructions."

Wally, Babs, Roy, and myself all turn to glare at her, "This is not because I am mad that I'm not the leader. I am the strategist, which means that in battle my instructions should be acknowledged and followed because I know that most about fighting, but even then, I'm not mad that they didn't follow my order. I'm mad because they endangered Batgirl's life when she was a good distance away from both of them and in general not a danger to their lives."

Artemis has a sour look on her face and turns away so she doesn't have to participate in a losing argument.

Zatanna doesn't have the same intelligence as Artemis though, "You guys are totally ignoring the fact that he cares more about her wellbeing than the wellbeing of the rest of the team. She was hindering us and leaving us more vulnerable to attacks from the other villains! He doesn't seem to care about that at all, hello we are your teammates you should care about us too."

Wally snorts and answers before I can, "He cares about all of us very much, Zatanna. But, you are forgetting the fact that she is his partner too. They work solely with each other and Batman, that would form a fairly strong bond and they've known each other longer than Rob has known me. Besides, even when she wasn't 'distracting' us, we couldn't take down the villain."

We enter the mountain and the argument abruptly ends. As we walk out my spine tingles, I glance over at Batgirl and she gives me a slight confused look which tells me there probably isn't danger but that something big is going to happen.

I hasten my pace slightly and pull Batgirl towards the med-bay. As we turn the corner I see a black cape swish around the next corner. I swear my cackle turned pixie laugh by Ivy's stupid chemical is heard through the whole mountain. Babs and I rush around the next corner and crash into Batman.

"You're back! Now fix me, I'm so tired of being a girl." I hear a deep, but quiet chortle.

Batman ruffles my hair, "Follow me to the med-bay and we'll see about fixing you all up. I hear you went on a mission, better tell me about that too."

Batgirl and I follow Bruce and I finally feel like things are going to turn out all right.

~~~ An Ending ~~~

No P.O.V.

The entire team is lounging in the living room of the mountain. M'gann and Conner are on the love seat; Artemis, Wally, Kaldur, and Roy managed to squeeze into the couch; Zatanna is sitting on the ground with her back against the couch; and Robin and Batgirl are sharing the single chair. Roy has a new splint around his wrist, Batgirl has a pretty hefty bandage around her upper arm, and Robin is grouchily in an arm-sling from when Batman heard about his relocated shoulder.

There is arguing heard from the training room but no one actually wants to go check to see if Black Canary has been killed by Batman, they don't want to be able to testify against him.

Overall, the tensions have died down from before, even if Zatanna is still glaring daggers at Robin and Batgirl.

Batman eventually walks in and calls for Robin to follow him. Batgirl watches as they leave and looks like she wants to follow. After ten minutes of them not returning she starts to pace.

Wally and Roy share a look. Wally rolls his eyes, "BG, just sit back down, they are probably just discussing secret Bat stuff and there is nothing bad going on."

Batgirl does sit back in her seat, but she crosses her arms is discontent "I should privy to the Bat secrets though, I'm a bat!"

Roy shakes his head, he can't believe he has to babysit these children still, "It's probably unimportant stuff about what Robin is going to do since he can't go out in public looking like a girl." This seems to satisfy Batgirl, but she still looks longingly down the hall that Batman and Robin disappeared down.

A cackle resounds around the room and everyone jerks up because it is a cackle they haven't heard in a while. Robin drops down from nowhere and scares everyone, only just slightly startling Batgirl.

He is wearing his typical tight jeans, hoodie, and dark glasses. The most important thing is that he is officially a male again. "I'm back baby! Sorry I took so long, Bats cooked up the cure and then demanded I run all the tests to make sure it worked, permanently. But, I'm Y-chromosome again and whelmed!"

Wally rushes over to give him a bro-hug and they bump fists. Everyone stands up and crowds him to say how glad they are he is back. Zatanna walks over and has the audacity to smile flirtatiously. "It's so great to see your handsome face again."

Robin looks over slightly confused and Batgirl glares from behind him. However, when Robin turns to looks at her the glare is gone. "BG, Bats wants us in the Batcave to debrief. Sorry, to cut things short but we need to leave! See you guys soon!"

Robin and Batgirl rush to the Zeta beams and are out of the mountain before anything but goodbyes could be thrown at them. Zatanna sighs abruptly and leaves the living room. Roy and Wally share a look that says they know exactly what 'Batman' wants to debrief on, and everyone just excepts that they will never understand the batfamily.

~~~ An Ending ~~~

Batgirl and Robin and just entering the Batcave. Barbara looks around and doesn't see Batman anywhere. "I thought Bruce wanted to debrief us?"

Dick sheepishly blushes, "Naw, I just wanted to have an excuse to have us talk alone…" he clears his throat, "Umm…. You kissed me? Yeah, so are we going to make that a regular thing or…"

Now Barbara blushes, "Yeah, it was a heat of the moment thing, unless… do you want to make it a regular thing?" Their eyes meet and they look at each other waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, Dick steps up and hesitantly puts his hand in Babs's hair and brings their faces together. The kiss is sweet and short, but as they pull away they smile at each other.

"Yeah, I would really make that a regular thing Miss Barbara Gordon, I would also like to put a title on it. I think my most amazing, beautiful, and perfect girlfriend would sound just right." Their faces are so close that their noses are touching, and neither plans on moving their head away yet.

Babs blushes even more, "While I do like the sound of that, I'm not sure perfect is correct, I like being a bit much"

Dick giggles a little, "Alright, girlfriend would be fine then. I-" A person clears throat a few feet away.

The two teens jump apart, but Dick does manage to grab Barbara's hand. Alfred is standing off to the side, "There are refreshments upstairs to commemorate Master Dick's return to health and the successful mission you two led. However, perhaps we will include this new revelation as part of the celebrating, hmmm. I believe you two just won me a week in London as well, so lots of celebrating will be done today." Alfred casually walks away and all the couple can think is thank goodness it wasn't Bruce.

Dick speaks first, "I don't know what is scarier, the fact that Alfred and Bruce were betting or the thought of convincing your dad that it is okay for you to spend the night over here still after you tell him wen became a couple."

Babs's eyes widen, "Last one to the kitchen has to tell my dad that we are a couple." She sprints towards the staircase and Dick rapidly follows. There is no way he wants to tell the overprotective police commissioner that he is dating his only daughter.


I am calling this the end of my story. I'm not really happy with the ending, but I hope everyone enjoyed the story. I know it became less funny towards the end, so sorry for that, but overall, I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it! Please leave reviews so my other stories can improve!