A/N- Continuation on from The One with the Devil

Caroline hadn't known what to expect when she came to New Orleans.

Definitely not Alaric having decided to visit with their daughters in tow.

Definitely not him having caused so much trouble that half the unsired vampires in town were after his head.

Definitely not arriving in a panic to find that Klaus had taken in Liz and Josie but had fed them red cordial and given them a puppy each.

Definitely not rescuing Alaric only to have him pack up their daughters and drive away when her back was turned.

But what she could have expected the very least?

Like, if she'd made a list of one to a hundred things that she would never have expected, and then turned it over and written the things that didn't even make the list because they were just so crazy?

Going to a hotel to piss off the Devil was it.

This part of Canal St was only hotels and she weaves her way around the tourists as she stuffs her hands into the pockets of her trench coat, keeping her head down in the hopes of not being recognized by any of the supernaturals that might be in the area.

The foyer of the Saint Hotel was tasteful white marble until you saw the two stone cherubs above the check-in desk, still, Caroline made her way straight past the man to the private elevator and took out the key card she'd had programmed a week ago.

A flash of green light and the cage begins its ascent and despite herself, Caroline can't resist thinking that she should be going down, not up.

There is barely a hallway between the elevator and the black lacquered door but it's still open by the time she takes the one step necessary.

"Hey Care," a voice purrs, as its owner leans seductively against the door, one arm stretched up and showing off the manicured nails, soft hand and fine wrist.

"Katherine," she nods, moving quickly to dart past her before the other woman could jut out a hip and make body contact.

Because at the moment, the only thing Katherine- the Devil- Pierce was wearing was a two and a half thousand-dollar Agent Provocateur body suit and Caroline could see that while it was new, it had already filled its intended purpose.

"I'm here for Elijah." she states as she makes her way into the hotel suite and pointedly ignores the scent of sex and depravity.

Katherine follows her with a cat-that-got-the-cream smirk and a walk that was all rolling hips,

"I hope you don't need him for anything urgent," she teases, moving to the living room and standing by the couch, "Otherwise you might be as screwed as him."

Caroline moves forward and finally lays eyes on her boyfriend's brother.

More than she'd wanted to see of him.

At least there was black silk covering his junk, but that was the only thing keeping him decent.

He was lying across the couch on his back, showing off a body that had a surprising amount of tattoos on it considering its owner was super stuffy.

"Did you snap his neck?" Caroline asked, bending over to study him with concern.

"Nope," Katherine said, taking a flute of some red cocktail and sipping it, "I just exhausted him."

Caroline didn't even know it was possible to exhaust an Original outside of a fight and, in spite of herself, raises her eyebrows questioningly,

"Six and thirteen seem to be the lucky numbers," Katherine sighed, looking "He can either go for thirteen orgasms or six hours but after that,"

One of his hands is flung over the side of the couch, touching the carpet and she prods it gently with her foot,

"Shame," she sighs, "You might as well take him, and get some blood into him, if you don't need him for anything too apocalyptic, I might be able to get another round out of him tonight."

Caroline feels a little like a pimp as she takes a blood bag out of her purse, grabs a glass by the coffee maker and sets the drink by the coffee table, knowing the smell would rouse Elijah better than shaking his shoulder could.

Meanwhile, Katherine had sauntered over to the large floor-to-ceiling windows and was standing there admiring the bright, afternoon sun,

"I'm hungry," she murmured as Caroline joined her,

"But I can't decide between something heavy like a Planned Parenthood Pro-life Protestor or just an entitled Starbucks customer."

Only Katherine could talk about murder and consumption of souls as if it was a discussion over whether to get Thai or Italian food.

"You should know," Caroline warned her, "People are starting to get concerned."

Katherine smirked, "About Elijah? But I take good care of him, I feed him, play with him and give him lots of love and attention."

Caroline rolled her eyes, "I'm serious, the Tremaine witches are threatening war and the vampires are freaked. The Originals are something to be worried about on a regular day, but you're the literal Devil and you act like you're aligned with them."

Katherine scoffed, "Please, I'm as aligned with them as much as a regular person is aligned with a fast food worker, they provide me with a source of nourishment and in return, I behave myself…well," she looks about the messy room, "Most of the time."

Caroline pinches the bridge of her nose, she's about to issue another warning but there's movement behind them and Elijah pads into the bedroom, having miraculously found his suit pants but still shirtless. He notes Caroline's presence with a polite smile,

"Darling," he turns to Katherine, "Do you know where the rest of my outfit is?"

"You know I don't like it when you put your clothes on," Katherine says with a pout, "But try by the stripper pole."

Caroline resisted the urge to shudder, "Please tell me you'll think about what I said." she pleads with Katherine as she walks her to the door, Elijah following in their wake as he buttoned up his shirt,

Katherine shrugged and the chains on her bodysuit jingled,

"Maybe," she teased, "If I don't have anything more exciting to think about."

Elijah's still pale and clearly exhausted but he wraps an arm around Katherine as the elevator doors open and the two of them spend a solid minute kissing passionately and grinding against each other like two teen virgins at their second dance.

Fortunately, Caroline came prepared.

She takes the gun out of her handbag and shoots them both with barely melted ice water.

Some of it lands on Katherine's breast and she shrieks,

"Bitch, I am literally the Devil." she seethes as Caroline slips the gun back into her bag,

"And literally a slut," she snaps, grabbing Elijah and dragging him into the elevator,

"God bless you." She calls just before the doors close.