Six months after Ren and Kyoko left Galuna, the film for their new movie started showing.

"Lost" is the story of a girl named Triz (Mogami Kyoko) a part-time waitress working on a Cafe, where she met Taylor (Tsuruga Ren), a super spy assassin working for a business tycoon under the codename Big Boss.

Unbeknownst to Triz, Big boss is his uncle and she is the next heir to his empire. Taylor has to impose as a regular customer in the cafe where Triz works to keep tabs on her and make sure she is safe and away from Big boss' enemies.

Not until that night, Triz was attacked on her way home and Taylor had to save her. Turns out that Big boss was killed and they found out about her. Taylor found thatt he very same people working for Big boss are the people after Triz life, so upon his better judgement, he brought her to his island and trained her to be an assassin while keeping off the grid thus developing unwanted feelings for her.

There were major setbacks. Due to the filming delay, the original place that they will be shooting the 'island scenes' has to be changed due to unavailability.

"Director, I may know of a place.." Ren suggested.

He brought the Director to Galuna island along with the producers and gave him a tour around. The island people were happy and excited when the producers approved of the place.

"Ren thanks a lot, this might be a start for us" Kou said. Truly, they are all grateful.

The movie drew a lot of attentions, rumors that the movie wont be a good one was spread. It was said to be rushed.

Snippets and pictures were released, showing Ren and Kyoko's close relationship. The couple had denied and still denying that they are more than close friends.

A month on filming the movie, Ren had requested to meet his parents in private due to Kyoko's insistence and threat.

"Hizuri Koun if you don't meet your parents and fix your past, I will make sure you will not have a future" Kyoko threatened him. "They miss you Love, Im sure they would love to hug and kiss their son"

Ren did feel bad, but he made a promise.

"Koun, you will not and ever be your father, because you are your own person. I don't know whats your basis to be his equal but I do know that you have achieved so much more. And regardless your parents will still accept you with open arms, meet them before its too late" with that Kyoko left Ren on his own.

The Hizuri couple are ecstatic, their son finally came home not only that but he came back with a wife-to-be in tow. Julie knows it too well, his baby boy will not let go of this woman, Kuu only wish for grandchildren in the near future.


"Kyoko, Love we are going to be late if we dont leave now" Ren called

Latching the earrings in her ears, Kyoko shouted "I'm coming!"

They are nominated as Best actor and Best Actress for the movie Lost along with other major awards the film was nominated with.


"-and the Best Actor award goes to... Tsuruga Ren in the movie Lost"

'Alright, one down, one more to go'

He marched onto the stage to receive his award and give speech.

"Thank you for this award. I am dedicating this to my co-stars, the director and the crew of the film. Our hard work and sleepless nights have bear fruit. And It was all because of you.

To my parents who are continuously supporting me on the sidelines, and the President of the company who had helped me be where I am today. Thank you.

And lastly, to this one person who believed in me, and cares for me unconditionally. Thank you will never be enough. I know this is unreasonable right now but humor me, Mogami Kyoko, you showed me the real meaning of life, and I know it will not be bright without you, allow me to show you how grateful and thankful I am that I have you. Will you be my wife?"

The silence was deafening. All eyes are on Kyoko.

She cant believe it, this man!

"Yes!" She shouted.

Author's Note: Thank you for supporting my story. I hope you will still do in the future.

Also, I am attaching a sneak peak of my next piece, which is inspired by the writer ANGLE1's Buying a baby.

"Are you sure about this?" Yashiro Yukihito, his childhood friend and Second in Command, asked. "This will cause mass chaos when the word gets out. 'World's Richest Man, buying a baby'

"You're over reacting, shut up Yash" Hizuri Koun said.

Until next story~

Leave me your thoughts on the new story.