"So, you just let her go?" Weasel said, pouring another shot into Wade's glass.

Wade glared at the man behind the bar. Picking up his glass, he reluctantly answered the question. "Yeah… yeah I did." He drank the useless alcohol, feeling a warm sensation as he did so but it never lasted more than a few seconds. No matter how much he tried, he could never get drunk. Even when the only thing he wanted to do was drink to forget everything. Wade didn't even know what went wrong. And it ate him up inside.

"Don't know why you would willingly let her go. She was perfect for you. And anyone that can make you look normal again, is a keeper in my book."

"You say that like I wanted her to leave." He rubbed his temples in annoyance. Sister Margaret's was mostly empty, except for the two of them. It was about five in the morning, but Wade had been there for a while. It was either this, or sitting alone in his apartment. And at least this option had more alcohol. Not that it did him any good. The pain he felt in his chest hadn't numbed yet and the memory of Melody still burned in the back of his mind. Wade shook his head to try to get the image of her face out of his head. But the practice was hopeless.

Wade moved his glare down to the tumbler glass in his hand that held a golden liquid. The color only furthered his pain. Giving him a bitter reminder of what he was missing. And God, did he miss her. The hollow feeling deep within his chest continued to grow. He tugged the hood of his sweatshirt further down his face, hiding his bloodshot eyes from the world. A glint of light reflected off his left ring finger. The dim lighting of the bar shined off the black obsidian band. The ring burned his skin. The chain around his neck burned even hotter. Wade didn't dare to expose the small silver shackle that weighed heavy against his collar.

He finished the rest of his drink and stormed away from the bar. The hallway was dark. The florescent lights flickered down the length of the hall. Wade stumbled into a door, quickly locking it behind him. His breathing was shallow. He had been holding back tears for days now, refusing to even acknowledge that he had a full set of human emotions. Wade gripped the sides of the sink. He let out a set of heavy, rapid sighs. The contents in his stomach ached and churned causing him to feel worse. He pulled the hood off his head and ran a hand through his hair and along his face. He could feel his wet cheeks. Had he been crying this whole time?

Wade cursed at himself. He looked the mirror. The face looking back at him was one that he didn't recognize. His eyes were red and puffy. His face was unshaven and sunken. He hated what he saw. The man in the mirror taunted him inside his head.

"How could you let her leave?" "She was everything to you." "Did you really believe that someone like her could actually love someone like you?" "I can't say I blame her." "Have you seen yourself without the ring?"

The voices got louder and louder, like they were being amplified off the walls and could be heard past the fire escape and down to the street below. They mocked him continuously, until he couldn't comprehend their words anymore. His head pounded, and he couldn't take it anymore.

"Just shut up!" he yelled as he beat his fists against the porcelain tiles.

Everything was quiet. He was alone again. No voices. No one to talk to. Completely alone. Wade wasn't sure that was such a good thing. The silence just reminded him of her. And how they got to this point. Wade could barely look at himself in the mirror anymore without thinking about the day she left. His emotions raged, and he was becoming irrational. He couldn't stand the sight that he saw in front of him. Wade slipped the ring off his finger and the image in the looking glass shifted into the scarred face of his past. The voices in his head came creeping back slowly. If they got louder, there would be no way to stop them. He became irrational again. He couldn't control his actions.

Blood ran down his arm from his knuckles as the glass from the mirror was embedded into his hand. The wounds started healing instantly. The reflection of his face still stared back at him through the shattered pieces of crystal on the wall. He pushed away from the sink, leaning against the opposite wall. His hands covering his face, trying to keep the tears from escaping. Wade could feel the walls of the small room closing in on him again. He had to get out. He had to get fresh air. He felt like he was suffocating. He opened the bathroom window that led to the rusted fire-escape. Wade gripped the railing as he climbed the steps up to the roof.

The rooftops were a painful reminder of what he had lost. The ring that she gave him was in his fist, burning a hole through his skin. He stood on the edge of the building the late autumn wind blew past him, threatening to push him off the side. But he stayed grounded. He choked on the breath that stuck in his throat. Wade couldn't even close his eyes without seeing her soft, deep blue eyes staring back at him and his heart swelled with emotion. He looked down at the ring in his palm. The only thing that kept her in his memory was this ring and the necklace around his collar. He raised his fist over his head, threatening to throw the band as far away as possible.

He paused. The memory of her flooded back into his head. Her face. Her voice. Her smile. Everything that made him fall for her in the first place. And then she was just gone, in a matter of seconds. He should've done something. He should've convinced her to stay. Or, and he hated this thought, beg her to erase her from his memory. It would hurt not remembering Melody, but what hurt more was seeing her face in his head and not being able to do anything about it. But getting rid of the ring wouldn't bring Melody into his life, and it wouldn't make his life better.

Wade lowered his fist and sighed. He slipped the ring back on his finger, and his image changed back to his smooth skin and dirty blond hair. He backed away from the edge and slumped on the floor. His legs were tucked up to his chest. His chin rested on his kneecaps. He wrapped his arms around his shins. He looked like a child that was pouting after a tantrum. But he didn't know what else to do. All Wade could possible do now was sit with the recollection of Melody leaving.

A month after Melody had closed the case against Richard Johnson, S.H.I.E.L.D. had commandeered her house for the remainder of the investigation. Melody had stayed in the house for a few more weeks to gather her things. But ever since the night of the arrest, Melody was different somehow. She was quitter, distracted, and withdrawn. Wade tried to get her to open up, but it just made her more closed to him. Wade could sense that she was hiding something from him, but every time the subject came up Melody would avoid him at all costs.

Wade guessed that this result was coming by the way she was acting. The day that she moved out of her house was the last time he saw her. He had moved out some time before, and bought a reasonable apartment on the west end of Hollywood with the money he got from S.H.I.E.L.D. But he had to see her again. Black vans were parked in the drive way. Men were hauling cases of equipment out of the mansion. Wade ignored them, walking up the stairs and into the foyer. The house was completely stripped out. The artworks and furniture were cleared out, leaving just the white marble floors behind.

Wade glanced around the main room to see tresses of golden honey that he knew all too fondly. He smiled to himself, until she turned around. Her skin was pale, and she looked sickly. Her face twisted with concern, but she wasn't looking at him. She wore a simple burgundy sweater with tight dark blue slacks, and light brown laced ankle boots. A dark russet leather jacket hid her body from the rest of the world, but she couldn't hide from him. Seeing her made Wade feel out of place, somehow. He wore his ratted denim jeans with sneakers, a dark grey hoodie and a light brown hunting jacket. Not exactly what he'd call "professional".

He quickly made his way over to her, pushing past agents and movers. A small smile graced his face as he addressed her. His hand graced her shoulder as she turned around.

"Mel," he said cautiously.

Melody turned completely to look at Wade. Fear and concern sparkled in her eyes. She looked like she had seen a ghost. Like he was the last person that she wanted to see. He felt slightly hurt, but he held her hand in his until she withdrew. She glanced at the men around her and pulled him to the side.

"Wade," Melody whispered. "What are you doing here?"

His brow crinkled with confusion. The tone in her voice was threatening, but her brushed the feeling off. He breathed out a chuckle of embarrassment.

"I, uh. I wanted to see you."

She sighed and shook her head. "Now is not an appropriate time, Wade." She marched to the front door where the movers were loading the last of the equipment into the vans. Wade followed close behind with a confused look on his face. He caressed her arm gently, but she still flinched slightly.

"Melody, what's going on with you lately?" Wade inquired cautiously.

"Nothing that concerns you," she snapped, pulling away from him. She wouldn't even look at him.

"Mel, please look at me?"

Melody reluctantly turned to face him again. Her face was paler than usual, and her eyes were sunken slightly and irritated, like she hadn't slept in days. She looked exhausted. His hand stroked her check gently. What he thought was a sentimental gesture cause Melody to recoil and pull away. He knew he didn't hurt her, but her action made his stomach feel hollow as if he had done something to harm her.

"What is going on with you nowadays?" he exclaimed. "You're distant. You're not returning any of my calls or messages. You look like you've been working yourself half to death. And now you're packing up your house, without telling me, I might add."

Melody wouldn't look at him, but he could see her eyes start to water. His heart pounded through his chest. He tried to calm himself down and ease the tension in his voice.

He sighed. "Please, Melody. After all we've been through, I deserve an explanation."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. relocated me… back to New York," she said softly. "I didn't have the heart to tell you."

Wade felt like he had been punched in the gut. No, more than that. He felt more like he had been ganged up on in an alley, beaten and then shot in the stomach a few times for good measure. 'She didn't have the heart to tell us? What's that supposed to mean?'

He silenced the voice in his head long enough to get a coherent thought out.

"Oh." Was that all he could say? There he stood, on the front steps of her mansion, dumbfounded. He just found out that she was moving all the way across the country, probably never to be seen in California again, and the only thing he could think to say as a response was 'Oh'.

He couldn't stop his words from escaping his throat. They came up like it was trying to escape the acid that churned in the pit of his stomach. "Will I ever see you again?" 'Stupid!'

That was the question she was dreading to hear from him. She couldn't even give him a straight answer. She couldn't even meet his eyes. "I know that the city has a lot of painful memories for you, and I don't want to add anymore to that. But the alternative is far worse than this."

"What could be possibly worse than this?" Wade asked, a little more harsh than he meant. He could see her retreat slightly. Her nose wrinkled in the way that Wade thought made her look like a confused child. His heart tightened and threatened to pound straight out of his chest. Melody's sapphire spheres were clouded with mist as she held back blubbering cries. He reached out to embrace her, but she pushed him away once more.

"Don't act like you know what I'm going through with this, Wade," Melody snapped, her eyes filled with anger. Looking around, she hushed herself as she saw wondering eyes glance in their direction. She pulled him aside, to the other side of the driveway behind the black SUV's that were parked there. Peering over her shoulder, she lowered her voice to a whisper. "There are issues with this case. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't want any loose ends during the conviction or we'll lose everything… having me in on this case in the first place was pushing our luck. And now with you…" she trailed off. She seemed conflicted in her thoughts.

"There are things that I've done in my life, horrible things, that you don't know about. I've hurt a lot of people. And God only knows how many souls I'll have to face one day. I can't change what I've done in the past, but I can control what I do now."

"Melody, what are you talking about? You're starting to worry me."

"I have to leave. And I can't let you come with me."

Wade's face dropped. Melody saw Alexander looking her way from behind Wade. She glared at his smug face. Shaking her head, she avoided his eyes. She brought Wade in closer to her so that he would be the only person to hear what she was about to say.

"Wade, there are situations happening here that they don't want you to know. To them, you've already seen too much. You're already collateral damage to these people and some of them don't think twice about getting rid of people that they think are too dangerous to keep around."

Melody swallowed thickly. "What they want me to do…" her voice trailed off into barely that of a purr. "I can't take something like that from you. I can't do that again."

Wade blinked. "Do… do they want you to kill me?"

"They know that's impossible. Their smart. They know a lot about my power and yours. They also know our weaknesses. You may not think you have any, but if I learned anything from this is the only way to destroy someone that's immortal, is to take away the one thing that they can't live without. They know that too."

"What are you trying to say to me, Mel?" he interrupted as he pulled her closer to silence her. Wade held her against his body. "I trust you to do the right thing. I trust you with everything that I am. I've been raking my brain with this for weeks, and I didn't think I could feel this feeling for someone ever again. But if this is going to be that last time I see you, I want you to know- "

"Wade," she cried, tears forming in the corner of her eyes. "If you truly feel that way… you'll get in your car, drive away, and never look back." She was choking up. Reaching behind her neck, she unlatched the silver chain from around her neck. Melody cradled the dented pellet in her hand, remembering the history behind it that haunted her past, and the fable she told Wade about it that night so many months ago. She bit her lip. Wade still held her close and gave her a questioning look, but didn't push her to say anything more than she wanted. Melody took the chain and fastened it around Wade's collar. Her hands rested on his chest and he held her wrists in a gentle manner; rubbing his thumbs along the smooth skin of her hands.

'Just say the words,' she thought to herself. 'Forget about me.'

Wade felt that familiar draining of his energy and will from his body. His eyes went wide and a panicked look on his face. He didn't want to leave her. Not like this. Not at all. But his body couldn't respond to his own thoughts but only obeyed her power. She spoke, her voice coming out twisted. "Get in your car. Leave me. Leave everything. Live your life without me." She looked like she wanted to say something else, something that was lingering in the back of her mind. To stop herself from saying something she would regret, she caressed his face and kissed him. He was free from her spell temporarily as he buried his hands into her blonde curls. Neither of them cared about the eyes that sent judgmental glances their way. But the feeling was short lived as they separated again. But there was no new spiral in her words. She sounded sincere and her voice filled with emotion.

"Leave… but don't forget…about me," Melody choked, a tear escaping from the corner of her eye. He began to back away, unable to control his muscles. Almost like she was governing his body to her will. Wade shook his head trying to escape from her psychological hold.

"Melody," Wade begged. "Please, don't do this."

"I don't have a choice anymore."

Wade turned away and walked the rest of the way down the drive way to his Lexus. Painful steps reminding him that this was the end. If he got into the car, he might never see her again. But they were in dangerous circumstances. He opened the driver's side door when the power over him lessened. He looked up back at Melody. Steve stood next to her and put his hand on her shoulder to comfort her. Wade was too far way to hear their voices, but he could still read their lips.

"Did you actually do it?" Steve asked

"As far as they know, I did," She replied with a sigh.

"You know he loves you, right?"

Melody shook her head. Steve opened the car door for her to slip inside the dark SUV.

"Love is for children, Cap."

With that, she closed the door to the world, leaving Wade truly alone. He slipped into the driver's side of his car. He hit his head against the steering wheel in frustration. He yelled so loud that the windows began to shake. He watched reluctantly as the caravan began their slow journey off the property and down the heavily trafficked streets of Hollywood. He wanted to do something other than sit there, trapped by her spell, unable to stop her from leaving. But his body wouldn't let him; the though alone was to painful to think. He felt the control begin to fade as she got further and further away. Wade knew it would eventually go away completely, but he still couldn't bring himself to go after her. The ache in his chest made him feel hollow and bitter. His heart began to swell and is eyes clouded with mist. He shook his head. Gripping the chain around his neck. Anger replaced the sadness in his heart. The urge to rip the necklace off was creeping into his mind. Thoughts that he would regret soon lingered in the back of his conscience brain.

She gave him something to remember her by, right after she told him to leave her behind? Who does she think she is? How could we even think to love her?

'Don't say that.' Wade thought to himself. 'Don't ever say that.'

His anger passed like a shadow and he was left with shame, sadness, and disbelief. He loved her. With all his heart and everything that he was, he would love her until the end of her days and however long he would be granted on this Earth.

And she was gone.

Now Wade was left on top of that roof with nothing but a broken heart and painful memories of her. It was a fate worse than dying. He rested his head on his knees. Sitting and waiting for the next plot device to set him in motion. But nothing came. He hopped that this had all just been a bad dream and she would be at home, sleeping by his side again. Her even breaths creating a soft rhythm that would manipulate him back into a slumber state of mind. But he knew this wasn't a dream, because he couldn't sleep. He hasn't slept in days.

"Wade?" Weasel called from the door behind him.

"Go away," Wade snarled. He didn't want to see Weasel. He just wanted to be left alone.

"Phone call for you. Sounds important." Weasel stood in front of him holding a disposable phone in front of his face. There was no caller ID, but the area code was a New York number. Wade's heart skipped as he took the cell phone from Weasel. He cautiously put it up to his ear and spoke into the receiver.

"Wilson," he stated. Suspense lingering in the air as he waited for a response.

"Wade, thank God. I've been trying to get a hold of you for weeks."

It was Pierce. Wade gave out a sigh of relief to hear the familiar voice of his friend. But a part of him was disappointed that it wasn't the bright, angel voice of his love.

"Hey, John. Yeah it has been a while. To what do I own the pleasure?" Wade faked enthusiasm but the distress in his pitch was showing even through a phone.

"I know I'm not exactly the one you want to be hearing from, Wade. But you got to understand that Melody's position is compromised. It has been for years. But even so, I know she still has feelings for you and so do you. She's been trying to keep it together, but she can't keep this up for long."

"What are you trying to tell me?" Wade pushed Pierce to the point.

"Wade, you need to come help her. She hasn't been sleeping. She's overworked. And the stress of everything going on is killing her. She's too proud to admit it, but she's weak without you."

"Look John, I don't think-"

"I swear to God, Wilson," Pierce interrupted. "If you don't get your head out of your ass, I will drag you here by the balls myself so hard your great grandchildren will feel your pain for generations to come."

For the first time in a long time, Wade was speechless.

"Wade," Pierce said in a calm voice. "I haven't known you for long. But I've known Melody for years and years. There's a lot of things that she has done in her life that she's not proud of. Terrible, awful things that will haunt her until she dies. But the one thing she doesn't regret is her feelings for you. And I don't want to see that bright, beautiful girl get destroyed by her own guilt because of what she did to you…."

Wade breathed a broken sigh.

"And, I know, when she met you, she started getting better."


"So please, for her sake. You can either be the hero she needs right now, or you could lose her forever."

Another pause.

"It's your choice."

With that last statement, the line went dead. Weasel stood in front of Wade, watching as he looked blankly at the dead receiver. "So, what's the plan?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I followed you out here the first time. I'll follow you back home."

"We're not going back to New York, Jack. No matter how much miss her…"

"You'll sit here feeling sorry for yourself? That's not the Wade Wilson I know. I haven't seen this guy in years. She may have given you your old face back, but you're still the self-centered piece of shit asshole with the face to match. So, if you're done moping around?"

Wade stayed silent.

Weasel continued, kneeling to eye level with Wade. "Get off your ass and get that girl back."

Wade glared at his friend. "I hate when you're right," he grumbled as he pushed himself off the ground. "So, back home?"

Weasel smirked, following Wade to the door. "Don't worry, buddy," he said condescendingly. "I'm sure you can handle it."

"Fuck you," Wade shot back over his shoulder.

'Can you handle it?' the voice in his head snared. He ignored them. The only thing he wanted to focus on was getting back to Melody. Having her back in his arms, telling her how much he loved her, just the thought of seeing her again made his heart beat faster. He was going to get her back, no matter what.

'What if she doesn't love you back? What if she found someone else already? What will you do then?'

"Whatever it takes," Wade said under his breath as he reached the street. He wasn't going to mess up this time. He wasn't about to let her go again. But the slight feeling of doubt lingered. Would she turn him away again? He couldn't go through that again. Not with her.

But he held his head high. Determination rushing through his veins. Wade walked down the street and didn't look back.

New York hadn't changed since Wade left. The roads were still dirty. The buildings were high and covered with graffiti. And the air was thick with smog and pollution. Home sweet home. The early winter air was brisk and dry. The people on the streets were bundled in coats and scarfs. A few had umbrellas by their sides when the clouds began to darken, and the forecast called for rain. Wade stood on the sidewalk, opposite of the large silver skyscraper that was S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. It's been three weeks since he had moved back to the city, and he still hasn't seen Melody. The word going around is that she was recruited for a training mission in Wakanda. But she had come back a week ago.

Wade didn't mean to stalk her. But he always found himself walking to her apartment on Park Avenue or to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. He would walk around the city each night trying to clear his head and every time he did, he would end up on a bench in central park, looking up at her balcony, hopping she would come our and see him. But she never did. Wade would only see her silhouette against the currents.

She had started smoking again. Mostly at work. Peirce wasn't kidding about her being stressed. Though her golden hair and complexion was still vibrant against the frigged northern air, her shine was dimmed slightly from her depression. At least that was Wade's impression. Her gold came with her smile, which had been fading more and more each day he saw her from an alleyway across from S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. He would watch out of the corner of his eye at Melody as she leaned against the building and take a long drag from her cigarette as she stared up at the dark clouds. After two, she would stomp out the butts with the toes of her boots, sigh, and reluctantly march back up to her office. Every time she left, Wade's heart would fill with sorrow. Everyday he wished she would take just a few more minutes to stay outside; those few minutes might give him the courage he needed to face her again.

But she never did.

If he only had the balls to go up and talk to her, he could have her in his arms in no time. But at night, when he was alone in his apartment, Wade would pace the floor for hours on end trying to resist the urge to walk uptown to see her. The complaints from the down stairs neighbors didn't phase him. He couldn't handle it anymore. He had to see her again. Wither she wanted to see him or not.

Wade pulled himself together. He didn't even bother to change out of jeans and a hoody. He walked down the sidewalk with determination. The streets were still full when it was only ten o'clock at night. Wade knew that her building's doorman left for the evening. He walked all the way uptown to come face to face with the intercom of Melody's apartment. He was nervous. His breath was shallow, and his hands shook as he reached to push the intercom button for her apartment. The soft buzz of the door pierced the night air. Wade caught the handle and quickly entered before she noticed who was calling her from downstairs.

The elevator ride couldn't go fast enough. The dinging increased in annoyance each time Wade heard it. His foot bounced in anticipation. The elevator took Wade up to the top floor. The heavy silver doors opened, slowly revealing the golden door at the end of the hallway. Wade shallowed thickly. His feet felt like lead. Heavy and slow, he made himself move towards the door. He blocked the voices in his head telling him to turn back. Next thing he knew, he was knocking on her door.

Wade held his breathe. He prayed she didn't open the door. Ignore him. Do anything but make him face the mistake he made of coming here tonight. He saw the knob turn and a golden light crept out into the hallway. Melody was looking down at her elegant black gown. She must've been going to some charity event for S.H.I.E.L.D. or something for a contract. Her hair was styled and curled around her face. Her golden skin glowed in the light of her apartment. She was clipping her earrings on when she finally looked up at Wade.

Melody's eyes softened, a smile dared to sneak on her lips. A mist lingered in her eyes. He followed her all the way here. Months later. She wasn't sure if she should kiss him or punch him in the face. She wouldn't have the time to decide which one she wanted to do more.

"Hi, Princess." His words weakened her knees and she feel into his arms.

Melody's lips felt soft against his. Wade held her close and pushed her back into her apartment, closing the door with his foot.