Tooth Ache –by MissKireiUchiha

Misaki groaned as she placed her palm on her cheek. She had been eating her pancakes peacefully on a Sunday morning until her tooth started aching. She got up and went to the bathroom.

After swirling a good amount of Listerine for some time, Misaki sighed in defeat. She laid on her stomach and pressed her cheek on the mattress.

"What's wrong?" Takumi inquired genuinely as he walked inside the bedroom with his spectacles in his hand. Misaki lifted her face to look at him properly, he was just back from the gym. She pouted and placed her cheek back on the mattress.

"Nuffin'" she mumbled.

"Eh?" Takumi raised an eyebrow as he placed the spectacles on the nightstand. He took off the sweaty gray T-shirt he had been wearing.

"Nothing! Oww!" Misaki grumbled as she placed her hand on the cheek again.

"What's wrong, Misa?" Takumi approached her, he placed his hand on her cheek and looked in her eyes.

Misaki blushed red, she backed off immediately. They were only a few months married and frankly, even after so many years of being together, she was still not used to him being so close to her. It did weird things to her.

Takumi chuckled at her cuteness as he waited for her to speak.

"Y-You!" Misaki wailed, "Stay away! You sweaty p-pervert! Don't spoil my sheets with your sweaty pheromones! Go bathe!" She yelled at him. Takumi laughed.

"As you wish, Milady. You're welcome to join if you want" He winked as he went inside the bathroom.

Misaki looked away, "As if I would want to bathe with an alien like you!" She spat. She went back to burying her face in the pillow, but this time it was more to hide her blush and embarrassment. She heard his chuckle as the shower started running. She got up and took out clothes for him from the closet which consisted of a simple black polo and khaki pants. Knowing the dangers of seeing him naked when he got out, she immediately got out as her mind got filled with perverted images.

"I've become a pervert like him, great" She muttered to herself as she went out and rubbed her cheek. She went inside his study, which more or less looked like a mini clinic, and picked up a random book to ready from the mini library. She could never get over the amount of books they had in here. Takumi sure could read. Majority of his books were medical texts, and various encyclopedias. There were many kinds of books. In fact, Misaki didn't even know how many genre of books her husband had. She knew he liked poetry and literature the most. They had another study room in the large mansion which was for Misaki. She kept her law related texts there. Misaki flipped through the pages of a random cooking book, wondering why she couldn't even make an omelet.

"Ouch" Misaki grumbled as she felt another wave of pain hit her. "Stupid fucking tooth! Just come off already!" she complained to the empty walls as she tried to soothe the pain, but nothing came to mind.

Misaki laid down on the couch as she fought back the tears that were welling up. She was not going to cry over a stupid tooth! She. Was. Not! She laid on her stomach as she tried to ignore the pain that had been bothering her. She stilled when she felt a hand run over her long hair. Takumi. She didn't even dare to look at him, he was too close. Too close for her. Her heart fluttered when he placed a chaste kiss in her hair and pulled her head in his lap.

Misaki blushed and looked at him. She wished she didn't now, he gave her a charming smile as he kissed her on the lips, his wet hair lightly brushed against her skin and she felt the hair on her body stand up. She secretly inhaled his scent as he ran his hands through her hair tenderly. He was wearing her favorite cologne and smelled like forests and himself. She sighed in content as she buried her face in his lap. His body warmth trapped her. She loved it when he was so close to her. His strong masculine scent had always driven herself towards him, not that she would admit it. And his cologne only made Misaki's temptation worse.

"Hi there" Takumi spoke as he rubbed his nose against her cheek lovingly, Misaki almost died inside as her heart skipped another beat. He smelled phenomenal! She inhaled his scent as she felt pleased, "Hi…" she blushed.

"Are you going to tell me what hurts now?" Takumi inquired as he interlocked his fingers with hers. Misaki almost forgot her pain as his warmth engulfed her. She sat up gingerly and looked at him with a pleading look, "You're not going to laugh"

"Promise" Takumi vowed.

"Uh, m-my tooth hurts" Misaki looked at her wedding ring as she spoke embarrassedly, she rubbed her cheek at the spot where it hurt unconsciously.

"Okay, can I look?" Takumi let go of her hand and cupped her cheek.

"N-No! I mean, it's scary" Misaki muttered as she scooted away from him. Hospitals and doctors really freaked her out, she didn't know why she married one.

"Because you love me" Takumi finished her thought as he pulled her closer. Misaki froze, "S-Stop reading my mind you perverted outer-space alien!"

"It's Dr. Walker for you" Takumi spoke as he got up and fetched a small kit from his drawers. He took out rubber gloves and put them on with ease, he looked at Misaki and used his fingers to call her, "Come here now, Misa-Chan"

"Don't be scary like that!" Misaki muttered as she backed off. For all she knew, Usui just might take out a giant thingy to take her tooth out! She was NOT going to trust him!

"C'mere" Takumi sat down on the couch and looked at her, "See? I'm harmless. I promise I won't hurt you" he smiled at her. Misaki flushed red as she took small steps towards him.

"I'll kill you if you played a prank on me" She warned as she sat next to him.

"I wouldn't dare, Milady" He promised again as he pulled her into his lap.

Misaki opened her mouth cautiously. She laid down uncomfortably and remained stiff like a frozen block of ice. Takumi chuckled.

"W-What!?" Misaki growled.

Takumi patted her head, "You're too stiff, loosen up, honey, It's just me"

Misaki nodded as she relaxed into a more comfortable position, she opened up her mouth and closed her eyes in horror.

"Can you open it more?" Takumi asked as he went into full doctor mode, he still talked very softly to her though. Misaki opened an eye to observe him as she opened her mouth wider. He looked so serious and all "doctor-ish" with those gloves and specs. She fought back a smile as she thought about how he always had that calming effect on her. Maybe he had that effect on his patients too. He must be a great doctor, she mused.

"Okay" Takumi spoke as he took out a metal stick thing-y. (Misaki didn't know what it was, it was like a thin pencil"

"Now, you'll tell me where it hurts, okay?"

"Okay" she mumbled.

"Does it hurt here?" He poked her tooth lightly with the thingy. Misaki shrugged, "No"

"Here?" He poked another one.

"Nu-uh" Misaki mumbled with an open mouth.

"This one?"




"This one?"




"This one?"



"Owuch!" Misaki cried out in pain as she shut her eyes. Honestly, she cried out more than it had actually hurt.

"I didn't even poke it that hard" Takumi pouted as he caressed her back.

"I was scared, okay!?" Misaki yelled as she placed her hand on her cheek.

"Okay, okay. Now, let me see clearly" He spoke as he put her back in his lap. "You're going to open your mouth as wide as you can okay?"


Takumi used a small flash light as he examined her tooth. After a good twenty seconds, he let go. He walked towards the drawers and took out some dressing and cotton. He picked it up with tweezers and came back to Misaki.

"Open up"

Misaki opened her mouth again nervously. Takumi kneeled down next to the couch and leaned over her. Misaki blushed red at their proximity and failed at trying to keep her mouth open. After a while, she just closed her eyes and tried to distract herself.

Takumi chuckled as he placed the dressing inside the empty cavity and patted her head as he stood up, "All done, for now"

"T-Thank you" Misaki rubbed her cheek consciously as she sat up.

"So, you have an infected cavity"

"Okay, and?" Misaki looked at him as if he had grown two heads.

"You're going to get a root canal treatment" Takumi spoke as calmly as he could. On the other hand, Misaki shrieked, "ROOT CANAL?! No way! It's too painful, Shintani got it done last year since he ate too much chocolate. He was freakin' crying! Suzuna had to cradle him like a child!" Misaki wailed as she thought about the painful procedure.

Takumi chuckled, "Tsk, Tsk, Poor Sanshita-kun!"

"Stop calling him insignificant boy! He's a man already" Misaki face palmed.

"He'll always be insignificant boy to me" Takumi hummed.

"Alien" Misaki mouthed.

"So, do you want me to treat you or you wanna go to a dentist instead?"

"How would you know how to treat a root canal infection!?"

"You underestimate me" Takumi pouted like a child, "I have a degree in dentistry too, I had a lot of free time in medical school so I joined both dentistry and doctorate" He spoke stoically.

"You really are an alien" Misaki gaped at him. Was there anything he couldn't do?

"I'm really hurt to know that Misa-Chan knows nothing about me while I even know that Misa-Chan's wearing a sexy black bra and matching panty with laces today" Takumi scoffed.

Misaki turned red with embarrassment, "What the hell, you pervert!? How do you—?" she was speechless.

"If I wouldn't know, then I would lose my reputation as your perverted outer-space alien, wouldn't I?" Takumi mused.

"S-Shut up!" Misaki looked away.

"Anyway" Takumi said, as he picked up his wallet and car keys, "I need to get some medicines for my wife, I'll be back soon. Don't burn the kitchen up, honey" He winked as he turned to leave.

Misaki walked behind him, "W-Wait!"

"What is it? Something you want me to bring?" Takumi inquired.

"I wanna…I wanna go with you too" Misaki spoke as she looked here and there, trying to avoid his gaze.

Takumi's eyes widened as he heard the words come out of her mouth. She wanted to see his workplace. He was fucking ecstatic. He picked up and swirled her around, "Of course" he smiled.

"P-Put me down!" Misaki howled as a blush covered her face, "At least let me change, pervert!"

"Alright, Can I watch?" Takumi followed her like a small child.

"NO!" She yelled as she closed the closet door behind her.

Misaki stared at the large line of clothes that were hung inside the closet. When she had gotten married, her wardrobe had been replaced from jeans and sweats to an entire feminine range of clothes, courtesy of Aoi's yelling, Suzuna's sneaking, her mom's requesting, and her friends' persuading. She had face palmed when she had looked at her new wardrobe. She had even learned how to use a little makeup.

Misaki picked out a high waist navy blue pleated skirt and a red blouse. The skirt reached somewhere above her knees, in the mid-thigh region. She picked out red sandals that weren't too high and tied her hair up into a sleek pony. She grabbed a beige leather sling bag and wore her diamond studs to finish the look. The makeup was kept to a minimum and she was ready in fifteen minutes.

"Let's go" she muttered as she picked up her phone and placed it in her sling bag, she avoided Takumi's gaze and hurried outside. Takumi stood there speechless and wide eyes as he walked behind his beautiful wife. She really was so sly sometimes…

Takumi opened the door for his pretty wife and leaned in after she sat down. "Wh-What are you doing?!" Misaki blushed at his proximity.

Takumi pulled out the seat belt and secured it around her, "Nice and tight" He murmured.

"I could have done it myself" she blushed.

"I know, but now I get to do this" Takumi spoke as he gave her an open mouthed kiss. He deepened the kiss as he found Misaki responding. He let go a while later, when they both were panting for air. He chuckled as he patted her head and closed the door.

Misaki was flustered after that, she looked out nervously, trying to ignore him. Takumi's face in the mirror caught her attention though. She pulled out a tissue as she giggled.

"What?" Takumi raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Takumi" She laughed as she wiped off her lipstick from his lips using the tissue. A light blush tinted his cheeks as he looked at her laughing. He stared dumbly at her, mesmerized, as she wiped off the lipstick off his face.

"Misaki" Takumi spoke in a low voice as he caught her wrist, Misaki froze in her spot, "W-What?" her heart fluttered.

"You have some of it" Takumi traced his fingers under her lower lip, "Here" where the lipstick was smeared. "And here" he traced his finger around her swollen lips, where the lipstick was smeared.

"Oh!" Misaki bit her lip as she felt his fingers on her face. Her heart beat wildly in her chest as she closed her eyes.

"Here" Takumi quietly gave her a tissue. Misaki almost complained when he had stopped, but took the tissue and fixed her lipstick instead. She took out a spare lipstick from her sling bag and put it on again.

Takumi sighed as he started the car. They drove away as he shoved his hormones somewhere, her pain was more important to him right now.

Misaki squirmed in her seat as Takumi's hands left her. She glanced in his direction one last time as she tried to control her new-found needs and focused on the outside scenery instead.

They reached the Walker hospital in fifteen minutes. The Walker Hospital was one of the largest hospital chains in Asia and Europe. They provided great facilities. It had been Gerard's idea to give the Asian market in Takumi's care. Takumi had decided to launch the hospitals as he decided to put his degree to use. After nursing his grandfather and brother to complete health, he had become the reliable doctor of the Raven castle. After he and Misaki got married, he had shifted back to Japan and took care of the business in Asia. However, the business became a secondary job as he started the hospital chain. He hired reliable people to look after the business and divided his days for medical practice and business management.

The doors were opened by the chauffeur and Misaki got out. She had visited the Walker Corp before, but she never got a chance to visit the hospital. She walked hand in hand with Takumi in the large corridors of the hospital. She decided that she had liked it immediately. It was very clean and for once, it didn't smell of shitty medicines. The young couple was greeted by many people as they made their way inside. Misaki bowed and greeted everyone back. She even noticed the hostile looks she got from the female populace of the hospital. She understood why, she had "taken" their crush. She looped her arm in his arm as they walked along, earning annoyed and jealous looks from the ladies. Misaki ignored them all as she looked ahead.

"Jealous much?" Takumi chuckled as he saw his cute wife looping arms with him. He pulled her close. "Shut up" Misaki pouted.

They soon reached his cabin where Takumi rummaged through his drawers for medicines and Misaki looked around. There were so many pictures of him and her that she was embarrassed. Her husband was an alien, she decided.

It was a large spacious room with many shelves. There were medical texts placed there. How much could this man read? She mused. It was similar to his office in the Walker Corp, except that here he was Dr. Takumi Walker. Misaki smiled as she looked at a picture of Takumi receiving an award. She was so proud of him.

"I still don't know how you juggle being a CEO and a doctor" Misaki spoke before thinking as she looked around in his cabin.

"It's because I'm a perverted outer-space alien from planet pheromones who lives off Misa-Chan's love" Takumi recited the line like a nursery rhyme and Misaki could only face palm.

"I've gotten your medicines right here" Takumi pointed at the small pouch sitting on the table. "We'll start your treatment tomorrow onwards, do you think you can drop by from work?"

"What time?" Misaki asked.

"Whenever you are free?"

"But what if you're busy that time?"

"I'm never busy for you" He smiled.

Misaki blushed, "S-Shut up! How about 4pm?"

"Suits me, we can go home together then" Takumi clapped his hands like a kid.

"You're weird, Alien" Misaki noted.

"Only for you, my love" Takumi spoke as he hugged her.

"Too cheesy" Misaki mumbled as she breathed in his scent. She placed her hands on his chest as Takumi rubbed her back soothingly.

"Does it hurt?" He inquired.

"What hurts?" Misaki asked.

"Your tooth, silly wife" Takumi chuckled as he pulled her closer.

"N-No" She spoke as she buried her face in his shirt. She tiptoed and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Don't start what you can't complete, Misaki" He warned her as he kissed her ear. Misaki blushed as she pushed him off, "I don't know what you're talking about" She walked out of his cabin, "Can you show me the other rooms?"

"Sure, what do you want to see?" Takumi walked behind her as he grabbed her medicines.

"How about the operation theatre?"

"Okay" Takumi took her hand, there were many operation theatres, at least one on each floor. He took her to the nearest one on the same floor.

"C'mere" Takumi walked inside a room and Misaki followed. It was pitch black inside,

"T-Takumi? I can't—!" Misaki froze as the lights opened.

There was a fucking huge skeleton hanging in front of her face. It was only centimeters away from her. She screamed and tried to get back, but she stumbled into something and fell flat on her face—but Takumi caught her just in time and she landed on his strong chest instead.

"I hate you!" She yelled as tears came out of her eyes relentlessly. She pushed him back and wiped her tears using the back of her hand.

Takumi stood there frozen, okay, he had really done it now. He didn't mean for her to get scared this much. Okay, maybe he went too far…

"Misaki, I'm sor—"

"No! I hate you, and I'm not talking to you" She stomped out of the room as she wiped her face. Luckily, there was nobody around. She leaned against the wall as she placed her trembling hands on her chest. It might have been funny for him but it sure as hell wasn't fun for her! She freaking almost died!

He searched around for her after she left, Takumi was beyond sorry. She hadn't said she hated him in a while now, he heard it after so long that it caught him off guard. He looked for her frantically and stopped when he saw his poor wife leaning against the wall. She was trembling, poor thing. Takumi walked towards her, he was fucking stupid.

"Misaki, I'm sorry for being a jerk to you"

No replies.

She wiped her eyes again as another hiccup escaped her lips. She looked away as she gripped the heart shaped pendant in her neck.

Takumi bent down on one knee as he looked down, he felt truly sorry now.

"I shouldn't have done that, I will accept any punishment. Can you forgive me? I'll even sleep on the couch if you want, I—"Takumi was silenced as he felt Misaki's hand pull him up. He stood up, his height being almost a foot than her. She placed her trembling hands on his chest as she buried her face in his chest, right where his heart was. She hiccupped again, "I'm s-sorry, I was s-scared. When I said I hate-ed you, I-I didn't mean it" She spoke between hiccups as more tears came out.

Takumi patted her head as he embraced her into a hug. He ran soothing circles on her tiny back, "I'm sorry honey, and I'm such a jerk"

He kept soothing her till her breath evened and her hiccups stopped. He kissed her forehead, "Let's get you water and then we can decide on my punishment"

"I love you" Misaki spoke as she rested her head on his chest.

"I love you more, darling" Takumi spoke truthfully.

"I'll show you the operation theatre tomorrow" He spoke slowly.

"Okay" Misaki mumbled as they exited the hospital.

AN: Next Update Within 24 hours, READ_REVIEW_FAVORITE_FOLLOW