I have links to what the characters look like (as I find them) on my profile.

Sixteen Years Earlier

Natasha Romanoff sighed as she held the small bundle in her arms, trying to keep her warm in the snowy weather of New York. She had been away from the KGB for five months, it had only taken her five months being pregnant to show and luckily she had been assigned a five-month long mission before her graduation in Russia and would be sterilized. She kissed the top of her daughter's head, in a ragged purple blanket and her named pinned to it as she walked up the stairs in the orphanage. It was for the best for everyone to leave her daughter here she thought, placing the month old child on the stairs right by the door. She'd try to find her once things had settled down and it was safe for her to be around her daughter. She couldn't comprehend the massive feelings in her chest as she held the small child in her arms, kissing the top of her head and smiling as she sat her down and knocked on the door, soon disappearing into the shadows.

Present Day- Camp Half-Blood

Ana, daughter of Thanatos, laughed sitting at the pier between her boyfriend, Connor Stoll, and her best friend, Valentina Diaz. Her long red hair was in a messy ponytail as she laid her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, complaining about how hot it was. In the circle that had been, there was Connor and Travis Stoll, Valentina Diaz, Miranda Gardiner, and Katie Gardner. It had been two weeks since the defeat of Gaea, one week since the Roman demigods had gone back to their camp. It was time for the demigods to breathe, it had been a tough summer and had barely seen each other at all during the time preparing. Well, her friends had seen each other, but Ana had been helping her father in the Underworld keep everything at bay.

"If you're so hot girl, you need to stop wearing all that black." Valentina snapped, grabbing the daughter of Thanatos's hair and putting it in a neat ponytail, hair was the main thing that the daughter of Aphrodite was worried about, she had tackled her friend multiple time because of her hair. "Are you seriously going to wear all that black when you go see your mother?" She asked, muttering something about how her best friend's hair was knotted in Spanish. "Or have you decided on that? Considering you mother is Black Widow."

Ana shrugged, her eyes turning to look at the group around them. "It isn't my fault I look so much like her I made that ghost terrified. Dad and Lord Hades had a laugh with that, I had no idea there were so many misplaced souls considering everything that was going on."

"There's a reason that Ana is as kicked ass as she is," Travis replied, "Connor's a damn lucky guy to be dating her. Though, beware if she goes to meet her mother you might be dead my dear brother." He replied, stuffing food in his mouth.

"Isn't she dating the Hulk dude?" Katie asked, taking a sip of her lemonade as she looked at the group.

"He name is Bruce Banner!" Travis yelled, snapping his finger that he remembered him. "Won't he be doing a lecture series at NYU this summer on something now that the creepy military dude got arrested? Something on gamma rays?"

"So what you're saying is we go to the campus that you'll be attending in the fall, pretend to be interested, and we drag Ana to meet him kicking and screaming to explain that it's his girlfriend's daughter?" Connor asked his brother, "We'll need a backup for that."

"Count me out, if you're going into a direct plan to piss her off, count me out," Katie replied, holding up her hands in defense. "I'd like to live another day."

"I agree with my sister; we'll just plan your guys funeral in case anything happens. We'll see you in the Underworld." Miranda replied, "If she doesn't kill you, then Bruce probably won't believe her. If the Black Widow had wanted to find her daughter, then she would've probably found her as much as Valentina and Ana are in New York because some person believes that they need to give the girl a makeover all the time. Ana was also in the system as a foster kid until she came to camp."

"What if she just now wanted to find her daughter, what if it wasn't safe considering that she's an assassin and a spy." Valentina replied back, "It'll be an adventure!"

"Like the whole idea that if we got Nico and Ana to have zombies climb out when they sat at a table by themselves, Chiron would eventually give up and let them sit wherever they wanted?" Connor replied, "I swear Valentina was the only child of Aphrodite that was not phased with a zombie sitting beside them."

"I was highly disturbed that she started playing with his hair," Ana replied, making a face at her best friend of five years. "I'm glad that you convinced Will it was a good idea to be my doctor also since Nico and I have similar abilities. Just think, if I met my mother she'd want me to live in the facility and I wouldn't be a year round camper. I don't trust Connor or you alone, Valentina."

"Hey! What about me?" Miranda yelled, laughing.

"You can manage on your own, plus without me here who would stop Valentina from setting you up with someone that isn't Sherman." She replied, sticking her tongue out.

Avengers Facility

It was good to be back home, the entire place was tense, but to be back in her own room was good. She sighed, looking out the window. Before everything that had happened, Natasha Romanoff had decided she was going to look for her daughter, she would be sixteen now. She only got to her being age eight and had printed off the fuzzy picture of her from a dance class, it was framed and put on her dresser, the girl had disappeared after being in a foster home after foster home. "And who is that?" Bruce asked, walking into the room, noticing the photo that was now on proud display.

"My daughter, I never wanted to mention her until I decided to start looking for her. I had started a week before everything went south when we weren't on missions. That's the photo I found before all of it. I had her before the graduation ceremony in the Red Room." Natasha replied, looking at the photo, "She looks like me, but she has her father's eyes."

"What was her father's name?" He asked as she shrugged, "What else do you know about her?"

"She lives was in a foster home a lot growing up, at the age of eight she disappeared off the map. There were a few pictures of her in the Manhattan sleep from last summer, she looks a lot like me. Some of those kids are in photos, but since no one really knows what happens and it somehow managed to go under any radar, she might be alright. There's some from Christmas with her and another girl shopping for presents where she looked happy." Natasha sighed, "I wonder if she'd want me now."

"You can always find her and figure it out." Bruce replied, "We can get the rest of Avengers to help out and with the world's best superheroes trying to find her, we can."