Lineage. Lineage was of the utmost importance to many nobles. None, more so than the crown. Joffrey had long learned of the Targaryen's, just as he had been taught the lineage of his two houses.

In his opinion, the Rebellion was simply justice, even as others disagreed with him. No matter how great his father was, there would always be those who whispered the title of 'Usurper King'. A title that should go to the dragon before it goes to the wolf, thought the blonde prince as he thumbed through well-worn tomes. After all if the maester's histories were correct, and they usually were, according to Maester Pycelle at least, then the Targaryen's were little more than backwater nobles who managed to seize control over seven greater dynasties.

Through what? Cleverness? Strength? The loyalty of their troops, or their small folk? Everyone knew the answer, even a bored prince such as himself.

"Dragons." He muttered in an exasperated tone, replacing one dusty tome for another. He had no use for accounts on Viserys the First. One couldn't learn through mediocrity. He needed Jaehaerys, and Maegor the First. The former to emulate, and the latter to... Why did he need the accounts of such a monster?

"Teri!" He called out, watching as the servant boy came running. Thin arms held a large stack of volumes in their grasp, just looking at them seemed enough to shift their precarious balance.

"Sorry m'lord. I wondered off."

Joffrey waved away the excuse, his father's lessons on compassion in mind. "None the less. I was in need of Maester Gilnos's accounts on the reign of King Maegor the First. Yet, I find myself unable to remember why." What use would the book be to him, the reign of a monstrous king?

"Well m'lord. If I can beg my pardon, you remarked upon his reign as Hand to the King. Not as the King itself."

"Good man!" Joffrey said, dumping another two tomes onto Teri's growing pile. The Rebellions and the Faith. Cruel as Maegor had been, the man knew how to put his lessors in their place. Robb would one day be king, but he'd need someone at his side to deal with the ingrates that would threaten his brother's rule. Greyjoy, Tyrell, Martell, and if they were as mad as their father, the Targaryen. "Now run along, and bring these to my quarters." He continued. "And thank you for your assistance." He added, almost as an after-thought.

"How this line of fools managed to maintain and rule not one, but seven kingdoms for more than a generation is beyond me." He mused once alone. It always came back to dragons when dealing with the Targaryens. It was their greatest strength, and once removed it became their greatest weakness. His family would not be like that. He was the blood of the wolf and the lion. Two beasts greater than any dead lizard. No one would threaten his family or his lineage. Not so long as this wolf had teeth.

AN: So, I couldn't think of anything out of Ashara or Cersei's perspective at time of writing, so I decided to go with the children. Joffrey was the first because he is probably the most changed. The second son of Ned and Cersei, Joffrey is a lot more... tempered? Would that be the word? A lot less ill-tempered and controlled than canon. He still gets a lot of his ruthlessness from his mother, but Ned managed to instill a few things into him. He's still kinda a dick, and looks down on people of lower station, but he's gotten a lot better parenting. He's also got a purpose. Joffrey is the second son of a second son. A second son who went from no-name northern barbarian to King of Westeros. Joffrey refuses to end up as a footnote, and since he can't be king, by the seven, he will be the best Hand to the King the kingdoms have ever seen.

I think the most interesting thing about AU Joffrey is that through Ned's direct influence, and Cersei's shifted influence, Joffrey is less Aerys 2.0, and more of another Tywin in the making. Though not as smart. Where his definition of family comes first. He likes his half-siblings, but if they come between him and his own, he will not regret drawing blood. I'm not sure if I'll be doing another drabble bout the kids. It really depends on the response. I'll set up a poll on my page for it. Anyways, until then. Hope you enjoyed the chapter, and feel free to leave your comments, questions and concerns! Hope you have a good day!