Hello, all my lovely readers! I can not believe that this story had its four year anniversary on Monday! I have been thinking about his story a lot! I guess some good has come out of this being at home. I hope you all are healthy, safe, and continue being so! I had lots of fun writing this chapter!

Priestess27: Thank you so much! You made my day! Your wait is over! Awww, you're making me smile all big! Yes, I was thinking it would be fun and complicate things with Billy being in the mix. Slade is not happy.

GiggleboxGirlie: I know right?! I feel bad for them all, really I do… but what is the fun of being a writer if I don't make life... Um, interesting for my characters? I can't wait to hear your response to this chapter!

Lian Yu 2008

Toria knew that Slade was holding back some of his strength as they practiced with bamboo sticks. It had been so long since Slade had used them in their training. She knew he didn't want to hurt her, but it felt like a step backward. Putting in all her strength, she made a strike for him. With ease, he batted away the attack, moved the stick away, and then touched the wood to her stomach.

"Dead," Billy exclaimed. "Get your head out of the clouds, Little Queen. Slade was going easy on you. These guys won't."

"I am fully aware of that, Wintergreen."

"Again?" Slade offered.

"I think Sara needs a little training on her footwork. Maybe afterward?" Toria countered.

She walked over to the younger blonde. Sara had been watching their match closely and with interest.

"You were doing really well against him, I wasn't expecting that kick you threw his way. Well, until you got distracted."

"Thanks. Yeah, it isn't much a surprise anymore to Slade when I throw in kicks here and there. It's just part of our training now."

"So what was distracting you?"

"It was just strange since I have been training with Slade, he has increased his blows and his attacks, but today, he was holding back. I could feel it with every movement."

"He's afraid of hurting you. That is pretty easy to see."

"But it doesn't do much good when we are practicing."

"I can understand that. And Ivo's men aren't going to hold back any punches."

"What kind of fighting did you learn on the freighter? I need to know what you've been taught in order to help you. How about you and I practice? That way I can see your fighting style up close?"

"Alright, but you sure it is okay leaving Slade and Billy to 'train'?"

"That is a little worrying. But they should know better than to kill each other before the battle, right boys?"

Billy let out a humorless laugh and Slade muttered something under his breath.

"See, they understand," Victoria said, with a little wink.


Shado overlooked Oliver's training as the older blonde leaped over a cliff, finding his footing before letting loose an arrow, embedding it into the tree. Not remotely close to the bullseyes. Keeping his steady pace he shot off another, this time it made it within the first circle, but not reaching its mark. Again, this time only a little off on the next tree.

"Not bad needs work though!" Shado called out.

Oliver paused and took a moment to catch his breath, "Now what?"

"You should work more on your strength."

Oliver nodded before peeling off his shirt and reaching up at one of the logs they used for pull-ups. First going slow and groaning from the pain before getting better and better at lifting himself up. A few times also using the strength of his legs for momentum. Lifting up so more than half of his upper body was over the pole.

Afterward, Shado and Oliver ran across the island together. Shado smiled when Oliver rushed in front of her. No longer heaving or seemingly having trouble breathing, as he kept a fast and steady pace.

Day after day they did this. Shado was always by Oliver's side making sure he was improving. Victoria stood beside her during one of the training sessions. Feeling pride filled in her chest as her brother easily lifted himself during his pull-ups and then landing on the ground, his footing balanced.

Slade, Shado, and Victoria all watched as Oliver jumped over a cliff, rolled onto the ground, and then loosed an arrow into the bullseye painted upon the tree.

Slade grinned as he pulled out the arrow from its mark, handing it back to Oliver, "You should be proud, Shado. You've made him into an archer."

"Thank you," Shado beamed, falling into step with their small group.

"Thank you," Oliver repeated. "But those trees don't move or fire back, Ivo's men will."

"Then shot first," Slade replied, placing a hand on the younger man's shoulder.

The four friends broke up into pairs. Toria found her pace with Slade as Oliver and Shado stayed close together. All heading back to camp where Billy and Sara would be. Victoria got closer to the tall brunette, making sure her brother couldn't overhear.

"Do you think he is ready?" she whispered.

Slade looked over his shoulder at the young man and Asian, then turned to her, "I think he is… or at least as ready as he can be right now."

Toria nodded, a small smile tugging at her mouth before she walked closer to her boyfriend. So many things had happened in such a short time. It felt weird… that things would be changing again soon. What would happen between them, when they left?

"Don't worry, you'll be seeing your sister Thea soon," he reassured her, grasping her hand.

"Thank you. Gosh, I miss her, so much."

"I know you do. And I'll be able to see my kids again."

"I wonder if…" her voice dropped.

"You wonder if?" Slade prompted her.

"I wonder if they will like me?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," Slade admitted. "But give them some time. I think they'll grow to love you, as I have."

Toria blushed and wrapped her arms tightly to the Australian's arm. Extremely close now. Loving how his warmth and strength seemed to roll off of him and added to hers. Good, Slade didn't lie to her and tell her that right away they would just accept her. He wasn't sure how they would react. But she silently prayed that one day, they would learn to at least like her. She wanted to always be in Slade's life. And she hoped that his kids would respect that wish.


"Ivo's freighter is located here," Slade pointed down at a map of Lian Yu. "He keeps eight men on deck. Three on the starboard, three on the port, four on the bridge. But our bigger concern is these GP25 grenade launchers they are walking around with all the time."

"Do they have night vision or anything that helps them see at night?" Oliver asked.

"Not according to Blondie."

"The max that Slade would be able to carry with the parachute is three, including him," Shado pointed out.

"Maybe I should go with Oliver?" Toria suggested.

"No, I don't think that is a good idea. I want you with me," Slade protested.

"I agree. Toria, we are all going to be in danger, but things on my end are most likely going to be the most dangerous," Oliver explained.

"Well, then should Shado or I will be with Ollie?"

"Ivo might kill Sara, if she is with Oliver," Toria voiced.

"You're not wrong. Knowing Anthony, he will want to make an example to the rest of the crew on how he deals with traitors," Sara confirmed, as she continued grinding a reddish root into a paste.

"That stuff smells awful," Oliver commented.

"It will taste worse," Sara warned.

"Guess it won't be too different than my father's cooking," Shado quipped.

"Shado, are you alright being with Oliver so close to Ivo? I mean we all know he is unstable," Toria asked.

"The parachute will only carry three. Otherwise, it might drag too much. I don't see any way around it."

"That means I have to go with them too, doesn't it?" Billy spoke for the first time.

"What we won't do for another parachute," Slade mumbled.

"You needn't sound so happy, Slade. After all, I'll be with Queen and Shado. You get to be with your precious Little Queen."

"Do you think we can really pull off having three of our group being captured? I'm not even sure Ivo knows about Billy till now. Is there a chance he'll mistake him for Slade?" Oliver voiced.

"I don't think so. Unless Billy wears his mask. The hair color would go noticed by him. Even though he probably wasn't paying too much attention to Slade. Them capturing us will make Anthony feel like he is ahead of us, but not knowing where the rest of us will drive him crazy."

"Are you making enough of that stuff for three then, Blondie?"

"Yes, I will am making enough for three people, Slade," Sara shot the tall man a glare.

"Are you sure it will work, Sara? I don't doubt you. I just need to know. I don't want any of you at risk if one of us spills," Oliver stressed.

"Yes it will work, I read it in one of Anthony's books."

"Then how do we know he won't suspect you are using it on us?" Billy growled.

"He'll be too paranoid to think it through, I am telling you, it will work."

"It sounds like she knows what she is doing guys, stop asking her already," Toria defended.

Billy opened his mouth to protest when Slade shot him with a killer glare, "She said shut up already."

"Just want to make sure we all make it off this blasted rock," Billy pushed past them.

Oliver moved over to Shado, Sara, and Toria. Leaving Slade and Billy reasonably out of hearing range, "What about the Mirakuru?"

"What about it?" Sara asked.

"Well, it can maybe cure anything? Maybe it's a miracle drug? But it is also something else. Something someone like Ivo should never be allowed to use or control," Oliver explained.

"What about Billy and Slade?" Shado commented.

"They might not let us," Sara voiced.

"Might not let you do what?" Billy walked towards them.

"You all think we should destroy the Mirakuru?" Slade added.

"Well, I am not so sure. It did after all save Slade. We might need to use it again," Toria said.

"If this thing doesn't go our way, we can't let Ivo have it," Oliver reasoned.

"You're right, we should burn it," Slade confirmed.

"But, Slade," Toria protested, placing a hand on the large man's shoulder.

"Toria, he has a point. I couldn't live with myself if Ivo uses that on anyone or anything. It's better if it is gone and out of his reach."

"Do I have a say in this matter? After all, I am the one who gave it back. Perhaps we could talk Ivo into letting us off the island if we trade it?"

"It's too late for that. We already missed that chance," Oliver expressed.

"What?!" Billy roared. "What happened?"

"Ivo wanted us to give him the drug but you had it and I told him to fuck off," Sara summed up.

"This is why we have to go with this crazy plan of yours? Why didn't you consider his offer?"

"Because Anthony isn't a person to keep his word. Not to people who he can just use and make get out of his way. If we had agreed, he would have ripped open you and Slade to see how it affects you both."

"You don't know that. We could have… By now we could have been on our way home. I could see my sister and nephew. Instead, I am stuck here, for even longer?!"

"Calm down, Billy," Shado stepped between Oliver and Billy.

"Shado, I don't want to hurt you, get out of my way."

"No. I won't. We have to trust Sara's word. She knows Ivo better than any of us. And we are working on a plan to get on that freighter."

"Which might not work! I don't want to risk yours and my safety over this half-cocked up plan."

"I trust her, so can you."

"Billy, stand down. Or I'll make you," Slade growled.

"You want to go around? I'm ready for you, Wilson," Billy exclaimed.

He stepped towards the brunette, his eyes were fiery and intense. Once more Shado stepped in between.

"Stop it! Both of you!" Shado placed her hands on Billy's chest.

"Get out of my way, Shado. I won't hurt you but I will move you," Billy warned.

"You will do no such thing. Stand down, both of you. We need to be working together, not fight amongst ourselves. The sooner we have this plan ready, the sooner we get to go home. We all have someone or people we are trying to get home to, Billy."

Billy stayed stiff and eyes trained on Slade until Shado forced his gaze downward, "You will get to see your family again, Billy. You just have to see our plan through."

"It might go south."

"It might. But it is our chance right now. And I don't know about you, but I am not going to let it go to waste. The question you have to ask yourself is will you?"

They stood like that for a long moment. Billy slightly moved away, his head hung, not able to meet her gaze anymore, "Of course I do."

Oliver looked over at the pair, his eyes filled with confusion and pain. Victoria placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a small, forced smile. His mouth tugged up in a painful attempt of a grin before he walked back towards the fire. Looking like he was busy preparing lunch. Victoria knew it was a cover-up to allow himself some more space.


Later that night. After Sara and Oliver had come back from burning the Mirakuru, Oliver and Shado were placing arrows in their quivers. Victoria and Sara worked on dinner for all of them. Billy was sharpening his katana's. Slade came into the tent, tapping the whiskey bottle with his knife. It made a delightful clinking sound.

"Who's thirsty?" Slade smirked.

"We still have some!?" Victoria got up from her place.

"Had another bottle stashed away," Slade explained.

"We were saving that for a rainy day," Billy spoke up.

"I think drinking it to celebrate our, God willing, last night on the island is pretty special," Toria grinned up at the tall brunette.

"To taking the freighter! And for getting off this island!" They toasted in unison.

They downed it all in one go. Everyone smiled and chuckled. Toria headed outside. The air was chilly and she hugged her arms to prevent from getting cold. She had forgotten to leave her cup inside. She looked over the crashed plane. Gently placing a hand on the entrance to their camp. A bittersweet feeling sunk in her stomach as she smiled thinking about all the memories she had made there.

"Don't tell me you are getting sentimental about this place all of a sudden," Slade remarked.

He walked closer to her, silently pouring her more boozes.

"So much has happened to me on this island. I turned twenty-one in this place."

They both downed their whiskey again.

"Do you regret it, being here?" Slade asked, his gaze leaving hers.

"No. I don't. I wish I could go back and prevent Yao Fei's and my father's death. But I don't regret getting on that boat. I wouldn't have met you."

Slade's eyes lit up as he gazed at her. A bright smile spread across his face. They both looked up at the stars. She leaned closer towards him. He looked over at her, as she focused her gaze upon the bright lights in the sky.

When she looked over at him again he had a serious expression on his face.

"None of us know how tomorrow will turn out."

"No we don't, but I'll fight beside you."

"I know… I just."

"We'll try our best. I think with you on our side…"

"Victoria, please, let me get this out before I lose my nerve."

She looked at him confused at his use of her first name and not knowing what he was about to say.

"I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring. But if we both survive. I know we haven't been together for long but I love you, could you… no... would you…. Damn it, Wilson, just get it out. Will you marry me, Toria?"

She stared at him in shock, her mouth hung open. His smile slowly fading waiting for her answer. Had he? Did he just? Her thoughts and emotions swirling in her head and she took in the man that stood before her. That had asked her to always be with him.

"Yes!" Toria replied, wrapping her arms around Slade.

He chuckled and pulled her closer to him.

"Yes! I will marry you," she repeated as she pulled away to look at his face.

He had the biggest and brightest smile she had ever seen. Before he closed the gap between them and passionately kissed her. She moaned as she pressed her body up to his. Grabbing his arms firmly to keep her balance and to feel the tight muscle there. Smiling as his hands roamed her hips and began getting higher. Desire began rising as he hand cupped one of her breasts and he let out a growl at the back of his throat. His tongue exploring her mouth she moaned again. A hand moved down his chest and slid down to his abs. Now it was almost on his belt...

"Slade, Toria! Best to get in here. We all need our rest for tomorrow."

They quickly pulled away from each other.

"Fuck," Slade muttered under his breath.

"Come on Wilson, Little Queen. Don't make us get out there," Wintergreen teased.

"Damn it," Toria cursed.

"Slade! Tori!" Sara shouted.

"We'll be out there in a minute!" Slade shouted.

"Best get in there already," Victoria commented, starting for the entrance.

He gently grasped her wrist before placing another long passionate kiss to her lips. Cupping her cheek as they moved towards the doorway once more, "Don't die out there tomorrow."

"Not after that," she reassured, placing a quick kiss to his cheek before docking back into the wreckage.

Slade let out a sigh and a chuckle before following her inside.

I know! I know! I can hardly believe it either! Our favorite couple has now decided to take a big step. Poor things aren't sure if they are going to make it or not. Which you all will have to find out in the coming chapters! Please Follow, Favorite, and let me know what you thought of this chapter (and the proposal) in a review! I can't wait to hear from you all! Until next time guys!