Jane puts her cell phone in her pocket and sends Loki a questioning look.
"A nurse told me that Stark and Miss Potts are still in the delivery room."
Not really a lie. Half-Truth.
But he needs to talk with Jane.

He clears his throat.
"May I ...wait here with you ?"
She nods and he sits down, facing her.
They are alone in the waiting room.
No eavesdropper. Fine. They can talk freely.

He rubs his hands nervously.
Where to begin ?
He isn't used to telling his sentiments.
"Well", he sighs, "I owe you an explanation. About my departure."
He glances at her. She's listening very carefully.
No way out this time.

He takes a deep breath.
"I left because watching your happiness hurt me."
She frowns.
"Do you mean that you couldn't stand watching me in a romantic relationship with your brother ?"
"I'd rather say ...a relationship with someone who wasn't me", he corrects gently.

He leans toward her and catches her hand.
"And later, when I thought that you were pregnant ...I was desperate...because Fate took you away from me. Inexorably. I have lost someone ...I care for. One more time."
Care for ... A litotes. But Truth anyway.
She squeezes his hand.
"I'm fond of you as well, Loki."
Neither of them uses the word "love".
They both proceed with caution.

Loki hesitates now.
If he asks her directly to go out with him, will she accept ?
Being rejected frightens him.
But he decides to run the risk.
A calculated risk, of course.
"How about a friendly bet ? If the baby's a girl, I will be your lab assistant for one day; and if the baby's a boy ..."
He stops a few seconds, pretending not to know what to say.
"...I will invite you out for dinner tonight."

He looks at her straight in the eye.
Much to his relief, she nods.
"It's a deal !"
Suddenly she grins.
"Look over there ! Tony is gesturing for us to join him."
She jumps on her feet.
"Come on ! I'm dying to see Pepper and the baby !"

Loki hides a triumphant smile.
He knows already that the baby is a boy, the nurse told him so.
He fools Jane ? No, he shapes his destiny.
Their first date will be perfect.
A gourmet restaurant ? A dinner by candlelight ?

Lost in his thoughts, he doesn't notice Jane's own smile.
Yes, she knows that the dices were loaded: Tony sent her a text message to tell her that the baby's a boy.
But nothing to complain about.
Better let Loki think he settles the tempo.
When you're in love with the God of Mischief, you must adapt, right ?

And for the first time in her life , she is convinced that, with Loki, she may eventually have ...a child.


The end !
A big "Thank You" to those who read that fic !