Hey guys! This is my first KHR fanfiction so I'm really excited on how this story will let develop! Review at the end and tell me what you think of this first chapter!

Summary: A girl who seemingly had no past, present, and future, died and was reincarnated in to the KHR world. Does she go the same path as she did in her past life, or will she finally choose a new path that she wants? Join her adventure as she meets the Vongola 10th and his family and many others who will slowly influence her life, as she will with them. Rated T for mild swearing. OC/?

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR, only my OCs. Any person, place, or event that happens in this story that may be similar to another work is purely coincidental.

On with the story~

P. S. Pairing with the OC is not decided yet.

P. S. S. Someone informed me that this story is similar to another author's. But let me make this clear: I DEFINITELY did not copy anyone, now will I ever. Any similar events, characters, and ideas are purely coincidental. Thank you for reading :)

You know how people say that being reincarnated is so cool? Like it's the best thing that will ever happen to you...?

Well...that's not really the case for me. I don't think that being reincarnated is cool. I definitely don't think that it's the best thing that happened to me. It's kinda the opposite for me really...

My daily life consisted of eating, going to school, procrastinating or maybe studying sometimes, watch anime especially Katekyo Hitman Reborn until 5 am, then sleep. Repeat the cycle.

So as you can see, my life was...let's just go with: boring. Well...except for the watching KHR part.

See how I'm using past tense? As you can see, I died. Yes...died. I know it's cliché, but deal with it. How I died was kinda embarrassing really... but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

I drowned. I was trying to see how long I could last underwater. I ended up going over a minute and my breath was draining fast, but I couldn't pull myself up the pool fast enough because my legs gave away on me due to the lack of oxygen. Now I'm wondering...has anybody found me yet? Probably not... So, pretty embarrassing, huh?

I didn't have parents because they died when I was young so I had to live by myself. I didn't really bother making friends because it was troublesome for me. In short...I basically had nobody. Nada. Zilch.

So you see why I hate the idea of reincarnation? Because I don't want to live the same life all over again. Nope...not gonna happen.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention...my name is Alexandra Emeryl. Or should I say...was.

Because life decided to be a bitch.

I blinked my eyes open.

"Aweeee...Ricardo, do you see her fluffy cheeks? She's absolutely adorable! And her eyes too!" A woman gushed.

"Of course, Mari sweetheart. She got my looks! And my eyes!" A man exclaimed, most likely Ricardo.

From what I could see, the woman pretended to glare at Ricardo and said, "Excuse me, but Kana-chan got my looks! And my nose!" Ricardo snorted in disbelief.

They continued to argue back and forth on who I looked liked until I fell asleep again.

My last thoughts were:

I'm a baby.

A baby...So they're most likely my parents. If they aren't...well, they sure are very good actors.

Reincarnation sure is proving to be troublesome.

At 3 years old...

Life was good so far...

Actually it was crappy as sh*t... and I remembered everything from my past life. Which of course, included some cuss words...Hooray! That was sarcasm, by the way...

I finally found out that my full name was Kana Riessfeld...or rather Reissfeld Kana. And we lived in Italy.

Pretty far from Alexandra Emeryl, if I might say so... Actually, that was pretty reasonable cause my name in my previous life was in English cause I was born in the one and only America, and my name now is in Japanese cause I'm in Japan...

Why was I explaining this again? Never mind...

Anywaysssss...my mom is full Japanese and my dad is full Italian. So that makes me half of each and of course, they made me learn both languages to perfection. And other languages too. German, Mandarin, Korean, Spanish, English, French...at the age of 3!

It was a nightmare as crap and the tutors were f*cking annoying and they irritated me to hell!

I was going to Mafia Elementary soon so my mom thought that it would be wise to hire me a trainer so I could start training. Who the f*ck starts school at the age of 3? And at a school with the name of Mafia Elementary? Do they teach us how to run around like fools and act like mafias like a drama theatre school?

I hope my trainer wouldn't be as sh*tty as the other tutors I had though. One can only hope.

But of course the world hates me so much and decided to make my life a living hell. My tutors name was Colonello, a freaking infant...baby...or whatever you wanna call it...

Again, a freaking baby!

A baby who dragged me off my heavenly bed at freaking 5 am in the morning (How'd he even get in my bedroom!?) and tells me, no, commands me to run at full speed at our first meeting, around the house compound. It was gigantically huge too because my parents were filthy rich as crap due to some business they do. I hope they aren't secretly criminals who deals with alcohol drugs though...that would be bad. And considering that they don't let me go out much...NO! Don't think about that, Kana! I mean, Alexandra! No, I mean Kana! Whatever!

Anyways! Back to the topic...of course I didn't really pay attention to the kid because, well...he was a kid. But of course, I was again proven wrong because he suddenly shoved a sniper in my head and threaten to shoot me if I don't start running. He did an example by blasting of the huge rock beside us to smithereens. Why does he even have a falcon on his head again?

"H-how...?" I was confused as hell... How in the world is he so strong!? How is that even possible! It defies the law of physics! Not that I even knew the law of physics anyways... but that's besides the point...

He snickered. "That's what'll happen to you if you don't run, kora!"

'Kora'? What the actual *fuck? But then he shoved the sniper at my head again which forced me, against you will of course, to start running. Slowly...

"Oy, kora! If you don't run at full speed, I'll shoot you!" He threatened me again.

If I wasn't any athletic in my previous life, I was sure as hell that I wasn't this time...

'Ahhhhhhhhh'! Why does life hate me so much!

At age 6...

I landed a hit on Colonello.

I actually landed a hit on him. My spartan tutor...

Then I collapsed to the ground of the cliff we were training at. I saw him snicker at me.

"What now, Colonello monkey..." I asked tiredly... Why does everything looks so rainbowish... Wahhhh! I MUST BE IN HEAVEN! FINALLY! AWAY FROM THAT SPARTAN TUTOR!

"You finally landed a hit on me, kora!" His baby voice interrupted my wonderful train of thoughts. Ugh, I hate this! I went back to hell!

"Good job on getting this far, kora!" He yelled at me and surprisingly lent me a hand. Wow...my spartan tutor is suddenly becoming an angel. Am I dreaming this...

Just when I took his hand to help me up, I was suddenly tossed out of the cliff.

When I finally realized what was happening, "I HATE YOU COLONELLO MONKEY!"


Ah...when they say 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you won't know what you get until you try it', the solution is simple really... it's bitter so don't eat it! That's life!

Hey! I'm being realistic here! Don't blame my six year old self!

"She really is your daughter, Ricardo. Just a bit of insaneness in her, kora!"

Ricardo laughed. "Of course. I always knew she could it. With just a bit need of threatening..." Then he turned serious.

"But do you think that's enough?"

"For now, she's gonna be ok, but... she's gonna need more in the near future. I might not be able to do it because the others are calling me to be in charge of Mafia Land security. So you'll have to find another one for her...Who can deal with her of course, kora!"

Mari shook her head and sighed. "I knew this was gonna be happen sooner or later... But I'm really thankful for everything you've done for her, Colonello. We couldn't have done it without you..."

The said spartan tutor smirked. "Don't thank me yet, kora! She's still got a long way to go to be in a level of that of a mafia boss. But...I have no doubt that she'll reach that. Mari, Ricardo, don't worry, kora!"

"Well...I guess this is goodbye now, my friend. Till next time," They said their goodbyes as Colonello flew away.

I kicked the pebbles as I strolled around the place where Colonello monkey kicked me off to. I heard a bird chirping.

"Hello, Mr Bird. Do you want to accompany me?"

The bird nipped my finger in response and flew away from my hand.

"Ouch! You f*cking piece of sh*t!" This is why I never trust anyone... or anything for that matter...

Just then, I heard voices. I wanted to hear what they were saying so I hid in a funny looking bush. Oh well...

"So, have any of you found any clue?" This one in fedora hat spoke with authority in his voice. Why does he sound so babyish though... And he kinda sounds familiar too...

"Matte, Reborn. Looks like we have an eavesdropper," Then that person shot at the bush I was hiding in.

"Gahhhh! Woah, woah, woah, wait a second! Take a chill pill, woman!" I screamed at her.

"Oh...it's just a little kid..." She said like I was no big deal.

"Hey! What are you doing here!?" A little kid with helmet rudely asked me. I threw a rock at him for his comment in which he cussed at me in return. Tch...annoying brat... Just then, my eyes drifted off to someone that has blonde hair.

"Ah! Colonello monkey! What are you doing here! And with other babies too! Don't tell me they're your friends!" I yelled at him.

"Stop calling me monkey, baka! And I can ask you the same thing! What are you even doing here!? They're not my friends too! More like acquaintances, kora!" He yelled back. I pouted. How dare he yell at a sweet little six year old like me!

"Oy, Colonello! You know her? Why is she calling you a monkey?" The little girl who shot at me asked my spartan tutor.

He scratched his head like he's embarrassed of even mentioning me. That little monkey git! "Um... you know the little girl that I said I was tutoring? This is her... And I don't know why she's calling me monkey, kora!"

"You look and sound like a monkey, that's why..." Hah! Revenge is sweet isn't it?!

"Hmm...I'm starting to like her," Reborn, I'm pretty sure, commented.

"You all are a bunch of idiots..." The green haired baby muttered.

"Ma, ma, everyone calm down..." Now a black haired baby tried to calm us down... what's he talking about...I'm always calm.

"Can we please just get on with this meeting. Time is money, you know..." A cloaked baby said. He's so cute... I immediately hugged him.

"Kyaaaa! You're so cute!"

"G-get off me, you little girl! I said-" After a few threatening from Colonello, I finally let go of him.

"Wahhh! I'm gonna miss hugging you!" I pretended to cry.

I'm pretty sure he muttered that he sure won't miss me, but then...I know he loves me sooooo...I'm probably just imagining it!

"So...what are you gonna do to me, huh? I probably interrupted a very important meeting...so...? Are you gonna kill me or what? Cause it doesn't really matter anymore..." I said blankly and stared off to space.

"Heh, you're not scared of death? I'm liking you even more. Pipsqueak Dino could learn a thing or two from you...Tell me, what's your name?" The baby in fedora asked.

I raised my eyebrow at him. Ah... he's Reborn, Dino's tutor. He's harsh from what I've heard. "Reborn, right? I know you because of Dino. We used to go to the same Elementary...but then he's in high school now. Name's Reissfeld Kana. Guess I should be polite and say nice to meet you..." I trailed off. I think this was the first time I was polite with someone other than my parents...

"Well, Reissfeld Kana nice to meet you too. We won't give you any punishment so just make sure that this doesn't happen again. Off you go then." He instructed me.

I went off on my way back home but not before I learned all their names. Reborn, Colonello, Lal, Fon, Skull, Verde, and the cute little baby was Viper, actually no. It's Mammon. Ahhh! She was soooooo gonna miss him!

Again, why do all their names sounds so familiar...?

When Kana ran off to go home, Reborn's eyes narrowed.

"Reissfeld Kana...do you guys think it's her?"

All of them could only look at each other as they didn't know what to say.

What do you think their talking about?

Andddd, there you GO! First chapter of Reincarnation Sure Is Troublesome! Did you enjoy it? Did you like it!

Kinda funny that Kana still doesn't know that she was reincarnated into KHR. Haha

Pleaseeee, please review guys! Tell me what you think of this first chapter!

See you in the next chapter which will hopefully be soon if you guys review. *hint* *hint*
