Before we start, I want to thank everyone for reading my first fic, even if you didn't have to! I don't know why your reading it. Perhaps you were simply far too bored and this looked like it could sate it. Perhaps this fic looks interesting. But either way, thank you!

Trigger warnings (I guess?!) of abuse!

I own neither Assassination Classroom nor Tokyo Ghoul! Assclass belongs to Yusei Matsui and TG belongs to Sui Ishida!

Now, onto le story!

Mom was yelling at them.

"You ungrateful child! You halfbreed, FREAK. My daughter is terrible!" She sputtered for a moment. "H-how dare you speak to me!"

Why was she always like this? I was just hungry…

"Don't you dare look at me again today! GET OUT!"

They shook their head. Surely… she would feed me. I'm her child, after all…

Mom's hand rose and her expression became progressively intense and unnerving.

"I'm sorry! I'm a needy selfish freak! I'm sorry!" Their voice was laced with fright and intimidation.

Mom was truly a terrible person.

"Just… get out."

They had no problems with that. They scurried quickly out of the kitchen as prey would from a predator and took off to the front door.

Their stomach grumbled. It had been a long time since they had last eaten any food and coffee could only do so much. I could search the bad parts (the backstreets, mom called them?) of the neighborhood or go to the main area of Tokyo for bodies but mom said they were dangerous, that bad people lurk there, but I don't trust mom…

They looked around the neighborhood. The house they lived in was right next to the park so they immediately saw the children playing with joy obvious in their expressions.

I wish I could join them… they never liked me.

The children were littered everywhere in the park yet there were some distinguishing mental boundaries that separated individuals from others.

They sat down and continued watching the children with melancholy.

I love the smell of autumn…

They inhaled deeply, taking in all the scents of the humans. Their stomach grumbled.


The wind blew and leaves and litter scattered everywhere, somehow looking graceful in chaos.

They closed their eyes and let the wind caress-


Something papery and very crumbly flew onto their face and they stumbled backwards, landing on someone and almost knocking them over as they fell.

Grabbing the piece of paper, they stood up to apologize to the person.

"I'm sorry!"

They bowed deeply and after a few seconds, looked up hesitantly to find a glum girl with curly dark hair and a book tucked under her arm.

She looks like she's my age!

"It's okay," she waved them off.

They took in a deep breath. She smelled like mom, the way humans smell like each other.

She looks… lonely…

"Hello. I'm Nagisa," they said.

"I'm Kirara."

Her answer was short but it wasn't forced. Nagisa took that as their cue to continue.

"Umm… you… look alone… do you want to play with me or… something?"

Kirara shrugged.

"I guess. Do you wish to go anywhere specific?"

"Out of the park, I guess?"

They starting walking out of the park, the way where there was less children, less parents, less pressure and where no one could really eavesdrop because they weren't even there to eavesdrop.

"You smell like mom. Are you a ghoul?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah, I am." Kirara responded, seemingly indifferent. "Are you male or female?" The question came out shamelessly.

Nagisa blushed. A lot. To the point where tomatoes looked more human compared to the short, very androgynous looking boy with long, blue hair.

"I'm… male…" he was still a very flushed from the previous question. "You wouldn't happen to know a good place to scavenge, would you? I'm awfully hungry."

Again, Kirara shrugged.

"Yes, I actually do."

"Could you lead me there? If you eat, I won't look at you while you're eating or anything, don't worry!"

She shrugged her shoulders and started walking in the general direction of central Tokyo and Nagisa followed her after his initial shock of her actually accepting his request(!) wore off.

The walk was brimming with tentative silence until they reached their destination. They turned right when they reached a specific alleyway and an extremely strong smell wafted upwards, into his nose. The smell of human carcasses.

He couldn't help it. His single kakugan showed.

Kirara jerked back in shock.

"Wh-what? One eye…?! That's impossible… what?" Her eyes were wide in shock and she was obviously very confused.

His head bowed in shame. The words of fear, of difference, of abuse were going to come any moment now.

Nothing came.


He looked up, one eye after another, and then his nose, his mouth, and finally, his chin showed.

She just shrugged.

He smiled gently.

Nagisa's Rinkaku sprouted out of his back and he targeted the pile of bodies. A few limbs were removed and inserted into his awaiting mouth. Blood was all over him.

He didn't care.

He ate until he was satisfied.

"Thank you!" Nagisa bowed deeply once again.

"It is no problem."

"Really. I would have died without you!"

"You probably would have found this place yourself. The smell is very strong here, after all."

"You don't give yourself enough credit. Since I'm only half ghoul, my senses are weaker than that of average. That's why I had to ask if you were a ghoul or not."

She nodded.

"Why was there a pile of dead bodies there, anyway?"

She shrugged.

Kirara isn't very talkative…

"I guess it's a mystery pile of dead bodies, then!"

"If I may, is it true that half ghouls more powerful than full ghouls?"

To this, Nagisa had no idea and stammered that exact thing to Kirara.


"So, are we friends now?"

Kirara nodded and Nagisa smiled. He knew that this would, at least, be very fun.

~~~ (I_I)~~~ ~~~(o_o)~~~ ~~~(_)~~~ ~~~(T_T)~~~ ~~~($_$)~~~ ~~~(#_#)~~~

A/N: Yup.

I had to do this. Did you get my One Piece reference? There will be many more, I promise!

Just to clarify, in this story, Kunugigaoka will be neat Mt. Okade but Nagisa and Kirara live in the 15th Ward, or the Suginami Ward. The park they were at was 都立武蔵国分寺公園 and after that, they headed north =P

BTW, that means Metropolitan Musashi Kokubunji park.