Sagiel:Well this is a crazy challenge of one of my friends hope you will like it, don't be to hard it's my first fiction


The Boy and the Flower

It began like any normal day in Konoha, the sun shone bright, the bird singed. Ninjas were going about the village mind their own business and leaving for the missions, or stayed inside the village to suffer the infamous D-ranked chores in the case of the genins fresh from the academy.

In the middle of the swarm of happy villagers there was one that was not so willing to smile. A young blond haired and blue eyed kid who was only ten. He was sitting on a swing in a small park, all alone. Everyone ignored him and whispered thing behind his back, the child could not understand why peoples seemed to reject him the way they did. To make the matter worse the adult told their children to stay away from him, making even more lonely since even the kids his age avoided him and spoke behind his back. Another thing that added the child's misery was the fact he was an orphan with no family to care for him. There was a few villagers who cared for him and they could be counted on the fingers of a single hand.

That boy's name was Naruto, he was always looking cheery and smiling to any of the people he cared for to avoid them getting worried about his well-being. Hiding his pain with a cheerful mask had been something he did for so long that it had become a second nature. And no one really ever knew how he felt or what he thought.

Naruto walked out of the park and ran away, he kept running till he was out of the village. outside was a large forest, and deep into this forest was the only safe haven the boy had found. A small run down shrine. It was a shrine of Kannon Bosatsu the goddess of Mercy and Compassion, a being who had postponed the possibility of being a buhdda a being of perfection until all those who are in pain are saved. And yet her gifts upon the mortals had been long forgotten as all now wanted to become shinobi and fight for their nations in violent wars. All knew that war was unavoidable with the hidden villages fighting over the superiority of their respective armies.

Somehow a certain atmosphere of soothing peace always filled the deserted shrine, which seemed to ease the pain of the boy as he gazed on the peaceful face of the goddess' statue that he had cleaned when he discovered the small shrine for the first time, it had been two years ago already. And yet no one seemed to have find it. It seemed a bit selfish to Naruto, but he was kind of glad that no one had found the shrine, it left him a place to be away from the fearful stares and hateful glares of the villagers.

As he looked upon the statues features, as if he awaited an answer to an unspoken question. He close his eyes formulating a silent wish, a prayer that hopefully would reach the goddess if she existed. he sighed and shook his head, no one could help him, no matter how many years would pass he would still be desperately alone. As he was about to stand up the rotten wood of the plank gave in under his weight and he fell beneath the shrine in a sort of natural cave it had been built upon.

When the dust cloud settled Naruto looked around to take in his surrounding, he noticed he had fallen on a flower bed. the flowers were yellow and seemed to have been able to grow with what little light filtered through the planks of the shrine's flooring. the blond felt something odd in the air. The atmosphere of the cave held something he could not quiet place, it was a weird sensation as if he had just been brought in an entire place altogether, one that did not belong where it was. The kid had a nagging feeling he was watched.

He looked around and noticed a flower unlike the others, unlike the other flower this one was rather big and what's more, it seemed to be withering, while all the ones around were perfectly healthy. Naruto approached the big withering flower and it did the last thing he expected. It moved on its own and faced Naruto showing that it had a face which caught Naruto aback.

The boy stared back at the flower and then as if frozen in time "H-hello" the flower said with a weak voice, then suddenly Naruto shouted and moved backward away from the talking flower "I-it spoke! THE FLOWER SPOKE!" the blond shouted in surprise.

Naruto took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. And then he looked at the flower who was still looking at him too. He moved close to it and smiled "Wow, you are for real? a real talking flower? are you some sort of yokai(1)?" he asked looking the flower up and down.

"N-no I-I am a...I guess I am a should just leave me alone" it said with its small weak voice that sounded sad and helpless.

Naruto suddenly felt a pain in his chest, the look of the despair in this flower's eyes was so deep, he had never seen something so heart wrenching "Why? What's happening to you? And why do you say that you are a monster? You sound to nice to be one...and why are you like this,all the other flower look healthy" he asked.

the flower shook its head "I am a monster! I killed peoples and made them suffer! I am a heartless monster...and the reason why I am like this is because I am willing myself in this state...the peoples would be much more happier if I died here and they forgot my existence-" before he could continue Naruto shouted at him.

"NO! you can't be a monster! A monster would not regret anything! you are regretting what you've done...whatever it is, and are even killing yourself for it...don't you think that's enough already? alone like this, and dying one deserve this, no one!" he shouted, looking right in the flower's eyes which were now filled with tears, While Naruto's were filled with determination, no matter what it would take he would not let this being die like this alone and despaired.

Something seemed to happen, the eerie air around the two began to glow brightly, but it was in fact just reflecting the golden glow coming from a heart shaped form that appeared right in front of Naruto. It began to shine stronger and stronger as the glowing air seemed to be sucked into it, the light of the small heart became blinding as it seem to pulse with a massive power. the heart suddenly began to quake and just as suddenly broke in to pieces that became two smaller white heart that shone with many colors, one went into Naruto's chest and the other into the flower causing a blinding flash. Naruto felt drained and collapsed before the light deemed, and next to him, were the flower stood, now stood a boy the same height as Naruto with long pure white hairs, a pale only slightly pink skin and emerald green eyes. he wore a stripped yellow and green sweater and black jeans.

The boy collapsed next to Naruto feeling drained too.

The two boys laid there, until ninjas walked into the shrine having seen the light and got them out of the cave, and brought them back to the village.

Somewhere else

Two women were in the garden of a great castle gazing upon a small pond. on its surface was the reflection of the events that had just happened "well looks like things happened as you willed them to be...It has been a long time since you took any true initiative, Kannon" the woman who said this had long black hair flowing down to her lower back, she wore a golden kimono with silver clouds on it. her golden eyes seemed to somehow shine like two small suns.

The other woman had a gentle smile gracing her lips, she wore a pure white kimono adorned with pink lotus flower designs, a pink see through shoal was draped over her arms. her hair were black and tied into a bun with a golden hairpin stuck through it, two bangs framed her face, her rose colored eyes seem to illuminate her face. Kannon nodded at her fellow goddess "Yes Amaterasu-sama. And now with this little change fate will follow its new route, for the better or the worse"

Amaterasu chuckled "You know this was quiet the gamble, but it was quiet clever to create a small space were the two world could overlap. This sure gave a great boost to the power of the young one's soul, that along with his determination allowed him to split his soul into two souls without any damages ever, you know there will be repercussions...nothing this good happen without something bad to keep the balance." she said obviously issuing a warning to her fellow goddess.

Kannon nodded knowing exactly what this meant "I took the decision to save both of these little ones, and I know it means that they will have great challenges to face...but I trust them, they'll figure out how to pull through them without more interferences from me" she said with a soft smile.

Amaterasu smiled playfully "I did not speak of that...the soul of prophecy's child was of an extreme purity, something incredibly precious to Enma(2). And you made it split in two making it not less pure, but definitely less precious. Good luck to explain to Enma why you added to his work load and why the soul he had coveted since the child's birth has been altered" she explain which made the goddess of mercy pale as a shout coming from the other side of the palace made it shook to its foundation "KANNON!" said goddess shrugged with a small smile "Well...whoops"

End of the Prologue

(1)yokai: invisible ghost/monster held responsible for all sort of unexplained phenomenons they exist in various shape and forms

(2)Enma:Judge of the Deads and ruler of the afterlife in Shinto religion.

Sagiel: Hope you have liked it, please don't forget to review, constructive criticism, what you have liked and disliked, and why not your suggestions are welcomed.