This will be the last chapter for this story. Originally, I had planned to have at least ten more chapters, but I realized that those chapters were all filled with rather unnecessary events. I figured that if I was having trouble updating this story, I might as well finish it in the best way I could with one last chapter. Hence, the birth of this chapter. I'm a little nervous for this last chapter, but I'm excited as well. I hope it turns out to be enjoyable for all of you lovely people. This has been a rollercoaster ride, with it being my first ever Dom/sub story (which is probably why it was so badly planned out, in case any of you have noticed). I hope to be able to write more amazing stories for all of you. Thank you for sticking with me throughout this story, I appreciate you all.

Now, I hope you enjoy! Lots of love. xx

If there was one good thing that came out of being forced to be separated for about year, more or less, it was the fact that things finally felt right.

Harry didn't have to constantly worry about what would happen if he misbehaved. More importantly, he didn't have to fret about whether or not Louis could take his misbehaviour in stride and react accordingly to it. Now, if Harry was a brat, Louis made it clear that it was unacceptable behaviour.

Harry supposed a disadvantage to that was the fact that his arse fucking hurt.

"Thinking about other things again?" Louis murmured into his ear, voice low and husky as he gave Harry a particularly hard swat with his hand. "You know how I feel about that, darling."

Harry let out a small whimper, feeling his arse burning more and more with every passing second. "'M sorry."

"Mm, I bet." Louis ceased in bringing his hand down and instead gently rubbed Harry's stinging arse. "Why are we doing this right now, Harry?"

Harry hung his head, feeling shame wash over him. "I lied," he said quietly. "Ow!" He jerked when another swat was laid into him.

"When I ask you a question," said Louis, "you're to be specific and explicit in your speech. Do you understand?"

"OW—fu—yes, Sir, I understand!" Harry grimaced. "We…we're here because I lied about, um, going through your stuff—I…I'm sorry, Sir."

"You'd best be," Louis said disapprovingly. "Because you do not go through my belongings, ever, do you understand?"

Harry wailed as Louis punctuated his words with spanks. "Yes, Sirrrr!" He let out a dry sob. "'M sorry, was just, just curious, I won't do it again, promise—" He broke off with another sob.

Then, before he knew it, he was sitting on Louis' lap, his sore arse hanging between the Dom's legs as Louis cradled him gently with his arms. Harry clung to his Dom, crying into his shirt. He felt the Dom run his fingers through Harry's curls, gently rubbing a circle on his back in an effort to soothe him.

When his shuddering and crying slowed to the occasional hiccup, Louis gently pulled him away from his shirt and put a finger under his chin to lift his face. When Harry tried to blather out more apologies, Louis gently shushed him and silenced him with a gentle kiss.

When he pulled away, Harry sniffled and whispered out a contrite, "Sorry."

"Apology accepted," Louis told him.

"I didn't mean to go through your things." Harry wiped his face with an arm.

"I know," Louis responded simply.

They fell into a comfortable silence. Then, Louis spoke up again. "The only reason I didn't want you going through my things was because I didn't want you to go through my journal."

Harry stared up at him, lashes clumped with tears. "I just needed a bit of money. Ni convinced me to," he said softly, looking ashamed. "But 's wrong to go through your things and steal."

"I'm glad you recognize that now."

"Didn't mean to try to read it, Lou."

"I know, baby." Louis pressed a kiss onto the top of his head, gently caressing his face. "I also know you realize now that you can't dig through my things like that." He exhaled. "That journal contains the things I wrote about while I was at the training home. Things that I would prefer you don't know yet. I hope you understand, love."

Harry laid his head on Louis' chest, hearing the evident pain in Louis' voice as he spoke. He wanted to ask more about what exactly Louis had written about, but he knew better than to push—not just because he didn't want to get more swats, but also because he wanted to respect Louis and his privacy. "I understand," he said softly. He turned his face to look at Louis in the eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Louis noted the way that Harry held his head up high with pride as they strode into the club. Harry wore a pretty black collar around his neck, which was attached to a leash that Louis held firmly in his hand. While they were both dressed, they wore tighter fitting clothes than they usually would.

Harry was dressed in a black v-neck t-shirt and a tight pair of jeans that Louis personally thought made his already perfect arse look even better. Louis could also see the way his collar flexed whenever Harry swallowed hard as he took his surroundings.

Louis had put on a navy blue long-sleeved shirt and jeans that resembled Harry's. In his back pocket, he had a black blindfold ready to be used.

Next to them, Liam, Zayn, and Niall all stood in a similar fashion, although they evidently had more leather on when compared to Louis and Harry. Niall was collared and leashed as well, and the blond sub looked excited to be at the club. "Can we get a drink?" he asked eagerly.

When Zayn gave a nod of affirmation, Liam nudged Louis and said, "We'll see you later, Lou, Haz." He winked before he let himself be dragged away by Niall.

Louis watched, a smile playing on his lips as Niall begged Zayn to allow him to have some of his scotch. Then, he turned his attention back to his own sub, eyeing him.

They had planned to have a semi-private scene with only a few select people watching. Louis couldn't help but feel a flash of pride at that; he was pleased with how far he'd come along as Harry's Dom, and the fact that Harry trusted him enough for them to do this made him puff up his chest in delight.

He saw Harry swallow again, and he leaned in closer to breathe into his sub's ear, "You still want to do this, sweetheart?"

Harry nodded, a look of determination on his face. "Of course I do, Sir."

Louis gave a small nod and reached out to run his hand through Harry's adorable curls. "You can safeword out at any time you want," he told him quietly.

"I know, Sir." Harry gave him a small smile.

Louis searched his eyes, just to be sure, then smiled back. He wound the leash around his wrist and tugged Harry closer. Then, he kissed him fiercely, enjoying the way that Harry let out breathy, stuttered gasps as he leaned in for more.

Louis pulled away, enjoying the sight of Harry's swollen lips, his flushed cheeks, already glossy eyes, and tousled hair. He grinned. "You're perfect."

Harry flushed at that, his eyes clearing a little. He ducked his head shyly. "Thank you. So are you."

Before Louis could respond, a loud, booming voice rang out.


Louis was pulled into a hug by strong arms, the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon flooding his nose. He grinned and patted the man's back before pulling away. "Eli," he greeted. "Long time no see."

"I haven't seen you since you left the training home," Eli responded, grinning. His eyes flicked over to Harry. "Is this your pretty sub?"

Louis smiled. "Sure is." He pulled Harry in closer, clamping a hand around the back of his neck a tad stronger than necessary, just to remind Harry who he belonged to. "Harry, this is Eli. I frequently met up with him while I was at the training home. He's the owner of this club and he works with the training home to help struggling Doms."

"It's nice to meet you, Sir," Harry said softly.

"So well-mannered." Eli smiled, then turned back around to Louis. "I've got the room all set up for you, per your request. You're in room C. If you need anything else, just let me know." He handed Louis a card. "Your scene will start at 8 o'clock, so you have about half an hour to do whatever you need to do. You know how things go."

"Great, thank you, Eli." Louis patted Eli's shoulder, then pulled Harry forward with the leash, beginning to make his way to the room. "We'll get settled in and prepare."

As Louis led Harry over to the room, the sub murmured, "He seems nice."

Louis hummed, scanning the card to unlock the door. "He is." He pushed the door open and was met with a familiar sight. Eli had always brought him to room C to teach him some skills for impact play. Louis held the door open for Harry and the sub obediently stepped inside. As Louis placed the card on the holder, Harry spoke up again.

"Did you, uh…" Harry hesitated, and Louis looked at him questioningly. Harry flushed a deep red before asking, "Did you ever do anything with him?"

Louis pressed his lips together, not wanting to smile patronizingly at his sub, because, well, he supposed it had been a valid question coming from Harry's point of view. He saw a small flash of insecurity and worry in Harry's eyes, and he stepped forward to cup his sub's face in his hands. "No, Harry, of course not. Eli and I are friends and he taught me a lot during my time at the training home, but nothing ever happened between us and nothing ever will. I promise."

"Okay," Harry said softly, and dropped his eyes. "Sorry to doubt you."

"No, don't apologize, love." God, Louis wanted to kiss him for eternity right then and there; he loved Harry so much. "It's understandable. We're still building up trust too, hm?"


Louis lifted Harry's face with his hands, and pressed his lips against Harry's. When they pulled away, Louis told him, "I'm yours, and only yours." Louis smiled. "We belong to each other."

Harry smiled, practically beaming, at the Dom, and nodded. "Yes, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."

Louis unfastened the leash from Harry's collar and turned around to busy himself with preparing the room, hiding the growing grin on his face. Fuck, he was so happy that he was Harry's and Harry was his—the way things were meant to be.

Humming contently under his breath, Louis made sure that the St. Andrew's Cross was to his liking, tested out a few floggers before deciding on the one he liked the most, and set the blindfold in his back pocket on a table.

He turned around to see Harry watching with bright, hungry eyes, his gaze flitting over the room and taking in everything.

Louis shook his head fondly at the clear excitement buzzing through Harry, and began to lead him to the cross. "Here's what's going to happen," he said. "I'm going to get you settled in the cross, then blindfold you. I'm going to start you off easy, and then if you want more, I'll give you more. After that, I'm going to get you off." Louis took note of the way Harry nodded eagerly at that. "If at any point during the scene you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you will safeword out, non-negotiable. I'll let you out of the cross, take off the blindfold, and the scene will be brought to a stop. Do you understand?"

Harry frowned, but nodded.

Louis paused. "I'm serious, Harry," he said sternly. "You feel uncomfortable, you safeword."

"Yes, Sir."

Louis gave a curt nod, then checked the clock on the wall behind them. "We have about ten minutes to spare before everyone comes in."

"Can I… can I kneel for you, Sir?" Harry asked shyly.

Louis smiled. "Of course you can, darling." He pulled an armchair towards him and threw a cushion on the ground. He sat down and said, "Kneel for me."

Harry dropped to his knees so quickly that Louis was relieved he'd been smart enough to place the cushion on the floor. Still, he leaned forward, placing his hand in Harry's hair, and murmured, "Good boy. You look so pretty, just for me. God, you're going to be perfect tonight, baby. I'm going to make you fly."

Harry shivered, eyes fluttering shut at Louis' words. The Dom figured he was on the right track, so he kept going.

They stayed the way they were until Louis heard a gentle knock on the door. He straightened, told Harry, "That's our audience. Stay kneeling."

"Yes, Sir."

Louis opened the door and Eli greeted him quietly, ushering people inside and allowing them to find a good seat for a few moments. Then, Eli sat down as well, and gave Louis a smile.

Louis took that as his cue to begin the scene, and he strode back to Harry. "Up, baby," he murmured, pulling Harry up gently. Harry obediently let Louis manhandle him to the cross, and stood still as Louis got him situated.

When Harry was pressed against the cross the way Louis wanted him, Louis stepped back and picked up the blindfold. He could hear the gentle murmurings and shifting of the people watching, but he tuned them out, focusing his attention solely on his perfect, beautiful sub.

When he wrapped the blindfold around Harry's head, covering his eyes, Harry made a small noise that Louis interpreted to be, 'God, yes.' He smiled fondly as he tied it firmly in place.

Louis let a hand run down Harry's spine, and murmured softly, "Ready to begin?"

"Yes, Sir."

Louis picked up the flogger, enjoying the way his hand wrapped firmly around the handle. He let it trail across Harry's back a few times, just letting him get used to the sensation before the first strike would be brought down.

When Louis saw Harry's back muscles visibly flex, then relax, he pulled the flogger away from Harry's skin. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, wound the flogger back before gently letting it hit Harry's skin, right on the meaty parts where it would feel nice.

As Louis swung, he recalled memories of the lessons he'd been taught, Eli's words of advice as he'd tried out different instruments that would bring both pleasure and pain to Harry. It still felt a bit surreal to Louis, the fact that he was doing this with Harry right now, the fact that Harry trusted him and loved him and wanted to belong to him.

Louis pulled the flogger back once more, but didn't bring it down. Instead, he stepped closer to Harry and pressed a kiss onto his shoulder. "You're being so good, baby," he murmured, and felt Harry shiver at his praise.

"Thank you, Sir," Harry whispered.

Louis smiled, knowing that Harry was steadily on his way to where exactly Louis wanted—subspace. "I'm going to go a little harder now, love. How does that sound, hm?"

"Oh, god, it sounds perfect, Sir," Harry breathed. "Please."

Louis chuckled, and reached around Harry's torso to gently pinch at his right nipple. He knew he'd made the right move when Harry let out a noise that sounded like both a moan and a gasp. It probably was both. Louis sniffed a smile, taking note of the fact that Harry's cock was rock hard, bobbing and leaking precome. Louis wrapped a hand around Harry's cock, deciding to give him what he wanted—at least for a few seconds, anyway—and Harry shamelessly let out a vulgar moan.

"Mm, feels good?"

"Oh, fuck, yes, Sir."

Louis pulled his hand away, hearing Harry's small whimper. "Mm, no whining," he purred. "You'll get what you want soon."

"Yes, Sir."

Harry could barely get the words out of his mouth before Louis brought the flogger down, making him arch forward and moan.

Louis worked the flogger with intense concentration, brow furrowing as he gave Harry what he both wanted and needed.

The audience was silent behind them, and Louis knew Harry's reactions had them captivated.

God, Harry suffered so beautifully, Louis thought as Harry moaned and whined.

It wasn't long before Harry's hips were jerking forward. His back and arse were a pretty shade of red, and Louis knew he had reached his limit with the flogging. He placed the flogger aside, and stepped close to press his clothed body against Harry's naked one.

He laid a few kisses onto Harry's warm skin, enjoying the way Harry whimpered needily at his touch. Louis pinched both of his nipples, sucking at the skin on his neck, enjoying the way Harry bucked, keening.

"Tell me how much you need it, baby." Louis let his hand travel downwards until it lingered around the base of his cock.

"Oh, god, please, Sir, please, Louis, please, I want it so bad, I…" Harry panted as Louis let his other hand brush against his ribs. "I've been so good, Sir, a good boy, I… pleeaaaseee." He drew out the last word, desperation evident.

"Mm, that's right, you have been very good for me," Louis murmured. He could see that Harry's blindfold was damp with sweat and tears. "You deserve it, don't you?"

"Oh, god, yes, Sir, I… 'm good!" Harry nodded frantically, and Louis couldn't help the chuckle that escaped him.

"Mm, you're so pretty when you beg." Louis finally let his hand wrap around Harry's cock, and the sub threw his head back so hard that it almost collided with Louis' forehead. Louis regained his composure and began to stroke, biting and sucking at Harry's skin.

It wasn't long before Harry was panting, "Fuck, Sir, I'm close, fuck!"

"Come for me, Harry," Louis growled, and bit down on Harry's shoulder, hard enough to make the sub jerk forward as come erupted from his cock in spurts.

Louis continued stroking his cock, milking his orgasm until Harry was panting and groaning so very prettily at the overstimulation.

Eventually, when Louis decided he'd heard enough of Harry's precious little noises for the night, he withdrew his hand. "Mm, you made a mess, love," he tutted. "Why don't you clean it up?" He lifted his hand up to Harry's mouth, watching as the sub obediently sucked and licked his come off.

When Louis decided that his hand was clean enough—or rather, as clean as it would get before he got his hands on some soap and water—he began to untie the blindfold covering Harry's eyes. Then, he let Harry out of his restraints, disregarding his own achingly hard cock. He gently wrapped an arm around Harry's waist, letting the sub lean against him shakily.

When Harry made a small noise, Louis pressed kisses onto Harry's skin, which was slightly damp with sweat. "You did amazing, sweetheart," he murmured. "The best sub ever. Couldn't have asked for anything better."

Harry made a pleased sound. "Thank you, Sir," he mumbled, eyes fluttering shut. His words were barely audible.

Louis pet Harry's sweat-soaked hair and watched as the satisfied audience trickled out of the room quietly and respectfully.

Louis led Harry over to the armchair, seating the sub in his lap, knowing he was in that glorious place of subspace. The sub made a small noise, pressing closer to Louis. Louis looked down at his sub, who looked drowsy and happy as he nuzzled against him.

Louis smiled fondly and pressed a kiss onto Harry's curls. He looked up when he saw a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. It was Eli, moving out of the room to give them some privacy. Before leaving the room completely, Eli smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. It was probably stupid, but the warm rush of pride Louis felt was one of the best feelings ever.

He had done his job right.

He had taken care of Harry.

When they arrived back home, Louis had to practically carry Harry into the house. Harry clung to his Dom, enjoying the warmth that radiated from his Dom's body. "Mm," he hummed, resting his head on Louis' shoulder. He heard Louis chuckle.

Before he knew it, Louis had laid him on the bed in their bedroom, and Harry didn't bother complaining as the Dom stripped him of his clothes and prepared him for bed as he would a small child. It felt nice to be taken care of.

When they were both finally situated for bed, Harry felt Louis curl up against his body, spooning him, and he knew that things were finally the way they were meant to be.

They were perfectly fine now, mutual respect and love flowing between them without any of the fear or trepidation that had existed before.

And, well, while Harry knew that they weren't exactly the perfect couple yet, he knew that they would be okay. They were a work in progress, but most of all, they were Harry and Louis, and that was what made their relationship strong.
