
Ned Stark

It was a bloodbath. Ned walked around King's Landing and saw he bodies of many fallen knights laying on the ground. Ned was currently checking if there had been any fatalities consisting of common people, but miraculously they had manged to keep the common people out of the war.

"Ned ." he heard someone say. He turned around to see Jon Arryn. Jon looked worried, and Ned saw this. "Is there something wrong my lord." Ned said to him.

"Robert found the children." Jon told him.

Ned became alarmed, then he and Jon rapidly went to the Red Keep, to keep Robert from doing something stupid.

"What is the meaning of this?" He heard Jon Arryn say. The scene he saw enraged him. He saw a little boy, the Mad King's second born son Viserys, holding his baby sister covering her from the sword that was about to stab him.

Everyone looked towards them, and the guard who was swinging the sword stopped and Viserys looked towards them.

Jon looked enraged at Robert. "Well isn't this a good way to start your reign as king." Jon said to him.

"They are Targaryen spawns, they deserve to die!" Robert spat angrily.

"You do not have to punish them for the sins of their fathers, and if I recall your grandmother was a Targaryen." Ned said to him, and as he said this Robert became even more enraged.

"Why are you defending them!? Have you forgotten what THEIR brother did to the woman YOUR sister, the woman I love?" Robert said to Ned.

"Like I said, I won't punish them for the sins of their fathers OR brothers." Ned said to him.

Robert then sat back at the throne, "Well, what do you want me to do with these dragon spawns."

Jon Arryn looked at Viserys holding his baby sister close to his body.

Ned walked towards Viserys and kneeled down and gently asked the scared child, "What is her name?"

Viserys looked at Ned suspiciously, but answered, "My mother named her Daenerys before she died." Then Viserys looked down remembering his dead mother.

After some thinking,and seeing the child's scared face, Ned knew what he must do. He stood up and looked at Robert in the eye, "I will take them both as my wards."

Robert was about to retort but was interrupted by Jon Arryn, "That is a good idea Robert, let the children leave with Ned. What would you have to gain if you kill these children. The only thing you will gain from killing these children will be a reputation as a child murderer, especially after what happened to Ellia Martell and her children."

"I didn't do anything to Ellia or her children" Robert said.

"No, The Mountain did it, but you allowed it to happen." Jon said to him.

Robert then leaned back in the throne, pondering over all off this.

Ned heard him sigh and whisper "Fuck", then Ned sighed with relief.

"I will allow you to take the GIRL with you to the North, Ned." Robert said to him.

"Your Grace-" Ned started, but he became quiet when he saw Robert raise his hand.

"I don't want to hear it Ned. The boy is old enough to remember everything that happened, if we allow him to be with his sister, he might whisper lies about us and they might turn out to be bot mad and plot to overthrow me. If you want them alive your going to have to separate them." Robert said.

When Viserys heard this he held his baby sister closer to his chest, then guards started to surround him. Then one guard took Daenerys from him while two other guards grabbed his arms.

"Where will he go, Your Grace?" one of the guards asked as Viserys struggled to get out of their grip.

"Have Varys take him to Essos, after that he is Varys' problem until he finds a home." Robert said.

The guard that was holding Daenerys handed her over to Ned, while the guards holding Viserys began dragging him away from the throne room.

"WAIT MY SISTER! GIVE ME MY SISTER! GIVE HER TO ME!" the boy continued screamed as he was dragged away, all this commotion caused baby Daenerys to start crying. His screams were getting fainter the father he went.

"If you see any sign of madness coming from that girl, you end her. Understood?" Robert said to Ned.

Ned nodded. Then Robert got up from the throne and left the throne room.

Ned looked down at his new ward and tried to calm her down. After some time the babe stopped crying and looked up at Ned. After seemingly studying his face she smiled. She already had the Targaryen looks with a little of silver hair on her head and violet eyes.

Ned hoped that those were the only traits she inherited from the Targaryens.

A Month Later

Catelyn was waiting outside in the Winterfell gates with a babe in her arms. She was relieved her lord husband was finally coming home after months away in war.

The Winterfell gates opened and a carriage entered. After everyone entered the carriage open revealing Ned Stark.

Ned Walked towards her, "My Lady Catelyn."

"My Lord Stark, I present to you, your son Robb." She gave him the babe.

Ned took him in his arms, and smiled, "My boy."

"I think it is better if we go inside, don't you think?" Catelyn said to him.

Ned agreed and they both entered the castle.

They sat playing with Robb next to his crib. After some time the handmaidens brought two more cribs, confused Catelyn looked at Ned.

Then the handmaidens placed a babe in each of the cribs.

"Come, let me present you to our new ward." Ned took Catelyn's hand and took her to the crib closer to Robb's.

Catelyn was shocked, "A Targaryen!"

"She's just a babe, we will make sure she will grow up to be a good girl." Ned said to her.

"I did not meant for you to take offense, I was just surprised that King Robert let her live." Catelyn said to him, he laughed at that.

Catelyn then walked towards the other crib, she was just about to ask if the other babe was a ward also until she saw his appearance.

The babe had the Stark look, he looked even more Stark than Robb.

Her eyes flashed angrily at Ned.

Ned saw this and quickly told everyone to leave.

He went to her, "Cat before you say anything-"

"How could you! I expected this if I married the King but from a Stark who hold their precious honor so high-" Cat was interrupted by Ned.

"He is not mine." Ned said to her, and she looked visually shocked.

"He is Lyanna's and some man she befriended after she and Rhaegar left together. " Ned said to her.

"What do you mean 'left'?" Cat asked him.

"Lyanna knew what Robert was and at the tourney at Harrenhal she and Rhaegar grew close as friends." Ned said.

"Rhaegar asked her to leave with him and she obliged." Ned finished the story.

"How do you know the baby is not his?" Cat asked him.

"Because she told me it was not his." Ned said.

"Did she tell you, who is the father of the babe?" Cat asked.

"She did not get a chance too. I took him in as my bastard, because if Robert finds out he is Lyanna's he will have the child murdered because he would think it was Rhaegar's." Ned explained.

"Everything I told you here, must remain between us. Promise me you will tell no one else." Ned said.

Catelyn nodded, "I promise."

Ok that was the end of the first chapter of my new story! I'm really excited for this one because I created my first original character for this story who you will get to meet in few chapters. I hope you like this story! Please Rate and Review.