Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, setting, pretty much the plot, or any other ideas from Rainbow Rowell's Carry On. The Cover Image credit goes to .com


Simon Snow is ready to go off.

He is sitting three rows in front of me, and I can feel it, his magic. So much is leaking from him I'm sure he will eventually run out. But he never does. He is an endless supply of power. He has too much, far too much for anyone to able to control, even himself.

I don't blame him for feeling stressed out. We're halfway through Magic Spells class, and Simon is yet to cast a spell correctly. He says the words, but he can never seem to be able to control the amount of magic he puts into them. Just earlier Snow attempted to perform Clean as a whistle for the teacher but ended up completely removing everything that had been written on the whiteboard, and everything that had been written within the student's workbooks, including my own. The teacher reversed it with a simple As you were, but he and Simon were fuming long after.

"Use your words, Simon," the professor says again.

Idiot. I know from experience that those words set Snow off. I use them myself from time to time, just to agitate him. However, I feel something different this time, like I alone have the rights to poke at Snow. Especially now that we have some 'truce' going. Honestly, it's more than I could have hoped for. I'm still trying to keep up appearances: sneer instead of smile, say I hate you instead of I love you. I do love him, the numpty.

I watch Snow carefully now; he is starting to blur, and sparks emanate from his aura as he visibly shakes. Other students are looking at him warily now, unable to handle the magic leaking from him. Then I do something I thought I would never do... I get up from my desk and go to his. Ignoring the professor's protests, I gently take his arm and pull him aside.

"Baz, what-"

I shush him. His pupils have almost entirely contracted, leaving nothing but blue. "Deep breaths now, Simon. Let it go. Some of it. Before your start another fire. Whatever it is your worried about, this won't help," I say gently, my hand still on his arm.

He stares at me, and his pupils enlarge slightly. I feel what blood I have rush to my cheeks. He was calming down; that's all.

"You called me Simon," he says.

I shake my head, "you're hearing things, Snow. Now Stay the course, Keep it together," I say.

I feel Snow's magic channel through me once again, and my spells intensify. Instantly I see his aura calm, and his pupils dilate to their normal size. I can still feel his magic, I always can, it's impossible not too when he has so much of it. I should drop my arm, but then again I should stop being so in love with him, but here I am.

He is still staring at me, a small smile on his lips. "You called me Simon."