Amalthea: Ok so I've been reading this AMAZING HP/Transformers crossover called Sparks of Magic written by the awesome ChocoholicDiabetic1412 here on FF and needless to say she has sparked some rather adorable yet hilarious ideas for crossovers within the same crossover section. So please enjoy this idea and prepare to laugh your butts off! Kon, Hit it!

Kon: Ok Amalthea, does not own HP, Transformers (Movies or TV series) and any songs that might appear. All she does own is family ties, the pairing and the idea that created this AU and story, Please enjoy and please vote in her Poll on her profile page! This also takes place about 3 days to about 4 and half days before the start of TF: Prime once they make it to Jasper and just a week after the end of the M.O.M fight in book 5 of HP


The 15 year old girl bit her lip gently as she managed to grab her boyfriend's hand despite being handcuffed just like him, The Minster of Magic, old chocolate bar himself read the bogus charges against her and Krad Paxen then told the two that they were to be sent through the veil for being "Dark" magic users in training causing her boyfriend to snort softly while he gently squeezed her hand. The minister then asked if the two of them had any last words causing the two to look at each other with a prankster's spark to their eyes as Krad then said "Just so you know when the REAL truth comes out about me and Lita, just remember you're the ones who screwed yourselves over but for now…"

Carmelita "Lita" Rosa Potter then spoke up and said "You can remember this as the day you LOST the help and trust of Lita Potter and Krad Paxen for when the slag finally hits the fragging fan!"

With that the two lovers stepped back into the veil and tumbled backwards as they held hands all the way through the Arch…

Lita moaned softly as she opened her eyes and hissed at the small but pounding headache she had before she sat up slowly to look around, she was surrounded by trees and one look at the sky told her it was now sunset as she stood up and called out "Shadowstar, where are you, love?"

Lita jumped at hearing a soft rumble behind her and turned to see a MASSIVE metal dragon that was a perfectly blended combination of an Asian dragon and Western dragon with thin metal wires forming the dragon's flowing mane that went to the tip of his tail. The dragon's optics glowed soft toxic green as he lowered his head to the young female who grinned and gently began to stroke his muzzle and said "You OK, my love?"

The dragon rumbled softly then said "I'm fine, Lita…I'm unable to take my organic forms at the moment though. The veil's magic screwed up some of my programs that help me shift back and forth so they'll need to repair themselves before that can happen."

Lita nodded then planted a soft kiss on his muzzle as she said "It's all good, we'll go with the flow for now but we should probably leave the area just in case."

Shadowstar nodded and gently lowered his head as his girlfriend climbed on with practiced ease then took to the sky as his silver, midnight blue and dark purple cybertronian armor blended perfectly with the darkening skies…

2 days later…

Shadowstar let off a soft purr as he looked down at the sleeping femme who won his spark after one of his father's most trusted mechs tried to kill him by shoving him through an experimental portal the guy had been working on only for Lord Primus himself to save him and give him the form of a magic using human. He remembered how Primus asked him to protect Lita until he could return the young mech to his home dimension safely once the time-lines was caught up, he had agreed and the past few years of growing up from being 3 to now being 16 and Lita being 15 had been some of the best times of his life but now he was back home and his girlfriend was with him making him very happy. Shadowstar's thoughts then turned to his dad and his uncle as he hoped the civil war of his planet was finally over but knowing his dad who was stubborn as could be…

Shadowstar chuckled softly then looked up into the lightening skies above as he whispered "I'm finally home and I can't wait to see you and Uncle Orion again, dad…I've missed you guys so much…"

He then turned his head to his girlfriend as she began to stir then sat up with a yawn before looking up at him with a smile and saying "Good morning, love, Ready to travel a bit more?"

Shadowstar chuckled softly and then said "Let's fly, we did just cross over into Nevada last night when we stopped and I think I caught something familiar but it's too faint at the moment to possibly tell."

Lita looked at him curiously causing him to smile at the kitten like look she had then said "I think I detected some cybertronian signals here in Nevada somewhere…"

Lita's eyes lit up happily then she then said "we should get going then… by the way how are your program repairs coming along?"

Shadowstar quickly checked then smiled and said "Just a few hours and they'll be completely repaired finally."

The couple looked at each other happily then Shadowstar lowered his head as Lita climbed on and held on tight to his mane from her spot just behind his head as her love launched upwards into the air as they soared into the sky towards the faint signals her dragon had detected…

Three hours later…

Shadowstar touched down about 15 minutes from Jasper as they hid behind one of the many rock pillars in the area, Lita jumped to the ground then spun and watched in awe as her love quickly shifted to his organic human form and opened his toxic green eyes as he smiled sweetly at her. Lita giggled then tackled him happily as she gave him a passionate kiss which Shadowstar or Krad as he went by in human form gladly returned, they parted after a few seconds as Lita gently brushed a few strands of black hair streaked with the 3 main colors of his armor from his face and asked "So…what should we do? I mean we can't exactly go into town and find somewhere to stay right away, we have no records here and…"

Krad chuckled as he gently placed a lightly tanned finger on her soft pink lips then said "Take it easy, my little nightingale. I think I might have an idea that could work but it means using a few glamour spells to disguise our real looks for now and using those "Puss in Boots" eyes of yours to make our story convincing."

"Oh? What did you have in mind?"

Krad smirked then explained the idea and story behind their disguises as Lita snickered but had to admit that the plan had a high chance of working out for them, they then cast the spells and also made their clothes looked really roughed up and old before they trudged into town with Lita acting very skittish and scared at everything while Krad looked determined but wary as he made sure to keep looking over his shoulder every few minutes as his arm wrapped around Lita's shoulders while walking through the small town of Jasper Nevada. It wasn't long before a local officer noticed the two and noticed the way they were acting before approaching them and asking "excuse me you two but are you all right?"

Krad pitched his voice a bit higher than normal and said "Not really officer, me and my girlfriend who also happens to be my traveling companion….finally escaped a few weeks ago from a group of people that had killed the last remains of our families we lived with when very young and kidnapped us…"

The officer froze in shock then said "let's get you two down to station, get your story then find somewhere safe for you to stay for now, OK?"

Krad nodded and then turned his head to Lita as he said "Let's go, 19…he can help us avoid detection for now hopefully…"

Lita then nodded then said in a very quiet and shy voice filled with slight "fear", "OK, 20…I trust you…"

The officer held back a growl at the two teens calling themselves by numbers and got them into the patrol car as he asked the young male, "May I ask what your real names are?"

"We don't know to be honest….we had been too little to remember our real names when taken and they always just called us by the numbers…the people who took us always seemed to be testing us and drawing blood for some reason. We took the chance to run after I overheard them saying something about getting rid of me and 19 permanently as we served our purpose to them…"

Needless to say the next two days was a bit of whirlwind of activity as the officer who helped them managed to get them staying with an elderly lady who need help around her home which the two were more than willing to do in return for being able to stay with her for now...


Optimus sat on his berth as he gazed down at an old picture with a sad wistful smile, His brother stood next to him in the picture with their arm around each other's shoulders while a small sparkling resembling his brother sat on the interlinked arms holding up with both hands in what humans called a peace sign with a mile wide grin on the little one's face. Optimus stared down at the sparkling in the picture in fond remembrance of the green eyed sparkling often giving him and his brother run for their money for somehow finding all sorts of trouble while his Sister in law, primus bless her departed spark, was out running errands leaving them to babysit his nephew. Optimus sighed as an old wish/dream made its way into his head "What I would give to have those days back again….when everything was going alright…"

Optimus then sighed as he got a call from Ratchet on their private comm.-line and quickly placed the picture back on the small shelf above his desk before heading out to talk with the cranky medic; little did the Autobot leader know about the surprise he would soon receive within only a day or 2…

A Day and half later…

Lita and Krad smiled as they walked down the street holding hands when Krad suddenly stopped looking like he was staring at something only he could see before suddenly giving an excited grin to Lita's confusion, Krad then said "Hey love…why don't we head out towards the truck-stop on the edge of town? I heard something about a rather cool looking Semi-truck being parked there today."

Lita blinked then realized he knew something she didn't but she nodded as they quickly hurried towards the truck stop where she spotted a large red, blue and silver semi-truck parked near the exit next to the highway, Krad then leaned in as he gently kissed her cheek and whispered softly, "Head to the washroom and release the glamour spells then meet me outside once I get back from my own bathroom break…"

Lita nodded then did as asked as she entered the female washroom which was thankfully empty of other people as she released the spells then walked out the door to the meeting spot, she waited only 5 minutes when her boyfriend came out with his waist length hair done in a tight braid and wearing a turtleneck deep teal colored tank top and tight black jeans with black and teal sneakers completing the look. Krad made his way over to her and gave her a gentle kiss as he then took her hand and began leading her towards the large semi she had noticed earlier…

10 minutes earlier…

Optimus could feel himself tremble as they finally got an identification of the cybertronian life signal they had been receiving over the past few days earlier that morning and it took everything he had to not race out of the hideout like a bat out of hell to go get his nephew right that minute, he waited quietly in the parking lot he was in then took a deep breath as he signaled his nephew to open his private comm.-line. He only waited a few seconds before got an answer over the line, "This is Shadowstar, may I ask who this is?"

"My designation is Optimus Prime but I believe you know me by a far more familiar name, Shadowstar…does the name Orion Pax sound familiar to you?"


Optimus couldn't hold back his amused chuckle at the excitement in his nephew's voice as he then said "Hello nephew…it's been a long time."

"You think? Where are you and is dad OK? What about the others like Uncle Sound wave, Uncle Cliffjumper and Cousin Bee?"

"One question at a time, Shadow….I'm currently at the Jasper truck stop and I'm not sure about my brother….We haven't talked at all in years and the three you mentioned are fine, at least what for as far as I know about Soundwave…but Cliffjumper and Bumblebee are back at the Autobot base at the moment and are fine."

"Dad's still being a stubborn as the Pit afthole, huh?"

"Sadly yes but we can talk about that later but for now, is there any way you can come to me and we can head back to the base together?"

"I sure can but I have a bit of a request to make, Uncle Orion…"

Optimus snorted and said in a joking tone, "No you can't bring your pet turbo-fox to base…."

"Oh ha-ha, that's very funny uncle Orion. No, my request is I have my girlfriend with me who knows my secret and can help me explain where I've been for last few years and I'm wondering if she can come with us….she has no family left at all so…"

"That is no problem nephew, I would be honored to meet her and hopefully help her prepare to meet your father once that time comes…"

"Yeah….my money's on Lita once that happens. Dad wasn't kidding when he said I was probably going meet a girl with a temper like Mom's and fall helm over peds for her…"

"You're kidding me…It actually happened?!"

"Yep….needless to say, I try NOT to get on her bad side…"

Optimus then swore softly to himself then thought "Looks like I owe him that bottle of High-grade then…I can't believe that joke bet we made actually came true."

He then cleared his thoughts and said to Shadowstar, "The sooner you can get here the better time we can make back to base, just look for a large Red, Blue and silver semi without a trailer in the parking lot."

"Sure thing Uncle Orion, You need to keep an eye out for two teens. The guy will have black hair with the colors of my armor streaked in it while it's in a braid down to his waist; the girl will have sea jade colored eyes, really dark auburn hair and an emerald green choker around her neck with a silver crescent moon on it. That's going to be me and Lita."

Optimus agreed then they shut the comm.-line as Optimus waited quietly for the two teens to arrive, he then noticed two teens come out of the truck stop fitting the description he had been given and were starting to head towards him. He quietly waited until they were close enough for him hear what they were saying as the Young male then said "I wonder where Uncle Orion is? He did say he'd meet us here at his truck…"

Optimus activated his holoform program and stepped out of his actual body with a smile as he called to his nephew, "Shadow, I'm over here."

He watched as his nephew grinned and quickly led the very pretty teen girl with him over as he then gave Optimus a hug which the Autobot leader gladly returned, Shadowstar then stepped back and held his hand out to the young girl as he said "Uncle Orion, This is my Girlfriend, Carmelita Potter but we mostly call her Lita for short. Lita, this is my Uncle Orion I've told you about."

Optimus shook hands with her as she then said with a sweet smile "It's a real pleasure to meet you, Mister Pax… Krad's told me so much about you."

"Please call me Orion in private and Optimus around my team; it's certainly nice to meet you too, Miss Potter."

"If I can call you by your First name then please call me Lita, it's only fair."

Optimus chuckled then said "Why don't we head back and we can talk?"

The teens nodded then climbed into the cab as Optimus dismissed his holoform before pulling out of the Truck stop parking lot and heading out towards the base…

15 minutes later…

Shadowstar chuckled as he listened to his Uncle and his love debate about favorite books they liked to read as his Uncle drove down the highway towards the outskirts of Jasper, he then noticed his Uncle turn off the road and head straight for the nearby Cliffs as a door suddenly opened and they drove inside into what appeared to be an old military base hidden inside the cliffs. Optimus came to a stop then opened his doors as Lita and Shadowstar climbed out then stood off to the side as Optimus returned to his "humanoid" mode, Shadowstar then grinned and gave his love a mischievous look as she sighed in amusement and said "I'm not to blame if anyone attacks you in that form…."

Optimus looked on in slightly confused amusement as Lita backed away from Shadowstar whose form blurred suddenly as a young mech took the male teen's place before offering his hand to Lita who quickly climbed on as he placed her on his shoulder where she cuddled into his neck happily. Optimus blinked then looked at his Nephew for an explanation as Shadowstar gave a small chuckle and said "it's a REALLY long story; Uncle and I'd really just want to tell it only once if that's OK…"

Optimus gave his nephew an understanding look then said "We have about an hour to an hour and half before the others come back from patrol and Ratchet finishes his….catnap in the medic bay. You can explain everything then but until then….why don't I get you caught up on what's been going on since I last saw you…"

"That would be awesome, Uncle Orion. I've really missed you guys…"

Optimus smiled and then said "I've missed you too, youngling. I'm just glad you're OK…"

An hour and 15 minutes later…

Arcee, Bulkhead, Bumblebee and Cliffjumper all rolled into the base only to see an unknown but strangely familiar Mech talking with Optimus and Ratchet who had looks of amusement on their faces at what was being said and a small but pretty teenaged human girl sitting on the mech's shoulder with a bright smile as she tried to hide her soft giggles, Cliffjumper was the first to speak up as he stepped forward and said "Optimus…who's the new guy?"

The four slightly jumped then the unknown Mech turned causing Cliffjumper and Bumblebee's optics to widen in shock as Bee erupted in cheerful clicks and whistles of delight while Cliff promptly grinned and said "Well I'll be, Shadowstar! When did you get here?"

The young mech grinned and then said "Just got to the base today but me and my Girlfriend have been in Jasper for 3 ½ days already. How have been you, Uncle Cliff?"

"I'm good and what's this about a girlfriend because I certainly don't see another Femme around here…"

Shadowstar just smirked and pointed to the teen sitting on his shoulder with the words "Guys… Meet Lita, Lita meet some of my extended family. And before you guys ask, we are going to explain how we met and everything that's happened since I last saw you guys…"

With that the Autobots quickly got comfortable as Shadowstar and Lita began their story….