So, last chapter guys. And also a very long, detailed, steamy smexy time for our three heroes. No more warning inside but you'll know when you get there.

Steve was frustrated - damn it he was sexually frustrated. It had been two weeks since Janna, Barton and the Hulk had taken care of Loki, seventeen days since he and Tony had caught her pleasuring herself from the sounds of their own lovemaking and they still had not gotten any action with Janna. It had taken them three days to get the courage to apologize, Tony instinctively knowing that Janna wasn't one to be persuaded by lavish gifts, especially since she had managed to ignore them both for the duration of those three days. Janna had forgiven them easily, explaining that Tony's words especially after what had just occurred between them had the worst timing of all and that Steve's reaction to the teasing had both surprised and annoyed her. She had given them both a kiss and promised to make it up to them but then she got busy trying to baby-proof the Hulk since Natasha was getting more and more freaked out the closer she got to her due date. The redhead was nearing the end of her first trimester and with it came the terrible cravings and the mood swings - something that had Bruce running around at three in the morning like a chicken with its head cut off. Because of this, Steve had not had any alone time with Janna except for their morning runs. His frustration had gotten so bad that he had jumped his girlfriend just that morning while they had been changing out of their sweaty clothes.

He had Janna pinned on the lockers with her legs wrapped tightly around his hips as she ground against him while he devoured her with his lips. But all activities came to an end as soon as they heard Clint's voice. They had no time to pull apart before the archer had rounded the corner and then stood staring awkwardly at them.

"Uh... Sorry Cap." Barton murmured as he dropped his gaze to the floor. "But Nat was looking for Janna." at the redheaded assassin's name Steve frowned. He just knew it was not his day. "Ill just.. Uh.. Go... I'll tell Nat you were held up." Barton said as he turned to leave. Once the archer was gone, Steve turned his attention back to the woman in his arms.

"Sorry hun," she smiled apologetically at him, adapting the pet name he had for her. Steve and Janna called each other hun while Tony and Janna were love. Tony and Steve usually didn't have pet names for each other but sometimes endearments would come through for each of the men if the situation called for it. Reluctantly, Steve let her down but not before giving her another heated kiss. "I'll see you later, yeah?" Steve just nodded and then watched her leave.

Things wouldn't have been so bad except he didn't have Tony to try to ease his heat with. It seemed like every time they tried, they'd be interrupted by someone or another. Just a week ago Steve and Tony were at the workshop as Steve watched Tony work on the project he'd been doing with Janna. The engineer had looked so lost in his work that Steve couldn't help but pin the brunet to his work table and ravish him. Before things could go any farther, Banner had come to check on the project and Steve was forced to pull away. The blond had been able to distract himself from his lovers for the next few days but the next time he'd started something with Janna, Natasha had burst into Janna's office crying her little heart out at something Tony had said. It had led into an argument between Bruce and Tony with Janna caught in between as she had been left to comfort the sobbing woman. When Steve tried to approach Tony to ask him what happened, the brunet had simply shaken his head and refused to say anything. Both Steve and Janna had tried to comfort Tony but, for the first time in their relationship, he'd been unreceptive to their advances and chose to hole himself up in one corner of their apartment every time the pair were able to tear him away from their project for Natasha and Bruce. It turned out that Tony had felt really bad about whatever he head said to Natasha and wanted to make up for it which was why he and Janna had locked themselves in the workshop trying to finish the baby bot they'd been building for Hulk. It was meant to simulate a real baby's actions in order to help prepare the would-be parents for their own child - except this baby bot was stronger, a lot stronger, than an actual baby so that they Hulk could also practice holding it. There were pressure meters all over the tiny bot's body that would send it crying if it was held too hard. The harder the hold, the louder the crying. It probably wouldn't have taken so long except it had taken a lot of time to figure out the right combination of metals and other materials that would make the baby bot strong enough to withstand the Hulk's strength while at the same time making it look and act as close to a baby as possible.

This all left Steve alone and blue-balled for the first time since he'd gotten together with Tony. It wasn't that he couldn't have anyone he wanted - it was more like he refused to do that to the two people he'd come to love since he'd been freed from the ice. Steve punched the bag harder at his thoughts making it fly off the hook with a fist-sized hole in it. Now he had an idea of what it was like to need to get laid.


"Are you sure Clint?" Janna asked the archer for the hundredth time that day. "There's plenty of room here." she was helping Natasha pack her clothes since Clint had decided to take his best friend home hoping that being with Laura and the kids could calm her down the same way Janna did. The pregnant woman was in the other room speaking to his wife through Skype. Of course that meant that Bruce would also be going with them.

"It would be good for Nat to be around the kids," at her pointed look he continued. "And Banner as well." Out of all of them, it was only Clint who had not forgiven Bruce for his initial panic at finding out that Natasha was pregnant - of course the archer would also deny that his anger had anything to do with Bruce getting Natasha pregnant in the first place. "Besides, I think the Cap would appreciate the alone time this would give you. He'd been biting everyone's heads off for catching him with either you and Tony. Of course, it's not like it's our fault that you were in communal places at the time but..." he dodged the head slap she'd tried to dish out and laughed. "We'll be fine." Clint assured her. Janna was naturally worried about all her patients leaving her care. She'd been working with Clint to get over Loki's mind control and they had gotten close because of that, especially once he realized that she truly didn't want to do anything but help. Natasha came into the room and turned the tablet to first face Clint and then Janna.

"This is Janna. She's the one who's been helping me with my pregnancy. Janna this is Laura - Clint's wife."

"It's nice to finally meet you." Laura greeted her. "Thank you for everything you've done for them."

"Nice to meet you too. And it was no problem at all."

"I hope I could meet you in real life some time." then a baby's crying could be hear and she looked away for a moment. "That's Nathaniel, he's hungry again."

"Can I see him?" Natasha turned to face the tablet towards her again and the excitement in her voice made Janna smile. Once the redhead was gone she looked back at Clint who was looking at her smugly.

"Okay fine. This might be good for all of you." she rolled her eyes at his shit-eating grin. "I hope you come back and bring the kids one day. I'd love to meet them."

"How about you convince your workaholic boyfriends to go on vacation and you all come to us."

"Are you guys ready?" Bruce came into the room reading the ticket details in his hand. "Our flight leaves in six hours." Janna rolled her eyes at him before she answered.

"Nat's talking to Laura in the other room. I have no idea if she'd even packed anything yet." she said. "Besides, it's not as if you couldn't get into any flight you wanted. Or you could just take the quinjet."

"That's not the point."

"Yeah, yeah I know." she said dismissively. "Let the other guy out for a moment. I want to talk to him." he was about to protest and say that whatever she said to him as Bruce, the hulk could also hear but she glared at him and he relented. He shrugged off his button-up shirt to shift into the miniature Hulk Janna had helped him figure out. In the figure he was definitely larger than his Bruce self, his skin tinted a faint shade of green and his eyes were different - one was brow and the other was green. It signified that they were both in control and were choosing to live harmoniously in one body. "Right, you listen to me big guy. I don't want to hear anything about you throwing tantrums. You're supposed to protect the little ones there and you know you haven't fully controlled your strength yet. You keep practicing with Hulky and do everything Clint tells you to. If you don't..." by the end of her words, the green head was shaking up and down vigorously making Bruce dizzy.

"Hulk promise. Hulk not hurt baby."

"Okay, you be good for Bruce now and Bruce, let him out to play once in a while."

"I will." Bruce's voice came.

"Alright. I'll leave you guys to finish packing." she watched silently as Bruce shifted back to his own body. "Take care you guys. I'll just say goodbye to Natasha." she hugged the archer briefly, patted Bruce on the shoulder before going into the next room to speak to the redhead.

"'Til now, I have no idea what she did or said to the other guy to have him listen to her." Bruce confessed to Clint who just raised an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe it's a woman thing." the archer replied, alluding to the fact that before Janna came only Natasha had been able to subdue the Hulk without coming to blows with the green guy.

"It's more like a mother-son thing." both Avengers shuddered at the mental image.

"You finish packing. I'll wait for you downstairs." Clint told the physicist and then he was gone, leaving Bruce to his thoughts as he went to work.


"Tony, what is all this for?" Janna asked the engineer as she was led blindfolded to somewhere in the tower. As soon as Clint, Bruce and Natasha had left, Tony came and asked - demanded - her to get ready. He all but pushed her into their bathroom and when she came out, a beautiful deep green dress was laid out on their bed with silver pumps beside it. There was a note on top of it that said,

Hey J,

Wear this for tonight.


She'd slipped on the gown, reveling in the softness of the silk against her skin and then walked out to their adjoining living room only for Tony to gape at her.

"How do I look?"

"Gorgeous," she turned around to find Steve also dressed handsomely in a blue button-up shirt and dark gray pants. "You look stunning, Janna." Steve approached her and took her into his arms. He leaned down to kiss her, Janna letting her eyes flutter close at the first touch of their lips. When he pulled away she tried to open her eyes only to be met with darkness. She felt a brief moment of panic before Steve's strong arms around her and Tony's gruff voice in her ear calmed her.

"It's alright love. It's only for the surprise." the brunet's hot breath whispered into her ear and she shuddered delicately in response. Steve let go of her with a whispered I'll meet you there, and then she was carefully being led by Tony to wherever they were supposed to be.

"Tony?" she asked again when the genius did not reply.

"Steve and I just realized, we haven't taken you our for a proper date." Janna shivered at the change in temperature, the windy and more humid atmosphere leading her to think that they were outside.

"Careful," then she was being swept up into strong arms she recognized as Steve's and deposited gently on a warm, fuzzy surface.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?" she heard the soft rustle of movement behind her and felt the fabric loosen. Janna was left blinking the spots from her vision and gasping in awe at the sight before her. They were somewhere near the top of the tower overlooking the city below. Tony was sitting on her right with Steve on her left in the plush brown carpet surrounded by lit candles whose lights were flickering in the soft breeze. Next to them sat a picnic basket which she just knew was filled with Steve's delicious cooking.

"Watch," Tony pointed above just as a whistling sounded through the air and a single strobe of light flew up to illuminate the dark evening sky. Janna sighed at the beautiful sight and leaned back against Tony's chest as fiery flowers bloomed in the air. The many different colors created a myriad of shadows across Steve's face as she ran her hand through his blond locks while he lay his head on her thighs. When the display ended, it took them a few moments to sit up from their comfortable positions. Janna crossed her legs demurely while Steve brought out the food and Tony popped open a bottle of champagne.

"What's that?" Janna asked when she spotted something sticking out of the basket. Steve blushed and ducked his head shyly while Tony smirked. "Steve?" silently the blond pulled the object - which turned out to be a sketchpad - out of the basket and gave it to her. "How did you~?" she looked up at both men then blushed when Tony merely smirked at her for there in the very first page was all three of their names. It was familiar because she was the one who had written them. Sometime back, when she had been relearning how to create the runes for Loki's prison, she had fallen to her calligraphy to calm herself. Somehow, her mind had conjured their names altogether in a single blank page. She had no idea what she was writing at the time but when she finished she had been so embarrassed that she had shoved the paper beneath her notes and completely forgot about it, until now.

"Keep looking," Tony urged her and she turned to the next page to find a pencil sketch of her brushing Tony's hair away from his face as he slept on her former couch. She remembered the day after Tony had sprained his ankle in a mission, and how worried he had been that the genius had slept for a long time in his exhaustion. It was probably the first time she had ever shown any affection to either of them. She turned to the next page and gasped at a photo of her and Steve standing together in the communal kitchen. Tony had gotten sick and both Janna and Steve decided to cook for him. The picture had been taken at the exact moment when Steve was looking at Janna after she had fed him a bite of the food they'd been cooking. The small smiles on their faces and the glimmer in their eyes quite obviously portrayed their feelings for each other. The next one was another sketch, it was one of her and Tony sleeping on their bed. She had her arms around his waist, her face buried in his chest and her head tucked under his chin. After that was a photo of her and Steve after one of their runs. They were walking to the entrance of the tower grinning at each other widely after yet another competition. Despite being winded, the happiness in their faces could not be denied. Janna realized that the sketches were all done by Steve while the pictures had been taken by Tony. There was another photo of Janna lying practically on top of Steve on a couch after a movie night, seeing as there were still boxes of popcorn on the floor beside them. Then another sketch of her and Tony with their heads close together as they stared down at the blueprints for baby bot Hulky. Many more pictures and sketches followed, each of her relationship with the two men. And then there was both a photo and a sketch of Janna, where she had a look of intense concentration on her face as she read a rather thick tome about anatomy.

"This is beautiful," she traced the drawing with a soft caress, her finger continuing its journey to the photo it had been modeled from. She leaned up to kiss Steve softly on the lips and whispered a soft, "Thank you." then she turned her attention to Tony who seemed content to watch them, letting slender fingers entangle in dark brown locks before tugging his head down for a sweet kiss. "I have something for you, too." she took her thundercross from around her neck and channeled the smallest amount of magic into it. A rather thick book appeared in her hand and she gave it to Steve. He looked at her as if asking her permission to open it and she nodded in response. Steve gasped as the first image he saw was Captain America and Iron Man fighting together against some unseen enemy. The colors were vibrant, each brush stroke highlighting certain areas that made it seem as if the two figures were actually in motion. He turned to the next page to see himself on one of the couches in their communal living room, face relaxed as he sketched. The next was Tony, his stature tensed as he stared at a holographic blueprint of his latest project. The genius' mouth was open as if he was talking - which was probably true - to someone - likely Jarvis. The next was a painting of Tony and Steve sharing a lingering glance over a cup of coffee in the communal kitchen. Another image was of Steve laying Tony down on their bed after another sleepless night at the workshop. Steve continued to flip through the pages, watching as Janna depicted his relationship with Tony in her paintings the same way they did with their sketches and photos. "Turn to the last page." Steve couldn't help the blush the rose to his cheeks at the image of him and Tony in what appeared to be the climax of their lovemaking.

"You little minx," Tony growled into Janna's ear as he pulled her into his lap, unable to tear his eyes away from the image of him with his back arched, his head thrown back and his hands locked onto the sheets beneath him. Steve's own body had stiffened with his release and his buttocks flexed as his climax overtook him. The rapture in Tony's face was highlighted by the play of light and dark especially when Janna's brush had managed to capture the lightning that had struck next to their window at that exact moment. "So that night when we were in the bathroom wasn't the first time you saw or heard us?" Tony nipped at her ear, grinding his hips to her butt as he let her feel what that knowledge had done to him.

"No," Janna hummed as Steve carefully set aside the drawing books and crawled over her to join them. The blond began to kiss and nip at her chest, leaving marks on her smooth skin. "I love watching you make love." she whispered as she pulled on Tony's hair. "I love seeing you arch your back as Steve pounds into your prostate." both men groaned at her words, Steve biting softly at her hardening nubs through her dress while Tony nipped her hard on her neck. "I love seeing Steve's hands tighten around your waist as he thrusts his hard cock into you." Steve left her chest to capture her lips in a searing kiss that stole both breath and thought from her.

"Janna," Tony moaned her name as she ground harder against his erection.

"Bedroom," someone growled.

"Too far," came the answer. The next moment found all three on their bed with Janna still sandwiched between them. Steve was on the bottom lying on his back with Janna sprawled out on top of him and Tony behind her still grinding his cock into her ass. It was one of the few moments Tony begun to appreciate her magic, after Loki had made him hate it the first time around. Steve's large hands went underneath her dress to grope at her ass. He squeezed and kneaded her soft globes earning heated moans from both his partners.

"Clothes?" Tony nipped at her back even as he began to undo his own shirt but she was too overwhelmed with the sensations they woke within her to comply to his request. As if to distract her further, Steve slipped his fingers into her panties and rubbed at her slick walls.

"What else do you like when you watch us?" Steve asked her with a nip to his ear. Janna moaned at the question but pulled back for a moment to let Tony tug her dress off. She was back in Steve's arms before long, fumbling with the buttons on his shirt then getting frustrated enough rip them apart and throw them somewhere into the room. The blond moaned at the display of strength and did the same to her panties, tucking the ripped underwear beneath his pillow afterwards. "Fuck, Tony!" Steve's hips arched off the bed as the brunet swallowed him to the hilt. He had no idea when they had divested him of his pants but at the moment he didn't care especially when Tony had swallowed him whole and the genius' throat was constricting around the head of the blond's cock.

"I love it when you cuss during sex..." she trailed off his a hiss when two of Steve's fingers slipped into her waiting heat. She bit her lip at the intrusion, unused to the feeling of being filled.

"You're so fucking tight Janna." Steve whispered against her lips as he began to thrust his fingers in and out, her tight heat slick with her essence and her hips undulating above him.

"Tony!" Janna cried out when she felt the first touch of the brunet's tongue against her back entrance. At the same moment, Steve removed his fingers and replaced them with his cock, impaling her and breaking through her maiden barrier all at once. She whimpered at the pain of his entry, Tony's eyes widening at the sight of her virgin blood running down her thigh.

"Steve, hold still for a moment," the genius pulled back from prepping Janna's ass to look at the blond over her shoulder.

"So hot, so fucking tight." Steve was consciously restraining himself from just pumping into her as he held her hips in a bruising grip.

"Why didn't you tell us you were a virgin?" Tony asked Janna whose lower lip had turned pale from her own teeth biting into it. His words were like a splash of cold water on Steve whose eyes snapped open at the thought that he had hurt her, however unintentional. He sat up to embrace Janna, their woman groaning as his cock slipped deeper into her own body and gently pulled her lip free from her teeth.

"I'm sorry," Steve whispered repeatedly as he stayed as still as possible, his larger hands joining Tony's on the small of her back for comfort.

"Janna?" Tony called out after a few long moments.

"I'm fine Tony." she finally opened her eyes to meet Steve's and smiled apologetically at him. "I thought you knew."

"We can stop here if you want." Tony whispered gruffly though his body betrayed his words.

"No, I want this." Janna shook her head. "I want you." as if to prove her point, she wiggled her hips against Steve's. "Please Tony. I want you inside me too." she turned halfway to the man behind her, impaled as she was still on Steve's cock. Tony growled and leaned forward to capture her lips with his own, his fingers going back to her entrance to tease at the puckered rim.

"Are you sure Janna?" Steve asked even as he watched her moan and writhe beneath Tony's touch.

"Yes, I want you both." she nodded, turning back to face Steve and kiss him hotly. The blond just groaned at her words, lying back down and taking her with him. He grabbed both of her cheeks and pulled them apart exposing her puckered hole to Tony who also groaned at the sight of her asshole twitching in need.

"Beautiful," Janna's back arched as far as it could - trapped as she was in Steve's arms - as she felt Tony's tongue trace her hole once again. Her mouth fell open in a silent scream of pleasure as he pushed one calloused finger into her.

"Tony," Steve moaned as the brunet fondled his balls and pushed another finger into Janna's body. The feel of those digits moving along his cock across a thin barrier was exquisite and he couldn't wait until it was Tony's cock against his own.

"Tony, please!" Janna begged as she stood on the brink her climax, needing to be filled by both men at the same time. "I need you inside me." the genius groaned at her words, unable to ignore his straining erection this time. He finally removed his briefs and lined himself up to her gaping hole.

"Relax love and push back to me." she did as told, moaning as she was filled twice as much for the first time in her life. Tony panted as he bottomed out, his hands covering Steve's on her hips as he tried to stop himself from simply pounding into her. She undulated her hips signaling them both to me. Steve pulled out before she even finished her movement and thrust back in, hitting her g-spot hard.

"Steve!" Janna climaxed, the stimulation of that spot and feeling of both of them filling her so completely pushing her over the edge for the first time that night. Steve didn't stop thrusting and after a few more thrusts, Tony began to participate - his hips pulled out when Steve thrust in creating a whirlwind of sensations for Janna as she was never left empty. The delicious friction between their cocks and the frustrations of the past few days were pushing Steve much faster to his release than he would've liked.

"Tony!" Janna came again after a particularly harsh thrust from the brunet, her fluttering walls pulled Steve's release from him. The blond filled her with his seed shouting her name as he did and Tony stilled behind her as he tried desperately to hold off his own climax. Janna gasped at the intensity of her orgasm, capturing Steve's lips in a heated kiss and feeling his softened member once again come to life inside her.

"I love you." Steve whispered against her lips, warm brown meeting teary jade as he spoke. Then he broke their gazes and looked behind her. After some unspoken signal had passed, both men pulled out of her and she groaned at the loss feeling empty without them to fill her up. Before she could protest, Steve had slipped from beneath her and maneuvered her so that she was lying on her back and Tony was pushing his cock into her pussy as he kissed her. "You two are so beautiful." Steve whispered in awe as he watched them move together. Tony's hips pistoning against Janna's only serving to make his own cock harden. The genius' frantic thrusts and Janna's nails dragging down Tony's back clued Steve in that they were both very close but Steve had other plans. He held Tony's hips still on his next pull out and reached around to where his two lovers were still intimately connected. Janna screamed in surprise when Steve flicked her clit, pushing her over for the third time that night. Tony groaned as the blond's large hand gripped the base of his cock to stop him from cumming. He opened his mouth to protest but stopped short as he felt the blunt head of Steve's cock pressing into his entrance. He let his head fall back to Steve's shoulder as the super soldier's cock disappeared into his body inch by agonizing inch. Tony's hips twitched into Janna's as Steve pressed into his prostate but he had no time to recover. The blond began thrusting as soon as his hips were flush against Tony's ass. He began a harsh pace, taking control of their lovemaking as each move he made pushed Tony into Janna.

"Oh." Janna moaned when the brunet leaned down to capture a rosebud in his mouth, slender fingers entangled in dark locks as they moved on the bed together. Three consecutive thrusts into his prostate and Tony was gone, he bit Janna's nipple hard as his climax took him by surprise, the dual stimulation of pleasure and pain pulling another orgasm from Janna. Steve followed his lovers almost instantly, his body stiffening as he pushed his cock harder into Tony and filled him with his seed.

"God I love you." Tony whispered in between kissed to Janna, still rocking slowly as he rode out his climax. "I love you both."

"Love you too," Steve whispered against Tony's shoulder.

"Love you." Janna mumbled sleepily, exhausted beyond belief but sated as well.

"Clean up?" Steve asked but Janna had already drifted off and Tony was right behind her. He pulled out of the smaller man, making Tony groan in protest at the loss but the blond shushed him with a soft kiss to his temple. He left his lovers to grab a few warm, wet towels for them and when he returned they were both fast asleep with Janna laying contently on Tony's chest and his arm around her shoulders. Steve smiled as he cleaned them up, neither one stirring even for a moment and briefly debated whether he should sketch them again but decided against it. He joined his lovers on the bed, on Janna's other side and pulled the blankets over them then drifted off to sleep.


When Janna woke up there was a thunderstorm raging outside. She was lying completely on Steve facing Tony whose head was pillowed on one of Steve's arms. Both men had one arm around her and she snuggled closer to them. Their hold tightened even in their sleep at her movement which made her smile. Janna looked up at their clock and saw that it was two forty-five on the morning of Tony and Steve's anniversary, four months before they even met her.

The first time it happened was probably an accident. The second time it had been Steve's choice to come to her and Tony's decision to follow his lover. They had a lot to be thankful for especially to Loki. If the trickster hadn't bothered Janna, Tony and Steve wouldn't have taken her to live in the tower and it probably would have taken them a long time to get to where they were. If Loki hadn't been so jealous in the first place, Janna would not even be on Earth and they never would've met. She closed her eyes just as Steve and Tony both stirred.

"Happy anniversary Steve." Tony greeted as he leaned up carefully so as not to wake up Janna.

"Happy anniversary Tony." Steve replied right before their lips met in a wonderfully chaste kiss. Janna drifted off to her lovers' voices as they whispered I love yous to each other. A soft smile split her lips when she felt the faintest pressure on her cheek and on the top of her head. She'd been living in Midgard for longer than she ever lived in Asgard and she had long since accepted her humanity. She had no need for magic to feel like a Goddess, with these two heroes beside and with the way they treated her - she had no doubt that she was their Goddess, and no one else's.

And that is the end of this story. I hope you all enjoyed. Thanks to all those who took the time to read and review.
