Emma wasn't sure what day it was anymore, the hours had slipped together and her sense of time had flipped upside down. She was in the recovery/family room now and Regina was asleep on the couch, Junior nestled against her chest and also slumbering peacefully. She watched them for a while, marveling at how tiny the baby was, how she fit almost completely into the hollow of Regina's shoulder with her legs tucked up. She sat down on the edge of the couch and gently awoke her brunette spouse.

"Hmmm…..huh? I was just resting my eyes," Regina said, waking quickly.

"No, you were asleep."

"I wouldn't sleep with the baby like that, it's dangerous. I could roll over or…"

Emma shushed her. "I was right here, it was fine. Why don't you go home for a little bit? Take a shower, get some sleep. We'll be fine."

Regina leaned up, careful not to disturb the baby sleeping on her shoulder. "You're sure?"

"Yes, take the opportunity while you can. Who knows when you will be offered sleep again."

Regina nodded, "I wish I could just…you know, magic myself home." She sat up carefully. "She needs to eat soon anyway."

"And so do you."

"Another task lost in the shuffle," she mumbled.

"Here, I've got her," Emma said, carefully moving the baby to her own shoulder. Midway through the move Junior yawned and Regina spotted the indentations on her cheeks that indicated she had dimples like her birth mother's. She sat up a bit straighter and stretched.

"Go home, go eat," Emma said, settling the baby against her blue and white hospital gown. She leaned forward and gave Regina what she planned on being a quick kiss. Instead, a force pulled her closer and waves of rainbow light burst outward, bright enough to penetrate her eyelids and cause them to fly open. Her body tingled pleasantly and a warm contented feeling spread through her. She leaned back and saw a bit of purple magic swirling in Regina's eyes before it faded completely.

"What was that!"

Regina looked at the gold ring on her finger and then squeezed her hand into a fist. The ring briefly flared with a white glow and returned to normal.

"I think that's the end of Blue's magic dampening spell."

Emma noticed the baby on her shoulder was awake fully now, her eyes roving around the room. "Did we just break it with a…you know?"

Regina rolled her eyes. "You're a Charming for goodness sake. You should know a true love kiss when you see one."

"Oh! Oh my God! Wow! That just happened!"

Blondes, Regina thought with a shake of her head. Speaking of which…

"Tink! We need to get downstairs to the morgue!" She shot up from the couch and sprinted to the door.

Tinkerbell's body was in refrigeration, pending further criminal investigation. The morgue attendant looked up from his book to see the mayor pushing the sheriff in a wheelchair and the sheriff was holding a tiny baby with a yellow cap on her head. He blinked a couple more times and found the mayor snapping her fingers in his face.

"You awake? We need to see Tinkerbell. Where is she?"

"Ummm….11B. Do you…do you need help?"

The young man unlocked and slid out the slab Tinkerbell rested on.

"Unzip the bag," Regina ordered.

What was within was a corpse charred beyond recognition, but Regina knew fairies were hard to kill, all they needed was their head and organs intact. Tinker bell just needed a little boost. She placed her hands above the corpse and focused her magic. The ring on her hand glowed and the blackened skin beneath her hands began to change.

Blonde hairs sprouted from Tinkerbell's head, destroyed skin cracked and fell off, revealing new skin beneath. Her nose rose from the devastation as eventually did her lips and eyelashes. Emma and Junior watched with fascination as slowly the form began to resemble Tinkerbell once again. When the transformation was complete she looked like she was peacefully sleeping in the most ill chosen location possible.

Regina dropped her hands to her side and waited.

The fairy's eyes opened slowly and she looked up, and then over at her audience.

"Where in the hell am I?" She gasped as the memories flooded back. "That fucking Blue! She murdered me! What…a…bitch!" She sat up and the cold air prickled her skin. Her arms flew instinctively around her chest. "Shit! I'm naked and its cold as a witch's tit in here. Am I…in a body bag?" She looked around her and then over at Regina and Emma who were watching her with some bemusement.


Regina smiled, "Come here you silly bug."

Tinkerbell watched in shock as Regina enveloped her in a hug. She looked over her shoulder, saw the baby Emma was holding and let out a sigh.

"Everyone's ok?" the blonde fairy asked.

"Yes, and Blue is no longer a problem," Emma answered.


"And we have a baby girl here who needs a fairy godmother."

Tinkerbell pulled away and looked Regina in the eye. "Fortunately I know someone up to the task."

State of Maine Certificate of Live Birth

Child's Name (first, middle, last) Reya Junior Swan-Mills

Henry glared at the pink balloons in the stall at the end of summer carnival. He gripped the dart in his hand and calmed his breathing. Regina stood next to him, RJ's black baby stroller parked next to her. The baby however was cradled in her arms, looking at the brightly colored forms that hung all over the booth.

He let the dart fly and it bounced harmlessly off the balloon.

"Sorry kid," the man running the booth said, leaning down to pick up the dart.

"My baby sister wanted that toy," Henry grumbled.

"Don't blame her, you wanted that toy," Regina smiled, bouncing the baby.

"I was going to give it to her," he protested, swinging his dark head towards her to fix her with an accusing glare.

The baby squeaked out something close to a vowel and reached her hand up. The sudden popping of the balloons startled Regina and she jumped, pulling RJ close.

"RJ!" Henry exclaimed. "You're supposed to use the darts."

The baby kicked her legs up and gurgled.

The booth attendant looked between the baby and Henry in confusion. When Henry asked him for the small yellow Pikachu he handed it over wordlessly.

Emma made her way through the crowd to where she knew she would find her family. When she saw her daughter in Regina's arms, her bright eyes following her as she approached she smiled.

"There she is, the cutest baby in town," she grinned.

The baby turned her head away to look at something over Regina's shoulder. Henry was dangling a yellow stuffed animal before her and it now completely held her attention. She leaned in and kissed her tiny cheek and then kissed Regina's as well.

"Everyone having fun?"

Regina cleared her throat. "Emma, she ugh…she just popped all the balloons in the stall."

Emma's smile faltered and she looked at Regina, whose brows were furrowed in concern.

"Oh boy."

"What have we gotten ourselves into, Swan?" she asked. Junior grabbed the yellow toy and stuffed its ear in her mouth. For her, all was right with the world.